
Tozer Talks

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“Fruit, More Fruit and Much Fruit”

Sunday, January 29, 1956

I want to read again, maybe you could read it with me. John 15:1-7. Let’s not read responsively. Let’s read together and not too fast. John 15:1-7. I am the True Vine and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in Me that beareth not fruit, He taketh away. And every branch that beareth fruit, He purges it that it may bring forth more fruit. Now, ye are clean through the Word which I have spoken unto you. Abide in me and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself except it abide in the vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in Me. I am the Vine, ye are the branches. He that abideth in me and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit. For without me, ye can do nothing. If a man abide not in Me, he is cast forth as a branch and is withered. And men gather them and cast them into the fire, and they are burned, If ye abide in Me and My words abide in you, ye shall as what ye will and it shall be done unto you.

Now, the will of God is that we should bear fruit. The will of God is a pressure. I have said this a number of times and I have no reason to change my mind, that the will of God may be likened to gravity, and the pressure of the will of God may be likened to the pressure of gravity on matter. Now, you know and I, that the tug and pressure of gravity, for it’s a tug rather than a pressure, is universal all over this world of ours. And that affects not only material, heavy things, that is, or hard things. It affects liquids and gases and even atoms. It affects everything where there is any matter, any surface at all.

The will of God is like that. It is a continual, moral pressure toward an end, or a continued pressure toward a moral end; and that end is chosen for us by a holy God. For moral creatures, that end is moral. For material things, that end is material. But for those who have moral perception and are capable of taking the image of God, capable of being holy or being made holy, capable of obedience and faith, this will of God is a pressure toward moral ends, and it is exerted by the God who is a perfect God of perfect love who therefore must act always out of goodness.

One of the slickest tricks of the devil is to teach us as he taught Adam and Eve in ancient times, that God isn’t quite fair, and that God is capable of being unjust and even cruel toward people. We’ve got to get back to the doctrines that God has a nature that makes it impossible for Him to be severe or cruel. God is a God of goodness, and therefore everything God does must flow out of His goodness. God is a God of wisdom, and everything He does must be done with perfect wisdom. There can be no mistakes. There can be no second great acts on the part of God. But all the acts of God are perfectly wise because God is perfectly wise. And God is not only good and wise, but God also is love. And God is incapable of acting except out of love.

Now, I want you to understand that everything God does, He does with all of Himself. So that when God, in any part of His universe, does anything, love is present. And all God’s will is bathed in love, springs out of love, moves out of love and toward love, and has love for its center and its beginning and its end; so that the will of God therefore, is the moral pressure that God is exerting upon moral creatures toward an end afore-chosen by Him out of goodness and mercy and wisdom and love. And that means the end that God has chosen for you is such, that if you later, when you are perfect, if you go on to know God and become one of these children if you’re not already, and God someday glorifies you, and you have a perfect mind, you will see that it is exactly what you would have chosen if you could have been choosing. You will see that the ways of God are so perfectly wise that you could not have added by one amendation, or amendment, one change of one sentence, one letter, one punctuation mark. You couldn’t have improved the high, wise will and purpose of God for your life.

Now, with that high purpose of God, with that constant pressure of God on our hearts, God wills that we should bear fruit. And what do we mean? I told you last Sunday night, something of what the fruit is. Can I condense it tonight and say that it is our re-creation of the image of God in lives that had been previously devastated by sin. The bearing, the receiving of fruit, the bearing of fruit, the production, the creation of fruit within a life, is one way of saying. And I explained last week what that fruit was. Tonight I say, that the high purpose of God is a recreating of His own image within the lives of those who have been devastated by sin. It is a doing it over, and a doing it better. It is lifting it up on to a higher level, even than Adam was, when God made Him in His own image and likeness, and set him in the earth.

