
Tozer Talks

“God’s Word Manifested Through Preaching

God’s Word Manifested Through Preaching

February 9, 1958

The book of Titus, the book of Titus, Titus 1. I been reading just from the introduction, really, Paul. Paul, he says he is a servant of God, an apostle of Jesus Christ. Then he refers to the faith of God’s elect and the truth which leads to godliness, and the hope of eternal life which God that cannot lie promised before the world began and made known in time. Promised in eternity and made known in time and has manifested His word now. This will be the message for the morning.

A little prepositional phrase tagged on here, it could have ended, but hath in due times manifested His Word, and put a period there and ended it, but he didn’t. He added “through preaching” and then explained that this preaching was committed to Him according to the commandment of God, our Savior. So, I want to talk a little bit about this. And have prayed and hoped that it will be helpful to us all. These two great truths we dealt with last week that the plan of God to redeem mankind was rocked out in eternity. It was planned in eternity and worked out in time and delivered in time, but was made manifest, that is, proclaimed, declared in due time, then through preaching.

Now, I don’t think in all my years I ever felt the weight of a thing quite like this, those two words before–through preaching. And I thought of the condescension of God that He should use these words at all, that they should be here, that there should be any reason for their being here. How remarkably sure of Himself God must be, to entrust such a perfect plan to such an imperfect medium. This perfect plan, the plan of God drawn up between the persons of the Godhead before the world was; a perfect plan to recover man from his lost condition, to reclaim him after his fall, to reinstate him after his disgraceful expulsion, and to give him eternal life, and at last, immortality.

This was not an easy thing, the laws of God being what they are, and God being who He is, and His nature being what it is. This was not an easy thing, but it was more involved here than things political. Things involved here were moral, and they had to do with the structure of the universe. They had to do with the very foundations upon which rests the heavens and the earth and all things visible and invisible, and to work out a plan to lay its blueprints, and then build according to those blueprints, and then unveil the structure. It took God to do it. It took God to do it and God did it; and He did it in a manner infinitely perfect and excellent as might be expected of God. Infinitely perfect and excellent beyond all the power of language to describe. That’s the perfection of the plan. And now he makes this known, wonder of wonders, he makes this known through preaching, one of the most imperfect of mediums.

Why is preaching imperfect? Because language is involved. And wherever language is involved, there’s imperfection; always there must be imperfection for the simple reason that language is fluid, it changes. Language tends to localize itself and mean in one place what it does to a particular word, and mean in one place, what it does not mean in another. I mean in one locality. And even the nations that use the same language, use different words to mean the same thing. As for instance, such a simple thing as you get into an elevator in America and into a lift in England. You ask the conductor if this is the right train in America, and you ask a guard in England I understand. That’s a simple illustration only. And it doesn’t affect anything very profound, but language does become profound and highly significant, tremendously so when it deals with religion and the soul of man.

And this perfect, infinitely excellent plan of God was entrusted to the imperfect medium of preaching. Preaching which uses language I say, which the speaker himself may not always understand fully, and which the hearer may not understand fully. And which the hearer having been brought up in one area or locality, may mean by a word one thing and here may mean another. And so, they make no contact. They fail to do what they say now, communicate. And then, because of the many languages all over the world, our missionaries tell us rather heartbreaking as well as humorous stories of their effort to get ideas across, efforts that simply cannot be gotten across.

I remember when my older brother was in China when he was a young fellow. He came back and told us smilingly about how he’d gone into a department store and asked to buy a cow when what he wanted was some garment or other, what a sailor might want, a handkerchief maybe. But he had had a wrong inflection, or wrong tone, and so what he asked for in a dry goods store was a cow. And that’s only one of the 1000s of changes and odd angles and facets of meaning. It is not only between languages, but within languages.

And so He committed the eternal hope of mankind for recovery and reclamation and reinstatement and eternal life and immortality. He committed it to the imperfect medium of preaching. And it’s imperfect because language is involved. And it’s imperfect because preachers are involved. And preachers are men and hence faulty and defective. Paul recognized this in 1 Corinthians 1:21 when he said it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe.

Paul knew very well that for one man to stand up on a raised platform and address other men and talk about things he couldn’t see and refer to historical incidents which there was no proof for and to offer gifts which he could not, you could not weigh nor measure and to talk about the unseen things and demand they be seen, and unheard things, and insist they ought to be heard. He knew this was a foolish thing to do. And yet he said it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save them that believe. And while we do not underrate the printed Word, we say that God hath said here in 1 Corinthians 1:21, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to save people, and in Titus 1:2 that in due time He manifested His plan through preaching.

Well, what a noble army they have been. I have a great big book on the history of preaching which I have lent to brother Milton Moore. And now I’m almost sorry I did because thinking over this, I’d like to have checked just this thought over again. The great men who’ve stood up in the earth with all their imperfection using an imperfect, fluid medium such as language. They have moved generations and changed the course of history. Think of the man Noah way back there before the flood, who for a long, long time, probably the longest pastorate any man ever held, 120 years while the ark was in preparation.

This man was a preacher of righteousness. Where he got his text I don’t know. Whether he read it or whether he memorized it or whether it was extemporary, I don’t know. I don’t know what type of preacher he was, but I know that he was a preacher of righteousness. And certainly, this old man of God back there before the flood, you say he didn’t win many, and not many were saved, no, but what he did was this. No, he didn’t win many back there, but he did deliver his soul and delivered God Almighty from any remote shred of accountability for those who heard him. If there is such a thing you know as God sending a man to a place and say, now, you go and preach to these people and don’t expect converts. You won’t get them. Don’t expect results. You won’t have them. But I want them to know a prophet has been among them. He told that to Ezekiel the man of God. Now there’s such a thing, Noah was that kind of preacher. And in hell today, in hell today, those anti-diluvian ones are deeper and more tragically, terribly and eternally responsible because Noah preached to them.

And then there’s the prophets, the old men of God, they were not students in pastor’s studies, these prophets of the Old Testament. They were mostly great, rough fellows who with the exception of one or two, a priest and another one a courtier, Isaiah. But mostly they were rough fellows that God had laid His hand on as He did on a Billy Nicholson or Billy Bray in later times. And they stood up and declared the Word and declared it roughly and coarsely and they struck out, and in their striking sometimes they hit posts, and they hit people that weren’t guilty, but they struck hard, these mighty prophets of God. And God loved their sermons, and He had given them the sermons to begin with, and then had them recorded so we have the prophets, major and minor, giving us the sermons that were preached. And how those sermons must have changed man. And yet God said, I raised my prophets up and sent them and stretched out My hands and you wouldn’t hear. And so, God delivered Himself and the prophets delivered themselves.

And we come to the New Testament and we see first of all, Jesus, a preacher, and we see those apostles who went about preaching, and those disciples in Acts 8:4, which says that because of the persecution that had arisen about Steven, they went everywhere preaching. I don’t know what kind of preaching it was, but it was effective. They went everywhere preaching that Christ had died, and now lives and is at the right hand of God. And then in post-biblical times, we have the great preachers down the years, the silver-tongued preachers. In later times, 12, 13, 14, 1500s we have Johannes Tauler, that great German orator who went about all over Germany preaching Jesus Christ and preparing the ground for the Reformation.

In Spain, a little later we have Molinas who went about preaching that you could get to know God yourself, that you could, that you could pray in your heart and God would hear you; that you didn’t have to pray through beads and forms and stated times, but anytime you lifted your heart to God through Jesus Christ, God would hear you. He later paid with his life for teaching such doctrines as that, because it made it tough for the priests. The hold the priests head on men was, that priest had to be around or you couldn’t pray, or you had to pray according to His prescription. But Molinas said God will prescribe for you son, go ahead and pray. So, the Spanish Inquisition put him in prison. Shortly afterward, he died and historians think he was poisoned, but nobody can prove it. The judgment day will reveal it. But, Molinas was a preacher known all over Spain, and now known all over the world.

And there was Richard Rolle, one of my friends. God, in His great mercy, allows such things to happen in heaven, and I am not so completely overcome with a sense of my own inferiority that I’ll be afraid to speak, I want to hunt up Richard Rolle. I want to hunt up the man who gave up his monastery and walked out of it, took a guitar bless you, a guitar, an instrument we kind of look down in our day, usually, I guess, because the way it’s been abused. But he took a guitar and went all over England preaching, preaching the love of God in Christ Jesus the Lord. And he said, if you let the love of God come into your heart, it’ll fill you with sweetness and fragrance and song. He went everywhere preaching. And I didn’t know until I looked it up recently, but I could have suspected it, that before he died he got in trouble, because he wrote himself a good stiff book in which he denied that the Pope had the authority he claimed he had. And he managed to die in his bed. But think of that preacher and what he did for England.

And later on when the preachers came to England after the Reformation, they found soil, pretty-well prepared. And there was Luther, we’ll skip Luther because everybody knows about him. And there was John Knox, that mighty Scotchman who preached with a burr, but who was such a frightful, such a terrible and terrifying preacher that Bloody Mary said she feared him, feared him worse than she feared the armies of Egypt. She feared his prayers, to say nothing of his sermons.

Yes, there’s been a lot of them. But they are the stars of the first magnitude. Think of the thousands of little stars that barely shine, that takes a whole Milky Way of them to make a little light, but they’re there and they’ve got some light. Thank God for every one of them. And I thank God for every one of them today in this city, big and little, poor and good that are standing up to declare the Word. For God has made His Word known through preaching. Now, that’s the condescension of God.

And then, think of the mighty obligation of the preacher. Think of the weighty, enormous, crushing obligation that rests upon a man who stands to declare the Truth, anywhere, at any time. Why? Two reasons. One is that he is the messenger of the Most High God and he comes clothed with the authority of the Most High God with a message from the Most High God. No secret document ever carried in any portfolio by any ambassador, top secret though it might be from one country to another, can even compare with the seriousness and weight of the message carried by the simplest, poorest preacher that stands today to preach to a little flock. And the future of millions of moral beings lies in the hand of the preacher. It always has. You say millions? Aren’t you getting a bit exaggerated? No. Suppose that a little unheard of Methodist preacher, say, up in Wisconsin that nobody will ever hear of but his own superintendent and hundreds of people who might hear him. Suppose he wins one man to God. Suppose that man wins another. And suppose then that man wins another. The next man wins two and somebody else wins three or ten. Multiply it and see how by multiplying it runs into hundreds of thousands.

Paul saved one, two to Christ, and the man, each of those two won two more and each of those two more, won two more. All you have to do is take a pencil and sit down and figure it out, you’ll see that the conversion of one person will run into hundreds of 1000s in the course of years.

So, the future of millions of moral beings lie in our hands, the hands of the man who stands up to preach the Word. The teacher who stands up before his class to declare the Word, that’s a form of preaching too. Don’t rule it out. It is a form of preaching. It’s giving the Word, teaching the word, instructing man, exhorting men; inspiring men and women and young people. If you could only know. I wonder if we will know. If you could only know who it was way back down there, what Swede or German or Scotsman or Englishman, or maybe even some other country we’re not thinking of now, that a man got up lazy one morning, head aching and said to himself, I don’t think I’ll pray today as much. I think I’ll kind of rest and so he puttered around the house, and before long the Spirit of God began to move him, and he said, I’ve got to pray. And he got on his knees and began to pray. And as he prayed, the light of God came to him. He went out that night maybe and preached, or the next Sunday, and somebody is a result of his hearing God’s voice and got converted. And the conversion of that person resulted in the conversion of one of your ancestors. And the conversion of that ancestor resulted in the conversion of one of your less-remote, and so down to you, and you now are a Christian, and your home Christian, because somebody back there didn’t fail God. Think of it.

But how can, how can preachers be what they are sometimes? I’ve said and I’ve gotten in trouble for saying, but I kind of thrive on it. I don’t mind it too much anymore. But I say that if a man is lazy, the best place in the world to indulge his talents is the ministry, because nobody checks up on him. He can sleep until noon. And if he gets a phone call at 10 o’clock, he can get up and try to sound alert. But, how can a man from whose head God has laid His hands ever be lazy when you consider the condescension of God; that He made His perfect plan, made through the imperfect medium of preaching. And with the mighty obligation that lies on the man of God, how can he be lazy? How can you be careless, and yet men are? How can he be cowardly? And how can it be covetous?

When George Fox came to England, he had one category for all ministers. He called them priests. And he had one place to put them, as far down in the pit as he could shove them; putting his hand on their bald head and push it. And I read his writings years ago, and I thought, oh, George has been rough on people. But George knew to whom he was speaking. He knew. He saw them. He saw them stand up drunk and had to have choirboys to hold them up so they could deliver their sermon. He saw how careless and utterly worldly they were, and how they cared for the pulpit, only as a man cares for a bench in a factory, as a means of making a living. So, I’m not going to be too hard on George. He may have pushed a fellow in the face that didn’t have it coming, but that was just an accident mostly. They had it coming.

Well, think how could a man be cowardly when he considers that God has given him the message to deliver however poor he might be and however few might hear him, he’s given a message. And when you think that message carries with it such tremendous obligation from God, how can a man be cowardly and back up and say I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you, and back out on his message, back out on the Truth. Now, if he is honestly wrong, he ought to apologize. The preacher is not above apology. And of course, as a Christian man he ought to apologize if he’s hurt anybody. But never be afraid.

And then, the covetous man. I don’t understand the covetous man, the man who allows the offer of the board, so much money, so long, determine whether he will preach or not. I don’t understand it, but how terrible it is. Listen to this, I want to read it to you.  Son of man, I’ve made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel. Therefore, hear the word of My mouth and give them warning from Me. When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. And again, send a man, when a righteous man doth turn from his righteousness and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumbling block for him, he shall die because thou hast not given him warning. He shall die in his sins, but his blood will I require at thine hand. Think how terrible this is. And yet, we can dare to think these holy thoughts and mingle them with money and popularity and what people think and what they’ll say.

Well then, next is the overwhelming responsibility of the hearer. The condescension of God that He should make His Word known through preaching and the mighty obligation that lays on the preacher; and the overwhelming responsibility it lays upon the hearer. What puts the hearer under such obligation? The source of the message for one thing. God said this, the Most High God, son of man, I said this, go tell them I said this, the God in whose hand you’re held, and the God out of whose hand you’ll tumble into hell, or in whose hand you’ll rise to heaven. Son of man, go tell them I saith. Think of this message itself, a message of the eternal deliverance with approaching death and judgment. This is the terrible, wonderful, glorious, all inspiring message which the simplest, humblest preacher; that he gets up and humbly gives a little interpretation of John 3:16. Maybe he’s never gone any further than that. Maybe that’s as far as he’s gone, but he does his best with the elementary things of the gospel. But he’s God’s man anyhow.  And it puts the preacher, he puts the hearer under obligation.

Remember one thing my brethren, nobody’s done with a sermon even when the benediction has been pronounced. Nobody. Nobody’s finished with a sermon when the preacher said, and now lastly, amen. Nobody. Nobody’s finished with the sermon. They here may sleep and some do. And they hear me scorn and some do. The hearer may resist, and some do and reject, and others do. But he will face his responsibility, certainly, surely, in that Great Day. He’ll face his responsibility. Do you realize you’re children of eternity? Do you realize that you’re not born to die once down here? You’re forever. You will rise again in heaven or hell, and you’ll face up to things.

I don’t know how they do it now; and if this doesn’t conform to what you younger men know about the services. Why, you’ll believe that I’m accurate anyhow, because I remember this very well. They did it with that first World War. They took young rookies in around 21. I think they didn’t take in at that time, take anybody in under 21. And the young men went in at 21 and I saw them. There they would come out of the woods, out of the factories, out of the coal mines, out of the offices.

I remember washing dishes alongside of a professor of chemistry and university. And I was, I don’t know what. But there he was, we were washing dishes together, he and I back and forth. Well, they took them, all sorts. And some of them of course, being Americans, when some sergeant told them what to do, they said, you and who else? America, you know, that’s American. And then they’d be taken in and they would say, now, line up here and they would all line up. And then an officer with some kind of affairs here on his shoulder to give it the punch, would stand up and read what they called the Articles of War.

The Articles of War, I don’t remember, I think I couldn’t recite a phrase of it, but what it meant in essence was this, your country is now at war with an enemy. And whatever you do from here on will be considered as having been done in time of war. And any crime you commit in the Army of the United States, under war conditions, is stepped up in its intensity and its degree of guilt and the punishment that much the greater, Articles of War. And when a young fellow who wasn’t used to being pushed around, fought back. They said, have you heard the Articles of War? If he said no, they said, all right, come on, they took him over and let him read the Articles of War. If he’d heard it, he went to the guardhouse. It depends on whether we have or haven’t heard.

So, there’s an awful lot that this illustrates. Let me read again from this same chapter. Listen to this. Yet, son of man, if thou warn the wicked, and he turns not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity, but thou hast delivered thy soul. He’s heard the Articles of War. He knows how serious it is now. He’s not an innocent Dani in the valley there stark naked. He’s now a man who’s been in some major illuminated. He knows how serious the charge of God is. And he shall die in his iniquity. And over here, nevertheless, if thou warn the righteous man, that the righteous sin not, and he doth not sin, he shall surely live because he’s warned. Also, thou hast delivered thy soul.

There you have the two sides of the same mighty coin. The preacher with his obligation to tell and the hearer with his obligation to hear. Think of the overwhelming responsibility of the hearer. Not the hearer of Billy Graham, or Paul Reese, or Robert G. Lee, or any of the great preachers, but the obligation to hear the simplest preacher that preaches today and Chicago United mission, or Pacific Garden, or any hall, storefront hall down the avenue. The simplest man who gets up under the anointing of God and dares to tell the whole truth, he lays an overwhelming obligation upon the hearer to do something about it.

So I say, God have mercy on us all. God have mercy on a preacher who fails. God have mercy on that son of man, that prophet called of God who thinks more of his home and his car and his salary and his comforts than he does of the souls of men. God have mercy on that cowardly man who edits out the offensive things out of the doctrine for fear some hierarchy will rebuke him or he’ll get a reputation for not being sound.

Any of you young men who are going to be preachers, let me tell, you can live down reputations that have killed some people if you’ll just want to do it. They’ll say first, you don’t believe in eternal security, therefore, it’s too bad for you. Later on, they’ll forget that. Or they won’t know whether you do or not. Or, they’ll say that you don’t believe in dispensationalism, and they’ll give you the cold shoulder for a while. And the Holy Ghost comes on you and you get blessed and you bless people and the people begin to demand you. And then those that are trying to stand in your way, they can’t stand in your way anymore. And so, they accept you, pat your back and say, well, I don’t see it quite with you, but okay. You don’t have to be afraid in America. Now, there are some places that I suppose it would be dangerous to stand for all the Truth, but certainly not in the United States. We’ve got enough of the blood of our Puritan ancestors in us yet and enough of the blood of the rebel in us that we don’t have to be afraid.

Well, God have mercy on us preachers, and the preachers who fail. I think of the time I’ve wasted and the time I’ve used wrongly. I’m not looking forward to the coming of Christ with as much hilarity as some people do. I’ve heard sermons preached by men cold as ice, but they were trying to show with what great joy they’d meet Him. I hope they do. But I don’t look forward to His coming personally with anything like assurance. When I consider as a man called of God when I was 17 years old, and I’ve had all these years and how much of it I’ve wasted. And what a poor wretch of a preacher I am compared with; what I could have been if I had obeyed God.

Son of man, says the Holy Ghost, I’ll require his blood at your hands. And then, God have mercy on the hearers who ignore, who take for granted, who like a skillful batter have learned to hit every offering the pitcher makes. They’re used to him now. They know every curve. And they can hit him every time. And after you have preached to people long enough, they either get right with God and get blessed, or else they learn all your curves. And they stand up there and bat them back to you. Nothing gets passed. God help such hearers who ignore, who toss every offering back to you and who refuse to be affected by it.

I can’t get over this statement I quoted the other day about my brother here who said some people won’t let you help them, this terrible thing. Some people just won’t let you help them and no matter who comes, they won’t let you help them. Son of Man preach to them. Either they will or they won’t, but whether they will or they won’t, you’re free. And if they will, then they’ll be delivered. If they won’t, then they shall die in their sin. How terrible, both for the man who speaks and the man who hears. God help us all. You teachers help us all. It’s more than standing up before a few squirming people. It’s holding holy things in our hands. And we’ll all have to give account in the day of Jesus Christ. God help us all. Amen.


Tozer Talks

“God is Wisdom

God is Wisdom

January 12, 1958

In the book of 1 Corinthians first chapter verses 22 to 24, Paul says, The Jews require a sign and the Greeks seek after wisdom. But we preach Christ crucified. Unto the Jews a stumbling block and unto the Greeks, foolishness. But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God. And then Colossians 2:2 and 3, Paul prays, or indicates his desire that their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God and of the Father and of Christ, in whom are hid all treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Now, as some of you know, this is the second in a series of Sunday evening messages to be called “The Voice of Eternal Wisdom and I don’t mind telling you that this should be given by a fire-baptized scholar. We need an Anselm or an Augustine. We don’t have it. A large book should be written about this voice of Eternal Wisdom; none has been written. I know of none in the last 100 years.

And Christians should be exposed to this truth. Not over a period of a half dozen Sunday nights, but for a long, long time. We should sing about it, pray about it, preach about it, understand it from the Scriptures until it becomes a part of our lives. And I have nobody to guide me much, because nobody’s written on the subject much. But my heart has stirred me up to talk about it. And I shall do the best I can. Let’s pray.

 Heavenly Father, we pray that thou wilt Illuminate us and enlighten our mind. For they are dark, and we pray with thy servant, Thy blind servant, what in us is low, raise and support. What is dark, illuminate, that to the height of this great argument we may assert Eternal Providence and justify the ways of God to man. We pray that Thou wilt help us as believers this evening to throw our hearts open to the Voice of Eternal Truth. And we pray for the unsaved man who’s out of the fold living for the flesh. We beseech Thee that thou talk to him too and may he decide that he ought to be a follower of Christ. We ask this in Jesus’ name.

Now, last Sunday night I said that there is in the Old Testament and in old Hebrew literature, a doctrine called, well I’ve called it the doctrine of Eternal Wisdom, but it is the doctrine of wisdom. And it is a Hebrew concept. It is this, that somewhere, out there, in God and with God and beside God and yet being God, there is an afflatus, a fullness of wisdom of word and idea and concept and expression of that wisdom and word and idea. And we find it of course in the New Testament in John the first chapter, particularly. And up until not too long ago, I had to somehow, to try to twist myself out of a bit of a dilemma. I had been told that the doctrine of the Logos, the Logos, the Word, where John says, in the beginning was the Word, that that was a Hebrew concept borrowed from the Greeks. And I didn’t know why John would borrow a concept from the Greeks. But if he did, and the Holy Ghost wanted to borrow from the Greeks, I wasn’t going to complain, or at least, I kept my heart right about it.

But you know, a further study of all this shows me that that’s liberalism that teaches that. It is not, simply not true. The doctrine of the Word, the Eternal Idea, the Eternal Thought, is a Hebrew concept. Look at David’s Psalm 33:6. Now look, what David said here, by the word of the Lord were the heavens made and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. Now, that’s quite different from the idea that God made everything by hand. Here it says, He made it by mouth. He made it by the breath of His mouth, by the Word of the Lord were the heavens made. That’s 33:6 of the Psalms written by the man David. And that was written 1000 years before Christ, around 1000, maybe a little over.

And then, in the book of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, we find the same idea of that Eternal Wisdom which gave birth to everything. We find it in the Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, particularly. And that was about 1000 years before Christ. And then in the book of Job, which was written at the very least 900 years before Christ, and most people think it’s the oldest book of the Bible, which would put it of course, way beyond that, so that Job believed the doctrine of the Eternal Word, the Eternal Wisdom, at least 900 years before Christ. And Solomon believed it and wove it into his proverbs and into the Book of Ecclesiastes, 1000 years before Christ. And David taught it not only in the text I have quoted, but all through his Psalms at least 1000 or more years before Christ, but now it was introduced into Greek thought, only 600 years before Christ by an old chap named Heraclitus.

So, Heraclitus was at least 400 years later than Job was or Solomon or David, so that the Christian doctrine of the Eternal Logos, the Eternal Word is not the Greek concept borrowed by the Holy Ghost. It is a Hebrew concept which dates way back, long before the Greeks ever began to think about such a matter at all. So therefore, shake your head and see if you can shake some of the fog out. And the next smart fellow you meet that tells you that you’re a follower of Plato and Platonism and that the ideas of the New Testament particularly the book of John, were borrowing from the Greeks, you tell them that you happen to know that before old Heraclitus was ever born, who in the mature life introduced into Greek thought the idea of the Word, that it had been believed and taught by David and Solomon and Job and the prophets long, long before there was any Greek idea about it.

Now my Brethren, the teaching of the Old Testament on this is that there was a creative impulse, that God had an idea, that God had a thought. And you know, when you get to thinking about it, Scriptures come to your mind. I know the thoughts that I think about you, saith the Lord. And My thoughts are not as your thoughts. As the heavens are higher above the earth so are My thoughts high above your thoughts.

Well then, John and Paul were illuminated to see this. In the Gospel of John, in the beginning was the Word, which was just what the man David had said. The Word of the Lord, by that Word were the heavens made and all the hosts then by the breath of His mouth. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And I said and repeat that the idea of this Eternal Wisdom which was with the Father, and looked at another way, He was the Son. And looked at another way, was the Fountain, the Creative Fountain out of which everything came. That was the teaching of the Old Testament Hebrews, the old fathers, the rabbis, and the old men of God who lived and studied the Scriptures. And John simply picked it up, not from the Greeks, I repeat, but from the Hebrews.

And then Paul was illuminated in Colossians 1:15 and 17 to see the same thing. He said, Jesus Christ, who is the image of the invisible God, the first born of every creature. For by Him were all things created that are in heaven and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones or dominions, or principalities or powers. All things were created by Him and for Him.

Now, that’s what Paul said about it. And this was the flowering of the Old Testament teaching. It flowered over into the New Testament. And so, Jesus Christ came, who was Himself that Eternal Wisdom. And He took upon Him the form of a man and He was incarnated in mortal flesh, and he walked among men. And they said, how hast this man learning, having never been to school? And He needed not that any man come and snitch on anybody else, because He Himself knew everything that was in man. And at twelve years old, He put the doctors to flight and asked them questions which they couldn’t answer, and answered questions which they asked Him. And Paul says that the Jews were after signs, and the Greeks were after wisdom, but Jesus Christ is both the power of God and the wisdom of God. And in Him, all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden away.

So, my brethren, don’t you see that this doctrine, this beautiful doctrine of the Presence of something the old mystics called her. They said was a woman and I’ll show you in the Old Testament that, they’re almost the same thing. And they’re called her Sophia, which of course is to make her equal with wisdom. So, if your name happens to be Sophie, well, that’s where you got it Sister. And we hope that you’re touched with some of that divine wisdom. But I asked you to notice here now what the the prophets taught, what the men of God back there taught. They said, the Lord by wisdom hath founded the earth. That’s Proverbs 3:19. By understanding, He hath established the heavens. Jeremiah 10:12, He hath established the world by His wisdom and has stretched out the heavens by His discretion.

Now here are three triads. There’s the earth, the heavens and the world, founded and established and stretched out, done by wisdom and understanding and discretion. Now, I wouldn’t stand here and say it, but I have a perfect right to believe it. And I do believe that this is a hint at the Trinity. This is the Old Testament doctrine. Here is the earth, which was founded by wisdom; the heavens, which were established by understanding, and the world, was stretched out by discretion. And if you read Job, Ecclesiastes, the Book of Proverbs, you will find that this wisdom and understanding and discretion was a person, that this was a person; that it was somebody that you wooed and won. It was something, an afflatus, a holy oil that God poured out on people. You find that there. And all, that same thing David said when he said, by the Word of the Lord, and by the breath of His mouth.

Now, I read out, a little out of an old book called, “The Wisdom of Solomon” last week, and I was very careful to show you that the wisdom of Solomon is not an inspired book in the sense that the Proverbs is an inspired book, but it represents the good word. Nobody would complain if I were to quote from Spurgeon. Nobody would complain if I were to give you a paragraph from D.L. Moody. Nobody would care at all if I were to stand up here and say, this is what Augustine said. Here’s what Luther said. Nobody would complain about that. They were the fathers. We would skip Moody on that. But they were they were the fathers. And we would say, while that’s what they said, it wasn’t inspired. It represented a distillation or a condensation of truth from the inspired Scriptures.