Now, this will of God is an unremitting pressure. My friends, we sometimes leave the impression, and I think God’s people get the idea, that we have got to give God the noisy treatment. That we have to subject Him to a great deal of stirring up, that if enough people pray long enough and loud enough, and keep at it enough, that we will finally rouse the drowsy ear of God, and God’s heavy eyelids will open and God’s lethargic form will finally shake itself loose. Then, God will think our way, and perhaps if we keep it up enough and are noisey enough and persistant enough, and colorful enough and dramatic enough, we will finally get God aroused enough that He will be willing to do something for us.

Now, I don’t know what I can say to change this and to make us see how wrong we are in this, for it’s exactly the other way around! It is your ear that is heavy. It is your eyelid that falls shut. It is your heart that is lethargic. It is your will that is frozen and slow to move. And it is God who exerts the pressure. It is God who is the aggressor. It is God who takes the first step. It is God who does all this. And it is not our task to arouse the heavy ears of a lethargic God out of his century-old somnolence and try to get Him interested in us. It is God’s work to arouse us out of our 6,000 years of heavy-eared lethargy and indifference. The pressure of God is always there because the gravity is always here. There isn’t anything here anywhere, a grain of dust, there isn’t anything, no molecule, there isn’t an atom anywhere in this building anywhere that does not have a certain pressure, a certain tug upon it. I call it pressure, but as I’ve said, it’s really a pull. And it’s that pull of gravity, always everywhere, a leaf floating in the air, a rock on the hillside, the water, the rain, the mist, everything has that tug, that pressure, the will of God in the material world, moving toward an end.

And so, it is the will of God that we should holy be, and that will is always a moral pressure, like gravity, always pushing; everywhere all the time. Among the various races of the world, among the various denominations, in the various churches and in the independent groups and in the group who won’t admit they are in a denomination, denominational, and among the old people and the young people and the middle-aged people and sick people, unwell people, and educated people and ignorant people, always everywhere, and all the time. This moral pressure of God is wherever there are moral creatures, pressing, urging, always pushing and urging us on that we might bear fruit. That is, that we might have recreated within us, the moral image of God in these lives of ours that have been previously destroyed by sin.

Now, He says here, fruit and then He said more fruit, and then He said much fruit. Notice, fruit and more fruit and much fruit. And this fruit that He is talking about here, comes of course in degrees. There is an either/or method of preaching. I’m afraid I indulge in it myself sometimes. It is an either/or method. You’re either in, or you’re out. You’re either good, or you’re bad. You’re either holy or you’re unholy. You’re either mature, or you’re immature. I wish it was that easy my brother, I’d take a tape measure and fix my congregation up, or at least I’d know where you were. I wish that it were that easy, but it is not. A farmer doesn’t divide his trees up into, and say, well, these trees only bear a little fruit, these bear more. He’s always urging his trees toward more fruit. And he’s grateful for what fruit he gets. If there is no fruit, the axe lies at the root of the tree. It’s not a tree after all.

And Jesus said, going from the orchard to the vineyard. If the branch bears no fruit, it’s an evidence that it is not joined to the vine in a living union, and therefore it is taken away. But if it bears fruit, it is purged in order that it might bear more fruit. And He says “this is the will of God that you might bear much fruit. My Father wants that ye should bear much fruit” in verse eight. “Here in is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit.” So, there is fruit, and there is more fruit; and there is much fruit.

Now, I want to point out again, that God is easy to please, but He’s hard to satisfy. God is a Father. He’s a husbandman and the Father. And the husbandman who looks upon the branch and notices that for the first time it’s beginning to bear is a happy man. He’s glad and pleased that that branch is beginning to bear. And if it doesn’t bear so heavily that it’s in danger of breaking off the first year, He’s not going to feel too bad about it, because He’s waiting for that fruit, and He knows that there must be growth and development there. And He’s glad there’s any fruit at all. So, He trims it in order that He might have more fruit. And then, when it has more fruit, why he says, “now is the husbandman glorified if it bears much fruit.” And He goes on from fruit to more fruit to much fruit, and then, when we come to much fruit, again, we have no ending. There’s no place where we say, well, this is your limit, sir. You cannot go beyond this. There’s no going beyond it because I believe that the fruit a Christian can bear, that is, the amount of the image of God the human heart can take, I think that there is no limit to it until we see Him face to face.

Now, I’m going to tell you this. We say that there will be a day when we shall see Him as He is and shall be like Him. Do you hear me? I believe that that is true. But I also believe that we can be more like Him now. And I believe it’s possible that we can, by a daring act of faith and reckless prayer, and by a life of obedience and sacrifice and insistence, I believe that we can reach out into the tomorrow and in some measure pull back to them now, that which we’ll receive then. I believe that some men bear so much of the image of God upon their lives that they’re bearing much, very much, fruit. I have seen only a few in my day, but I have seen a few that I felt that when it was said, they shall look upon His face and His name shall be on their forehead, and they shall be like Him, and they shall see Him as He is. I have seen a few people who had upon their character so much of God, that all I can say is that they reached out by faith into the future and took a little of it ahead of time, and pulled it back into their own heart, So, that they took more of the image of God than the average Christian, even the average good Christian.

Does that arouse any desire within your heart? Or, is that simply a theory that I’ve tossed out here that means nothing? Does it arouse in your heart any desire, that you should walk on this earth and be a man a little more like God than the average Christian. That you should have a little more of the image of Jesus recreated in your character than even the best Christians round about you? The man or the woman who judges his life by the other Christians around him is already, and if not dead, at least he’s reached a state of stagnation. For it’s not the will of God that I should say, well, I’m not too bad. I’m as good as McAfee. I’m not too bad. I know Mr. Chase. I know him pretty well and I’m average along with him. Or, pick out some of the others of you and say I’m about like brother so and so, or sister so and so.

Oh, that’s no way to live my brethren. There’s only one Being in the universe that has such honor from me that I can say I’m approaching on being like Him. You dare not say, well, Mr. Tozer, I know him, and so, I think I’m fairly on an average with him. I am not your model. I’m not your example. I’m not the star of your hope and the gleam toward which you move. Jesus Christ, who is the image of God, and who would recreate the image of God in you and me, He is our example; and the longing to have the fruit, the image of God in these nine fruits of the Spirit recreated within us. This is the will of God, and you can’t escape that no matter where you go. God’s pushing and desiring, day and night, during meetings, and when meetings are over, in the middle of the dark night, and in the bright day, and when you’re young, and when you’re old, always this pressure, this moral pressure toward the image of God is upon the hearts of men. And God’s pleased when He sees it appears. He’s pleased even with a little bit of it. He’s glad. He’s glad when He sees a little of it.

There’s a passage in the book of Zephaniah. I never heard anybody preach on it in my life, never, and I don’t know why. I think it is one of the greatest verses I ever knew or ever read. Zephaniah 3:17: “the Lord thy God in the midst of thee is Mighty. He will save. He will rejoice over thee with joy. He will rest in His love. He will joy over thee with singing.” Now, do you hear this my friend? Here is the God who is easy to please, happy in His Father love, singing over His people, rejoicing over them with joy and singing over them with joy and love, and resting in His love.

Here is the picture of a Father of the family. This is not the picture of the judge, nor of the sovereign God, The High and Lifted up with a sword, or His train filling the temple. But this is the picture of the Father in his household. This is a picture of the husbandman in His vineyard, glad for the fruit that He sees, and pleased with it. And while He is easy to please, He’s hard to satisfy. While He is glad and will sing with joy when He sees fruit, He says this fruit is only a prophetic indication of what can be, namely, more fruit. And when more fruit appears, God sings the louder, and says this is an indication of what can be namely, much fruit. And so, He continues His pressure, on until fruit gives way to more fruit, and more fruit, to much fruit.

But now, how is it? How does He get fruit, and how does He get more fruit and He gets much fruit? He purges it that it may bring forth more fruit. Purgeth, and the various translations have four different words they use: purge, cleanse, trim, and prune. And of course, they all mean the same thing. If He sees that there is fruit in His child, He cleanses it, He purges it, He trims it, He prunes it. If we think about it as a person, it’s a purgation or a cleansing. If we think about it as a vine, it’s a trimming or pruning. The taking off of the things that oughtn’t to be there, in order that there might be more fruit. If there is no fruit on the branch, He taketh it away. But, if there is fruit, He pruneth it that it might bring forth more fruit.