So, I want to quote from a book called Ecclesiasticus, not Ecclesiastes, but Ecclesiasticus. It was written about 200 years before Christ. And here is what the brother said. Now, he wasn’t writing as he was moved by the Holy Ghost; neither was Augustine or Luther. But he was giving the beliefs in the teachings of the fathers, about what the inspired Scriptures taught. And here’s what this sole gentleman said. He said, all wisdom coming from the Lord, and is with Him forever. Who can number the sands of the sea and the drops of rain and the days of eternity? Who can find out the height of heaven and the breadth of the earth and the deep of wisdom? Wisdom hath been created before all things. And if you wonder about that word, created before all things, you’ll find it again in Colossians 1:15, where it says, who is the image of the invisible God, the first born of every creature. And some have tried to make out that that meant that Jesus was a creature. It means nothing of the sort. That idea of first born, it’s first born from the dead. And Jesus Christ is the first born, in that He, out of the dead, He’s the firstborn of the creation, because, what He is, the creation sometime will be. And what He is, you and I are going to be. And what He is, He’s going to make this world over in His image.

Now, I scorned to spend any time on the Sputnik. I don’t want to bother with that hunk of hardware, because I don’t think it’s worthy of my attention as a preacher of the Word. But the reason I’m not disturbed about satellites and all that is, that all this is temporary anyhow, for the heavens shall be dissolved with a great noise and shall melt with fervent heat. And we look for a new heaven and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness. And when God’s busy melting down the universe, He won’t need to mind melting down an extra hunk of Russian hardware. It will be easy to do, and if by that time, brother John Foster Dulles has got one up, why, He’ll melt that one down too. We won’t have to worry about it.

And that’s why I don’t get excited and stampede and start preaching sermons about it. I can’t because I see that all wisdom cometh from the Lord and is with Him forever. And who can number the sands of the sea and the drops of rain and the days of eternity? Who can find out the height of Heaven and the breadth of the earth and the deep and wisdom? Wisdom hath been created before all things and the understanding of prudence from everlasting. The Word Most High is the Fountain of Wisdom, the Word of God Most High, and Her ways of everlasting commandments. To whom hath the root of wisdom been revealed? There is One, wise and gravely to be feared, Jehovah sitting upon His throne. He created her and saw her and numbered her and poured her out upon all His works.

You know, there’s a Christian answer for almost everything. And while I don’t go into it, I think that we Christians have some answers. We wonder how the wild bird finds its way north in the spring and south in the fall? We wonder how the The Orchard Oriole and the Baltimore Oriole managed to build their beautiful swinging nest. We wonder how the bee finds its way across the meadows to its hive. We will wonder about what men call instinct. I believe, and there are some verses I’ll quote maybe later on in my series where that it says that God poured wisdom out upon His creation. And I believe that what the bee has is a touch from the Hand that made the bee.

Now don’t look down your nose and say, what does God care about a bee? God made that bee didn’t He? And also, God made the birds. And He even says in one place why you’re dumber than the ox that knows his master’s crib and the bird that knows her nest. And my people do not know, neither do they consider, they, made in the image of God, had lost the wisdom, but the very lower creation has that wisdom. That’s why I don’t worry about the universe. It’ll run all right. God has poured out that wisdom upon all His creation. So everything works alright and everything does all right because God made it that way.

Now, this is the doctrine. This is the doctrine of the Eternal Wisdom, which was incarnated in Jesus Christ. And that’s why He’s so hard to understand. A man named Bruce Barton one time, wrote a book called, A Man Nobody Knows. I read that book and came to the conclusion that there was at least one man that didn’t know Him, and that is Bruce Barton. Because he was writing about somebody. Somebody sent the book to me, an editor and said, Will you review, will you review this book? Well, I wrote back and said, Bruce Barton, writing about Jesus Christ would be exactly the same as Esau writing about Jacob. They just couldn’t make it. There was something that he didn’t understand.

This fellow Jacob, he wasn’t a nice chap, and he certainly wasn’t a straight fellow at first. God had to straighten him out. He’s name was, supplanter. He was crooked. But, he was touched with divine wisdom. The great God Almighty had reached down with His wand and touched his shoulder and said, rise, Jacob, and Jacob, got up Israel. He had a wisdom given to him. And Esau, a far nicer chap than he was; and was more socially acceptable that he was, nicer to live around, if you could stand the smell. He smelled of the field you remember, which the Lord has blessed and it’s all right in the field, but it’s not so good in the house and he came in with that smell on him.

And the fellow, Esau, a nice chap, lived in the flesh and died in the flesh. And Jacob, who wasn’t as nice a fellow had seen light and he had been illuminated and the Divine Wisdom had touched him. And Jacob came out all right, and became a prince with God. And men and women today name their babies Jacob, but they never name their babies Esau, because Esau, the name Esau is of the flesh and belongs in the flesh. And yet he was a nice chap.

Well, there we have it, my brethren. It’s the root of it and the base of it. It’s the old Hebrew doctrine that God is wisdom. And we sing it in our song, God is wisdom, God is love. And you will find it all through your Bible; run the references as we say. Go to your concordance, and you will be enlightened and illuminated and delighted. Perhaps even ravished as you see how back before Mary ever had her baby, back before ever the little baby Jesus wailed his tiny protest to the world in Bethlehem’s manger, way back before that in what the theologians called pre-incarnation times. Jesus Christ was, and He was the Wisdom of the Father. He was of one substance with the Father, equal with the Father, as ancient as the Father, eternal with the Father, having all the attributes of the Father, He was the Father’s outgoing, He was the Father’s expression. And that’s what the book of John says, in the beginning was the Word and everybody knows the Greek students have an awful time. What a deal of throwing around of brains takes place when some fellow starts to translate John, because John went so far up and so far in, that it takes a lot of sanctified imagination to understand John. Most people don’t have sanctified imaginations. They’ll just settle for a footnote. And that’s about as far as we go.

Well, now what do we learn from all of this? What is this? Is this Christianity? Of course, this is Christianity. In our day, we’ve degraded Christianity to be a kind of Salk vaccine shot against hell and sin. We round them all up and stick a needle in them and say, if you’ll just accept Jesus, you won’t go to hell and you’ll go to heaven when you die. Keep living as long as you can, but when you die, you’ll go to heaven. And we preach a kind of a lifeboat salvation. We even sing about it, about the lifeboat. I suppose it’s permissible, maybe, I don’t condemn it, but it certainly is an inadequate concept of Christianity, Brethren.

The purpose of God in redeeming men was not to save them from hell only. The purpose of God in redeeming man was to save them on to worship, and to let them be born through, into that Eternal Wisdom which was with the Father, which is synonymous with that Eternal Life, which was with the Father and which was revealed unto men, in which John said, our eyes have looked upon and our ears have heard and our hands have handled of that Word of Life. For you’ll find in the Gospel of John that the Holy Ghost through the mouth of the man John, mixed up in an holy and happy confusion, light and life, Light and Life and the Word, the Spoken Word was life and life and light, and the light was the light of men, and In Him was life.

Well, it’s all one because it is Jesus Christ our Lord, this Eternal Life. And doesn’t it touch you my friend? Doesn’t it touch you, or have you been brainwashed by footnotes to a point where you can’t think this way? Doesn’t it touch you that the Greeks sought after this and couldn’t find it? Doesn’t it touch you? It did Paul. In the 17th of Acts, Paul preached on the hill in Athens, and he said, I see that everywhere you’re very religious, not superstitious, you’re very religious, for you have an altar to the unknown God. You’ve put up an altar to every god you know by name, and then for fear you will slight some god, you put up an altar to an unknown God. And then, happy, smart Paul said, He whom thou dost worship in ignorance, I now preach unto you. Well, Paul understood and he said, in Him we live and move and have our being, and that we stretch out after Him, they did, stretch out after Him, if per chance they might find Him.

And I don’t think there’s anything more unbecoming, than for an evangelical preacher to get nasty and tough and say a lot of harsh things about the Greek philosophers and the ancient religions. Brethren, they did what they could with the light they had. I wonder if we can say the same about ourselves. Old Heraclitus who lived 600 years that I say before Christ, perhaps he had never heard of Solomon’s proverbs. Maybe the Book of Job was unknown to him. And maybe he had never read a Psalm in his life. But somehow in his dreaming and crying after the Most High God, he thought his way through to the idea that the eternal life, and that that word out of that word, everything came and he gave the Greeks the doctrine of the word which Plato and others brought to perfection.

Some years ago, I preached of all places at the noonday meeting down with the Christian business men. And I preached from the text, Jesus Christ is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption. And I said that the Jews sought after righteousness. And Jesus Christ came, and was that righteousness; that the Greeks sought after wisdom, and Jesus Christ came and was that wisdom. And the religionist sought after redemption and sanctification, and Jesus Christ came and was that redemption and sanctification. And I gave an altar call. I got a letter from a professor at Wheaton College and he said, Brother, I have believed this all my adult life, but I never hoped to hear it turned into an evangelistic sermon. I didn’t know it either. But I did my best on it.

But that’s the fact my friends, that the quest of the human race; the Jews sought after righteousness; the Greeks sought after wisdom; and the religionists sought after redemption. And when Paul was preaching Jesus, He said to these people, I’ve got news for you, I preach unto you, Jesus, who is the incarnation of all the Jews sought, and the incarnation of all the Greeks sought, and the incarnation of all that the religionists sought; wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption. And the Greek scholars tell us that when he said, He’s made unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption, that we don’t get quite the right meaning in the King James. They said, what Paul actually said was, Jesus Christ is made unto us wisdom, and that wisdom is our righteousness, our sanctification, and our redemption. They say that’s what he actually said. He said, this wisdom, this that we call Ancient Wisdom, which the Greeks and the Hebrews before them talked about as a Uncreated, and yet somehow created strangely. But, is it any stranger than that passage that says, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God? Now, which was He? With God? Or was it God? Well, He was both.

And so, we say that that same truth applies to the ancient idea that there is a Fountain of Wisdom, the Womb out of which was born all things that be. I can live in this world believing that and not worry about it and not get into too many jams intellectually, because this world is beautifully put together, Brother, beautifully put together.  Talk about a watch. I have a watch here given me by the church for 25 years and I carry around it. It’s a Lord Elgin, a good watch. It’s magnificently made. I haven’t looked at the jewels. You never look a gift horse in the mouth. I don’t know how many jewels it has you know, whether it’s 17 or 21, or how many. I’ve never tried to find out. But I know it’s expensive and I know that it is beautifully made. And it’s a tribute to the genius and skill and patience and perseverance of men who can sit down and screw a telescope in their eye and go to work, and do work so fine. But it’ll last 100 years, and if this isn’t dropped and smashed and thrown around, my grandchildren or great grandchildren can be carrying it.

Wisdom, where did they get it? There was a man named Bezaleel at one time. Bezaleel, if you like. Bezaleel I like to call him. It is easier. He was a Jew. And God said, we’re going to build a temple here and a tabernacle. And we’re going to have a veil, a veil, and that veil is to be thick, and it’s to be embroidered, embroidered so beautifully. And you would have thought, now the way we’d have done it when we were making that veil, we’d have run to the women and we’d have said, Mrs. Henderson, you make your children’s clothes and you’re good with the needle, could you give us a half a day to work on the veil? But the great God Almighty wasn’t going to allow anybody to simply turn loose his human skills or hers. So, we picked a man by the name of Bezaleel and He filled him with the Holy Ghost and wisdom. What for? In order that he might ply his needle to make beautiful embroidery work on the veil.

So, the very veil of the temple was wrought by the wisdom of the Holy Ghost. So that all that you see. This is a great time for this series, because this is the time when we are materializing everything. We’re materializing everything. I lay for an hour last night and listened to a one hour, eight to nine, summation of where we stand. Did you hear that, put on by the Columbia Broadcasting Company? Everybody was quoted and spoke on tape and told us where we were. Everybody’s scared until he’s shivering. Generals and admirals and all the rest are just shaking. Because you see, they’re conquering outer space.

And I even heard in the radio the news just recently, well, in fact it was released only today, this afternoon. I heard this broadcast that the President of the United States, one General Dwight Eisenhower, has written Bulganin. He’s premier something or other. He may be running a filling station in Siberia one of these days, you know. But he’s got a job over there, and he wrote a letter tonight. And Ike wrote a letter back. And Ike actually said and suggested in his letter that we and Russia get together on what we’re going to do about outer space. We can’t even run Washington, and we’re working on outer space. And the first fellow that puts a flag up there on the moon just as sure as you live, now watch it. We can do it they tell us. We actually have what Truman used to call the know-how, a terrible Missouri word, but we’ve got the ability to do it, and the rocketry and the rest. That little word rocketry, that’s a new one. And we’ve got the rocketry to send a, something to the moon. Well now, if they will listen to me, which they won’t, here’s what they will do. They will put a copy of the Constitution of the United States and a silk American flag in that little hunk of hardware. And when they showed it to the moon, it’s ours. We stake out our claim and say, you lay off.

 I don’t know where I got there, but I’m just saying this is the time when space and moving bodies and matter and law is on everybody’s mind. Well, back of all that, you see, God made all things, and all things came out of wisdom. Now, what does this teaches us? Well, I’ll give you a sketch of what it teaches us and then that will be all for tonight.

From this, we learned a number of things. We learn that the universe is basically spiritual. Now, we learned that, basically spiritual. A few years ago, back in the time of Lucretius when he wrote his famous, what did he call it, The Nature of Things. He said that there were atoms, and he lived about, oh, a little before Christ’s time. And he said that there were atoms and that they were a little hard, square balls, like dice. And they were little hard things. And a ball, not balls but were square blocks, blocks, that’s the word, like dice. And he said that everything was made up of these little square blocks. And that was the first, so far as I know, the first, at least he popularized the idea of the atom. And then 3000 years nearly went by over 3000 years, I think went by before we discovered that Lucretius had an idea, but he was wrong. He said everything is made up of atoms. He was right about that. And when he said atoms were square blocks hard as diamonds, tiny beyond all belief. And everything was made out of those little square blocks, he was wrong. Because modern scientific technique has discovered that these tiny little blocks that Lucretius saw 3000 years ago, nearly, were not hard blocks at all, but disembodied bits of energy, and that you can keep breaking them down and breaking them down and breaking them down until you find exactly nothing at all. And I know they’re right, they proved they’re right by their ability to run a ship by atoms and put up and send an atom bomb on Hiroshima.

So, the modern idea of the atom coincides perfectly with the Old Testament idea of the creation, that all things are, come out of spirits. And that if you go back far enough, and back far enough and back far enough, you come to Spirit. Things are spiritual basically, that the earth is not a solid thing. And then there’s Spirit that hovers over it. But that the earth is an emanation of Spirit, and that all things that are, came out of Spirit, even that Eternal Spirit which we call God, and Who was incarnated in the form of a man and lived among us. And was so wise that He astonished men though He’d never been to school.

The second thing we learn from this doctrine of the Eternal Wisdom as the source of all things is that man is a spirit and sheathed in a body, not a body having a spirit. How do you think of yourself? Do you think of yourself as this being you? Is this you? Some of the movie actors, they call them, the body. That’s an awful thing to say for them, because if that’s all she’s got and usually it is, that’s going to get old on her one of these days. She’s going to get arthritis and gray hair and teeth will come out, and then she won’t have anything. But is that the way you think of yourself? As a body with a spirit? No. That’s not the Bible teaching. The Bible teaching is that we are a spirit, living in a body. And it’s vastly different Brethren. If I was a body having a spirit, then I could worry about this body. But knowing that I am a spirit made in the image of God, and God is Spirit, and God made me and made me spirit, made you spirit, and said, now live for a while, in what William Jennings Bryan called, this tabernacle of clay.

So we’re here. The greatest thing about you is not your body, not the house you live in, the car you drive. The most awesome and all inspiring thing about you is you are a spirit. You’re a spirit. Bacon said, God made the angel spirit, and he made the beasts, flesh. But he made man greater than all compounded of spirit and flesh, so that man is a spirit which has a fleshly tabernacle to dwell in. You’ve got to remember that, that all things came out of spirit. And Jesus Christ was incarnated, and He was that Eternal Wisdom, and that man is a spirit ensheaved in a body. You see, that fixes your values for you. That decides what’s valuable and what isn’t.

The trouble with this is, we don’t know what’s valuable. Did you ever have this experience, and we’ve gotten all of two houses full of grandchildren. We’ve seen this happen. A couple of times happened this year. It happened a couple of years ago when everybody was hilariously happy around the Christmas tree onloading gifts and giving gifts and unwrapping gifts. Here would be a little 18-month-old baby sitting somewhere quietly playing with a box that the present came out of. Well, the little thing didn’t care. I remember one sitting there chewing the little red box having a time of her life and everybody else was “ooh, just what I wanted. Ooh! How’d you know what I needed? Just the thing.” And everybody was looking at what they got, and she a box, and was chewing on the box. It happened twice in our house right down where we live among our grandchildren. That is I mean happened among them.

And why, you see they don’t know what’s valuable. This watch I referred to, it came in a box. But I don’t carry the box around with me, because the box is relatively unimportant. It’s the watch that matters. A stale fish head is a precious treasure to a cat. Why? Because he is a cat. A bowl of the same red pottage was of great value to Esau. Why? Because he was Esau. And the everlasting covenant was a value to Jacob. Why? Because he was Jacob. He was touched with heavenly fire. And the man Paul found value only in Jesus Christ our Lord. Only in Jesus Christ. Why, I give up all things he said and count them but dung, that I may win Christ and be found in Him. If you understand this Eternal Truth you’ll know why what is valuable and why it’s valuable.

Now the truth, that the Word was made flesh, stands as a warning, lest we forget who we are. And it stands as a rebuke. It stands as a rebuke to us for living as animals, for living as people of one world when God made us for two. Living for time, when God made us for eternity. And back in the Book of Proverbs we find a beautiful woman. In the ninth chapter, she’s said to be a woman, here she’s not. She’s just called wisdom. But in the ninth chapter she’s called a woman. Wisdom crieth without, she uttereth her voice in the streets. She crieth in the cheap places of concourse. What is this? Oh, it’s nothing but the voice of Jesus, the voice of the Holy Ghost. In the opening of the gate, she crieth. In the city she uttereth her word, saying how long, how long, ye simple ones. Will you love simplicity. And the scorners delight in their scorning and fools hate knowledge, turn you at my reproof. Behold, I will pour out my Spirit upon you. I will make known my words unto you. And those terrible words, because I have called and you refused, I stretched out my hand and no man regarded. I will also laugh at your calamities; I will mock when your fear cometh; when your fear cometh as desolation.

My dear friends, you’re not an animal. God made you a spirit and gave you a body to cart you around in, to live in, carts so that you could, that spirit could be carted around. And it’s a rebuke that we live as if we were animals. We live as if we belong to this time. I’ve known old men. Old man, so old that they had all of the characteristics of old men. I have a few, but these men had them all. And yet, they were worried right down to the last about their property. Right down to the last, worrying about their property. Great God, how awful it is. To have been made in the image of God. To have had that eternal Ancient Wisdom which was with the Father, in which was God, come down and become one with us and be made flesh and die and rise and live above, and stretch out His hands and say, come, come, come ye foolish. Come ye foolish for I have set my table. I have prepared my feast. Come. Why will you die? Come ye simple, foolish ones in your wisdom.

We walk about on the earth thinking about our car and how high the tailgate is. Tailgate is an old farmer word. These things are called fins I think now, fins. How many lights are on the fins? And some of you if you didn’t have four lights on the fin, you couldn’t sleep tonight because the fellow across the street has four lights on his fin. Some of you women with your clothes. Some of you women with your gifts and your property. Great God, that we should be like this, that we should be a dove, made to soar and sing, or soar and coo and be a dove and act like one. That we should find ourselves in the garbage heap digging like a buzzard. And yet that’s what the world is doing. And they’re doing it because Christianity hasn’t told them what I am telling people tonight. Christianity has told them, come and accept Jesus and you won’t go to hell. And they said, oh, hell, I don’t care whether I go to hell or not. We’ve cut the ground out from under the Truth. We’ve cut the foundation out from under it with our materialistic theology and our carnal approach to things. When you walk out onto the sidewalk tonight, look up at God’s stars and say, I’m part of the everlasting universe. And I will not, I will not respond to the Voice of Eternal Wisdom as if I were a man made for time, for God has put eternity in my heart; not as if I were a man made for this world because God made me for another. Not as if I were a man of flesh, because I’m a man of spirit. I will respond as a man made for eternity.

Dear friend, if you don’t have it straightened out about eternity, the yellow curd that looks, that digs in the garbage can for food is better off than you are. Listen to me now. Don’t get mad at this. It’s terribly brutal, but it’s true. If you, made in the image of God and destined to be conscious through eternity, an individual, a conscious entity through eternity, with God having given you birth out of the Ancient Womb of Eternal Wisdom, and then incarnated that Eternal Wisdom in the power of a Man and sent Him to die for us. And if you go on your way and live your lives as if you were a beast, and Esau, I say the yellow curd that digs tonight in the alley for a crust, is better off.

When John Bunyan was under the great conviction of the Holy Ghost for sin, they didn’t get saved so easy in those days. And when they did get saved, it mounted to so much. We get saved so easy now. I told the Youth for Christ’s outfit over here that I spoke to Wednesday. I nailed 13 Theses on the door and one of them was this, that we have no right to make Christianity ridiculously easy when Jesus Christ made it tremendously hard. But we’ve made Christianity so easy.

Well, John Bunyan lived in the days when Christianity wasn’t easy. You carried a cross if you were going to go to heaven in those days. And he got under such blistering conviction that he was sure he was going to hell. And one day as he walked down the street, a man in despair, he saw a dog loping along. And he said, O God, I wish I were that dog, then I could die and be no more. But I’ve got to face Thee in judgment. Well, it didn’t take God long to straighten him out and saved him and made the great John Bunyan out of him. But he had to come there first. I say that though you walk all up the Gold Coast and all out in Beverly Hills and everywhere you want to go and see them out with their Cadillacs on the highway, Brethren. If they don’t know who they are, and if they don’t know why they’re here, and if they don’t know out of what they were created and back to what they will go, they’re as ignorant as Dani in the Baliem Valley. And all of their high fins won’t do them any good. Better be a living dog than a dead lion, said Wisdom. Better be a humble Christian who knows God than a big shot who doesn’t even know who he is himself, who doesn’t know he was made in the image of God to go back to God again.

You oughtened to go out of here tonight a man. You ought to go out of here a man in God. You oughtened to go out of here tonight and an Esau looking for the same red pottage. You ought to go out of here tonight a Jacob, changed and transformed by the power of God. Let’s pray.


Tozer Talks

“The Hebrew Doctrine of Wisdom

The Hebrew Doctrine of Wisdom

January 5, 1958

In the Book of Proverbs, the eighth chapter, verse 12 says, I wisdom, I wisdom dwell with prudence and find out knowledge of witty inventions. Verse 17, I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. Still wisdom is talking, and says, the Lord Jehovah possessed me in the beginning of His way, before his works of old. I was set up from everlasting, from the beginning, or ever the earth was. When there were no depths, I was brought forth; when there were no fountains abounding with water. Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was, I brought forth. While as yet he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the highest part of the dust of the world. When he prepared the heavens, I was there. When he established the clouds above: When He gave to the sea His decree, verse 30, then I was by Him as was one brought up with Him. And I was daily His delight, rejoicing always before Him.

You cannot in the reading of this, if you’re a student of the Bible, you cannot miss the similarity with the first chapter of John here. Hear instruction and be wise and refuse not, O ye children. For blessed are they that keep my ways. Blessed is the man that heareth me watching daily at my gates and waiting at the posts of my doors. For whoso find me findeth life, and shall obtain the favor of Jehovah. But he that sinneth against me wrongeth his own soul: all they that hate me love death. That’s an Old Testament passage.

In the New Testament, we find this, 1 Corinthians 1:22 and 24, to 24, For the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom. But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block and unto the Greeks, foolishness, but unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God. Colossians 2:2,3, That their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgement of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge. There’s love, understanding, mystery, wisdom and knowledge all wrapped together there.

Well, I will quote more Scripture, and I will read a little passage from the Old Testament apocryphal book, the Wisdom of Solomon after a while. Not that it is inspired, in the sense that canon of Scripture is inspired, but that it does represent the beliefs of men who lived before the time of Christ, Hebrews, students of the Word.

Now I am to deal with the Hebrew doctrine of eternal wisdom particularly as it relates to Jesus Christ our Lord. The Hebrews believe, and you can take only what I’ve read already here tonight and there’s much more. Because you will find this taught in Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the prophets. The Hebrews believed that there was an ancient, uncreated afflatus, a breath, and that it was variously thought of. Sometimes it was thought of apart from God. Sometimes it was thought of as being God. Sometimes it was thought of as being brought into being and other times it was thought of as bringing all things into being. And in this, it is very close to John 1 where it says, strangely says; Have you ever thought how strange this is? In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. There, John thinks of the Word as being with God in one breath, and being God in the next breath. So, it’s the same with this doctrine of wisdom as found in the Scriptures. It is considered to be the womb out of which all created things were born.

Let me read a little of what they thought about this doctrine back in the days about the time of our Lord, a little before and a little after; oh, 130 years before Ecclesiastes was written. And it was a translation from something that had been written two generations before. So, that would take us back maybe 200 or 250 years before Christ, but this is a little later. It says this about this wisdom. Now, Solomon didn’t write this, but it represents the teachings, the beliefs of the Jewish teachers.

And it says, wisdom is the worker of all things; for in her is an understanding spirit, holy, one only, manifold subtil, not subtle, lively, clear, undefiled, plain, not subjected to hurt, loving the thing that is good, quick, which cannot be hindered, ready to do good, kind to man, steadfast, sure, free from care, having all power, overseeing all things, and going through all understanding, a pure and most subtil spirit. For wisdom is more moving than any motion, and she passeth and goeth through all things by reason of her pureness, for she is the breadth of the power of God, and a pure influence flowing from the glory of the Almighty. Therefore, can no defiled thing fall into her. For she is the brightness of the Everlasting Light, the Unspotted Mirror of the power of God, and the Image of His goodness. And being one, she can do all things and maketh all things new. And in all ages entering into holy souls, she maketh them friends of God and Prophet, God and prophets; for she is more beautiful than the sun and above all the order of stars: being compared with the light, she is found before it. For after this cometh night, but vice cannot prevail against wisdom.

Now, I don’t quote this because I think that it’s inspired even in the sense that the book of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes are inspired. I quoted as I might quote Spurgeon, or Ironside, or Augustine, or anybody, who while they were not Bible writers, nevertheless, were keen students of what the Bible wrote, and therefore can be trustworthy teachers of what the Bible teaches.

Now, that is the belief that the ancients had about this. And here’s a strange thing. It is this wisdom, this I, wisdom dwell with prudence. I was with God. I was brought up before Him. And when He laid the foundations, I was there. And John says, in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. All things were made by Him and without Him was not anything made that was made. And He is in the bosom of the Father and He’s revealed unto us. The language is the same you see. You’ll find that Old Testament and the New Testament staying close together there. And then the Scriptures teach, and the fathers believed, that this Spirit that they talk about here, this, this, this Spirit which is called the breath of the power of God, the pure influence, flowing from the glory of the Almighty. This that is the brightness of the Everlasting Light. The Unspotted Mirror of the power of God and the Image of His goodness, that this is Christ; that Christ is the wisdom of the Old Testament. Sophia, they called Him in mystical days.

But this is what the fathers believed, many of them believed, and I think it was pretty generally believed. And so when John wrote, in the beginning was the Word, he was not identifying Christianity with Greek thought. You see, because the word elogious is Greek. The liberals claim that when John wrote the Gospel of John, he was under the influence of Plato, that he was being, and early Christianity was being strongly influenced by the Greek doctrine of the Logos, the thought and expression of God, for one word will not take it, thought and expression of God. And therefore, they’ve tried to tie Christianity in with Greek thought. And they said, you cannot trust, you cannot trust Paul. You cannot trust those writers that identify Christianity with Greek thought. You’ve got to go to the Gospels. Take the gospel, Sermon on the Mount and the teachings of Jesus and go back to Jesus. That was the cry a generation ago, back to Jesus, which meant back to the simple teachings of Jesus, such as the Sermon on the Mount.