And so, here’s the kind hand of the husbandman. Oh, if you’d only remember that. You wouldn’t squirm under the will of God. And you wouldn’t cry out in fear like a baby with his first haircut, or a child at the dentist, afraid to go in, scared to death because of that stranger with a long instrument that you’re, that he was afraid of. We go to God like that, and we forget that the Father is the Husbandman, and that He’s not out to destroy. He’s out to perfect. He’s not out to kill. He’s out to make it alive. He’s not out to humiliate. He is out to raise and elevate. God never humiliates people. He humbles them. There’s a vast difference between humiliation and humbling. There are those who preach the God humiliates, and you’ve always got to lose your dignity, and lose your poise, and go out of yourself, and be something other than human for a moment, and be humiliated until when it’s all over your red-face and wonder why you did it. No, God never humiliates, but God does humble a man. Job wasn’t humiliated when it was all over, but boy, he was humbled. All right, God humbles people, and He does it as He’s pruning. It’s the kind of hand of God that does it.

Now, I point out that pruning hurts. Christianity is not a painless religion. They’re trying to make it painless in the day in which we live. They’ve given us a rubber cross, and in place of nailing a man on with nails, they stick him up with plastic, and they put us up there with a scotch tape. And there we are, it was painless. Oh no my brother, the religion of Jesus is a pain-filled religion. It cost John the Baptist his head for preaching the coming of Jesus. It cost Jesus His head, not His head, but His life. He went not to the beheading, but He went to Calvary and went to a gallows and was hanged there in blood and tears and sweat and sorrow that He might bring salvation to the world. And every one of the Apostles but one, died a martyr’s death.

When Timothy was dragged through the city, it was by the tail of a cart until he was dead. And all down the years, men have suffered for the gospel of Christ. Not only as martyrs, but they that live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffered persecution. Jesus Himself learned obedience by the things that He suffered. And if it would bring forth fruit, He purgeth it, pruneth it, trimeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.

Now, if you have ever trimmed any kind of a tree or vine, you will notice that one thing invariably follows the trimming, and that is the bleeding. Now, they take it at the right time of year, so it doesn’t lead to death. If you trim certain trees at the wrong time of year, they’re likely to bleed to death. But they will bleed anytime, a little. And if there was any life in the branch, I know the branch would whimper and perhaps cry out in pain when the clippers snipped off something that didn’t belong there. That God in His kindness knew one leaf too many, one tendral too many, and so He clipped it off. And it didn’t kill the vine, but it did hurt the vine. Fortunately, vines have no nerves, but unfortunately, maybe you and I do. So when the Lord trims us, we bleed.

Some people want to be martyrs because they’ve had to give up something that hurt. They want to write a tract about it. Somebody sent me a whole box full of tracts, something the Lord has done for her, something she’d given up and she wrote a four-page booklet about it and send it to me, for me to distribute. I set it in a corner, and after it’s gathered dust long enough, I’ll put it in a furnace. I don’t know that I ought to have a crown on my head and be ridden into the city with police escort because I have suffered a little twang of pain here and there when the Lord is trimming things off for my good and His glory. I don’t think so. Christianity has some pain in it. This painless Christianity of the present day, this rock and roll stuff that we’ve got in the name of Jesus now doesn’t have any pain in it. It anesthetizes the victim, and he can’t feel anything. But the Lord never operates with a patient under ether. He always operates raw.