Now, the simple fact is, when John wrote this, John was not identifying Christianity with Greek thought, for there isn’t one line anywhere in the New Testament that would allow us even to hint that John knew anything about Greek thought. John was a brother of James and a simple workman. And he didn’t know about Greek thought. Palestine was an occupied country. And John was not a scholar. And he had not gone to Athens or studied somewhere as Paul had studied under Gamaliel. But he was identifying the doctrine of the Word with Old Testament doctrine. He was identifying Jesus Christ with Old Testament doctrine, the doctrine of the Creating Word, for that is not a Greek thought; that antedates Greek thought by hundreds of years.

You take the Book of Genesis for instance, in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And God said, let there be light, and there was light. And God called the light, day. And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the heavens and it was so. And God called the firmament, heaven. And God said, that the waters under the heaven be gathered together, and it was so. And God called the dry land, earth, and it was good. And God said, let the earth bring forth, and it was so. And all through this, it was the Creating Voice of God. It was that Greek elogiouis, pronounce it as you please. I was taught to pronounce it logos. They call it logos I think now.

But this ancient Word that said, let there be light and there was light. Let the earth bring forth and it brought forth. And the Scripture says that it is through the Word He commanded and it stood forth. He spoke and it was done. It was the commanding voice of God that brought things into being. And it is written again that He upholds all things by the Word of His power. It is the speaking voice of God in His universe that holds things together, my friends. It is in Him all things are held together, not by adhesive, or by law, but they’re held together by the voice of God.

Is this awful dull? No? To me, this is just wonderful, but I don’t know. I guess you have to preach about Sputnik to get anybody to hear. Maybe after I’m through with this series I’ll preach about what the Bible teaches about Sputniks. And when I do that, I’ll just be as dumb as all the other preachers that are preaching about Sputnik. They don’t know anything about it either, only they know that’s the way to get people interested. And I’m so naive and stupid that I think God’s people ought to be interested in what I’m preaching now. I hope they, a few of them will be anyhow.

Well, I say that John was identifying the, Jesus Christ with the old Hebrew doctrine of the Creating Wisdom; the Spoken Word, the Creating Voice created all things; and not with Greek thoughts at all. Now, the church fathers believed this. And they saw in Jesus Christ, the incarnation of this ancient afflatus, this brightness of the Everlasting Light, this unspotted mirror of power of God, this image of His goodness, this that maketh all things. And in all ages entering into holy souls, she makes the friends of God and prophets.

Now what was it that entered into holy souls and made them prophets? It’s written that it was the Spirit that did it. It was the Spirit and the Spirit of Christ speaking in the book of Psalms, testifies, and David’s, the Spirit is speaking in David. He makes David sometimes sound like the Messiah, so that it’s the voice of the Messiah speaking. My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me? Why art thou so far from helping me? Well, that was David writing, but it was the Messiah, the Spirit of the Messiah, the Ancient Wisdom of God, the Word, that was speaking in the man David.

And so, it says that entering into holy souls, she maketh them friends of God and prophets. Then you come to this, for after this cometh night, says the Holy Ghost, says this man, but vice shall not prevail against wisdom. Doesn’t that remind you of that passage that says that the light dwelleth in the darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not. And if you’re a student of other versions you know, that what he said there was the darkness lays not hold of it, or the darkness does not rise up and prevail against it. The darkness cannot prevail against the light. And so we identify the Hebrew doctrine of the ancient and eternal wisdom with the New Testament.

Now Paul taught this. And Paul distinguished it sharply. He distinguished Greek thought from Hebrew doctrine. The other apostles wouldn’t have known how to do that. But St. Paul did because he was a learned man and he had studied Greek philosophy, but the other gentleman hadn’t. And so, they were forced just to stay by the text. But Paul could talk about Greek thoughts. So, Paul said this, for the Jews require a sign, and the Greeks seek after wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumbling block and unto the Greeks, foolishness, but unto them which are called both Jews and Greeks, Christ, the power of God and the wisdom of God. And he said, a little further down in that same chapter, first chapter of 1 Corinthians, that Christ is made unto us wisdom and righteousness and sanctification and redemption. And he distinguished sharply in those first two chapters, Greek thought from the Hebrew doctrine of the Messiah. And he said, when I came unto you, I came not with words of man’s wisdom. You will remember that in the second chapter of 1 Corinthians. He said, I didn’t come preaching unto you the speech of wisdom, excellence of speech. For I determined not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ. And I was among you in weakness and fear and much trembling. And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom.

There he was writing to Corinthians and Corinth was a learned city and the city of a great many philosophers. And this man was deliberately inciting here he got in past their guard. He was giving it to them where it hurt. And he said, this is the demonstration of the Spirit and power that we’re preaching. For in order that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men.

Always remember my friends, whenever we begin to equate Christianity with any current philosophy, or any ancient and honorable philosophy, it loses its power immediately. As soon as we begin to equate Christianity or show how that it can be made to fit into any of the doctrines of the fiery store of the Greeks and the Romans. Just as soon as we do that, we, it loses its power, Paul refused to do it. Paul distinguishes the doctrine of Christ, the wisdom of God, from the doctrine of the Greek doctrine of the Logos, the Word, the Wisdom of the Word, they got pretty close to it. Sometimes those old Greeks, and I saw in His magazine just this week, this came this last week, and I saw an article there about Hinduism. And the brother said, there what’s usually dangerous to say, these times, that the old Hindus sometimes managed to get awfully close to truth. And they said, some very noble and wonderful things. I’ve been saying that for a generation now, that not only the Hindus, but the Buddhists, and the you know, the men who wrote the laws of Manu and the Egyptian Hotep. And many of the others were very close to truth.

And I’ve been thinking about writing an article about Marcus Aurelius and show him how Mark Aurelius an unredeemed Roman was a better man than 99% of us Christians, and he had no redemption at all, and we have redemption. That’s an amazing thing, Brethren. And it proves to me how completely down, how down our Christianity is, how weak it is, how meaningless it is, how, how undistinguished and insignificant it is. When the whole power of God, the whole wisdom of God as it came down and took incarnation and went to a cross, can’t produce men as good as this stoic philosophy produced when it produced Marcus Aurelius and Epictetus. We ought to be ashamed of ourselves before God Almighty and we ought to lie all night between the door and the altar, and repent and grieve before our God that we’re so unlike Christ, and that there’s so little spirituality, and so little godliness in us. That wasn’t part of the sermon, but I couldn’t help but say it.

Now, Paul, I say, taught that, that the doctrine of Jesus Christ, incarnated idea, the incarnated Word, the incarnated Wisdom, was Hebrew and not Greek. And he said, I reject all your Greek ideas, and I give you Jesus Christ and Him crucified the Messiah. He is the fulfillment of the ancient Hebrew doctrine of the internal wisdom out of which, out of whose womb came all things and that is worth more than jewels and silver.

Now, I have read you some from the book of Proverbs. Now I want to read a little from the book of Proverbs again. This time from the ninth chapter. Wisdom has builded her house. She has hewn out her seven pillars. She has killed her beasts. She has mingled her wine. She also has furnished her table. She has sent forth her maiden. She crieth upon the highest places of the city. Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither. As for him that wanteth understanding, she said to him, come eat of my bread and drink of my wine which I have mingled. Forsake the foolish and live and go in the way of understanding.

Now, I read you a passage in the New Testament. Jesus answered and spake unto them by parables and said, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king which made a marriage for his son, and send forth his servants to call them that were bidden to the wedding. Tell them which are bidden, behold, I have prepared my dinner. My oxen and my fatlings are killed and all things are ready. Come unto the marriage. Almost word for word from the book of Proverbs. So that the Lord Jesus Christ literally was the incarnation and the fulfillment of this voice of wisdom that cried out to the sons of men.

That my brethren is not only the Lord and Head of the church. He is that, but that’s not all He is. He’s not only the coming King of Israel and King of the world. He is that, but that’s not all He is. He’s also the Enlightener and the Illuminator and the Quickener and the Annointer. Somebody said that there is no better commentary on the Scriptures than a good hymn book. I think they’re right. And I think that anybody will, that’ll borrow them, you can’t borrow them. You just can’t. I’ll try to find you one. But I won’t lend you mine because my friends are good bookkeepers. And I’ve gotta have this, but I think that the man, was it Watts and Wesley just to mention two, were better commentators than the fundamentalist writers that have written over the last half century. And if you will get their hymns and read them and study them, you know. They didn’t stick a lot of stuff in to fill space the way they do now, to make it rhyme. Everything was thought out carefully and set down and cut like jewels. At least, all that’s been saved for us it is so, that it’s commentary.

I have at home a book sent me by Leonard Ravenhill from England. It’s a book of I would suppose 300 pages, quite old, leather bound, and the leather is getting old and cracked, but it is this. It is Charles Wesley’s commentary on the Scriptures done into hymns. Not the whole scriptures, but the salient passages of Scripture down from the beginning Genesis 1 on down through to Malachi. All the outstanding passages of Scriptures instead of preaching a sermon on them, he wrote a hymn on them. Why, you’ll get more information and more light by reading it than you do in all of this so called commentary business.

And then He is, I say, our Enlightener. I got off onto those hymns by starting to say this, that when Isaac Watts said, the Lord pours eyesight on the blind. Incidentally, he didn’t say that John Wesley added that and made him say it. The Lord pours eyesight on the blind. Now there’s what I, can’t you think of that wonderful thing? Can’t you think of a man sitting over there blind from birth. And here comes someone with a vessel filled with a fine liquid, he just pours it on his temple and it runs down onto his eyes. He shakes his head twice and says, glory to God I can see. God pours eyesight on the blind.

My Brethren, that’s true. He’s a bringer of eyesight. The colored brethren say he’s a mind regulator. And He’s all that. He’s a regulator of the human mind. He’s an Enlightenment. So, that when the Scripture says that they that sat in darkness saw a great light, and they that sat in the region and shadow of death, light has dawned upon them, they’re quoting from the old Hebrew doctrine of the Eternal Wisdom, the Wisdom that created all things, that which was God and that which was with God, and that out of which came all things that are. That which had all the attributes of Deity. Have you noticed how they make wisdom to have all the attributes of God, or I don’t say all, but so many of them that you couldn’t give them to anybody else? Listen, an understanding spirit, holy, one only, one only. There you have the famous Hebrew doctrine, hear O God, hear O Israel, the LORD thy God is one Lord, and which cannot be hindered. There’s His sovereignty. And having all power, there is His omnipotence. Overseeing all things, there’s His omniscience. And going through all understanding, there’s His all knowledge.  Pure, there’s His holiness. And, it is the breadth of the power of God and influence, pure influence flowing from the glory of the Almighty. For the brightness of the Everlasting Light, she is on the unspotted mirror of the power of God in the image of His goodness.

Who else can you talk about there? You can’t put the Virgin Mary in there. You can’t put Paul in there. You can’t put David in there. They weren’t describing David. They were describing none other than their Messiah, who was born of the Virgin Mary, to suffer under Pontius Pilate, and arise after His suffering from the dead and take His seat at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. He is an Illuminator it seems to me, like the Enlightener of the mind, he is an Illuminator of the heart. He is an Anointer that pours eyesight on the blind, and we don’t know it.

Now, Paul’s prayer in Colossians 1:9, let’s look at it a minute here. Paul prayed in Colossians, a little prayer and He prayed it for those Christians. And he said, for this cause we also since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.

Now, what would wisdom and spiritual understanding make out of a man? If a man was filled with wisdom and spiritual understanding, would he write poetry? I hope not. I hope not. There’s too much of it now. Too much of it now. I get too much of it already. What does he do? What does he do? Walk around in a brown study and pull loose from the world and hide in a cloister or in an ivory tower? No, no, what’s the purpose? What’s the purpose of this baptism of the ancient wisdom of God into the heart of a man? Well, the old wisdom man said was to make a man a friend of God. But Paul said, that ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God and strengthened with all might according to His glorious power and to all patience and long suffering with joyfulness. It had this practical meaning.

This that I’m preaching to you tonight, is not something that once or twice a year you take out as you take out one of Mozart’s little pieces of chamber music and play it for a friend. This is not something like that at all. It’s as practical and hard and sound, and you can gear into it and it means something. It means something to the whole church of Christ. If we only saw this and understood it. And it says in Ecclesiastes, which is older than the wisdom book I read from. It says into a malicious soul wisdom shall not enter. Wisdom will not enter into a malicious soul. And he says that this is poured out. This is poured out upon men. And she’s pure, and she won’t come upon any of this, this wisdom won’t come upon any other. But she will not dwell in the body that’s subject to sin. The inner heart and the outer body have to be clean. We have to be right inwardly and outwardly before we can have this, this afflatus, this anointing that Paul prayed the Galatians might have.

Now, there’s this little poem, I’m just about finished for tonight. So, really, this is introductory. And this is the hard, this was the grubbing out, the laying the foundation. But we’re going on next week. But here’s a little poem and I don’t know where I got it. It’s got only four lines, which is in its favor, three better and two still better. But there are four here. It says this, wisdom and goodness are twin born, one heart must hold both sisters never seen apart, never seen apart. Wisdom and goodness are Siamese twin sisters and you’ll never see them apart. And if you’re going to have wisdom in your heart, you’ve got to take the other sister along. And the other sister is goodness. Wisdom and goodness are twin-born. One heart most hold both sisters and they’re never seen apart. I don’t know who wrote it. It’s not very good poetry, but it’s wonderful theology, that when the Lord redeems man and saves him, He takes him out and not only that he might go to heaven at last and escape hell. This frightful effort to get across that bridge and escape hell, it would be funny if it wasn’t so tragic. But that isn’t the purpose of God in redemption, to save us from hell. The purpose of God in redemption is to save us unto heaven. It is to save us unto something not from something; although to save us unto, He’s got to save us from.

And so we are saved. We’re saved from sin, but that’s the negative side. We’re saved unto holiness. We’re saved from hell, but we’re saved unto Heaven. We’re saved from the devil, but we’re saved unto Christ. And that’s the teaching of the Scriptures that we Christians, we Christians are followers of One who came to the world and claimed to be the fulfillment of all the ancient teachings of prophet and sage and seer, and men who walked with God. And we are followers of One who claimed that He was with the Father in the beginning, and that out from His bosom there flowed all things, that He was the fountain out of which came all wisdom, all knowledge, all light. He had no hesitation in saying I’m the Light of the world. He has no hesitation in saying Wisdom said when you meant some prophet had spoken. He said wisdom said. Do you remember that? Jesus used that word, wisdom said so and so. And he quoted it from, He had no hesitation in saying you that look on me, you’re seeing that ancient afflatus, that ancient Breath of God, that Ancient Word. In the beginning was the Word.

I don’t know what this does to you. But this is wonderful for me. If any of you are students in colleges where the professors don’t believe in Jesus Christ and you’re ashamed to speak up for Him, you ought to be deeply ashamed of yourself. Because that poor man is ignorant. He may be a PhD, but he’s ignorant. He doesn’t know that Ancient Wisdom, which was with the Father, and which stood up before the world was, he doesn’t know Him. But you know Him and you you’ve been introduced to Him by incarnation, by atonement, by resurrection, by the new birth you know that Ancient Wisdom.

And as Spurgeon said, let a man, let a man build himself a house on the hillside under the shadow of Calvary and he would be wiser than the Seven Sages of Antiquity. He’s perfectly right. And yet some of you are ashamed. You hide away and you try to try to keep covered up that you’re an evangelical. Brother, I’m not ashamed of it. I’m not going to stand up before Karl Barth and Albert Schweitzer and all that gang and say, now I’m a poor little dumb evangelical. Please forgive me. I won’t say it at all, because there’s no reason for apology. The only thing we have to apologize for is our sin.

When we’ve got rid of our sin and the Lord has taken our sin away, we are as wise as the angels, and as discreet and as knowing as the seraphs before the throne; for we have an afflatus of that wisdom. It won’t teach you mathematics. It won’t teach science. It won’t teach you chemistry. It won’t teach you English literature. But it will teach you something vaster and wider and deeper and grander and more wonderful. It will baptize you into that Light, that wonderful Light.

I just can’t get enough of this what the old man said. He said this is the breath of the power of God, that pure influence flowing from the glory of the Almighty. She is the brightness of the Everlasting Light, the Unspotted Mirror of the power of God, and the Image of His goodness. And in all ages entering into holy souls, she makes them friends of God and prophets. And I’d rather have a baptism of this in my spirit than to have the biggest church in the world and to be known widely around the world. Wouldn’t you? Wouldn’t you? Yes, yes, yes. Seek not fame, seek not popularity, seek not publicity. Seek only to know Him, to know Him.

That’s why Paul said, that I might know Him and the power of His resurrection, the fellowship of His suffering, that I might know Him. That’s why Paul said that. That’s why he pressed on and pressed on to know Him better and better. That’s why because in doing it he was going back to the fountain of everything.

Do you know this Savior? Do you know Him tonight? Do you know Him? Remember this and I will read this passage and quit for the night. Do you know this? You don’t find this out in school. In fact, I don’t suppose anybody mentions it in school, anywhere, from kindergarten on up to the PhD, but here’s what it says. Jesus answered and said, I thank Thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because Thou hast hid these things from the wise and the prudent and hast revealed them unto babes. Even so Father, for so it seemed good in Thy sight. All things are delivered unto Me of my Father, and no man knoweth the Son but the Father. Neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son. And he to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him. Babes, children, humble people, meek people, they know! And the wise and the prudent and the learned and the proud and the arrogant think they know. Let’s pray.


Tozer Talks

“Conditions for Answers to Prayer

Conditions for Answers to Prayer

March 11, 1956

Now, before I speak, I want to comfort Brother McAfee. I want you to stand up Brother McAfee, please. He’s been walking around upstairs in his study shaking his curly head and saying, oh, it’s such a beautiful instrument and it’s out of tune. I’m so ashamed. I’m so ashamed. Something happened to our piano. How many here noticed the piano was out of tune? Raise your hand. One? Few people know. Two people knows it’s out of tune? Now, isn’t that wonderful? Here he’s been groaning over the fact that the poor, lovely piano, such a beautiful thing, and it’s out of tune. We couldn’t get the man to tune it. He was ill. And something happened to it. It was, I suppose a piano can go down with a cold like anything else. And it’s out of tune and only the pianist and the Director noticed it. If everybody was, expressed themselves. So, from now on Brother McAfee I beg of you, don’t worry about it.

Now, another thing is, the board Sunday night, uh, Thursday night took notice that we’re in need of a little facelifting in here. And we are proceeding to have a housecleaning this spring, a new decoration job which should last us another couple of years. This has been about two or three years of Chicago soot, and of course, it’s a little dirty. If I hadn’t called attention to it you wouldn’t notice that either. But I’m as bothered about that as he was about the piano. How many knows how dirty the auditorium is? Well, he had two and I had about a dozen, about a dozen people notice.

Now, last Sunday night, I made the mistake of saying that next Sunday I would speak, give my third in a series of talks. I don’t know what was wrong. Brother R.R. Brown says when he gets above 2.98, he’s in higher mathematics for him. And when I get above three, I can’t figure right. I had three Sundays to conjure with last Sunday when I spoke, next Sunday, that I’ll be in Pittsburgh, and tonight that I will be here, leaving right after church. And I told you that it was next Sunday night that I’d finish my series, but it’s tonight. And therefore, we’re all confused tonight. But you know, it’s a blessed thing to not mind it. And I will finish tonight and then I’ll be ready for something fresh and new. When I returned from Pittsburgh.

I have talked on prayer from the book of John you know. We’re in the book of John, the 15th chapter. And I have taken that passage in John 14:13&14. Whatsoever ye shall ask in My name, that will I do that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in My name, I will do it. If ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you. Now, there are other verses that I have read, but I’ll just limit it to those tonight for a few minutes and then I want to read a little more Scripture.

But I have demonstrated before in two previous sermons that prayer has a specific power over the one who prays. And not only that, but that God answers prayer in the world of nature in external matters, so that it is both subjectively and objectively powerful. Prayer changes the individual subjectively, and also prayer changes things objectively. And I think, at least I hope I laid the emphasis upon the former as being the more important. It’s vastly more important to me that I should be changed to suit God than that I should have the power to change external things. Though the Bible teaches, as I want to point out, that God does change external things. I preached a sermon on that last week.

Now tonight, I want to talk about conditions, the conditions that must be met. It might be well for you to take this down and think it over later in your prayer times. I want to show you that there are about six conditions. I have no doubt there are more. But there are just six that seemed to me to be important enough to deserve a stress in this message tonight.

The first condition for prayer is that we have a right relationship to God. When ye pray, say, our Father. Now, God does not become our Father by our saying, our Father. And it’s not necessarily true that He was our Father and we didn’t know it. But he said to those whose children, who were children of God, when ye pray, say, our Father. God hears his children.

Now, there is a popular notion that God hears everybody. And this notion that God hears the prayers of everybody that prays is not an Old Testament doctrine. If I want to stay by the word of God in my beliefs, then I must discover whether a thing is Old Testament doctrine or not. And this is not Old Testament doctrine. In fact, the Scriptures were very plain in the Old Testament that God only heard those who met His terms.

And the idea now popular that God hears everyone is not New Testament doctrine. It is not found in the New Testament either. And Christian testimony all down the years have never taught that God hears everyone. This idea that anybody anywhere, a gangster on his way out to bump off a rival, or someone ready to rob a bank, or a man whose soul is all loaded down with iniquity, that all he has to do is simply pray to the all father or to the man upstairs and he will get the answer. He is unenlightened guessing. It is wishful thinking and no more. It has not tradition behind it, the tradition of holy men. It has not the New Testament behind it. It has not the Old Testament behind it. It has not the testimony of the closest walkers who walk the nearest to God.

Therefore, we should throw it out. In case anybody says, well, but if it’s not in the canonical Bible, it’s found in some other books. Well, I happen to have most of the other books. That is, I have what they call the Lost Books of Eden. And I have also the apocryphal Old Testament and the apocryphal New Testament. I’m taking the apocryphal Old Testament with me to Pittsburgh to study there in my quiet times. I have read these books, and there isn’t anything in any of them that will give credence to the doctrine that God hears everybody. Jesus said, when ye pray, say, our Father and God hears his children.

Now, we go back to the book of 1 John 5, 1 John, the fifth chapter. And listen to this, whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God. And everyone that loveth Him that begat, loveth Him also that is begotten of Him. By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and keep His commandments. For this is the love of God that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not grievous. For whatsoever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is a victory that overcomes the world, even our faith. Who is he that overcome the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God. This is He that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ. Not by water only, but by water and blood. It is the Spirit that beareth witness because the Spirit is true. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, the water and the blood. And these three agree in one. If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater. For this is the witness of God which he hath testified of His son, he that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself. And he that believeth not God has made Him a liar, because he believeth not the record. God gave of His Son. He that hath the Son hath life and he that hath not the Son, hath not life.

There you have a sharp distinction drawn as fine as a razor blade between those that do and those who do not; those that are and those that are not; those that had life and those that have not life; those that are God’s children, those who do not; those that have the witness; and those who do not have the witness; those that love God, and those that don’t; those that keep His commandments, and those that do not. There’s a line drawn. You will find that same line drawn through all the New Testament. So one of the conditions for getting our prayers answered is that we should have a right relationship to God. And in Galatians 3;26 it says, we are children of God by faith in Jesus Christ. Now, these are the ones and the only ones that can say, our Father Who art in heaven.

Now, in 1 John 3:16-22, we, uh, 19-22, we read that a good conscience is necessary before we can pray and get our prayers answered. My little children, let us not love in word neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth. And hereby we know that we are all of the Truth and shall assure our hearts before Him. For if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth of all things. Beloved, if our heart condemns us not, then have we confidence toward God. And whatsoever we ask we receive of Him because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. Now there is a passage from the first John epistle. And thus, the innocent heart is the confident heart. And the man who has a heart that troubles him, a conscience that’s bad, can never believe. He can pray, and he can pray endlessly, but he won’t get anything for his prayers because God will not hear a man’s prayer if he allows unconfessed sin to dwell in his heart. If he has a bad conscience, says the Holy Spirit, why there’s no use to pray. But if his conscience is clear, then he has confidence in God, and whatsoever he asks for, he gets.

And then we must pray according to God’s will. I typed these over so I could read them more easily, 1 John 5:14-15. Listen to this, and this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He heareth us. And if we know that He hears us whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him. We have confidence when we ask according to God’s will, and we know that then God hears us. And if God hears us, He answers us. The two are the same. One is tantamount to the other and the equivalent of the other. When God hears prayer, He answers it. And we know that we have the petitions that we desire of Him. So there, we must pray according to the will of God. God hears no prayer contrary to His will.

Now, the extreme example of praying out of the will of God is the Mohammedins who goes out on a forage to kill and to rob the caravans. And before they go, they kneel on their prayer mat and ask Allah if He will be so kind as to help them murder the traveler and steal his goods. Now, don’t smile, the human heart is capable of great iniquity and of great delusion. And of course, these people are deluded, deeply deluded. And they might as well, they’d better pray to the devil, because it’s the devil that wants to help them to kill and rob and steal and it’s not God, but they pray to God.

Now, no Christian would be so foolish as all that. The Christian ethic is too well known for that. And the Christian standards are too well known. No Christian would do that. But you can refine that a little bit and here at any Sunday morning in the average church, just refine, take away the blood and the bones and the dying and the robbing, and people pray selfishly out of the will of God. And God hears no prayer that is out of His will. And there is no possibility of praying with confidence if we pray out of God’s will. And if we pray without confidence, we pray without faith. And if we pray without faith, we pray without effectiveness.

Now, how can we know God’s will? There are two ways we can know God’s will by the Scripture and by the Spirit, by the Word of God, and by the Holy Spirit. First of all of course, there would be the Scriptures. A man can know that it’s the will of God that certain things should be done. And he prays within the bracket of the Word of God, knowing that the word of God gives him full authority thus to pray. And then where the Scripture doesn’t cover certain details, then he has the blessed Holy Spirit that can whisper to his inner heart the will of God, not contrary to the Scripture, though there may not be a text to cover it.

In a book on prayer written many years ago; and I read many years ago, but Dr. Reuben A. Torrey, he told about going to a YMCA and preaching on prayer to a young men’s group that gathered there. He preached on prayer and Torrey you know, was a believer that when you ask God for anything, you had the right to expect it, and God would give it to you. He just lived like that, though he was, they said, one of the most learned of the evangelicals. He still had got past that to simplicity of heart. So, he preached on prayer, and after he was over, the very embarrassed leader of the YMCA group said to him very courteously and yet was very much distressed. He said, Dr. Torrey, I’m sorry, and pardon me for mentioning it, but he said, you know, I think you left a wrong impression with these young men. Oh, Torrey said, indeed, and how was that? What did I say? Well, he said, you left the impression that we could ask for specific things and get them. That we could pray for specific events to take place and specific things and God would answer our prayers. Well now, he said, I’m sure you didn’t mean to do that. But I’m sure that that’s the impression you left.

Well, Torrey breathed a deep sigh of relief and said, well, my young friend, if that’s all you’re worried about, let me hurry to tell you that I meant to tell them that. That’s exactly what I meant to say. And if I said that and made my point, then I’m glad. Oh, but the embarrassed young man said, Dr. Torrey, you know, that’s true in the will of God of course, if it’s God’s will, we can pray and get anything, but how are we to know God’s will. How are we to know God’s will? Dr. Torrey said, young man, there’s a passage that says, if any man lack wisdom, let him ask of God and God will give wisdom to him. So that ended that and the young man probably piped down, but I doubt whether he was convinced that Dr. Torrey, this wise old saint of God, knew that if you didn’t know the will of God, you had a perfect right to ask for wisdom that you might know the will of God, and thus pray according to the will of God.

Mostly the Scriptures will cover the will of God, so that we can pray within the will of God according to the Scriptures. But as I say and now repeat, sometimes you cannot know without appealing through the Scriptures to the wisdom of God. And God answers your prayer and gives you wisdom so that you will not be praying out of the will of God.

Now, I don’t want to introduce anything humorous here because this is very serious truth, but there have been some very humorous things said and done. I remember a young lady who came to a preacher and said, Reverend, would you pray for me? Well, he said, what’s the matter with you? And she said, well, I want you to pray for me that I might be two inches taller. He said, are you healthy? And she said, yes, but I am two inches too short. Well, and you believe that God answers prayer and will do anything the Lord, that we asked Him to do? And I want you to ask the Lord to make me two inches longer and taller. And he said, well, I’m curious, why do you want to be two inches taller? Well, she said I want to get in as one of the girls in the chorus, as a chorus girl and dancer, and I’m two inches too short for the line. And unless I can stretch two inches then I won’t be able to get the job in the nightclub. Well, if that preacher was what I think he was, I’m sure he didn’t pray for her. I’d like to handle that lady. I’d have enjoyed that, I really would. I’d have liked to enjoyed that.

Well, now that’s funny, but she was a serious young woman. Now, nobody told her any better. And until you’re told better, sometimes you can be very foolishly wrong about very evident things. Things, that we after we see them and see how wrong we were, we smile at ourselves or blush. But until we are told and it’s pointed out to us, we can be very badly deluded. This young lady was. Now, that is a grotesque example of praying out of the will of God. There just isn’t any use to pray out of the will of God. If you pray in the will of God, God hears you. And if God hears you, He answers your prayer.

Now, right here, it’s not in the sermon, but I’d like to step aside from the regular development of the truth long enough to say this to you. Don’t press your prayers and expect them to be answered immediately. I suppose there are prayers that will have to be answered immediately or they won’t be answered at all. When Peter said, Lord help me, as he was sinking beneath the wave, he had to have an answer within one and a half minutes or there would have been no Peter. They would have fished him out and buried him somewhere. So I suppose there are prayers that have to be answered immediately, but they’re not very many. Mostly, God allows our prayers to drag along a long time. And it’s for our good that we might learn patience, that we might learn to trust Him, that we might have an opportunity to be disciplined and chastened and taught, instructed, and led in the right way. And that we might have an opportunity to check to see whether that prayer is of God or not, and then see whether we really mean it.

I don’t like to do this, but sometime I like to travel around and take down the number of petitions that I hear in prayer meetings or church services, and then check on how many of them ever get answered. Well, not only do most of them not get answered, but it would be a total surprise if they were answered because most of us pray more than we remember what we prayed for. We asked for things that we promptly forget because we’ve heard somebody ask for those things. We rib the Catholics because of their formality and ritual and because they pray by set form. We Protestants pray by set form too, the difference being that they’ve worked it out so that it sounds beautiful and we just improvise as we go along and play by ear. And because we haven’t the time to do it, mostly, it’s pretty bad. I believe there’s just about as much ritual in the average Protestant churches there is in the Catholic or the Lutheran or any other the ritualistic churches, they print theirs, and repeat them. And we remember ours and repeat them. And they’re about the same old thing. I could pray a pastoral prayer if it was nine o’clock any evening hanging by my toes on a clothesline wire, and know exactly how to intone it and how to make it work and then how to finish it off.

Now that’s, that’s simply religious habit. Brethren, by the grace of God I want to be delivered from that, even if it means that my prayers can’t be beautiful, and they can’t be, can’t be eloquent, they just have to be blunt preaching I pray. I remember one time that old W.T. MacArthur, William T. MacArthur was asked to lead in prayer. This sharp old man who God, one of the sharpest brained old man I’ve ever known, and a spiritual man, walked with God, but he wasn’t anybody’s fool. But he said, now we’ll have brother William T. Macarthur lead us in prayer. He got up and waddled over and he said, what do you want me to pray for? He wasn’t going to waste his words nor go through a ritual. He wants to know what they wanted done and what they wanted God to do for them and he wanted to pray with some meaning back of it. I thought it was rather blunt, but I’m not sure but it wasn’t all right. What do you want me to pray for him He said. They got him straightened out and the old man prayed and sat down.

Well now, the next thing is, what have I said up to now, you got to have a right relationship to God. There must be a good conscience, and it must be according to God’s will. And then in Jesus name, John 14:13-14. Ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it. Whatsoever ye shall ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. Now, this is so overwhelming that you won’t believe it. And it is so huge that I scarcely believe it even as I preach it. I pray that I might believe it. And I try to believe it and I cry, O Lord, I believe, help my unbelief. But you know what He says here. He gives power of attorney to praying people. How many here know what power of attorney is. You go to a lawyer, an attorney, and you sign over, sign your name to certain papers giving that man a right to act for you in anything pertaining to your business. He can commit you to anything, power of attorney.

Putting it around another way and giving it a biblical figure rather than the one I’ve chosen, He puts in the hands of any of God’s children, the royal seal. Did you know back in those old Bible days, they didn’t have typewriters and telegraphs and TVs and radios and all the rest that they have now? A man had a seal, a royal seal, a king did. And that royal seal had to be on all documents or they were invalid. Anything that was supposed to go out from the King and it didn’t bear the royal seal, they could have torn it in pieces and laughed at the messenger and thrown it on the floor. It didn’t have the royal seal on it. But everything that came out with the royal seal on it, instantly must be done, because it had the seal of the King on it, the emperor’s seal.

Do you remember back in the Old Testament when Joseph received the seal from Pharoah? And that meant that anything that Joseph did, the King had to back. He had the royal seal. And so, Jesus Christ puts the royal seal in the hands of His people. They usually wore it as a ring. That’s where we get our word signet ring. You know, occasionally now you’ll see some youngster running around with the signet ring with his initials, or initials cut in it. And that’s an old hangover from the days of the royal seal.

When a king had his seal on his ring, just to save him time, I think it’s pretty neat myself; in place of having to hunt around for the thing, he just had it on and all he had to, was just turn it over and stamp it and it was sealed with the royal seal. And when the King gave that royal seal to anybody, he could go throughout all the King’s domain and act for the King and have all the authority of the King and the power of the King. There wasn’t anyone from the corner policeman on up to the assistant king but what had to hop to attention when anything was spoken in the name of that royal seal.

That’s exactly what Jesus had in mind and what He meant, and it was out of that background, the figure that Jesus said, anything ye asked in My name, I will do it. I hereby bestow upon you the royal seal. I put the ring on your finger and all you have to do is pray and turn it over and stamp it with My name. And it carries all the power of the King. It carries royal power with it–absolute authority. Now, I said before I introduced that idea that you wouldn’t believe it. And I said that I have difficulty believing it. It’s true. I believe it’s true. But to believe that means, me, now that’s a difficult thing.

Do you know what unbelief says? Unbelief says, some other time, not now. Somewhere else, not here. Somebody, else not me. And faith says, if it happened somewhere else, it can happen here. If it happened to other people, it can happen to me. If it happened at some other time, it can happen now. There’s the difference. There’s what’s hard. O Lord, help our unbelief. God puts into the hands of his children the royal seal. But do you notice my brethren? God is not foolish, and God will not give the royal seal to the wrong man. Never would a king give that royal seal to an outlaw. Never would he give that royal ring to a man that he had reason to believe that would betray Him. He gave that royal seal only to one who had proved himself to be worthy of every confidence.

So before Jesus turns the royal seal over to His children, He says, you must have a right relationship to my Father by the new birth so you can say, our Father who art in heaven. You must have a good conscience. For if your conscience is against you, how can you use a holy thing like My name? And you must act in my Father’s will, because if you’re not in my Father’s will, then you’re in rebellion. And how could I give a royal seal to someone in rebellion? And having met these tests, being children of God and being good children of God with good consciences, and living and walking in God’s will and praying in God’s will, we have all the authority to move heaven and earth that Jesus Christ has. Do you believe that? Does anybody here believe that? That’s true, my brethren. That is true. That’s what the New Testament says. That’s what the Bible says. That’s true. And our wretched unbelief is the reason we do not put it in operation.

And then, here’s what the Scripture says. The Scripture says in Matthew 7:7-8, ask and it shall be given you. Seek, and ye shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For everyone that asketh, receiveth. And he that seeketh, findeth. And to him that knocketh, it shall be opened. If ye then being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that asked Him. In other words, if you’re born in sin, conceived in iniquity, having walked in the ways of sin, and having the disadvantage of having been a sinner, if yet your love for your little children makes you willing to give your little children anything they want, If it’s good for them of course, how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to them that ask Him. He didn’t say, how much more will your heavenly Father give anything to them that asked Him. I wouldn’t hand a revolver to a two-year-old child. I wouldn’t hand a razor to a two-year-old child. I wouldn’t hand a pound box of chocolates to a two-year-old child. But I would give good things to that child.

And so, He doesn’t say He will give anything. He says He will give good things. And the good things are in His will. And the good things are the things you want if you’re right with God. And in Mark 11:22-24, Jesus answering saith unto them, have faith in God. For verily I say unto you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea, and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he said should come to pass, he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore, I say unto you, whatsoever things ye desire when you pray, believe that you receive them and ye shall have them.

I said a while ago that we will not depress our prayers and would be discouraged if we didn’t get them answered right away. I believe that faith can afford to wait. Real faith can afford to wait. And the way God operates is very likely to be in nature the way it is in grace and vice versa. If you want a stick of chewing gum, or a little bar of Hershey’s, put a penny in a slot in the subway and you’ll get it. If you want an ear of corn, plant a grain of corn and wait. Cultivate it and watch it grow and wait. First the blade, then the tassel and the green ear and then the full corn, ripe corn in the ear. That’s the way God works.

God doesn’t work with slot machines. I am on a one-man lonely crusade against slot machine religion. I’m a voice crying in the wilderness. And nobody in within hearing distance, slot machine religion, put a nickel in the slot and get anything. Well, that’s the way people work, but that isn’t the way God works. If God wants chickens, He waits 21 days and makes the old hen sit for 21 days patiently there. I used to pity them. I used to say, Oh my, why couldn’t you just flop down and get up and they would follow her away. But no, she had to sit there for 21 days. And with some birds, it’s 28 days, and with others it’s still longer. If God wants an oak tree, it takes him 20 years to grow it. When He wants wheat, it takes all winter and up to July of the next year. And the God of nature is the God of grace, so that I think that the parallel there out to teach us that we oughten to rush heaven when we pray; that we ought to pray in the will of God and then watch God work slowly.

I’ve asked God for things and almost got discouraged, and then saw them begin to happen. They’re too personal. I would not want to introduce them here. But I would only say that some of the prayers that I’m carrying around with me in a little notebook. I bought a little notebook in a little 10-cent store in this little town of what I call the lazy sprawling village of Nyack one time when I wrote about it. I got it. I never have been without except once. I was afraid that I had lost it, but I found it around the house. I’ve carried that little thing with me since about, I guess,17 years. And I have prayers in there that I look over every once in a while, and remind God of them. And you know, some of them aren’t answered yet. In 17 years, God hasn’t answered them. But some of them have not only been answered, they have been answered so far beyond what I asked, that I wouldn’t have accepted it as a fact if God had told me what He was going to do then.

Sure, you can afford to knock and then wait. An American, you know, have brass knockers and they knock three times and want to go right in. But the kingdom of heaven can wait. You can wait and I can wait. So, let’s trust God and be patient. Some of them in the Old Testament even in that 11th chapter of Hebrews which is the Westminster Abbey of the Bible, even there some of them died without ever having their prayers answered. They got them answered, but not during their lifetime.

Now another thing about prayer if you want to pray successfully, and I take it you do, is that the whole life’s got to pray. God sometimes answers emergency prayers. There isn’t any doubt about that. They say that once during a flood, there were two houses. One was going one direction; another was swirling in another direction and they passed within hearing distance. And there was a colored woman on top of the roof of one of those houses, and somebody else on the roof of the other and the one was praying loudly to God; and the colored woman shouted, God doesn’t hear scared prayers, son. But God does hear scared prayers. He hears the prayers of His true people no matter, and He does hear emergency prayers.

So, I’m not going to stand here and tell you that your life must be perfect before God can, will hear your prayers, but I am going to tell you this, that while God does turn aside and hear sometimes emergency prayers, prayers that are a little above the level of our living, that isn’t His highest will. His highest will is that we should live the way we pray. William Law in his most famous book, “A Serious Call to Religion,” this William Law makes an argument which I have always thought, I guess I read this 25 years ago and it’s stuck with me ever since. He says that our trouble is often, we pray one way and walk another. And we cross ourselves up. He said, we ought to go the way we pray. Our prayer ought to go the way our life is going. If a man walks a holy walk, he can pray a holy prayer. But if he tries to pray a holy prayer and walk an unholy life, he’s crossing himself up. And he pleads that the people of God might begin to live the way they pray.

That’s what I mean tonight. I mean, our whole life ought to pray. I mean our whole life should be a prayer. I mean it should be a sacrifice on the altar. But the whole life should be. And I mean there should be nothing in the life that can cancel out the prayer. There should be nothing in my conduct, in my thoughts, in my deeds or ambitions, or my relationship to people that could make it impossible for God to answer my prayer. My whole life ought to pray. And you know what I think? I think the greatest prayer in the world is the unuttered prayer of a great life. I believe that. Jesus prayed. He sent up ejaculatory prayers. He prayed long prayers. He prayed before meals. He prayed in company. He prayed with the people. He prayed alone. He prayed every kind of prayer, I suppose there was. But the greatest prayer He ever made was the walk He took from the time He toddled out of Joseph’s carpenter shop until they nailed Him on a cross. His life was his greatest prayer.

The Bible says He pleads for us at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, making intercession for us continually. That has given some people the impression that Jesus Christ is engaged in a perpetual prayer meeting on His knees before the Father, interceding forever. No, His presence there is the most eloquent prayer in all the wide world. That He is there and that we are here, and that He wears our nature and has our shape and looks like us. And an angel walking about could see that form and say, a Man has arrived. A Man’s in heaven, a man. Sure, a Man is there, our Man, God’s Man, the sample Man, the second Adam, He’s there. And His presence there by the right hand of God is the great eloquent prayer for you and me. He bears our names on his hands and on His shoulder and on His breast. And there before the Father His eloquent presence is His mighty efficacious prayer.

And I believe the greatest prayer in the world is the prayer of a life, a life that goes in the right direction. That’s not to spiritualize praying and that is not to give it a mystical turn and relieve us of the privilege and necessity to pray for specific things and expect them. I think we should do both. I think a man is a mighty unskillful, is mighty unskillful in prayer if he has to unscramble himself, wash up and get a quick haircut and straighten himself out and try to look decent as he walks into the presence of God. He should have been like that all the time, should have been. Children of God should be presentable all the time. A man who allows himself to run down, four days growth of beard and clothes that are soiled and then suddenly he has to appear before the King; he’s got to do some fast footwork to get ready for that royal appearance. He should be ready all the time.

God’s people should never need morally and spiritually to have to rush around and get straightened up to get into the presence of the King. They should live so they can enter that Presence without embarrassment anytime. They should have on the robes of Presence that would allow them to go in before the King without embarrassment.

Now, three more thoughts and I’m through. In the Book of James it says, ye have not because ye ask not and ye ask and receive not because ye ask to consume it upon your lusts. And then it says, ask and ye shall receive. Now, here we have the word “ask” three times. Ye have not because ye ask not, and there is the penalty of prayerlessness. You could have it if you had asked for it. You’re not asking for it and therefore you’re not getting it. How little we have may be the result of how little we ask. More asking means more getting. Less asking means less getting. Ye have not, because ye ask not. That’s the penalty of powerlessness. But, ye ask and receive not because ye ask amiss, that you might consume it upon your lusts. There’s the penalty of selfishness. To ask selfishly that I might have it to consume upon my lusts is to make it impossible for God to answer. And then, ask and ye shall receive, and there’s the reward of faithfulness. Anybody can have that outline who wants it and you preachers, ye have not because ye ask not, the penalty of prayerlessness; ye ask and receive not because ye ask amiss, the penalty of selfishness; and ask and ye shall receive, the reward of faithfulness.

So now I hope that this may have encouraged you to know that prayer is not simply something that religious-minded people mumble, but that it is a science, that it is an art, that it is a skill to be learned by the grace of God, that it is a privilege to be enjoyed, that it is authority to be wielded, that it is a right you and I have in the blood of the Lamb. And we can go to God and ask what we will and it shall be done unto us. Do you believe that? Will you then practice it a little more than you have been? If I could be sure that you would pray 15 minutes more a day than you’ve been praying, it would be well, would have been worth my time here tonight. Will you do it? Will you take it on yourself? Will you dare to go to God? If you shouldn’t have it, don’t ask for it. Don’t want it. Stop wishing.

God’s poor sheep wishing, wishing wishing like the farmer that sits on the front porch and wishes for 10 acres of golden corn. And he calls his wife and says, May, would you please join me in wishing for 10 acres of golden corn. So she joins him. She says to him, George, I think that we ought to call in our neighbors. I think there’s power in numbers. Let’s call in our neighbors. So she goes to the old phone and rings three times and the neighbor answers and she says, come on over, George and I are sitting on the front porch wishing for 10 acres of golden corn. Pretty soon, they have a front porch full of people all sitting there wishing for corn. I know it’s ridiculous. I know it, but a lot of God’s children are doing the same thing. They’re wishing for things. Stop wishing. If you ought to have it, pray and you’ll get it. And if you can get it without asking for it by a miracle, get it. Go do it. God won’t do what you can do. And there’s no use for you to try to do what only God can do. And if we can get untangled on this thing so we’re not trying to do what only God can do, and not asking God to do what we ought to go do.

Could I tell again the old story of Moody? It is so old that it’s as worn as the shoes that he looked at when he came into a prayer meeting one time and there were a lot of monied-men, Christian men with money. Here they were, and as he walked in, all he saw was the soles of a whole lot of businessmen’s shoes all around a circle. They were asking God for $1,500. Little old blunt Moody said, Brethren, get up. I don’t think I’d bother God anymore about that. He had it. Any one of them could have written a check and never noticed it. But they were down on their knees asking God Almighty to give them what they could have gotten by a scratch of the pen. Don’t waste your time asking for things you can do yourself. Do them! God isn’t going to spoil us by waiting on us hand and foot. God won’t make your bed. God won’t wash your dishes. God won’t mow your lawn. God won’t shovel your snow. And be careful you don’t do what I did. I shoveled snow twice during the week I had off and I’ve had a sore back ever since. But watch it. But you do it. If you can do it, do it. Hire it done, but get it done. Don’t bother God about it.

But oh, there are so many things you can’t do, and those are the things God wants to do for you. God specializes in the impossible. With God, all things are possible. And all things are possible to him that believeth. And there’s a realm of impossibilities, a realm of exploits where human brains can’t do it and human hands can’t do it. Only God Almighty can do it. That’s where prayer becomes powerful. Prayer moves the hand that moves nature in the world. But if you can do it, do it. And if God doesn’t want you to have it, don’t waste your time wishing for it. You only learn bad mental habits. If God doesn’t want you to have it, don’t want it. And if He wants you to have it and you can’t honestly get it, pray for it, that is, if it’s in His will. If it’s unselfish, if it’s for His glory, if it’s for the good of humanity, pray for it. And the Lord will answer your prayers.

Amen. You’ve got the royal seal. I hope you use it. I hope you’ll learn to use it. What couldn’t we do if we learned to use the authority given us by our Savior? What couldn’t we do?

We’re deliberately not using man’s methods in this church, deliberately not using man’s methods. We repudiated them as bad, opportunism and advertising methods and big businesses. We’ve thrown them out as being bad and we’re trying to go the New Testament way. We must look out now that if we choose the New Testament way, that we have the New Testament Spirit, because technically to take the New Testament way and then not live the New Testament life is to work against ourselves. Let’s believe God together and let’s pray more than we have. Ye have not because ye ask not. Put prayer to work and see what God will do for you and your family, your business, your home and your church and your life and your country. And everywhere within the will of God, green grass will spring up by the water courses. And where dragons used to lie, roses shall bloom, and you will find yourself wonderfully enriched as you pray believing.

Now let us pray. Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for the privilege of prayer. We thank Thee that we’re not out of touch with heaven. We thank Thee Thou dost incline thine ear unto us and hear us. We confess to Thee our staggering unbelief and our doubtings. We confess to Thee Lord, that as a company we’ve not dared to be as bold as we should. But we want to correct that. We want to come boldly to the throne of grace and ask for what we need. Thank Thee for the answers we’ve seen, marvelous answers Lord that couldn’t come except Thou didst send them. But there are still some things unanswered. O Lord, we pray Thee, make this a praying church. Make these people so bold, so aggressive in their praying that they will cry under Thee boldly and dare to continue to pray until the answer arrives even if it takes weeks and months, and in some instances may be some years. But it will come, for Thou art God and Thou wilt not confuse Thy people nor cause their faces to be ashamed. Teach us to pray O Lord. Teach us to pray. In Jesus name, Amen.


Tozer Talks

“Things Prayer Will Do for You

Things Prayer Will do for You

March 4, 1956

I told you last week that I would speak on prayer. We have come to prayer in John, John 14:13 and 14. Whatsoever ye shall ask in My name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it. In John 15:7, If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you. And in the 16th chapter, there where our Lord says, on that day ye shall ask in My name, and I say unto you that I will pray the Father for you. For the Father Himself loves you because you’ve loved Me and I believe that I came out from God.

Now, this is only one of hundreds of passages having to do with prayer. And last week, I pointed out, and I will only sketch this briefly and go on from there, that there were two contradictory views of prayer. They are made to be contradictory, where actually they are not contradictory, but are complementary. One of them is that the only value prayer has is the subjective effect it has upon you. If you pray for your enemy, it doesn’t help your enemy, but it helps you to feel better toward your enemy. That’s a sample of it.

And then, the other view is that prayer is a way of getting things done. That the Lord is our servant at our command. And that He has put Himself in our hands and made promises from which He cannot escape. that enable us to go to God and ask Him for something and get that thing. If two men are bidding for a contract, one of them is a Christian and one of them isn’t, the man who is the Christian prays that he might get the contract. And so, his sealed bid is a little lower than the other man. When two men are in the prize ring, one says he’s accepted Christ and the other one is a pagan unbeliever and the man who’s accepted Christ prays that he might be able to knock the other fella groggy. And the Lord answers prayer and He does. That’s making God our servant and getting things from God.

Now, both of those views are wrong and both are right. God isn’t going to help a business man chisel another businessman. He isn’t going to help a prizefighter knock another prizefighter unconscious. But nevertheless, God does answer in the realm of nature. He does answer prayer. And then your prayer does have a subjective effect upon you. Both are right, but either one run to extreme is wrong.

Last week, I talked about the subjective benefits of prayer. Tonight, I want to sketch briefly the things prayer will do for you; what we may expect God to do in answer to prayer.

Now, there are about seven provinces that prayer embraces. And any one of these would be well worthy of a full sermon. I will name them for you, and then try to sketch them as quickly as I can. One is our personal, spiritual life. The second is our bodies. The third, our family. The fourth, our material needs. The fifth our friends. The sixth, our country. And the seventh, the progress of the gospel. Tonight, I suppose the seventh one will receive the greatest amount of emphasis.

Now, there are those that say that there is no use to talk to God about any of these things; that it is impossible to believe that a God as great as the God of whom the choir sang, the great God who speaks in thunder, the Mighty God who holds the world in His hand. That God should be interested in details. They conceive God to be the chairman of the board or the president of a vast company. And you might as well ask the president of the company to replenish the paper cups in the dispensary at the watercooler in one of the small offices of his vast plant, as to ask God Almighty to be interested in any of the small details of our life.

Now, if there’s anything that the incarnation of Jesus did, it was to explode this idea and to teach something else. When Jesus Christ, the eternal Son, before He was incarnated, left all that and thought it not being equal to God something to be hung on to, but voided it all and left it and came down in the form of a man, and took upon Himself our nature and our flesh, our nature without sin and our flesh, and became one of us. Then immediately we draw from that to conclusion that God must be interested in us in detail. That God is not the great president of the company, the top figure in a descending scale of important figures down, but that God being the God He is, can take care of the sparrow and the grass and the lily. And Jesus said that there was not a hair on our head, but the Lord had them numbered. And that Jesus said that the sparrow’s fall was observed by the Father. And the Bible teaches that God the Father Almighty was interested in the care of his prophet Elijah and sent an angel to bake him barley cake for him to eat. And we read in the New Testament that when Peter was in jail, that the great God sent down an angel with a cloak, or at least he brought the cloak, Peter’s cloak and told him to put it around him, put his shoes on his feet. It was cold outside, and then led him through the locked doors, showing that God the Father, because He’s omniscient, omnipresent, and imminent, can take care of all the details of all of His people without any bother and without ever getting confused.

If one man, or the President of the United States, had to take care of Ward 19 and had to see whether the light was working here at the corner of 69th and Halsted and it had to do that all over the United States. And had to see that all the post boxes, the mailboxes were painted, and that all of the little details were all taken care of, He would die of a nervous breakdown in 24 hours. Nobody could do it, because men are men.

But God being God can do everything as easily as He can do anything. And He can do all things with as little effort as He can do any one thing. And the eyes of God go throughout all the earth. And God sees not only everybody that lives, He sees every hair on all the heads of all the people that live. He sees not only all the sparrows that were ever hatched, but He sees all the feathers on the wings and misses a feather and knows where it falls. So, the Bible teaches us that God is personally interested in us. That He’s interested in the details.

Now, I want to talk a little about our spiritual lives and since I preach on that so much, I suppose that I really ought to give that only once over lightly and say that God is interested in your spiritual welfare, and that God is ready to hear you pray. David, when he got himself into a jam because of his sin, got on his knees and talked to God about that the same as you would talk to a doctor. And he let God probe him and analyze him and diagnose him and find out what was wrong with him in order that He might be able to make him well again.

And you and I can go to God, and we should go to God. We shouldn’t waste our, all our time on ourselves. It’s a very and decidedly selfish kind of praying that’s always talking about me and my and I. But before we can pray rightly for anybody else, we have to be right ourselves, and therefore we can come to God with all the details. You have a perfect right to go to God and talk to God about anything that bothers you in your spiritual life. Then have God give you a sympathetic hearing, and a warm, friendly attention to all the details. That’s your personal spiritual life.

And then our bodies. Now, there are many people who do not believe that God is interested in human bodies. Oh, when God knelt down, as the poet said, out of the river he scooped the clay. And there the great God, like a mother bending over her baby, worked over a lump of clay until it became the shape of a man, and then blew into it the breath of life and man became a living soul. God sanctified the human body. And when God the Son came to the body of the Virgin Mary and Himself took a body which grew to manhood and became a full, mature human body with all the functions of the human body, God swept away forever that doubt, that says, God is not interested in our bodies. There is a passage in 1 Corinthians that says, the Lord for the body. And Simpson and those around him made a great deal of that little phrase, the Lord for the body. I think he wrote a book on that subject, The Lord for the Body.

The Lord is interested in the human body. So don’t you imagine that He isn’t. We go to God, some of us, only about the things that matter and then we look at the other things ourselves. That is, the things that we think that matter that they are particularly interesting to God, but God isn’t interested in the other things. God is interested in your baby. God is interested in its temperature. He’s interested in you. He’s interested in your body. And you and I have a right to come to God believing that. Now I’m not quoting scripture tonight. But the Holy Ghost is bearing witness to the truth of this because I am giving you the distilled essence of the Scriptures, and the sum and substance of what’s found all throughout the Bible.

So, God is interested in our bodies. You say then you believe in the Lord healing the human body, Mr. Tozer? I do, I don’t think that we ought to become so body-conscious that we become physical the way some people are. There are people that would not drink two glasses of water before breakfast, if they thought it was for medicinal reasons. There are people that wouldn’t stretch nor yawn if they thought it would do them any good physically. They expect God to keep them well by a perpetual, sparkling miracle. Well, I don’t go for that.

Neither do I go for big healing campaigns. You may put me down there that I do not, because it’s 95% psychology and 5% is a racket. But I do believe that God’s interested in my body. And I believe that I have a right to go to God, and to talk over with Him my condition, and then to hear God speak to me. And I believe that in the will of God, I have a right to expect deliverance when it’s God’s order that I should have it for His praise. I don’t believe that I can just eat as I please, live as I please, do what I please and use my faculties and powers for my own amusement and pray and joy and pleasure and then goes through the world as a worldling, seeing what I can get out of it and then run to the Lord and have the Lord do a miracle deliverance on my body. I don’t believe that. I wouldn’t respect a God who would stoop to that kind of thing. But the humble child of God walking in humility before God can go to the Heavenly Father and ask prayer and ask in prayer for deliverance and can get that delivered. The Lord knew that I’d never make good healing evangelist or good healing preacher, so the Lord gave me a verse back in the Old Testament, as thy days, so shall thy strength be. God gave me that, as thy day so shall thy strength be.