Years ago, I had a tooth pulled. The Dentist, after it was over, I said, “thank God Doctor for the anesthesia.” Yes, he said, oh, that’s some Dutchman, named him with long name, he said he invented this stuff. It has saved a lot of suffering. I had a deacon in my church in Indianapolis by the name of Mr. Daggett. One day he showed up looking rather the worst for wear and looked if he’d been through the wringer. Well, he said, Pastor, I had eleven teeth pulled, eleven teeth and he said I wouldn’t take any anesthesia. I told him no, don’t put anything in, take them out. He took them out alright, eleven teeth. He and I used to go out hunting. I haven’t hunted for, how long has it been? I guess twenty-five to seven years. But we used to go out and he had one eye and I had two eyes. We’d come in, he would had the rabbits and I had the experience. That was Daggett. God bless him. I hope he’s still alive and still happy in God. But he was a big, rough, tough fellow who would go out and knock a rabbit down with one eye and take even teeth out without even having Novocain.

Well, I’m a sissy. I haven’t gotten my bid in for martyr, not that kind of martyrdom. So I’m most happy for anything that will soften the pain a little. But in the kingdom of God, God has no Novocain. When He trims a branch, He just lets it hurt. And He does it because you’re you. He does it because you’re who you are and what you were. Jesus refused the sop. And the scholars say that there was a merciful pain deadener they gave to people, somewhat like our Novocain or like some of our pain killers, and that the Romans would give it when a man had suffered so much that the pain was becoming too terrible. They would give him this and he would take a merciful drink of it and then spend the latter part of his hours dying without much pain. Jesus refused it. He wouldn’t allow one bit diminution of the pain that He suffered to save us. And that was not from any heroics on Jesus part, that’s because He was what He was. Morality is what it is. Spirituality is what it is. God’s who He is, and people is what they are.

And therefore, God can’t give us any Twilight sleep. And He can’t deaden the pain. He has to let us suffer a little. But really, it isn’t suffering very much after all, because I read here in my Bible about what Paul had to say, blessed would be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort, who comforted us in all our tribulation that we may be able to comfort them which are in trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us so our consolation also bounded by Christ. And whether we be afflicted, is for your consolation and salvation, which is effectual in the enduring of the same sufferings which we also suffer, or whether we be comforted, it is for your consolation and salvation.

I’ve had, oh, I don’t know how many people come to me. And in the course of conversation say to me before we prayed, Mr. Tozer, then tell me the story of what they’d gone through. And I’ve said to them all right now brother, or sister, you know what’s happened to you. God has let you feel the pruning hook in the sword, and the pang and the pain and the spear. And it was the only way God could ever prepare you to help anybody else. Doctors can go to school and learn the theory of medicine, but until they’ve had a couple of years in actual practice, nobody will go to him. You can learn on the field somewhere maybe the theory of aerodynamics and how to fly an airplane, but until you’ve had your so many 100 hours in the air, nobody will ride with you. And so, we as God’s children can learn the theory of suffering and consolation, but until we’ve suffered, we’ve served our apprenticeship to suffering, we can’t be any good to anybody else much. So, the Lord lets it hurt. But he says, fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer.

Now I notice and I’ll try to close this in the next seven or eight minutes. I notice how some of the Old Testament; it would be a wonderful sermon in itself if somebody would preach when God’s pruning the Old Testament characters. There was Abraham: take thee thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest and take him up onto a mountain that I will show thee and offer him there. I know the scholars have dodged and twisted and tried and turned every direction, but when they have had their contortions, it all comes back to one thing, Abraham thought God meant him to slay his son, and all the pain of it was in his heart. And Abraham took his boy and started. And the boy even had the wood on the back, on his own back what was to be burned with. And there was that stoical old man of God mounting up that hillside.

I don’t think there’s a nobler thought and nobler sight away from the story of Jesus. I don’t think anywhere there’s a nobler thought, not David kneeling at the bier of Absalom his beloved Son, and saying, Oh Absalom, Absalom, my boy. Would God I could have died for thee. We turn away respectfully, with hushed voices from that scene. But I think when the old man of God was on his way up the hill to be pruned and trimmed and purged and cleansed from a love that wasn’t pure, a love that was too idolatrous. I think the picture of the old man on the winding path up with rocky hillside to the top of Mount Mariah with his boy walking behind him with a load of wood on his back. If I was an artist, I could paint that old face, kind, but set, and those seeing-eyes and that stubbly beard with his jaw jutting just a little and the head up at the back just a little bout. He was caught, and he was being ground there, ground between the upper and the nether millstone and he was bleeding. He was bleeding. But he couldn’t have been Abraham, the friend of God, if he hadn’t bled. But he was bleeding. If it bears fruit, He cleanses it that it may bring forth more fruit.