Well, we have a man for instance in the Alliance. He is now I think about to give up his position and retire. And about 35 years ago he had tuberculosis. And he took it to the Lord in prayer and the Lord healed him of tuberculosis, but he only has one lung. And he is about this tall and about this wide. And he has been all over the world Brother Tom, all over the world, traveling all around, up and down the mountains going everywhere like brother Thomas here, and he’s been doing it for 30 years, and still he’s able to keep going somehow or other. You look at him and wonder why and what holds him up. But he has learned he says, to take strength from the Lord day by day. He says, I’ve learned day by day to take strength from the Lord.

That’s Dear Dr. Sneed, one of the saintliest and one of the best informed and one of the most poured out and devoted men that I know in Christian circles anywhere. He should have been dead long ago. At least he should have been retired and dangling his long legs in the water in Florida long ago. But he’s still able to get around. The last picture I saw of him looked to me as if he wouldn’t be around much longer. He’s an old, old man now. But he should have died 25 years ago, but he’s lived on the strength of God. God took care of him.

What I’m trying to say here tonight is that the human body lies within the province of God’s prayer willingness in our families. Because some of us weren’t able to get all of our children actively in Christian work. There’s one of my boys that’s not a Christian. Why the people sneer and say, who are you to talk? Who are you to talk? Brother, did you ever stop to think, we brought up six boys in Chicago, Illinois, and not one of them got hanged or went to jail. That’s a miracle in itself. If the great God Almighty hadn’t helped us and answered our prayers, we would have had at least two juvenile delinquents out of the six. So, God did answer prayer. God does answer prayer. And He answers prayer for the family.

Now, you have a mean husband, and you’re a Christian and living with your husband is like living with a bale of barbed wire. And you don’t like it. And you’d love to have him changed. And so, you pray continually, O Lord, bless my husband so he’ll be easy to live with. He won’t hear that prayer, because God knows what you want to do is you want the weather to be warmer in your house. You don’t want to live with a fellow like that. Oh, you want to live with him, but you want him changed. God isn’t going to answer that selfish prayer at all. And until you get to you accept him as he is, rusty barbed wire and all, the Lord won’t even hear you for him.

Dear old brother Tom Hair, I heard new one about him just recently. I think it’s worth telling. Dear old brother Tom is up in St. Paul. And some woman came to him, and he saw she was a selfish, carnal thing and that she wanted her own way. So, after a number of conversations with her and she’s following him around one day, he said, by the way Sister, do you have your gun with you? She said no, no gun. What do you mean? No. He said, I’d like to shoot you. You’d be more good in heaven than you are on earth. You’re no good down here Sister. And he bid her goodbye and dismissed her. That was praying Tom’s Irish way of handling her. I suppose she went out of there white as a sheet and wondered what happened to Tom. But he’d been in Chicago and decided that was the way to handle your enemies. But Tom didn’t mean he was going to kill her. He just meant that she was so hopelessly wrapped up in herself she was no good to anybody. You can get that way. There are people that haven’t wept in sympathy for anybody else’s family but their own for 25 years. There are those who never pray for anybody but their own family, except in a more or less hit and miss way.

But God does care about your family. And God does hear pray for your family and He will, because the point is now, your family is embraced within the province of prayer. It lives within the boundaries of prayer possibility and God does hear for your family and their material needs.

I got myself in a bit of trouble here and there by some of these rub the Aladdin lamp and make God Your servant kind of prayer fellows. And they’ve written some sour things about me. And I thank God for every sour thing. But the impression is among some people that the Lord is your junior partner to run errands for you, to sharpen your pencils and be sure that you get the help you need so that your prosperity will grow and then in order to keep God coming, you give him a tithe of your money. God works on a percentage and he works on a 10 percent percentage and if He keeps you prosperous the more He prospers you the more he gets.

Now, that is literally what you would gather from a lot of tracts and a lot of testimonies that I read, that God works on percentage. No. What does God need of your money? God has to give you a dime before you can give Him back the dime anyhow. Did you ever think of that? It’s like getting a Christmas present from your four-year-old boy. Where did he get the money? You gave it to him. And so you give him the money for the Christmas present he gets and comes to you just as innocently as if he’d worked and earned it. And so when you give anything to God, where did you get it anyhow? God gave it to you or you wouldn’t have had it.

God isn’t concerned with your money. It’s awful to tell an audience that isn’t it Brother Tom? It’s awful to tell and audience that God isn’t concerned with your money. If any of you think that you can buy God off or get an in with the Lord or get any special favors from God because of your generosity, you might just as well sleep on your wallet and sew the thing up and hide it under the bed because God isn’t interested in your money. He’s interested in your soul and he’s interested in what giving will do for you.

But the Lord has lots of money. Think of it all. Think of the uranium God has and the gold and the silver and the pearls. Why, of all the oysters with all the pearls, that God knows where they are, were fished up on earth and the pearls taken out, why it would be more than you and I could ever pay for in a million years, yet God owns all of His oysters and all those pearls. And all the silver and gold, and anything we give, it’s God’s in the first place. And God isn’t going to work on a percentage or on a commission at all. But if you want things for His honor, He will bless your business. And He will help you and He will work with you. And the workman has a perfect right to go to God. In fact, he should do it and consecrate his business, his job, his occupation, his profession, whatever it is to the Heavenly Father.

And I think of a man, say, like a surgeon that a good many of us in this church know. A fellow said that he had to have a very serious bit of surgery. And this man knelt down by his bed and said to the nurse, would you kindly go out and get so and so, and she went out and closed the door and this surgeon got down on his knees and prayed. The surgeon told me this in another instance. He said a man brought his wife to him and he said, this woman, my wife has something wrong with her leg. And I’m bothered, we’re bothered about it and we’d like to have you see what the trouble is. And he examined and then he said, I am afraid that I’ll have to tell you that you’re in trouble and I’m afraid that it’s cancerous.

Well, they both jumped up and went up and said, we won’t take that. We won’t take that diagnosis. We’ll go somewhere where people know something. So, they went to Mayo’s. And after she had been thoroughly examined by Mayo’s, they corroborated his testimony and they said she has cancer. And the only way they can save her life is to amputate, take her leg off. And they brought her back to this good brother, rather humbled now and chastened. They said, Doctor, we’re sorry that we blew up on you and talked the way we did. You were right and we were wrong and we want you to perform the surgery to save her life. And he said, Mr. Tozer I got down and cried and cried and cried. He said, think of it brother Tozer. For me to take a knife and cut off that white leg. He said, I cried, but I did it. He said I did it to save her life. I did it because they both wanted it and now, she’s healthy and well, but she’s crippled. And you tell me God doesn’t hear prayers for a man like that brother. A man whose tears lie close to the surface and who loves and who’s sympathetic and who wields his knife and prescribes after seasons of prayer.

Yes, God hears prayer for our bodies and he hears prayer in our professions. He blesses the farmer and glorifies God in his living. He blesses the laboring man who glorifies God in his home and in his work. He blesses the businessman who glorifies God in his business. He blesses the professional man who takes God into his profession. But He doesn’t run errands for anybody. And He isn’t a water boy for a proud Christian businessman. But if we’re humble and meek and live for the glory of God and live to praise Him and live for the good of our fellow men, God will work on our books and God will work on our sales and God will work on our jobs. And God will help us.

Then our friends. Our friends lie within the province of prayer possibility too. I’ll simply say that means intercessors. You’ve got to watch in praying for other people that we don’t get our nose in other people’s business. Some people are careless and don’t care for anybody. Other people are so careful about everybody, that they’re really in danger of intruding. Let’s watch that. Don’t intrude in other people’s affairs. Be careful not to do it. But if you know where prayer should be made or if someone comes to you for prayer and counsel, then you have a perfect right to take that person on your heart as though you were that person and intercede in a unity that makes the two of you one.

Did you know Everett Rowl in the city of Akron, Ohio? Everett Rowl was a worker in the rubber shops in Akron and a lay preacher and one of the dearest and most wonderful Christian men that I ever knew, and quite a preacher in his own right. There was an evangelistic campaign coming to town, and wise Brother Rowl went to the Lord about it. He said, Now Father, I want to pray, but I don’t want to waste my prayers. So, I would like to have you lay on my heart the people I ought to pray for to get converted during this meeting we’re having. And he said, slowly there began to crystallize within his mind five men’s names, rough, tobacco-chewing, dirty storytelling, rugged Adamic sinners they were who worked with him in the shops.

So, he said, I went to God Almighty on my knees and in intercession I pleaded for the souls of these five men. And he said before the last night of the meeting, four of them had come and been soundly converted, but one held out. He said, I went back to God and I said, God, you’ve given me four but four fifths is not enough. I want five fifths. Give me that last man. So, that evening meeting was about to close, it was closing that evening, and the invitation was given to those who would like to become Christians. And this man stood and held on to his seat solid in the church. And then, just before the last song was sung, he bowed his head and went forward and knelt and surrendered his heart to Jesus Christ and became a Christian too.

There were five sinners, literally snatched as brands from the burning by the determined intelligent intercession of a man for his friends. Your friends lie within the province of prayer possibility. There may be some things God won’t answer, but that’s not one of them. He will answer for your friends. You have a right to go for your friends, your neighbors, your relatives and intercede, provided you will take the blame on yourself as Jesus did, and carry the load as Jesus carried it in a more limited and relative sense.

Then there’s our country. Our country lies within the province of prayer, God will hear for our nation. When brother Thomas told me that these different allied groups would have nothing to do with other allied groups with a no man’s land between, I said you’d think they were civilized. That’s the way we do it after 6-4000 years of civilization education. But our country and the nations of the earth and the rulers and those in authority, and those whom God has set up and put in authority to carry on the business of politics. That dirty word politics is not a dirty word. It’s the science of managing human affairs. And it once was a beautiful thing, read Aristotle’s politics, read John Locke’s politics and see what it meant to them. A high and lofty thing, a beautiful thing, the managing of human affairs, human society so as to achieve the greatest amount of freedom and the least amount of oppression for the vast numbers of people.

You and I have a perfect right to go to God. I will not bring politics into this pulpit. I have been advised to tell you who to vote for but I’m not going to do it. And you wouldn’t do it any half a day. I’m not going to drag politics into this pulpit. I stand here not as a Democrat nor Republican; I stand as a Christian above both of them. But I have a right to go to God as a Christian and we have a right to go to God as a church and pray that He will throw his shielding arms around this land of the free.

Our worst enemy is not Russia. Our worst enemy is ourselves. If America would clean up and brighten up and pray up and get right with God and preachers would begin preaching the Word of God again, and we’d repent and become penitential, not all the armies of the world could destroy us. For our beams were laid deep in theology and religion and a high moral philosophy and righteousness and nobility. And the country was dedicated to the glory of God. And there aren’t enough enemies, there aren’t enough enemies no matter how they pool their interest in the whole wide world and destroy America unless we destroy ourselves from within. But if we rot from within, we’ll collapse and go down as the Romans did. Nothing could stand before the Roman Empire while she worshipped her rugged gods and held to a strong, stoic morality but when she began to laugh at God. That’s happened, it’s now happening in America. It became necessary for the police to protect women walking the streets in Roman cities. And they’re doing it in America and in Chicago today. They rotted from within and then it was easy for the Vandals and the Goths and the rest of them to come down and destroy a nation that was already rotten inside. So, our country lies within the province of prayer.

And of course, the progress of the gospel. We can pray the Danis to sanity. We can pray. We can pray Capulcas to righteousness. We can pray the tribes in the Philippine Islands to God. We can do it. We can break the chain of Russia. We can pierce the iron and the bamboo curtains. We can. We can deliver these countries if the people of God pray. And next time I talk to you it will be two weeks from tonight. And I want to talk about conditions of prayer. What they are, but I’ll leave it for tonight.

There is a hymn sing following at the Ver Ploegh home down in Beverly Hills. We want all you young people to go and have yourself a nice time and get in off the streets. Poor brother Thomas, I thought we were going to have our greatest missionary convention, and I think we’ll have a $40,000 missionary offering this year. 35,000 last year, no reason why we can’t jump it to 40,000 this year or more. Are you going to join me over the next weeks in earnest prayer to God Almighty, that this church might come alive and begin to produce fruit in a manner never has before? Will you promise me that, hand up in answer to prayer. Will you pray with me and for me and for us? Brother Thomas Will you close in prayer? Our Father we would ask the that a real spirit of prayer, that kind of intercessory prayer that only Thou canst give birth to would take hold of every one of our hearts. Teach us the real value of prayer and make these thy people a praying people. This we ask in Jesus’ name, amen.


Tozer Talks

“The Blessing that Lies in Prayer

The Blessing That Lies in Prayer

February 26, 1956

Now, we’re dealing with the book of John. And tonight, begins the first two sermons on prayer from the book of John. And I’m going to read the passages. The deal, I’ve skipped them up to now in the 14th chapter and in the 15th. And we’ll run ahead to the 16th. And read three verses, two verses. John 14:13 and 14, whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it. Then, 15:7, if ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you. Then 16:23 and 24. And in that day, ye shall ask me nothing. Verily, verily, I say unto you, whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in My name, He will give it you. Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name. Now, ask and ye shall receive that your joy may be full. Now, that’s what our Lord said in these three chapters about prayer. I don’t think it is in need of any great amount of exegesis or interpretation, it’s simply here. It is waiting for faith to lay hold of it, that’s all. So, tonight and next Sunday night, I want to talk about the blessing that lies in prayer.

Now, there are two concepts of prayer that seem to be mutually exclusive of each other. One is what we call the objective concept. And the other, the subjective. Now, I know you know what that means, but if there’s anything I don’t like to hear a preacher uses technical terms that he doesn’t explain, and then he goes soaring off and he’s lost connection with his audience. He’s having a good time, and they’re not coming. So, for the sake of the half dozen who might not know what I mean, when I say subjective and objective; subjective means having to do with the subject and objective having to do with the object. It is very simple, and some people, some people, when they talked about prayer, bear down on the subjective element, I, the subject am praying and all the good that prayer does, is what it does to the subject, namely me. It soothes me and calms me and rests me and inspires me, and maybe illuminates me in some major. Thus, it’s subjectively valuable to me.

That’s about all you hear about prayer in the day in which we live. If you are an avid reader of the Reader’s Digest, which God save the mark, I hope you’re not. That there is nothing wrong with it. That’s its trouble. You know, what they say about the Reader’s Digest? Oh, how terrible. Oh, how wonderful. Oh, and that’s the Reader’s Digest, those three sentences. But anyhow, if you’re an avid reader of the Reader’s Digest, you will get a lot of talks on prayer in that little book. But they’re all subjective. It’s what prayer didn’t to come me, what prayer did to soothe me, what prayer did to relax me, what it did to arrest me. It is the subjective element that is prayed up, played up in, in most of the modern articles and sermons on prayer.

Then, there is what we call the objective element. That is, what prayer does for you and to change things. Those who believe in the objective power of prayer have a motto on their wall “Prayer Changes Things.” And that hasn’t anything to do with the subject. Prayer to such people is a kind of lever which you can use over a fulcrum to raise the world. It’s a kind of an Aladdin’s lamp which you can rub and get what you want. It’s a fairy godmother you can call to your fingertips and brief her, and she’ll come back within a few hours giving you exactly what you want.

So, we have these two ideas of prayer. Prayer that doesn’t have any objective meaning, anything outside of you, you can’t make the sun stand still, and you can’t get anybody delivered from disease, you can’t open a field that isn’t open. You can’t do anything actually objectively; it’s only what it does for you. And the other, neglect what it does for you and talks about being able to do just any old thing in answer to prayer. Well, which are we going to adopt and which does the Bible teach?

Well, I’m very happy to tell you tonight that those two views are not mutually exclusive. One does not cancel the other out and you’re not forced to take one position and reject the other one. Both of these are true. It is both true that prayer has a subjective power over me. It is also true that prayer offered in the name of Jesus Christ can actually get out into nature and change the face of the world.

Now, let me give you two Old Testament illustrations of this. There was the man Elijah once. He was up on a mountain and was surrounded by 400 prophets of Baal. He was in trouble and they were going to tear him to bits. He had already whipped them up until they were so angry that they’d have killed him certainly if God hadn’t come to his rescue. And here at the close of the day, at the time of the evening sacrifice, Elijah prayed a little prayer just about that long, about I guess, five lines long in an Arab column and asked God Almighty to come and prove there was a God in Israel. And immediately fire came down on the altar and consumed not only the sacrifice but the altar itself and the stones and the water and the dust. And everybody cried, great is Jehovah, He is the Lord.

Now, that’s the objective element in prayer. You could go through your Bible and find time after time when men called on God and God did things outside of them. But on the other hand, there was a man one time who was deeply convicted of his sin and his name was David. And he dropped to his knees and said, have mercy upon me, O God according to Thy loving kindness, and according to the magnitude of thy tender mercies. Blot out my sin. Renew a right spirit within me and purge me with hysop and I shall be clean, and restore unto me the joy of my salvation. And all of that was happening inside of David. And it all did happen inside of David. You could have stood on the outside and never seen any of those prayers answered. They were subjectively answered. They were wrought on the subject, not on the object on the outside, but on the subject, the man himself.

So, the Bible teaches both. The Bible teaches that prayer has an amazing influence and power over the individual. And it also teaches that prayer properly made in the will of God, can bring answers that can change the face of the world, where it is the will of God that it should be so.

Now, lest you should get a wrong notion about prayer, I’d like to say this most disillusioning thing and I think also discouraging thing. Nobody likes to have his toys taken away from him, nobody. We’re all grown up children, and we all like to rattle a toy. I play with my grandchildren’s toys to this day, as old as I am, and we all like toys. And I don’t like to take away from you any little crutch that you might have leaned on, but the nicest man in the world is the man who will kick a crutch out from under you after you outgrown your need of the crutch. If your leg is healed and you don’t need the crutch, you may get a fixation there and become a slave to that crutch. And somebody comes along and kicks it out from under you and you’ll whimper for a while and then find you can walk without it. So, you’re delivered from that bondage.

Now, what I mean is that prayer, in itself, is exactly nothing at all. There are those who make prayer to be something. And I’ll talk about it tonight and I will say prayer does this and prayer does that, and you should pray and prayer does this, and yet I want you to understand me to begin with that prayer in itself isn’t anything at all. For the glory of prayer lies in this, that it engages God. The wonder of prayer is that it engages God and brings the human soul into contact with the everlasting God. And prayer itself isn’t anything. Men can pray to the Virgin. Men can pray to Buddha. They can pray to an idol on a hilltop. They can pray to Zeus up on the top of the mount. They can pray to Jupiter. They can pray to the God of the ocean or Aeolis, the God of the winds, and they’ve done it down the years. Mohamidans get down five times a day on their knees and pray to Allah.

So, prayer in itself isn’t anything. Prayer is simply addressing an instrument. And if the instrument is working, why, prayer is communication and it will get you through. But, if it isn’t working, it’s talking into a dead telephone. And a great deal of prayer is simply talking into a dead telephone; there’s nobody on the other end, and if they were, they couldn’t hear because the phone is dead. It’s been pulled out from the wall. If we had all the time taken up in something useful that people have spent talking into a dead telephone in the name of God over the past centuries, I think we could make the world better. Now, if we’re not geared into God, and if we haven’t engaged God, and if our souls are not clean so God will hear us, and if we’re not in the will of God, then prayer means nothing at all. You can pray until you’re white-faced. You can pray all night.

And I have no idea but what some people substitute prayer for obedience. For instance, you’ve wronged somebody, you’ve done some evil thing. I don’t know how far I’ll get tonight. I’ve missed a track here. Don’t tell these young preachers down here, but I have jumped over my outline, away from my outline. But, my brethren, it is perfectly impossible to pray as a substitute for obedience to God’s will. A man has wronged somebody, he’s done some evil thing, or he said an unkind, cutting, unfriendly, unpleasant, cruel thing. And yet, instead of ever going back and confessing that and apologizing and getting that straightened out, they’ll attend 50 prayer meetings rather than go back and say, I’m sorry. There’ll be there if you announce a half night of prayer, say we’re going to pray until the cock crows, they will be right there on their knees, but they won’t obey God. So, prayer may be substituted for obedience. And that kind of prayer is nothing, nothing whatsoever.

There was a man one time who stole a golden wedge and a goodly Babylonish garment. And the power of God left Israel and Israel was driven in disgrace and humiliation before her enemies. Joshua, the man of prayer lay on his face crying unto Jehovah, oh, my God, why did you desert Israel and allow Israel to flee before her enemies? And God said to Joshua, get up off your face, what are you down there praying for? Get up off your your knees. There’s an accursed thing in Israel. Get rid of that cursed thing and you can cut down on your overhead. You won’t have to pray so much if you’ll get right. So, Joshua called them all before him, and he said there’s an accursed thing somewhere and they went through the ritual they did finding out, how to find out who was which, and they cast lots and pretty soon Achan was found. And they just led Achan out into the valley and stoned him to death and piled rocks on him. And then they went and won the victory. Prayer could have been a substitute for getting rid of the Christian thing that was in their midst.

So, my dear friend, there may be times when prayer is offensive to God Almighty. Read the first chapter of Isaiah and see if it’s not true. Prayer is offensive to God Almighty when it is made in disobedience. It is offensive to God Almighty when there is no intention to obey. When we’re not clean and we don’t intend to be clean. And over top of our pollution we go to God and pray the Lord’s Prayer and all the other prayers we know, read the Psalms of David and make up prayers of our own and talk to God by the hour, and still we’re not living right.

Now Brother, prayer can be a snare and a delusion and exactly mean nothing at all to the soul. So, when I talk about prayer and the power of prayer tonight, I don’t want to be understood to mean that I can simply, by mumbling a lot of prayers, move God or influence my own soul in any degree. You know over in Tibet, they have Tibetan prayer wheels. I’ve seen those Tibetan prayer wheels. They write prayers down on them, and then everybody walks by. There are long affairs, rollers, sort of, big rollers and those prayers are on them and they spin them. They’ve set on rollers so they spin nicely. And everybody that goes along spins them. They just keep them spinning all day. And you know, I thought of a way for a modern mechanized Tibetan to really pray himself some prayers. You know, if I were, if I were a Tibetan worshiper and I wanted to really spin the prayer wheel, you know what I do? I take the fan belt, or the fan on my automobile to a shop somewhere and have a prayer engraved on it. And then after that, it would be just as easy as could be. Let the whirling of the engine spin your wheel and you’d certainly pile up merit. But after all, what would that mean? It would mean absolutely nothing at all.

And all of the prayers that ascend to God, all the moldings and mumblings that ascend to God, unless they go up in purity and faith and obedience and righteousness, it’s so much wasted wind. But, granted that the subject has met the conditions. Granted, the blood of Jesus Christ has made him clean. Granted, that he is in the will of God, so far as he knows. Granted that he’s a student of the word and is open to see what God would have him do. Grant that. Grant that the man’s motive is right, and that he’s praying in the will of God. Here are some of the benefits of prayer, subjective benefits of prayer. Next week, I’m going to talk about the objective benefits of prayer what God will do on the outside from an unanswered prayer. But tonight, with possibly overlapping here and there, I only want to run over hastily, what prayer means to the individual?

Well, I think that it’s only a religious cliché to repeat that prayer is the greatest privilege ever granted man, that the Ancient of Days, high and lifted up, should so stoop down and condescend to listen to the prayers of such worms as you and I, sinners by nature, and for a while by choice. Little men and women with breath in our nostrils, with our tiny hearts beating away, ready to stop one of these days, and let us collapse, hopeless chunks of clay and animated dust that we are. And then that the great God Almighty, who made the sun and rolled it around in his hand and flung it against the darkness, and Who made the stars and studded the skies with them, and who cut out the rivers and pushed up the mountains and girded the world, and made man upon it, and gave him food to eat and air to breathe and water to drink, that that great God, Who holds the world in the hollow of his hand, that He should come down from His immensity and should bend His ear, and like a mother bending over a sick child, trying to catch the faintest whisper meant to catch the ear of love. That I say, is the greatest privilege in all the world.

Therefore, prayer should be the most sacred thing in the world, and it should be made with the greatest sense of thanksgiving and gratitude. Not only is prayer the highest honor that can be granted to any being, but it’s the most profitable investment in all the world.

Now, I’ve had this experience and I suppose some of you have. I’ve had the experience of having the whole world on my back. Talk about a monkey on your back. Talk about an ape on your shoulders. Talk about the old man in the woods with his legs locked around your neck, choking you to death. Talk about Atlas carrying the world on his shoulder. And you felt as if you were all of these things and a whole lot of things man hadn’t thought of yet.

And you drop to your knees with your open Bible and got still and quiet, read the Word and looked up to God and didn’t ask for much. But looked up to God and got calm, and got orientated and adjusted to God in your own soul. And pretty soon, the world began to roll off of Atlas’ back. The old man in the woods began to unlock his bony knees from around your neck. And the burden began to roll off from your shoulders and all those apes got off your back. And you stood up rested and good, then you felt as if you’d been three weeks in Florida.

Now, I’ve had that experience happened to me. When if I had just gone just five minutes longer, I would have quit the ministry, resigned my church, and maybe run off from home. But, by the grace of God, there’s such a thing as making a profitable investment in prayer just for its subjective value, just for what it’ll do for you inside of you, just for the tuning up of your instrument and for the harmonizing of your soul within you.

And yet, while it is certainly the greatest honor and the most profitable thing, it is also the hardest thing in the world for Christians to do. I have no doubt that much of the squirrel cage activity in religious circles today is a substitute for prayer. Prayer is the hardest thing in all the world and you know why? Because you have to be right to pray. You can be superstitious. You can write chain letters. I got a chain letter lying up here on my, my desk, read Matthew 15, 16 and 17 and then copy all this out and send it to four other people. If you don’t do it, you’ll have bad luck. What kind of witch doctors have we got in this country anyhow? What kind of hopeless pagans and heathens out of the woods and pagans out of the jungle? What kind of chicken killing, dog killing, idol makers do we have in these days sending out chain letters. Brother, sister, if you get a chain letter saying, praise God from whom all blessings flow and tear it into 999 bits and throw it away. Let the winds of God blow through your home and blow out that trace of superstition, that vile residue of heathen iniquity that men have made in the chain letters, offering your good luck if you copy them and threatening bad luck if you don’t. My God’s name isn’t luck, it’s Jesus. And Jesus Christ never put me in the hand of good luck. He never made the postman to be my keeper. Well, prayer changes things alright and the greatest thing in the world is when it changes you inside. And yet it’s hard, because it means obedience. It means a mood.

Some years ago, I recommended a book, a great mystic classic, and it was sold so widely that I don’t know whether they had to do it, but Harper’s came out with another edition almost immediately. And it was bought everywhere and people got it and yet some people said is this all? Is this all? They couldn’t read the thing. It was The Letters and Counsels of Fenelon. They couldn’t read it.

When somebody told me, that when a head and a book come together and there’s a hollow sound, you don’t allows need to blame the book. And when we read deeply spiritual things and they mean nothing to us, it can only be the proof of one thing, that we’re not in a spiritual mood to understand that book. If I can read Fenelon and not get anything out of it, it’s because I have a heart that is carnivorous. It feeds on flesh and enjoys munching on the ragged, bloody bones of this world, and it’s not been prepared by the Holy Ghost to read anything as rarefied and lofty as the writings of that man of God and others like him.

So, it’s the hardest thing in the world–praying. Saying the Lord’s prayer isn’t anything. That’s nothing. Anybody can say the Lord’s Prayer. All you need is time. Just have time to memorize it and away you go. But really getting in gear, getting your heart right with God and being in a position so that the Lord’s Prayer means anything to you. That’s very, very hard. And it’s so hard that people would rather do anything at all. They’d rather join something, organize something, travel somewhere, fly someplace, write something, say something, do something, paint something, spade up something. God’s people will just do anything to keep from praying. And yet prayer is the most profitable investment you can make and the most highly honored activity that you can take part in.

Now, prayer has run the church for 2,000 years and nothing else. We imagine other things around the church. We imagined money does it. And you’d think to hear us preachers, that money was absolutely indispensable. I tell them in New York that the treasurer’s office is the least important part of the Alliance. And I’d like to have you know, and I say this at the risk of some of you taking me literally and staying away from the paymaster booth back there. But I’ll tell you this, that if you haven’t got anything but money, you’re not helping this church any brother, not a bit. If that’s all you’ve got, oh, give it. We can use it for God’s glory around the world. I don’t say withhold it, but I just say this, that if you haven’t anything but money, you still don’t have much of anything. It isn’t money that runs the church and it isn’t brains that runs the church. I like a well-witted brain. And I get with somebody that’s got a sharp mind, I like to get around him and whet a little of the rust off my mind on the mind of some bright fellow. I like to read books that are sharp and that demand attention. But I realize that brains haven’t run the church for 2000 years any more than money. Neither have gifts and personality.

These are the days when personality is supposed to run the church. We want personality, but personality never ran anything yet except to show the church of Jesus Christ doesn’t run on personality. If you met some of the people that have written the great hymns, you’d shrug and turn away. I’ve seen the pictures of some of the great hymnists. Some of the weirdest looking fellows you ever saw that would make McAfee and me look good by comparison, really! But that is, funny looking little fellows. What was this fellow’s name you and I talked about Ray? William Walsham How. Isn’t that a name to conjure with William Walsham How. What a man that was. He must have been and yet, I’ve seen his picture and I don’t even look that bad. He had no more personality, no more personality than a fried egg, and yet, we try to make personality to be everything.

And we teach young people to part their hair in a certain way and wear argyle socks parted on one side and come down the aisle in a certain manner and do things in a certain way We teach them just where to put their hands and all the rest. And when it’s all over, we’ve got the sweetest cage full of trained monkeys you ever saw in all your life. Personality never saved anybody and personality was never used of God particularly down to this day. Neither brains, your money and your personality nor pull, prestige and pull.

People would like to have pull and prestige. And the average preacher if he can get his picture taken with a governor or a senator, even if he’s only on the back seat, 19th roll back on the far end, behind the post, he’ll sell it or to send it around to his friends. I was on that platform when Governor big dome had his picture taken. Brethren, how carnal can we get and still claim to be followers of Jesus Christ. There was no beauty in Him that we should desire Him. And He was so common looking that Judas had to kiss Him so everybody know who He was. If He’d been nine feet high and a basketball player, or if His shoulders had been 14 feet across with pads on and he’d been a great end for Notre Dame, they’d have known Him easily. They’d have said, that great big good-looking hunk of a fella back there. Go get Him and you’ve got Jesus. That Jesus was so plain looking that Judas had to go up and kiss Him on the cheek so they would know it wasn’t Peter or somebody else.

No, my brethren, prayer has run the church for 2000 years. And after all the big domes have been laid in their quiet beds, and after all the great physiques have withered away little tired, old men, and after all the money has been devaluated until it isn’t worth as much as even it is now, the church of Jesus Christ will still march along driven by the winds of prayer, driven by the mighty gales of prayer from the hearts of men and women who are in touch with Deity.

Prayer again over leaps time and place. Peter couldn’t wait for the correct time. Peter was sinking in those waves. And if Peter had to consult a calendar to know whether it was time to pray or not, he’d have been 40 feet down before he could have got to the right day. But, Peter said, Lord, help me, and those three words had power in them all right, and God got him out. And there was Jonah. Jonah couldn’t even go to church and sit among the boys. He couldn’t do it. He couldn’t listen to a choir. He couldn’t hear an exposition of the eighth chapter Romans. He couldn’t do it. Jonah was in the belly of the whale. And so, he cried out to God out of the belly of the whale and made up his own prayers; he went along and blew bubbles and slime and prayed. And God, from his prayer, made the whale so sick that God helped Jonah out of the belly of the whale and he went off preaching, what he should have done in the first place.

So, prayer overleaps, time and place. I’d hate to think that I could only pray in one place and in one position. And I’d hate to think I had to go to a certain locality to pray. Now I got to prod up to the church here three blocks, turn right one block, and then run up a corridor and get into a certain position before I can pray. Wouldn’t that be a terrible thing when the fellow is in a fix. That’d be awful, but it’s not so my brethren. Prayer overleaps time and place. You can pray up in an airplane. You can pray down in a submarine. You can pray on a hospital bed. You can pray in a school room. You can pray in a kitchen. You can pray anywhere. And you don’t have to do this. These little pictures we see, you know, the ones we have around on our bulletins, two little old reared up hands doing this. You don’t have to do that brother. Some people do their most powerful praying when they couldn’t get their hands together. A fellow fell down a well, he said, head first. And he said the greatest prayer he ever made in his life was standing on his head down there in that well. God heard him all right and got him out.

I heard of another man. I know that old brother. He was first converted and then he was filled with the Holy Ghost in the cab of a fast passenger train down in Georgia. That is dear old Fant, the ambassador on rails. Old Brother Fant, God bless him. He’s getting old but he’s still able to write me a letter occasionally telling me how he enjoys the Alliance Weekly and he wants me to know he’s for me, amen. Well, he believed in the coming of Christ, Brother Fant did, and he told the people down in a certain little town that he did and they believed the Lord was coming. And he said one of these days the Lord’s going to come and when He does, the dead in Christ will arise first and everybody living will be changed and be caught up with the Lord in the air. And he said, maybe I’ll even be taken out of my cab.

There was a little town down there where he used to preach sometimes off hours. And when Brother Dave would be coming into that town, he’d blow them a long salute. It wasn’t in the rule book, a long salute. In other words, praise the Lord friends, here goes Fant and his train would roar on through the little town. And one day the train roared through and it didn’t whistle. And the people of that little Georgia town got all excited and ran and out the back door across the yard to other people’s houses. They said, we wonder if it’s happened. I wonder if it’s happened. Maybe it’s happened. Brother Dave didn’t blow his whistle today. I wonder if the Lord’s taken him out of that cab? Well, that was Dave Fant. That was the man who could pray in a cab. And he didn’t do this. He had to keep his hand on the throttle so it wouldn’t wreck.

Now, I think I’ll have to close before I’m done, but say that prayer is a great leveler of men. The most illiterate person in the world can pray. And the most cultured person in the world can’t do any more than that. No matter how cultured you are friend, your clipped Oxford accent done in the best Shakespeare won’t make your prayers any dearer to God. And the most uncultured fellow in the world can pray just as well as the most learned. And there is no man alive, I don’t care if it’s the Queen of England, she being a woman, or the President of the United States, he being a man, I don’t care what human there is in the world, how high their exalted state, there is no man that can do a greater act than pray an effective prayer. The men whose names and pictures are on the front pages, are the great men of the world. The great men, Jesus said of the Gentiles, but, they cannot do a greater thing than pray. And the old man beside the track in Alabama, who gets his old battered Bible out and reads out loud and marks it with his fingers as he goes along painfully reading, for he only had a year or two in school. And then gets on his knees and looks up through the cracks of his poor shack and talks to God, he’s doing a greater deed than a prayerless president can do. He’s doing a greater act than a prayerless prime minister can do. And there isn’t a prayerless king in the world who is as great in the kingdom of God as that old man in the shack in Alabama.

Prayer is the great leveler Brother. In the presence of prayer there are no popes and bishops and pastors and doctors. In the presence of God there are no little men. In the presence of God there are no big man. In the presence of God there are only redeemed men! So, prayer is the greatest leveler in all the world. And when two men kneel down together, they’re all the same.

Down at the University of Illinois last year, year before last now, I had the happy experience of kneeling in prayer with different sorts of men. And I lost track of how great they were. When they were introduced to speak or lead in prayer, they gave them a build-up that long. And yet, I prayed with those men. I knelt down here, there was an old Alliance preacher and over here would be a Quaker missionary from Borneo and over here would be a Baptist missionary from Ecuador, and over here would be a president of a college and over there would be somebody else, but we didn’t know. Everybody was just everybody else. And the funny part about it was, you couldn’t tell when a man prayed whether he was a college president or just a little fellow like me. We all sounded alike in the presence of God.

But there’s more. Prayer is not only the greatest force in the universe, but that force is available to the children of God. Prayer makes old people young, and it makes young people wise beyond their years. I would rather trust to the wisdom of a praying man 25 years old than I would to the wisdom of a man 75 years old who didn’t pray. For I don’t think we ever ought to listen to any man that doesn’t first listen to God.

And the praying young man will have greater wisdom than the prayerless old man. But the praying old man will have the happy usefulness of a young man. I said to Brother Ray here the other day, it suddenly struck me for the first time, I said why is it that everywhere I go I mingle with young man. Why is it? Hardly an old fellow ever singles me out except to reminisce, and when he finds that I don’t go back quite as far as he thinks I do by looking at me, he gets disappointed and walks off. But in young fellows I have the time of my life. I wonder why. Could it be they are praying men, and really young men inside and you don’t know it? That a praying man stays young, and a praying young man gets old in experience and knowledge? I believe so.

And prayer robs adversity of its power and makes poor men rich and smooths the dying pillow. You know, one of these days you’re going to die. Isn’t that awful for a preacher to tell you that? Nobody talks like that in public. We all have a conspiracy of silence about this matter of death. Nobody wants to believe he’s going to die. But everybody’s going to die. You’re all going to stretch out and die. Some of you sooner than you’d ever dreamed. Do you know how well you’re going to die? I’ll tell you. You’re going to die just as well as you’ve prayed. No better, no worse, just as well as you’ve prayed. You’re smoothing your dying bed now. You’re making up your bed now Brother. My God, how awful it must be for those who live carelessly and pray little, and live out of prayer and then come to die and then have to try in the last frantic hour or hour and a half to pack into those few precious minutes what should have been a lifetime.

When Hayne rose and spoke for state rights back before the Civil War and in favor of the dissolution of the Union, he was a Southern orator. Daniel Webster was there and heard him. Daniel Webster said, tomorrow, I’ll answer him. And they said to him, Mr. Webster, do you think you can answer him tomorrow? Answer him, he said, I’ll grind him to bits. So, the next day he delivered that amazing, unbelievably wonderful and powerful oration called Webster’s reply to Hayne. And when he went in triumph out of the Senate chamber, somebody ran up and said, Mr. Webster, how in God’s world did you prepare an oration like that in 24 hours? He said, young man, that oration cost me 40 years. He could only rise in the hour of crisis to where he had been in the hours when there were no crises. And you can only rise in God as high in the hour of crises as you’ve lived in God when there was no crisis on. And if you want to have your dying pillow smooth, you’d better smooth it now while you can.

Now, I repeat again what dear old brother Tom told me at Beulah Beach. Here, he and I, I felt young in His presence and small, for Tommy tends to get a little round if he doesn’t watch it. And he’d had too many friends and they’d fed him too well, and he really was just a wee little bit pudgy. And I put my arm around his fat old Irish shoulders and he around my waist and we walked over the green sward together. He said, well, Brother Tozer, I’m leaving for Ireland on the 13th of September. He said, I’m going to take six months off. I’ve been talking too much. I’ve been talking too much. He said I’ve been talking more than I’ve been praying and it’s not doing me any good. He said, I’m going back home and I’m going to call a moratorium on talk. And I’m going to spend six months waiting on God. He said, you know why I am going to do it? I said, no, Tom, tell me. He said, I’m going to create a miniature mercy seat, a judgment seat of Christ, right here and now. And then he said this, Tom rarely talks but what he comes through with one of his penetrating jewels. And this was what he said. Brother, I want to know the worst about myself. He said, I want to know the worst about myself now while I can do something about it. We parted. I haven’t seen Tom. God will take him to heaven one of these days. He’ll walk off the end of a prayer plank and off into glory. But he wants to know the worst now. And prayer will do that for you. Prayer will gear you in. So, dying will be passing out of God’s left hand into God’s right hand. Praying, will be crossing the river from one side to the other side. The old lady said, God owns the land on both sides of the river. She doesn’t care which side she’s on.

And then, prayer keeps the dead saints alive and keeps them speaking. Old Milton wrote about the flowers that were born to blush unseen and waste their fragrance on the desert air. He talked about the jewels that the deep depths of ocean bear. But I think even the mighty Puritan was wrong. I don’t think there’s any child of God that ever needs to be a flower that’s born unseen, to waste its fragrance on the desert air. The praying saint doesn’t die. The praying saint lives on in his prayers. And the power of God comes to this place and that place long after a man is gone.

Listen to me friends, do you think God Almighty is blessing America today because we have a Republican administration? Do you think He’ll bless her more if we turn out the Republicans and put in the Democrats? No. God isn’t blessing America today because of anybody that’s in the White House or in Senate. God is blessing America today because, unseen by mortal eyes, but seen plainly by the eyes of God, there are little spirals and incense raising to the right hand of God from the holy graves were lie men and women who once thought and prayed and loved and sacrificed and suffered and died. Names unknown to fame and to fortune. They’re only a statistic, but they prayed and God put their prayers in his bottle. And they embalmed them and laid them away in the dark tombs and still, their prayers are rising to God.

Several years ago in a limited cemetery in West Virginia, I walked out in a cemetery where I think nobody has been buried for years. And there were the headstones, the old chipped headstones, you know the kind that flake off and they’re red and brown, they flake off and there was one lying there. And it said, Reverend, so and so, a preacher of the gospel in the Methodist society dating back a couple of hundred years. And I took off my hat and stood on that grave and raised my hand to God and prayed that something of the fire and power that was on the heart of that Methodist preacher might come on me. For back there, Methodist preachers were preachers, brethren. They were a man whose voices rang like trumpets all out over our blessed land. And they thought nothing of praying all night through. They thought nothing of spending whole days with God without a bite to eat. They thought nothing of gathering into little groups and praying for hours and days on end. They thought nothing of it in those days. They have died and their old tabernacles have fallen into dust. But the power of those prayers still hangs like a benediction over America. That’s why we can have juvenile delinquency and divorce and wickedness of every kind and politicians that can be bought and paid for and carried home in a sack. That’s why we can have the wickedness we’re having in this country now and still not fall apart yet. Not because of good men at the helm necessarily, though, I think we have good men. And I’d just like to say lest you misunderstand that I think Mr. Eisenhower’s one of them.

But good men at the helm is not what’s doing it only. It’s the unseen spirals of holy prayer rising to God like sweet incense from an altar. The world doesn’t see it as they flash by 85 miles an hour on their torsion level drive. They don’t know that lying there, the smoldering dust of men who spend hours and days and years with God. And God is blessing America from Atlantic to Pacific because once she was the repository of holy men and women who spake in prayer as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. Prayer lets you live after you’re dead. Prayer lets your power continue when you being dead, yet speak.

And lastly, prayer gives you heaven at last. The old David Livingston over there in the heart of Africa, they found him kneeling in prayer. Oh, what a dramatic and beautiful end to an equally beautiful life. They found him kneeling in prayer. He had given his life for Africa, this medical doctor and the natives with a wisdom greater than we might suppose, tenderly laid the old tired body out. They went in with all of the gentleness of a mother, and took out his great silent heart, literally out of his bosom and sewed him up. And they buried his heart under a baobab tree. And then they carried his body through hostile tribes to the shores of Africa and shipped him to Westminster Abbey where everything lies but his heart. Wasn’t there poetic justice there. Wasn’t there a beautiful wisdom beyond their, their abilities that they buried his heart out there. And the heart of Livingston still prays, and the spirit of Livingston is with his Savior.

Now, I asked you three questions and I’m through. One is, do you pray? A man came in here this morning. God bless him, maybe he’s here tonight. He won’t mind by mentioning it. He said he heard me on the radio and I invited him to church so he thought he’d come. He said, I’m an Italian Jew. but I’m a believer in Jesus. I said, what’s your first name? He said, my first name is Abraham, but everybody calls me Eddie. I don’t know how they get Eddie for Abraham. So I said, alright, Eddie, I’ll remember you. God bless Eddie. He was a praying man. The reason I mentioned this, it comes to my mind, because he called me on the phone. And he said, Mr. Tozer, I’ve been a believer in Jesus for a long time, but I’ve never gone to church. I’ve been disappointed in what I have seen. And I said, will you come over to our church, will you? So, he came. God, you pray for Eddie will you, an Italian Jew, who prays at home and loves Jesus. I hope we won’t disappoint him here.

Well, do you pray? Do you pray as much as you used to? And, do you pray as much as you know you should. With those three questions I leave you.


Tozer Talks

In Christ, a New Creation

In Christ, a New Creature

September 21, 1958

Now, in the fifth chapter of Second Corinthians, beginning with verse fourteen, for the love of Christ constraineth us because we thus judge, that if One died for all, then were all dead. And that He died for all that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto Him which died for them and rose again. Wherefore, henceforth know we no man after the flesh: yea, though we have known Christ after the flesh, yet now, henceforth, know we Him no more. Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature. Old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new.

Now, Paul says here that he once knew Christ after the flesh. And this is not meant to be an answer to the scholar’s dilemma, the problem of whether Christ and Paul had ever met in the flesh. He said that though we have known Christ after the flesh, and Paul’s predilection for the use of the plural “we” for “I” has led some people to think that this was a testimony on Paul’s part that he had known Christ while Christ was alive, yet before His crucifixion. Now, this is one of the things that we will have to leave unsettled until the day when we know a little more than we know now. But it is not important, because what is considered here hasn’t anything to do with personal acquaintance or even friendship. For Paul saying we once knew Christ after the flesh means we once regarded Him from a human point of view. Whether he had ever met Him or not, I do not know. I would be inclined to doubt that. But whether he had or not, what Paul said here is, though we once regarded Jesus as a man and tried to appraise Him as a man and think about Him as a man, now we do so no more.

This appraising our Lord or this attempt to do it has provided rather vain employment for natural men who are with a religious bent all down the centuries. They try to capture the essence of the Master or they try to explain His person or appraise His genius or by some technique of analysis, they try to understand Him. What was He, a Jew? They say, well, no. Yes and no. He was born of the seed of Abraham and of the line of David, and his mother was a Jewess whose lineage could be traced. So that makes Jesus a Jew according to the flesh. That much we know. But the religion of Jesus, the religion of Judaism as it was practiced in Jesus’ time, was as far apart as the poles. So, it is not proper to say that Jesus was a Jew, meaning that Jesus was part and parcel of the Judaism of the time of Jesus. He was not. But He was a Jew in that He was a Jew in the flesh of Abraham.

There are those who say Christ was not a Jew. And of course, that’s a great mistake. It’s a modern heresy and an error, but yet, He was not a Jew. There was nothing about Jesus like the Pharisees or the Herodians, Sadducees, the Essenes, or any of those who were the Jews of Christ’s day. Neither did He have about Him anything of the Greek philosophies. They’ve wondered what was, did He learn from the Greek? The answer is no. Our Lord God, Jesus, being God, knew of course everything the Greeks knew and infinitely more. But His doctrines partake not of the Greek’s doctrine. There’s no trace nor flavor of Greek philosophy in the teachings of our Lord. Neither was he an oriental. They sometimes try to classify the Jews as Orientals and the Bible is an oriental book. But anybody who has read even in the most cursory manner in the religions of the Orient know, that there is a flavor in the gospels completely absent. And there is something in the Oriental religions wholly different from the teachings of our Savior. There is no likeness at all.

So, this Jesus has been the despair of Adam’s race. A few have worshipped Him and had their hearts satisfied. But the others have tried to explain Him and have run upon the rocks. They can’t do it and so they go into despair. The man Paul said, henceforth know we Him no more. Henceforth, we consider Him not according to the flesh. We regard Him not from a mere human point of view. You see, Paul had met the triumphant Christ on the road. The result had been conversion, illumination and transformation. The man Paul was completely changed. And he fully accepted Christ as God and Redeemer. And this complete change of viewpoint resulted concerning Christ.

So, Paul said, that I see Him no more as a mere man. I see Him as the redeeming God, the Head of a new race, whose death has doomed the old life. For said Paul, if He died for all and are all dead. His resurrection had established the new life. The inadequacy of a merely earthly Christ, we can’t over emphasize it or overstate it. This is the time when Christ is very chummy for everybody. But the Christ of homey companionability is not the Christ of the New Testament. He’s not the Christ of the throne or the Christ of the glory. The Christ of the feminine charm who is sweet but helpless and bewildered among real men. Christ who is the idealist who died for His ideal but failed, and whose religion can never be lived. Christ the martyr who gave all and died in a noble and praiseworthy attempt to change man. And Christ the wonderful one by comparison and by some pulpit orators spend half their time drawing comparisons between Christ and somebody else, Christ and Shakespeare, Christ and Plato, Christ and Caesar.

I believe that all this fawning upon the human Christ is little short of an insult to His Majesty, because you see, we cannot compare the incomparable. We dare not attempt it. Comparing that which cannot be compared, that’s what we’re trying to do. Jesus Christ stands alone. We compare Him with nobody for His is the incomparable Christ.

Now, the man of God said, though we once knew Him after their flesh, we know not only Christ no more after the flesh, but we know no man after the flesh. Now, what did he mean there? He didn’t mean he had no human acquaintances. He meant in the kingdom of God, mere human standards are no longer valid. Human standards are valid on Earth, but they’re not valid in the kingdom of God. The standards of race, they are not valid standards. We cannot separate races into colors and say this is superior, this is a little further down the scale, this is higher. We cannot do that. We dare not do that because there is no superior race.

We’re all made of one blood. There’s no superior color. In the kingdom of God, there’s no such thing as race or color. There is neither Jew or Gentile or Scythian or bondman nor freeman. We are all one in Christ Jesus and new people that has been raised above race and color, physical beauty, size and strength and cultural levels and wealth and education and position. Not one of these counts in the kingdom of God, not one. Even in James day, the church had forgotten that. At least parts of the church had forgotten it. And they were busy praising some men who wore big rings and had much gold and looking down upon those who are poor. And James wrote a very scathing chapter in which he told him to cut that out. That God’s people were judged by their faith. They were rich according to faith. And that men should in the church of Christ not be judged according to their bank account, their education, their social level or color. They should be judged according to the faith they had.

And so we must judge, and the church of Christ must judge. And as men differ from men and men do differ from each other in the church, we’re not all alike. The church of Christ does not consist of one dead level of conformity. In the church of Christ, we differ from each other. The star differs from another star in glory yonder. And in the great day when Christ shall come back to judge the world, we’ll find that we’re not all alike. Some are 60-fold, some 30-fold, some 100-fold, never a man shall be rewarded according as he hath done. So, the church should remember that.

But the difference in the church of Christ is not a difference by the old standards, by the old judgments of mortal flesh. According to the flesh are the key words there, key phrase. The church should put a different estimate upon men. We should judge men according to their faith and the man of God said the church should do that. We should judge them according to their love. We should appraise them according to the purity of their lives. We should judge them according to their generosity, according to their unselfishness, according to their unselfish Christ’s likeness. And we should not judge them according to the flesh.

Nothing else comes in the kingdom of God Paul says so, nothing else comes. The church I suppose, is still having a hard time to remember that her Savior was a peasant. Still having a hard time to remember that her Savior never had a degree from any college. It is still very difficult for us to keep in mind that our Savior was born in a manger among cattle. That the first voice you heard after the crooning voice of His mother was the sound of the lowing of oxen or the braying of donkeys.

It’s very hard for us to remember that he was born, not born in the beautiful, softly colored manger and stable of the Christmas cards. He was born in a dirty, smelly, stable, in the manger part no doubt on the straw. But He was born there nevertheless in that dirty place. The world doesn’t like to believe it and the church doesn’t like to believe it, but it is so. If He had been born up on a high level, it would have instantaneously condemned everybody beneath him. But He was born so low down, and anybody can come down. If we had to have a million dollars to be saved, it would rule out practically everybody except a handful. But if you don’t have to have a cent, anybody can come. Because that’s a simple matter. Anybody can have nothing, but not everybody can have a million dollars.

So, if we had to have an IQ of 180 and been able to appreciate all the great philosophy and art of the world; if Christ had been born on that kind of level, it would have discouraged every common man in all the wide world who read the story of the gospel. But the Man was born in a manger among the lowing cattle. He had nothing. And he grew up helping His father in a carpenter shop, his supposed father. So, that settles it for everybody. That’s why you can preach Christianity in a coal mine or among the naked savages of New Guinea. We know no more any man after the flesh. Our judgments are not earthly judgments. They’re heavenly judgments and spiritual judgments.

If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, he continues. Old things have passed away and all things have become new. Redemption, you see, is not an improvement of the old order. Christ never attempts to improve Adam’s flesh. If we could only remember that. This closely ties in with what I said last Sunday morning, that the old vessel was always with us. And if you could improve yourself and you were consciously improved, it would be a source of pride to you and like the seraphim and cherub rather that covers, perhaps you would fall in sin, because you would regard yourself, you’d become self-regarding.

In psychology they call that narcissism. The looking in and on upon and admiring yourself, from the old legend that a god by the name of Narcissus looked at his image in the glass or in the water, flowing water or still water, and admired himself so he turned into a flower. That’s where we got the narcissus. Those old Greeks having gods and reasons for everything. But narcissism, looking in on yourself, that marrying yourself, that’s what would happen to you and me if God improved the own flesh, but he doesn’t. He just lets the old flesh lie around but inside the flesh, he puts a jewel.

You know, they used to have a saying back in the days, oh, even in the days of Shakespeare, that in the head of every toad there was a diamond. A jewel in the head of the toad. I don’t know why some sharp-eyed fellow didn’t run that down and gather a few toads and disprove it, but they believed it. They believed the toad carried a jewel in his forehead. Now, that isn’t true unless you first put the jewel there. But I do know it’s true that in every Christian there is a jewel and redemption doesn’t improve the old order, it creates a new order. And it incorporates the personality, the individuality, the soul, the spirit, of the old order into the new and thus completely displaces it. It’s supersedence of the old by the new. And all things become new; a new origin, we are born of the Spirit; a new Father, God is now our Father; a new heart, I will take the stony heart out of your flesh and I will give you a heart of flesh; new thoughts, new values, new desires, new ambitions, new pleasures.

Every Christian ought to about every, say every six months, take a few hours off, go alone and say don’t bother me now unless it’s a matter of life and death. Get down before God with his open Bible and appraise himself and see whether he is indeed a new man, whether his old values are changing, whether his old desires are going and new ones are forming, whether old ambitions are passing away, whether their old pleasures are passing. You ought to do that. We ought to do that.

And if we find that we’ve slowed down, and looking ourselves over we find there’s no improvement in our spiritual lives over a year ago or six months ago, we ought to do something about it. Not the improvement, understand, of you, but the improvement of your spiritual life, of your desires, ambitions, love, faith. Forgiveness, patience, meekness, modesty, generosity, all these should improve. They’re the growth of the new creature in you.

So these are the new people. And God is getting ready for a new day. Behold He says in Revelation, God maketh all things new. And so, God is getting a new people ready for a new day, to inhabit a new kingdom, to inhabit new heavens and new earth. And we shall be in the new heaven and new earth and shall sing a new song before the throne, a new song, Worthy is the Lamb. A song that never has been composed yet. Palestrina, Handel, nobody has composed that song yet. We get a little trace of what it is going to be like and we know the theme. The theme is going to be the Worthy Lamb beside the throne. That’s the theme, but the song hasn’t been composed. And they sang a new song. A song that not even David with all his genius ever composed.

So, there’s new people on the earth. We ought to remember that more and more now as we see the day approaching and more and more, cause we’re all mixed up. Religion is now all mixed up. What I saw coming is now pretty much on us, that liberalism and tolerance and the broad religious latitude and Aryan spirit that takes in everything is pretty much on this now. And we’re going to have to grit our teeth and set our jaw and trust God and stand, and stand for New Testament Christianity in the midst of the whirling billows of mixed-up religion.

I heard a interview on the air the other day. A man was being interviewed. He is going to call together a conference of world religions, and they’re going to come from everywhere. Buddhists are going to send representatives, Muhamadins, Shintoists, Persians, Catholic, Jew, Protestant, and all the other minor religions of the world are going to send representatives. The National Council of Churches is having representatives there, I think, and the Jews and all. He’s calling them together. And they’re going to try to work something out where we can get together instead of being apart; we can be united instead of separated.

Well, I could have told them that long ago, if they would just let me read a chapter from the Book of Revelation to them. I knew that was coming. But now, hear it boldly declared, learned man, geniuses, religious geniuses, going to bring us all together. There to stand and say, I believe in God, the Father Almighty, and I don’t believe in the god of the heathen. I believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and I don’t believe in any of your synthetic saviors. I do not believe in Adam’s flesh. I believe in a new creation. You’re going to be just about as popular at that convention as a communist would be at a tea party of the Daughters of the American Revolution. They won’t be in the world be welcome, but I don’t suppose any of them will be there. I know one that won’t be.

No, my brethren, we are, the religions getting together now. We’re stroking each other’s back. And here’s the man of God with his sword and he cut sharp down through the middle and says, on this side, after the flesh, on this side, the new creation created in Christ Jesus. They are as far apart as the gulf that separated the rich man and Lazarus. So, we want to be loving and charitable, and we don’t want to join the crowd of those who condemn.

Years ago, a brother wrote a tract, “Come to Jesus.” It was a beautiful, tender appeal to sinners to come to Jesus. Then, he got into a religious controversy, and he wrote a hot blistering attack on somebody. He had it all finished except the title. And, a friend of his, he showed the manuscript to a friend. He said, here’s the manuscript of my new attack on so and so. And he said, I have got everything finished but the title. I can’t think of a title. Could you help me? His friend read it. Yes, he said, I think I could tell you a good title, something that would cover the subject pretty well. He said, well, alright, what is it? He says, call it, “Go to Hell by the author of Come to Jesus.” Well, that’s been told, and I rather understand that. I never want to adopt a go to hell attitude. Who am I to send men off. Only the Lord God can send men there. But I do know my testimony. I know what I’m supposed to say. I know what I’m supposed to stand for, what I’m supposed to believe. And so, we take our stand, and we take it solidly. They’ll come our way, still we stand. They turn their backs on us, still we stand. They’ll praise us when they’re in the right mood, we stand. Then they’ll turn their backs and condemn, still we stand. 

So, there’s a new people. And my friends, nothing else matters, but that you belong to that company of people. Nothing else matters. That you are a fundamentalists doesn’t mean a snap of your fingers. That you’re an evangelical, doesn’t mean that. That you belong to the Christian Missionary Alliance, doesn’t mean that, whether you’re a new creature or not. Whether you’ve been born of the Spirit and washed in the blood, or that you’ve entered that Kingdom, it’s everlasting whether God is indeed your Father, Jesus Christ, indeed your Savior. Whether the Holy Ghost does indeed abide in you, that’s all that matters. Nothing else matters.

There’s a new people and they don’t judge each other according to Adam standards. They’ve left Adam in his ways. And while the old tabernacle is still Adamic and they have still to dwell in it, it still has all the weaknesses of Adam’s lost fallen flesh. A new man in Christ Jesus had nothing to do with it. He stands aloof and dwells apart as a star in the firmament, new in Christ.

This is a new Savior, new kingdom, new people, new heaven, new earth, new race, new world. It’s all before us and our dear God only knows how near it is to us. We will not set dates. We’ll only say it can’t be too far off seeing the situation the world is in. And may God grant that it may come up soon and reveal itself soon and the two shall be sleeping in one bed, one shall be taken and the other left. Two shall be working in the field, one shall be taken and the other left.

In all of these passages about which, over which controversy now rages, shall fulfill themselves and prove themselves by fulfillment. Always remember, fulfillment is the last final interpretation. Men can interpret Scriptures differently on the Second Coming and prophetic themes, but fulfillment will be the last final answer. When our Lord returns and the dead rise and the living are changed, the book will become then wide open for everybody. It won’t be a question then of arguments. It will be a question of wide-eyed wonder in the presence of fulfilled promises. And that I’m looking for and hoping for.

I don’t know where else to turn, do you? Is there any place else to look? Do you know of anywhere else to go? Does modern education got it? Does modern politics got anything for you? Do you think they have? Does modern science got anything? I don’t know a place in all the wide world to look. Sociology, do they got anything, sociologists that got us in the mess we’re in now between races. Politicians have got us in the mess we’re in now between nations. And the liberals and the synthetic religions, they’ve got us in the mess we’re in now between religions. Only one direction my brother—UP! There is only one place to look and that’s up. Amen.


Tozer Talks



January 4, 1959

Now, I want to talk today, this morning before the communion, on the 51st Psalm. We read it previously, perhaps a few of you came in late for it, very few. But it’s the 51st Psalm, and David that starts out, to have mercy upon me O God according to Thy lovingkindness and according unto the multitude of a tender mercies blot out my transgressions.

Now, we come to the communion service, the first communion service of the New Year. And of course, we entered the new year. It’s 1959, the first Sunday of the new year. And there are some things we want from God and we want them legitimately. They are not the whimpering of spoiled children. They are the legitimate and appropriate desires of mature Christians. I’ll name about five or six things that we want. We want protection during this coming year. You and I can no more dare face the year without the protection of God than we dare face a thunderstorm or a blizzard without shelter.

Then we want guidance during this coming year. Every one of us will want guidance. We want personal guidance and we want providential guidance, because you will be sought, and your exploitation will be attempted by 10,000 persons who want to make something of you. You will be asked here and there, you will be. Suggestions will be offered to you by the scores, and you want guidance. And you have a right to want prosperity. Not financial prosperity necessarily, though that is not even wrong to desire that we might prosper financially.

Then we hope you will want growth. We hope you will want to fulfill the Scripture that says, but grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. And we hope you’ll want to make spiritual progress and advance in holiness. If you do, I believe you’re in the will of God. If you do not, then I’m afraid you have wasted the last year, because last year should have made us desirous of having spiritual progress the next year. And then this year we’re now in should prepare us to want more spiritual progress in the years that may lie ahead. And if we do not I say, if we are languid and perfunctory about all this, if even one of us, even one of us, it’s all then, we have wasted last year to a large degree. We have lived like a turtle or some other animal that barely vegetated. We have spiritually, merely vegetated, merely stayed alive.

Then, if this is true, and I think it is true that we do want during this time, a protection and guidance and prosperity and growth in grace and spirit to make spiritual progress and to advance in holiness and likeness to God, then one quality must be present to assure these benefits. And that one quality is true repentance, contrition. I wonder why we can’t see this, that repentance is not something you do and get over with. Repentance is something you feel. It is a state. It is contrition. And contrition is not something you feel and then get over with as you might take a shot of penicillin soon, to cure, to kill the bugs inside your blood and heal you have, a disease and then forget it. We cannot thus think of contrition. Contrition is rather a permanent state of mind. Flaring up or dying down as a fire might a little as we go along, but always present. The glow of it ought to be in our hearts always and it must be.

The 51st Psalm is a classic example of contrition. It had a historic reason for it. But it created a mood in which David lived. And we do well to let this Psalm create a mood for us. And to try to keep that mood, it’s far better than to try to seek comfort this coming year. If you will have decided, or secretly even decided that you’re going to enjoy yourself more this year, that you’re hoping to have more comforts, more conveniences and a better state of affairs, so you’ll comfort yourself and live better, then you haven’t properly, you haven’t learned Christ yet, as you should.

Now to enjoy ourselves, that’s the counsel of unbelief, to desire to do better, feel better, to be more consoled and to rest more and relax more and work less and have more of the comforts which we tell ourselves we have well, well earned. All right, if that’s your plan for the coming year, then that’s the counsel of unbelief. That’s, that’s what the rich man wanted. That’s what Demus was wanted. But that isn’t what the children of God ought to want. We ought to want guidance and protection and spiritual growth and advance in holiness whether we’re comforted or not. I don’t care whether I feel good this year or not. You know, you can get so busy with God, you don’t notice whether you’re feeling good or not. And if somebody asks you, how do you feel, you have to stop and ask and consult yourself to see if it’s worth the problem?

Well, this contrition is found here in Psalm 51. There are two things I want you to notice about it. One of them is that the writer says no good thing of himself. And he says only good of God. For after all, there are only two persons here. There was a lot of sin and a lot of involvement. David was involved with various persons and he’d sinned against a lot of people, against his country and against the people that trusted him. He had sinned a lot. There was a lot of involvement. But when David began to pray, he recognized that all that involvement was secondary. The Primary Person is present here too, then, David, he saw that there were just two persons here. I against Thee, Thee only have I sinned. Against Thee and I. That’s all David talked about.

Now, he said nothing good about himself. He offered no excuses. And he offered no defense. I believe this is greatly pleasing to God, to come to God without excuse, and without defense, I believe greatly pleases God. For God is pleased with some things and displeased with others that we do. And I believe the heart that comes to God without defense and without excuse, greatly pleases God. A woman who came to Jesus and asked him to do certain things for her. He looked at her in amazement and said, why, surely woman, great is thy faith. He was pleased with the woman. With others, He was displeased and said, oh ye of little faith. I think it’s pleasing to God to come to Him without excuse, without defense.

Then, he says only good of God. He doesn’t come to God whimpering or complaining or finding fault. He throws himself on God’s mercy. And I believe that’s the safest place in the universe, throw himself, throw ourselves on the mercy of God. From every stormy wind that blows, says Stowell’s song, from every stormy wind that blows, from every swelling tide of woes, there is a calm, a sure treat: Tis found beneath the mercy seat.

Now, the mercy seat is not a poetic hiding place. The mercy seat has a sharp theological meaning. It is, it is the cross, it is the mercy seat where Christ sits. It means to throw ourselves on the mercy of God without excuse and without personal buildup and without defense, and without any whimpering or complaining against the treatment God has given us; to come to Him thanking Him for every good thing and admitting frankly we deserved every bad one and throw ourselves on the mercy of Gods.

You know, the problem with us is, and the reason that our good resolves don’t last, it is a joke. It’s a cartoonist joke it. It is the joke of the comedian and the funny paper and all the rest that we make a resolution and break it. But the reason Christians make these resolutions and break them, whether it’s at New Year or whether it’s sometime in the middle of the year at some convention or revival meeting, is inadequate repentance. Inadequate repentance, that’s our trouble. To have sinned or be practicing sin and to know it and yet to be unable to feel sorry about it. I tell you, that’s worse than cancer. That’s worse than multiple sclerosis. Those things are physical, and they can even be healed, but you can’t heal this.

To sin, to practice sin, to be living with sin on you and to know it, and you to be unable to feel sorry about it. And, in order to feel sorry and be too weak to amend, that’s, that’s inadequate repentance. And inadequate repentance always is a sandy foundation. And all of your good intentions will fall apart and you will not make any progress if there is inadequate repentance there. I say, to feel sorry for our sins and yet not to be able to make any changes, or to know we have sinned and yet not even to feel sorry, this is greatly to aggravate our evil and compound the felony. And then to admire ourselves and to defend ourselves, it’s to deepen the intensity of sin and make it grave and critical. And I believe it’s greatly to displease God.

And then while trying to repent, secretly to desire to continue in the thing we’re trying to repent of. What inconsistency is this, what incongruous praying, what hypocrisy; that we’re trying to repent and secretly intending not to repent at all, but to go back and do the same thing over again. And to be so little concerned even while we’re repenting that we break off without concerned to eat or to sleep or to chat or to seek entertainment.

You know, Israel in the olden days when they were repenting, they put on sackcloth and ashes. Do you know what sackcloth is? It’s a gunny sack we call it now. It’s about as coarse a cloth as there is. Nobody would want to wear it. And if you wore it next to yourself, you’d be scratching continually and suffering after a while with a rash. And ashes, what about ashes? Nobody can say a good word for ashes. I can’t think of a good word to be said for ashes.

And Israel put on sackcloth and threw ashes on their heads, up into their hair, down their necks and down over their bodies. Why did they do that? Was there some sanctifying virtue in the sackcloth? No, they didn’t think that and you don’t think that. Nobody does. Did ashes have anything in it, ashes. No, ashes have nothing. There’s nothing in ashes or sackcloth. But what they meant was, O God, we have sinned and we mean to repent and we’re trying to repent and we want to repent and we’re willing to even lay aside even the common and legitimate pleasures. Even the legitimate pleasures, we relinquish them in order that you might know that we mean what we say. Instead of breaking off to eat or sleep or look at a TV program, why, they put sackcloth and sat and threw ashes on their heads. It looked silly, and it did not have any Biblical commandment. There was nothing in the law of Moses that they were to do it so far as I know. But they did it because they wanted themselves to know and they wanted God to know that their repentance was going to be adequate. They were ready to give up the legitimate things in order that they might make their repentance effective.

Now what is the uses, or are the uses of sorrow in repentance? For the Bible talks about sorrow and repentance. But I believe that sorrow chastens the soul. To sin and to get off easy and sin again and get off easy and to sin again and get off easy and continue, pretty soon you’ll get a habit. You get a habit of it, to sin, commit the sin of omission. Any sin of omission and to get off easy, and then to commit it again and continue to commit it, pretty soon we’ve established tracks for our hearts to run on.

And because sin didn’t cost us anything, but we cheerfully said, well, Jesus paid it all. He’s forgiven me and it cost us nothing, we don’t know how bad it is. We don’t sense it. And so, sorrow is the chastening of the soul. Sorrow is the sackcloth. A man who had worn sackcloth for two or three days, he didn’t forget it. And he hesitated twice before he went back to do that thing again, for he remembered the rash and the itching and sleepless nights and the sneezing from the ashes and the dust and gritty ashes in his hair, he remembers that. He punished himself a little.

Now, I know self-punishment does not atone for sin, but it does serve to make a man sick of it. And that’s why Paul said there was a sorrow not to be repented of. He that sorrows unto repentance, sorrows with a sorrow not to be repented of. Nobody ever repented of having repented. Nobody ever did yet repent of having repented. And the chasing of the soul by the Holy Ghost in the sorrow of contrition, helps to cure us so we don’t want to do this thing again. It’s a kind of therapy, a cure, a psychological cure, to make us sick of the condition that we’d gotten ourselves into. I believe that we would do well my serious-minded friends. I believe we would do well wo enter this, vibrant, living, dangerous new year, this threatening, louring new year, to enter it in a state of contrition.

But I would close by asking you to beware of contrition without hope. Because contrition without hope becomes remorse, and remorse is sick repentance. Judas did not repent. But Judas felt remorse. The repentance of the man Judas was a sick repentance and the result was he simply tormented himself to death, went out and committed suicide and knew the foretaste of hell before they went there. That’s sick repentance, which is contrition without hope, I want to warn you against it. I want to warn you of the frivolity, the spiritual frivolity which allows you to go on and on carelessly on your way without checking on yourself. But I also want to warn you, that if you allow yourself to become so serious and so heavy hearted, that there’s no hope in it. Then your repentance is a sick repentance. It’s self torment and it’s not the repentance of faith.

True Repentance is three things. Let me give them to you and then we’ll close. True repentance is a realistic self judgment, a realistic self judgment. I do not believe God is pleased to have me say worse things about myself and it is true, if indeed I could imagine anything worse than is true. I don’t believe it pleases God. I have heard and I’ve smiled, I’ve heard young girls, say 14-15 years old, stand and testify, very emotionally moved and eloquently tell what vile wretches, what terribly depraved, deeply sinful and abandoned creatures they have been. And I smiled to myself and said, God bless the little honey. I suppose the worst thing she ever did in her life was slap her little sister or drink Coca Cola. But, you know, she was calling herself names, abusing herself because that was the proper thing to do you know, where she came from. That was the proper thing to do. Never, never lie about yourself, not even not even to please what you think is pleasing God. Be realistic in your self judgement. David said, let everyone, not David but Paul said, let every man think soberly of himself. Not more highly than they ought to, but soberly.

So, judge yourself. That’s the word, judge yourself. Judgment isn’t a 100% condemnation. Judgment is an appraisal of the depths of the guilt and the handing out of punishment in keeping with the degree of guilt. If it’s only secondary murder, then they’re not going to hang a man. They’re going to give judgment according to the depths and degree and intensity of the sin. And so, we must be realistic about this thing. And then, when we’ve been judged ourselves realistically, we must make full determination to change, any sweet talk before God about how bad we are that isn’t accompanied by a quiet determination to change, is not repentance at all, but nothing else.

Then there should be a third thing and that is a cheerful confidence in Christ. Ah, the devil must grind his ugly teeth together when he sees a Christian so penitential that he’s tremblingly before his God and pleading for mercy, and yet sees a smile on his face at the same time. Because the smile is there, out of cheerful confidence in Jesus Christ the Lord. The same day that he wrote Psalm 51 he also wrote Psalm 103. And these are the words of Psalm 103. No remorse here. No sick penitence here, but wholesome sound repentance followed by cheerful hope and good expectation of God’s forgiveness. The Lord is merciful, said this same David, and gracious, slow to anger and plenteous in mercy. He will not always chide, nag. Have you had friends about you, husband or wife or anybody, father, mother that would just nag continually? Your faults were a subject of continual nagging. God will not nag. He will not always chide. Neither will He keep His anger forever. He hath not dealt with us after our sins nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is His mercy toward them that fear Him. And as far as the east is from the west, so far hath He removed our transgressions from us.

When I first came to the city of Chicago, there was a great pulpit orator in this city by the name of Dr. Frederick Shannon. Maybe somebody would remember him. Dr. Frederick Shannon. He preached somewhere in one of the downtown churches. I used to hear him occasionally on the radio. He was one of the old-fashioned orators, an Irish orator. He would talk about the robin as the bird with the sun down on his breasts, I remember hearing him. And he said that once he was preaching in his church and there was a great retired professor of mathematics sitting down near the front. And he was preaching from the text, as far as the east is from the west so hath He removed our transgressions from us.

And he spoke out and said, Dr. So and So, how far is the east from the west? And he said, instinctively, the old man reached in his pocket, pulled out a pad and a pencil. Then he stopped, and put them in back and looked up at the preacher and grinned. You can’t figure that Brother. How far is the east from West? Nobody knows. Not all the mathematicians in the world can tell you that. And that’s how far God takes sin away. For like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pities them that fear Him. For He knoweth our frame. He remembers that we are dust. But the mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting upon them them that fear Him, and His righteousness unto children’s children. Bless the Lord ye His angels, blessing in all places of His dominion.

Let us enter the new year in a state of cheerful contrition. Before God, contrite always. But also, cheerfully hopeful that our God is forgiving, kind and loving and tender. He’ll never deal with us as we deserve, but deal with us out of His own heart. That’s my hope for this year, that I’ll be dealt with out of God’s heart. God will never look down and say let’s look Tozer over, so we’ll decide this year what to give him. Uh-uh! If He did, oh, I’d be remorseful to the place of sick, pathological penitence, but would never have hope. But He will look in His own heart and say, out of my heart, I decide how good I’m going to be to him.

So, that is our hope friends this year. God will treat you the way God is, not the way you are, provided of course that you have done as I’ve suggested here, that you have realistically judged yourself and determinedly changed to please the will of God and then cheerfully hope. I believe that God will keep us during this year, and that we shall grow in grace. We’ll have His protection and His kind watchfulness in all the days ahead.


Tozer Talks

So Teach us to Number our Days 1

So Teach Us to Number Our Days 1

December 29, 1957

So teach us, or teach us so, to number our days. Or, if Thou will teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.

Now, I have a negative and a positive sermon. I have one for tonight that I think will be helpful and cheerful for everybody. This morning I want to talk to you. I trust you’re intellectually and spiritually mature enough to be talked to plainly. And let me begin by saying that this we’ll consider the last day, though it is not quite by two days, the last day of the year. The last Sunday it is. And I shall continue to talk as though it were the end of the year. And you will make such mental adjustments as may be necessary as I go along.

But this is the last Sunday of the year, which I have no doubt, when seen in the wrong perspective of history, will prove to be or have been among the most momentous of the Christian era for a number of reasons, which you may read anywhere and which I’ll not take your time to enumerate now.

If you have been listening to the radio or reading the newspaper or if you have been a reader of Newsweek, Time, United States News and World Report, or any other of the magazines or journals that chronicle the news, you will have been finding out what we call, or learning what we call current history. But in this last year you and I have been writing a history which is infinitely more important than anything that took place in the Kremlin or Washington or London or Bonn or Paris. We have been writing a history which will probably not yet get into the books. But it is the history of our own lives that we’ve been writing. And that history will stand accurate and forever.

If you were to sit down and write up the last year and try an autobiography or journal, a diary for the last year, it would not be quite accurate and would likely be forgotten before many years. The reason it would not be accurate would be two reasons. It would be two. One would be a faulty memory, and the second would be that nobody quite likes to tell the truth about himself. And then, we would have to discount your journal or mine a little because we are more or less prejudiced in favor of the subject, and our memory would be faulty. Therefore, it would not be accurate.

But this which you and I have been writing, for though it is past, it will be there in our future. And it is being written with the thoughts we have entertained, the words that we have uttered, the deeds that we have done or left undone. How we dare not flip this book shut as a child flips shut a Mother Goose book or a comic book, as something that is amusing, but scarcely serious. We must close this book of ours reverently. And we must put it carefully away knowing that we shall see it again.

Now, think about this last year. During the year, we have been given a number of gifts from God. We have been given 365 days; 365 times since this time last year, the sun did rise and the sun did set. We have been given also, 52 weeks with 52 Sundays and 52 Wednesdays. Why do I mention 52 Sundays and 52 Wednesdays? Well, I mentioned them because we claim to be Christian. We say that we’re a part of the stream of Christian tradition and thought. And while we’re not Sabbatarians, yet Paul said on the first day of the week, let him. And the church has, all down these centuries except for splintered, little marginal splinters, the church has been meeting and worshipping on the day commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and not the seventh day which is the Jewish Sabbath.

And we have had 52 of these given to us last year, in which we could take time out to cultivate our souls and seek the face of God and hear the preaching of the Word and sing together the songs of Zion. And then we’ve had 52 Wednesdays, but somebody says, what’s Wednesday. Let every man decide in his own heart what the day is. I’ve read that too. I know that’s there. And I know that Wednesday isn’t any holier than Monday or Saturday at 4:15. I know all that. But I also know that Jesus went into the temple at stated times as His customize was. He wasn’t too big to recognize the custom of His times. And I remember that Paul went out to the riverbank where a prayer was want to be made.

There are those who say, well, you can’t bring my neck under a yoke from which our fathers escaped. I refuse to come under your yoke. You said Wednesday is a prayer meeting day. And then you’ll condemn me if I do not come, and thus you lay your conscience upon my conscience and we get quite a talk. But isn’t it quite significant that the apostles, those great big men, those apostles, Peter, who went up to the housetop at the time of prayer. And Paul who went to the riverbank at the time of prayer though nothing in the law commanded it. They accepted it as an opportunity. And they fit it in with the people of their time, and they worshipped their God together. They weren’t too big to do it.

And my brethren, let me say that the Christian who so interprets the New Testament as to free himself from the spiritual obligation to mingle with the children of God a few times a week, that Christian is not big, he’s little. And he is proving his littleness by doing what he does. And though he says, I am a free man under grace, He is using the grace of God to cultivate his own carnality. The apostles and the Lord of all the apostles recognized that in every year, God gives them 52 days or 52 or more times, during the weekdays, during the week when they can worship God. It’s once a week, or if it’s three or five or ten times in the early church it was every day.

Well, these are the times and I’m not going to ask, but you’ve been writing history my young friend. And my older friend, you’ve been writing history. And if you were writing it, you’d no doubt could put in some footnotes to clear yourself completely. But the history is being written by words and thoughts and deeds done and deeds left undone.

Well, in addition to the 365, or not added to them of course, but as part of them, you had 8,760 hours given to you last year, 8760 hours. If you just had 8,760 dollars and that was, and you weren’t to have any more, you’d watch it. And you wouldn’t say, oh, it’ll only cost a dollar. And yet, I hear people say, it only takes an hour. Well, there aren’t many of them. Twenty-nine hundred and twenty of those hours we’ve spent in unconsciousness, most of us, and some of you have spent considerably more. And twenty-nine hundred and twenty again we spend at work. And when you add going and coming, and getting ready, why, we have very many more than that taken off, leaving us maybe, maybe 2,500 hours. Twenty-five hundred hours that we weren’t working or asleep or going or coming.

What were we doing? Well, there were certain things we had to do and that we properly needed to do. There was for instance: eating, drinking, bathing, dressing, and the little amenities that are ours by virtue of the fact that we’re part of a social order. And that cuts down those hours a great deal more. And so how few of the 8,000 hours that God gave us last year, have we had to prepare for the last hour? And how few have we had to prepare to meet our God. And yet the hours, oh, there were plenty of them. There were plenty of them, a couple of thousand anyway. I’m just wondering. I’ll not ask what we did with them. But anyway, during those hours we were writing history, I was writing history and so were you. And that is written in the Book of Deeds. It’s written in the Book of Deeds. And though we are redeemed from hell by the blood of Christ, and though His righteousness is imputed to us, still, He is not turning us loose like unbroken calves or colts from the stall to run our wild way. We’re disciples of Jesus. And He’s given us these hours to learn of Him and to prepare ourselves for the last hour and to meet God.

Then have you noticed this little thing too, that during this last year your heart was busy. Your heart, that vital engine that pumps away most of the time you don’t think about it all until you hear somebody died of coronary occlusion, and then you think about your heart for 10 minutes. Or you read an article in Reader’s Digest about the heart and then you think about it for an hour. But mostly, it just goes right on.

And you don’t think about it. But it’s that vital engine which must not stop. It must not stop. If it stops, you can’t keep going. It must not stop. And each hour it beats 4200 times if you’re normal physically. And each day It beats 100,800 times and last year, you know how often your heart beat? Now, mine didn’t. My hearts about 62 instead of 72. I always was slow about things. And my heart beats usually about 62 times to the minute. So, I got caught short here, but if you’re an average 6 or 72er, I counted at 70 to make it so there would be nobody complaining. Your heart beat 36,792,000 times last year. And if it had just missed two or three or four of those, you wouldn’t be here and the total wouldn’t have been pile up. You would have been among those who went from us last year, and whom we reverently laid away to await the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Now, those were the gifts God gave us last year. That’s not all, but those are the ones we usually don’t think about: 365 days and 52 weeks and 8760 hours, and 36,792,000 heartbeats. God gave them to us last year. And you know this? All of it was the pure mercy of God.

I wish I could live another 100 years just to find out a few things; find out some of the wrong things that I’ve been taught, and to find out the things that I hadn’t learned yet. For instance, I think I’d stop making a distinction between the things that are of God’s mercies and the things that are not. Somebody says, well, I go out and I work and I get my money. I buy my house. I buy my goods. And I walk on the earth and I, the sun shines on me and the rain falls and I drink and eat and live. And that’s not the mercy of God. But if I get saved and accept Jesus Christ, that’s the mercy of God.

My brethren, did you ever stop to think that God never acts any other way except in mercy? And that it just took as much of the mercy of God to keep your heart beating 36 million times last year as it does to save you by the death of Jesus on calvary? Did you stop to think that, that they, ever stopped to think that the 365 days God gave you last year were as surely an act of His mercy as when He gave you eternal life through Jesus Christ your Savior?

Did you ever stop to think that every hour He gave you and every heartbeat and every breath you drew were acts of God’s mercy. David knew it. And David said, have mercy upon me O God and hear my prayer. Why, he meant that even God’s hearing a man’s prayer was an act of mercy. But we divide the world, we divide our lives up into two divisions, and we’re schizophreniacs, religious schizophreniacs. We say, well, now this part, this is the secular part over here. This over here, I get that by virtue of the fact that I’m a man born in the world, it’s mine, and that I have a right to it and all the rest.

Did you ever think that when you first sinned, your first sin, you violated every right to everything that you got when you came into the world? When you consciously sinned, your first volitional sin, and did it out of your own will, you forfeited your rights and gave up your rights and died under law, and that therefore, anything God gives you is an act of mercy. That car you drive, you say, I sweat for that, but who gave your heart the impulse to beat on and on and on and on while you sweat? You say that house God knows I’ve sweat for that. Who gave you the power to sweat for that house? Who breathed life into you and even though you had sinned, kept you alive and kept you going?

No, my brother. Don’t you take all these gifts of God as being natural and only eternal life has been merciful. Why, every gift God gives you is as much a gift of grace as when He sent his Son to die on the cross. Each day is a day of grace. Don’t forget it. It’s another day of grace. Long time ago, you were sentenced to die. When the political prisoner in England years ago was sentenced, “I sentence you,” he said to the judge, “to die. And nature sentences you, Your Honor, to die,” said the prisoner and walked boldly out of the room.

My friends we’re all under sentence and every day is a day of grace. Why doesn’t the sentence, why doesn’t the sentence fall? The trial is over. The verdict has been brought in. The day that thou eatest, thou shall surely die. There is no use for any more evidence. There is no use for any more pleas from prosecutors or, or defense. No reason for it, it’s already settled. God the Lord hath spoken and called the earth from the rising of the sun to the going down thereof.

Therefore, you’re already under sentence. But the day of grace, every day is a day of grace whether it’s raining or whether the sun gets out of bed before you do. And you wake to a beautiful, clear day. It’s a day of grace. It’s another chance. It’s another chance to change. It’s another chance to change. And it’s another proof of God’s patience. How utterly patient God is.

One of the great faults of my life, one of the great faults of my life that I have not yet conquered, I hope you’ll pray for me, is that I can’t be patient with people when I see they’re so obviously wrong. But oh, how patient God has been with me and with you. And we’ve been so obviously wrong, and yet God has waited and waited and waited. He waits that He might be gracious it says in Isaiah. And that long, long, long waiting of God and grace and mercy and love. So, every time the sun rises, instead of getting up and grumpy, we ought to get up and say, thank God, thank God it’s one more day. One more day I didn’t deserve.

You know, we take too much for granted. We Christians, we take too much for granted. We say at the beginning of each year, well, we’re, especially around watch tonight, we’re pretty sober. And we say this may be the last. And ominous echoes of broadcasts that we’ve heard and news reports come to us and we say, this may be the last. But then, it isn’t the last and we wear out another year and it doesn’t wear us out. And we come up to the end of another year, and we say I was foolish last year for worrying.

Like when I was a boy, I used to go home sometimes from down a little way where I would be, maybe at the store or something down in the little town near. And I would have to come through a dark place we called Wildcat Hollow. I always said that they called it that because there were no wildcats in it. There never had been any in my time nor I think in my father’s time, but it was known as Wildcat Hollow. And there was a road or path that went through it and the overarching trees. It was completely pitch dark. And as a young boy, 12,13 or 14 years old, naturally, I was scared.

And I used to make good vows and good intentions and pray a little as I went through Wildcat Hollow and then, when I came out of Wildcat Hollow into the moonlight, I forgot all about it. I forgot that I was religious and forgot I needed God when I got out over the dark places. Occasionally an owl would let go just off to your right, and it sounded like the devil himself and you were terribly frightened. And then your little heart sent up a little more prayer. But the moonlight somehow rather took all your fear away. And as you walked across the green sward in the moonlight, you soon got thinking about something else.

People are like that as the year ends and a new one begins. We’re a bit serious. We say, well, this could have been the last year, but then it wasn’t. We said that five years ago and 10 years ago. We’re going to say it again now. But did you know my friend that that’s likely to make us bold and arrogant, very likely to. For don’t forget that all things have an end. The pitcher goes at last once too often to the well. The old tree braves one too many winter storms and comes down with a great shout in the forest and echoes across the hill. And the heart beats weaker and sputters out. It’s been doing its little job so long we think, oh well, what’s this worry? What’s this worry. I don’t believe what I read. Well, it hasn’t happened yet. But all things have an end. And the pitcher goes to the well and the tree falls to the ground and the heart sputters out.

So, teach us to number our day said Moses. Teach us so to number our days. Teach us to number our days O God. You know that the Christian should be of all people the most serious. He should also be serene and brave. I’m always bothered when I see a Christian stampeding. Always when a Christian gets hysterical, I’m bothered. Why should a Christian get hysteric? Why should he get bothered? He should be serious. People who live for fun and live for entertainment and pleasure, if they see it going from them, they get frantic. But there’s no reason for a serious-minded Christian to get frantic. The Christian should be serious and brave and serene. He may see humor in things. I don’t say he shouldn’t. And my concept of a Christian doesn’t fit exactly with that of the monks of the early centuries. I do not think it’s a sin to smile. God made it possible for the muscles of the face to pull themselves in a little web, coordinated web that makes the face look pleasant, and I don’t think it’s a sin. But a Christian ought to be serious and brave, and his attitude toward life ought to be serious. My great, my great grief over the modern churches is that her attitude toward life is not serious. She doesn’t take it serious. Christians should be realistic and unafraid.

A Christian shouldn’t have to have things kept from him. The Christian has a cancer. He ought to be told it, he ought to be told it. If there’s anything wrong with him, He should know what. The Bible says this or that. He should know that. You shouldn’t live in a fool’s paradise to keep things from him. I trust my family will never keep anything from me. I’m a grown man. I’ve lived and suffered and sinned and been forgiven and pardoned and cleansed and I love God. And I don’t want to live in a paradise of idiots and be happy only because I’m ignorant. I want to know. I want to know however I feel about it.  I want to be realistic about this whole thing. For a Christian has no superstitions. And he has no fears. A Christian isn’t afraid. He may have the normal instincts. Jesus had an instinct that when He knew He was going to die, He sweat blood, because He was going to have the sins of the world poured upon Him.

And if I should suddenly poke my finger toward your eye, you will go that way. And the bravest soldier that ever lived in all the world would recoil if you started to stick a pin into his eye. So there’s such a thing as the reaction. It’s normal. That’s one thing, but it’s quite another thing to go about in fear. Go about in fear, afraid of dead people, afraid of numbers, afraid of tokens and superstitious things.

Oh, my friend, the voice of God sounds from above reassuring His people. Reassuring His people, lo, I am with you all the days. And I will hold thy right hand saying, fear thou not for I am with thee. I will not forsake thee. When thou passeth through the waters I will be with thee and through the fire, it shall not kindle upon thee. And down to old age all my people shall prove my gracious, unchangeable love.

My brethren and sisters we’re not to be afraid. God’s people ought to be great grateful. You can’t be grateful if you’re shallow. And you can’t be free from fear if your shallow. But the plans you’ve made for after church tonight, I don’t know what they may be. But if the plans you’ve made for after church are all filling your mind. If those are suddenly caught away from you, you will be disconsolate. But if God is enough, if God is enough, if you’re a Christian indeed, and nobody can take away your plans from it. I plan to die in grace and go to see the face of my Savior. You can take that away. Nobody can take it away.

Well, a Christian doesn’t plan to stay here, for he knows he’s a pilgrim. I thought about this yesterday or Friday when I was running over all this, my getting ready for today. I really got this up on the train coming home from Nyack two weeks ago. But I put it in shape and rethought it for you. And I thought about this. The difference between a religious pilgrim, so called, who makes his long trip to Rome and returns, or to Mecca and returns, or to the Ganges River and returns, those are the pilgrims. And almost every religion has its holy place, and people go there and are considered very wonderful if they’ve made a trip there. The Mohammedans, and I think the Buddhists have a certain headdress that they, for which they indicate that this holy man has made his pilgrimage and returned.

But you know that a Christian pilgrimage is one way, and he ain’t coming back. He isn’t coming back. He’s not going to go to heaven and return. He’s not coming back until the restitution of all things, when God has made the world over and changed it and all that the prophetic teachers know so little about and described so fully. But in that day, my brother, we may come back. But, in the meantime, we’re not planning to come back. We’re not going there and return. It’s a one-way trip, this pilgrimage, because there we’re going to our Savior and be in where– the house of the Lord forever.

So, let’s be cheerful What is that song? Come let us tune our cheerfully. What is that song? We could sing that couldn’t we? I think that’s a wonderful song. Anybody that says hymns are draggy they don’t know what they’re talking about. There’s more lilt in this and more dance and joy in this and there is an all the rock and roll that ever rolled and rocked. That song we’re going to sing next, Come let us join our cheerful ayes as we surround the throne. Brother, if ever there was joy, you could have felt the swift beat of the angel wings in that song.

So, let’s be cheerful. We’re traveling home and we know where we’re going. We know where we’re going. We’ve had a good year, we’ve had a moment this year. We’ve had a year of writing history. But we’ve also had on our side God the Father Almighty and Jesus Christ, the Mediator, and also the Comforter, the Holy Ghost. And we still have them there with us. So let’s be wise and let’s be triumphant. Let’s be grave and let’s be serious. But let’s tune our cheerful ayes and let’s be happier than Elvis Presley. Let’s be happier than all the Pat Boones and Rosemary Clooneys in the world.

Father, in a fear drenched world, we keep our heads above it and worship the Lamb that was slain. And thank Thee for mercy and grace and another day that’s ours. Thank Thee Heavenly Father together. We rejoice that we’re Thine. And we join with angels and saints and beasts and living creatures and elders and serphim and cherubim and worship the God who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood and made us kings and priests unto God. And now may grace and mercy and peace be with us through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Tozer Talks

The Theology of Christmas

The Theology of Christmas

December 22, 1957

Now, I think it can be said without any successful contradiction that the holiday or event which has brought more song to the world than any other is Christmas. You have heard today, you’ve heard here tonight, you have been hearing over the years what we might call the melody of the Incarnation. But in this chapter, ten short verses, John gives us the theology of Christmas. And there is great danger that we build song on song, and song on song, and find that in the end that we have been singing about our singing. We must sing theology or be silent. And this is the theology of the Advent. I want to notice seven things and I’ll point them out to you. You may check them in your Bible if you wish or keep them in your head.

The first is the wonder of that Eternal Life: that which was from the beginning. I pointed out not too many Sunday nights ago that this does not begin with a personal pronoun at all. It begins with the word “that” because he’s not talking about a person first. He’s talking about Life. The Life was manifested. And that Eternal Life which was with the Father, was manifested unto us. We stand before this Wonder as before a great mountain. There it is. We can’t explain it. We can’t lift it. We can’t go under it. We can’t move it. There it stands the great mountain of facts, that Eternal Life. And this Life was in God, and this Life was God. And this Life is the first great wonder of this season. That there is somewhere something we call Life. We have a bit of it in our minds and a bit of it in our bodies, but somewhere there is a great mountain of Life from which the jewel of our lives was digged; somewhere, a great fountain of Life from which the tiny trickle of our life flows. That is the wonder, that Eternal Life.

Now, let’s pin that down. Let’s mark that. Let’s underscore that. And when the Christmas carols are laid aside for another year, and the tinsel is taken down, let’s stand and gaze with wandering eyes upon that Eternal Life which was with the Father and was manifest unto us. And that’s the second wonder, the wonder of Life manifested. For that is what Jesus did when He came to the world. He manifested That, not who, not a personal pronoun first, but an impersonal something that is beyond personality–That. That which is the key to all the world. That out of which all flowed. That out of which all has come, that Eternal Life. And that Eternal Life now manifests itself as a person. And that Life was manifested. And John said, John could say it, we have seen it he said, and we bear witness of it. And we show unto you that Eternal Life which was with the Father and which was manifest unto us. And our eyes have seen, and we have looked upon, and our hands have handled of that wonder called the Word of Life. Now the wonder is that Word of Life manifested.

Every time you think of the Incarnation you should bow your head for a moment. Every time it comes to your mind, you should utter a prayer. You should utter that inward prayer which the church has learned long, long ago. The old father named Molinas who went about in Spain saying that it’s all right to pray according to your beads; he was an old Catholic. He said, that’s all right, pray the way the church tells you to. But then in addition to that, I’ve got a better way to pray. He said, pray in your heart. They finally put him in prison for saying that. But I recommend it, prison or no prison, that you learn to pray out of your heart. And that you learn to remember that the best prayer is not the formal prayer somebody else’s has written. It is your prayer out of your heart.

If your child came to you and read the little word, Mama, I love you. I think you are very kind, and then you folded it back up and put it in her little coat pocket. And then the next day, came to you again and said, Mama, you are nice. I love you. That would get tiresome I think after a while, wouldn’t it? Wouldn’t your heart hunger for a spontaneous grin that wasn’t in print? Wouldn’t it get hungry for a little pat that wasn’t in print that nobody else had thought out? Wouldn’t it get hungry for spontaneity? I think so. And so, while we pray prayers, I read an article just recently condemning printed prayers. How can you condemn printed prayers when the Psalms, 150 Psalms are their printed prayers? You can’t condemn them. But you can only say that they teach you how to pray, and you in the spirit of them you can have a spontaneous utterance of prayer.

Well, I got off on that when I said, every time you think about the wonder of the Incarnation, you ought to send up a little bit of prayer. You ought to wake in the night and pray. I suppose five out of seven mornings, I wake up and begin to talk to the Lord before I’m out of bed. The other two, I don’t feel well and I have to remind myself I ought to do it and do it. And maybe if I live a little longer, I’ll get all seven of them turned over to the Lord so that there’ll be seven times and I won’t have to remind myself.

Well now, the third thing is, and this mystery is here, this wonder. It is found in the fifth verse. This then is the message which we have heard of Him and declare unto you that God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. Here is the wonder of the nature of God. God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all. Light, this is the wonder of light. And the Scriptures mix up and don’t try to keep separated, light and light. Light and life to all He brings, risen with healing in His wings. When that was written, theology was written. For Life and Life are one. This is that Eternal Life, and it is also the Light, that lighteth every man that cometh into the world.

And I suppose that there’s something deeper than morals here. A great German theologian a generation ago wrote a book, has written a book which has become very famous in learned circles. And in that book, he declares that the idea of holiness goes back of personality. That you think of the holiness of God as a strange thing before you think of the person of God. I think he’s right; I think I’m quite sure he’s right. And he says, that the idea of purity is not the first idea of holiness. The first idea that comes to the mind or that came to the mind when the word “holy” was suggested, was not the word of being pure, not the thought of being pure, but the idea of being greater than, higher than, beyond, other than, different from, lonely in its self-sufficiency, uncreated substance of like “That” without a pronoun. That, without a personal pronoun, That.

And then later on we attribute purity and holiness to God. So, when God says, be holy for I am holy, He’s talking about moral purity. He’s talking about spiritual cleanness. But beyond that, in back of that, and prior to that, is the solemn, indescribable something, which cannot be put into words. That there exists a nature, a substance in the universe which is Life and Light, and it is a Thing, and it is That, but It also has personality. And that Personality is God. And the wonder of this, this chapter here, the third wonder is the nature of God. God is Light. God is Light and in Him is no darkness at all.

Now, church history shows us that nobody, this could be said of nobody, except that Eternal Life which was manifested and become flesh. But apart from Him, nobody from Adam on down, including David and Joseph and all the rest of the great Old Testament patriarchs and the New Testament saints. Of not one of them could it be said in him was light and no darkness was in him at all. But it can be said of God.

Does this mean anything to you that in this hour of espionage and of ambassadors going about hiding facts this day, of slanted news and hidden truths and top-secret conferences. In this day when you can scarcely trust anybody. Does it mean anything to you that somewhere, accessible to us now, there is That which never, never, never sinned? That which could not, cannot sin. That which is Light and in It there is no darkness at all.

I listen sometimes to a program called Night Desk. It’s just news, only its fresh news phoned in or talked in and on the radio. And the other night that is, I think Friday night, they had a story about a Goldblatts store in the city six stories high I think it was, or five. And that suddenly at 8:30 in the evening when the customers were all in, their lights went out. Went out clear from top to bottom. And it took them a long time to get the customers out. And the reporter said to one of the girls, a clerk there, tell us about it. Well, she excitedly told about it. And he said, was there anything stolen? She broke out laughing and she said they’re shopping bags started to get full as soon as the lights went out. She said that they tumbled this and they tumbled that, whatever they could get they tumbled into their shopping bags. And she said they all went out with their shopping bags full.

Now, those people aren’t low-down, the dregs of Chicago. They’re citizens of our fair city, an average cross-section. That’s the way people are. For that reason, I say you can scarcely trust anybody unless he is converted, and then you wait a while. But you can trust God. If that means anything to you, you can trust God. God is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. God will never betray you. He’ll never let you down. He will never lie to you. He’ll never shade a meaning. You can begin with, in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and end in Revelation with, even so come Lord Jesus, come quickly, amen. And you will not find one shaded sentence, not one covered paragraph, not one slanted word. Not one effort to deceive. Nothing in salesmanship. That’s why I can’t take this modern idea that we’re to go sell the gospel. Go sell the gospel. Get the convert’s name on the dotted line. Away with you, you children of the marketplace. If Jesus were to come, he’d take a rope and drive all such salesmen out of the church and start over.

No, no, there’s no salesmanship in the gospel, my brother, none in the Bible here. No effort to persuade. No hiding one fact in order to accent another one. Everything in this book is as open as the sky, as pure as the waters that flowed down from the melting snows yonder, by the waters that flow from the mountaintop, so that there is pure, clean light and no darkness at all. God, you have God, my friends. You have God. Somebody said, the Russians have the Sputnik and we have the Salk vaccine. Very, very, very good. But we Christians can add one more thing. We have God. And in God, there is no darkness at all.

Then the fourth wonder here is, the terrible mystery of sin. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth isn’t in us. If we say that we have not sinned, we make God a liar and His Word is not in us. This awful thing we call sin. Sin, this terrible thing that’s been renamed and reshuffled and is now understood otherwise. But it’s still sin. You can call cancer by a beautiful name, but it’s still sin. Maude Smith goes to Hollywood and they rename her Lamour something or other, but she is still Maude Smith. And you can’t make her any better by changing her name. They called, what was her name Smith, Mary Pickford, but she was still Miss Smith. Well, Mary Pickford and all that crowd, they are what they are, and a pretty name doesn’t make them any better.

And when you call sin by some other name, it’s still what it was before. Call a cancer something else and it kills its victim. Call infantile paralysis by the name of poliomyelitis and you have a big word but you still have a killer and a crippler. And call sin by some other name, a complex or something and it’s still sin. And if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves. And if we say we have not sinned, we’re calling God, in Whom is light and in Whom there is no darkness. We’re calling that holy Thing, that holy One, that world-filling mountain of eternal life and light and purity, we’re calling That a liar.

So, this terrible mystery of sin. It’s here. It’s all about us. It flows around us like the, like the bilge water, like an overflowing sewer, slimy and smelly and filled with silt. And it will leach in everywhere, and soaks through, and you scrub and come back the next day and it’s there again. Sin is everywhere about us. That awful mystery, the mystery of iniquity Jesus called it, or one of the apostles, the mystery of iniquity. That’s the fourth thing in this theology of Christmas.

All these things we have my friends. Don’t let’s get off on a tangent and be carried away with the sound of pretty bells. There’s theology here, something sound and hard. You can come up to it and pound it and it doesn’t ring hollow. The world will take any kind of a crazy thing and put a wreath in front of it and a ribbon around it and they turn it into a Christmas gift, but it’s all hollow. Everything the world has is hollow. But you can take this sound doctrine of that Eternal Life and the manifestation of that the Eternal Life, and the fact of God in His everlasting, impeccable purity and the awful fact of sin. These are hard, sound bullets, as hard as cannon balls. And you can’t beat them down. You can’t get rid of them if you tried. And you needn’t fear them. They’re there. They’re as solid as the Rock of Ages.

And then there’s the fifth one. And that follows normally the fourth. And that is the wonder of sin forgiven when confessed. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins. There is the wonder of deliverance from sin. The church is not yet mature and so we’re sometimes shocked by seeing Christians lose their temper. Or, we’re shocked by seeing a Christian do something that we feel he shouldn’t have done, and that reflects on his Christian character. Well, that ought not to get us down brethren. You don’t expect of your children, your growing children, the same degree of maturity that you expect of them when they get into their mid-20s. And I think that God does possibly not expect of us quite the degree of perfection that he would expect of us later, so that we may forgive the church and certainly forgive each other. And Jesus said to do that, seventy times a day. And Paul said that if thy brother sins against you, forgive him. Forgive as God for Christ’s sake forgave us. So that there is, there’s a margin there.

But here we have it, If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive. Now there’s forgiveness with God that He may be feared, the Psalmist said, and there’s forgiveness. Now that’s a wonder. That’s a wonder that this Holy God, in Whom is life and light, and in Whom is no darkness, this One who is immaculate and impeccable, in Whom no shadow of darkness is found, this One can forgive sin in His own creatures. Yes, He can do that and He does do that. And don’t ask me to explain how or why. I don’t know. I know that He does.

The sixth is, the wonder of cleansing from unrighteousness. Now it isn’t enough to be forgiven. There must be cleansing, or the work God is not complete. There must be cleansing. Jesus Christ came not to forgive us only, but to cleanse us as well as forgive us. The best illustration I know is that of a man condemned to die. He has been condemned by society as unfit to live because he took a human life say, or betrayed his government say, and was guilty of treason. So, he is sentenced to die. And then some president or governor, or one able to do it, pardons him, pardons him.

And he goes out into society like these poor boys, brainwashed kids that came home from Korea. I haven’t a hard word to say about them. Mostly they were ignorant boys who have been brought up in poverty. They had no education. They’d never been taught what a wonderful country America was. They didn’t know what democracy was. They didn’t know the distinction between democracy and totalitarianism. And when they went over there as kids going out of the woods, they couldn’t take the pressure of the subtle damnably diabolical brainwashing techniques of these satanically clever communists. And so, they said we’ll stay will be communists. Now they’re filtering home one at a time. And apparently, the government is going to let them do it and say a little to them, and forgive them.

But oh, my friends, there’s one thing that no president, no judge, no governor can do. He can’t cleanse them. He can’t wash them from their brain washing. He can’t take out of their hearts the knowledge that they once did that terrible thing. Nobody can cleanse anybody else. You can’t reach in and sponge out of their poor minds the fact that once they sinned against that starry, spangled flag. These move around among us the poor follow that in a burst of boyish nonsense killed a Japanese woman over there. He’s back home they say. Nobody’s noticing him. We made a great international business out of it and now he’s home and scarcely anybody knows he’s around. They as good as exonerated him over there.

To save oriental face, they sentenced him and then suspended the sentence. That was to save face. But they let him go, and he’s gone. He’s home. And he’s either been or will be soon discharged from the Army. They can’t take that out of his heart. It’s still there. If he was guilty, even guilty of a foolish burst of boyish carelessness, he is still guilty. And he knows it. He will remember it when he sleeps at night. He will remember it when he stands by a graveside, every time he stands by one.

You can’t take out of a man what he’s done even though he’s pardoned for doing it. But the Scripture says, He’s faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us, and wonder of wonders, that cleansing takes out the psychology of having sinned. It changes the psychology of having sinned. Heaven will not be filled with a lot of ex-sinners who can’t get over it and who are still walking about looking down afraid to speak. He not only forgives the act, but he cleanses the mind so that there is not a psychology of sin anymore. If I had been ever guilty of treason against my country and had sold say, information to the enemy, and I’d been pardoned by a president, I still could not look at my fellow citizens, on you. We gathered together and people were gathered around and tried to act natural and relaxed and couldn’t. And they couldn’t look at me and I couldn’t look at them. I never could feel right, because I would have the psychology of a traitor. And I would feel that I wasn’t fit to be there and didn’t deserve to be among them. And when anybody mentioned Washington or Lincoln, I’d suffer inside.

But the wonder, the sixth wonder here, and mystery is how God can take a sinner who knows he’s a sinner and knows he’s sinned, and so cleanse him that he loses the sense of having sinned. And he can be as though he had not. I’ve often used another man’s phrase here that I borrowed somewhere from the Middle Ages. But they used to call it restored moral innocence. And that is what we have here, restored moral innocence. How is that?

Well, it is verse seven, the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth us from all sin. Never forget it, my friend. The Babe in the manger never saved anybody. Let us not allow ourselves to be fooled by sentimentality and love a baby. Or even of appreciation to the Eternal Word made flesh. The Babe in the manger, cleansed nobody. But the Man on the cross did. And it was the blood of Jesus Christ.

One of the great cults, one of the major cults, I’ll tell you which one, Christian Science. One of the great cults. Now, if anybody here is in that church, don’t come to me and start arguing afterwards. There’s no use, I know about them. But they have said in one of their great teachers, that is, great to them has said, the blood of Jesus Christ has no more power to deliver from sin now than it had when it flowed in his veins, which is to say that the lamb of Abel had no more power to open heaven and bring the hand of God in benediction upon Abel’s head when it was shed than when the lamb gambled among the other lambs in meadow.

No, no, my brethren, the life is in the blood. And the mystery is, how that the blood of Jesus Christ shed on the cross can now come to the heart of a returning sinner and cleanse him so that he is freed from sin. Theologians sit down and try to figure how it cleanses. How do I care how he cleanses. If someone were to come with a bottle of something, or a ray or something else and say, here, I can cure your cancer and someone who withered away to 90 pounds and was ready to die, and take a spoonful of that and in five days be up and back at work. I wouldn’t protest that I didn’t know how it worked. I would say, I saw it work!

So, I don’t know how the blood can cleanse. I only know it cleanses. And I only know that it will populate heaven yet with a company of happy people who have forgot they sinned. And yet, in their memory they know they have and they will sing together about their worthy being the Lamb that was slain to redeem us and wash us, from all kindreds and tongues and tribes and they’ll remember it, but They won’t remember it with a sneaking feeling. They can look on the face of God, the Scriptures said. They shall look on His face and His name shall be on their forehead. The sinner can’t look on God’s face because he has the psychology of the traitor. He knows, he knows he can’t look on God. Adam couldn’t look and ran and hid among the trees of the garden. Peter couldn’t look and ran and cried, depart from me, O Lord. I’m an unclean man. Isaiah couldn’t look and fell and said I’m undone. But the ransom sinner can look, for there’s a wonder of cleansing here. The blood of Jesus Christ takes away the sense of sinning.

And then in the third verse is the seventh, and that is that you may have fellowship with us. And truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. This is the wonder of communion. Communion is more than the Lord’s Supper. It’s more than a name given to a church. Communion is union or it couldn’t be commune. There must be union and there is a union, a union of people from everywhere. If I were to take a poll tonight in this relatively small congregation of your nationality. I suppose I’d have fifteen nationalities right here. And if I were to take a poll of your educational background, I suppose it scarcely be half a dozen of you, that had the same. But yet, in Christ Jesus, we as Christians have a fellowship. A fellowship that isn’t forced, it isn’t strained. It doesn’t depend on our beating the drum, nor wearing badges, or hating anybody.

You know, some people have a fellowship, a fellowship of hate. They’re joined together by their mutual hatred for something. But you and I are joined together by our mutual love for somebody. And so there is a fellowship, and you don’t have to ask, what’s your background, the fellowship that’s as wide as the world. It’s the fellowship of saints. It’s the communion of the redeemed. And truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son, Jesus Christ. You know, we stand rather awed in the presence of angels. If we get among angels, we’ll be rather awe-strickened and we say, we’ll say how wonderful angels are. And that’s right. They are and they’re so much ahead of us now. They’re way ahead of us now. And they, they really, I suppose there’s a reason we should think about them with the good deal of awe. But you know, there’s going to be a time when they’re going to stand at attention and look at us. Because no angel, no angel was ever redeemed.

God did not redeem angels. He took not upon him the nature of angels. He took upon him, the Seed of Abraham, the nature of Abraham, a man. And how God, that Eternal Life, and that Light, and that Holy One in Whom is no darkness, how He can walk arm in arm with men who’ve walked knee-deep in the slime of sin, whose mouths have been filled with cursing all the day long, whose throats have been an open sepulcher, whose thoughts have only been evil continually, now transformed and forgiven, and renewed and reinstated and cleansed. God convened a fellowship with them. I think the angels are going to stand around in respectful attention and say, we don’t understand it. I wonder if that’s not what Peter meant when he said, of such things, angels desire to look into. We may be a mystery to them. They are a mystery to us, but perhaps we’ll be a deeper mystery to them.

So here we have the theology of Christmas. You can take this with you. And when you take the tree down and run the vacuum over the needles that spilled on the floor. And you put the decorations away for another year and settled down to just living in the United States, you’re still have this: hard and solid and big. You can build on it and you can live on it. It will be bread, mountain high to eat. It will be a rock, mountain high to build on. It will be a fountain of light, to light you through all this world and the world to come. Thank God for the melody of Christmas. But thank God more for the theology out of which that melody sprang. For all the melody in the world and all the lovely dreams of beauty would be nothing if they had no foundation. Here’s the foundation. They rest as solid as the holy throne of God. You and I can believe them and we dare believe them; stand on them and live on them and when the time comes die on them!