And then there was Joseph, you know, of course, the sequel to this story. He didn’t offer his son. He raised the knife to do it, against the screaming protests of his father’s heart. And God said, Abraham lay not thy hand upon the lad. I never meant you should slay him. I only meant that I should be first, and he’s second. You didn’t know it Abraham my friend, whom I believe in and trust. You didn’t know it, but Isaac had gotten in between me and you. And your love for Isaac was a little too strong. And the only way I could take him out of your heart was to take him out with a knife. And he never let him use that knife, but he went through all the psychological heartache of it all. He went through all the tears and sorrow and pain of it all. He gave up his boy in his heart though he never actually killed him.

And there was Joseph, you say Joseph was a perfect character? There’s none perfect upon Earth and so Joseph wasn’t perfect either. Joseph was a nice boy. And he was bearing fruit. The Lord said, Joseph, I’m going to have to trim you and purge you in order that you might bear more fruit. So He let them sell him like an ordinary cow down into Egypt. And then when he got down there, He let him get into that ridiculous situation there in the house a Potiphar. If that wasn’t a face reddening, embarrassing situation.

And then He let him be wrongly accused and tossed into prison like a common bum. And here was Joseph, the boy that never had done anything wrong. The Lord knew what he done alright. He said, Joseph, you’re a fine boy, but you’ve got some, some little tendrils there and a few little, little excrescences here and there on you that I want to trim off. And so, He put him in prison for two years or more, and then let him come out.

And there was Job. We won’t develop that tonight, but you know about Job? Job was a good man and he bore fruit. And God even told the devil, he was a good man. He said have you seen my servant Job? He fears God escheweth evil, but Ed Robinson said it doesn’t say he fears God and cheweth tobacco. But he fears God and he feared God and escheweth evil and he was a good man and you couldn’t find fault with him. In the first chapter of Job, Job could have joined this church. The board would have said, I’d have said as chairman of the board, we’ve got a request here, an application for membership Brethren, a man by the name of Mr. Job Job. And he wants to join our church. Does anybody here know him? One of the board members speaks up and a deacon and says yes, I know him quite well, wonderful man, wonderful man. He’s got a nice family. He’s so conscientious, if they have a meeting or party, he offers a sacrifice and praise like they did something wrong, a wonderful fellow. He eschews evil. He hates it. And he fears God above many. Well then, don’t you think we ought to admit him? Oh, I move here Mr. Chairman, we admit him. In a couple of years, the nominating committee would have said, don’t you think Paster that brother Job Job ought to be a deacon; and he would have been elected deacon without a vote against him. Two years later, don’t you think a man of this godliness and reputation and spirituality ought to be made an elder? Yes, I think we’ll make him an elder. He could have been one of our finest men And if Job had died, boy it would have taken as an hour and a half to get him properly buttered up. We would have had them in from all around telling what had meant to thmm; what a saint he’d been, what a godly man he was, and how he escheweth evil.

But the Lord saw Job and He took a different view of Job. He knew that Job was a good man, but a proud man if that’s possible. We knew Job feared God greatly but was very sure of himself. And so, God put Job out on the ash pile with some kind of boils, scraping himself with a piece of broken butter crock, the potsherd was all it was called. And then he turned loose those sanctified hypocrites, called the three comforters. And talk about steel wool, if they didn’t give him the treatment. They trimmed him I tell you. If it beareth fruit, He purges it that it may bring forth more fruit.

Did that hurt Job? You and I you know, that’s just something we talk about.  But job was a human being with nerves. That hurt. That hurt to get argued. That hurt to get accused. That hurt to get called a hypocrite. That hurt Job. And when his wife; the only time she appears in the picture, God bless her memory. The only time she appears in the picture she said, “why don’t you curse God and die?” That was tough too coming from your wife. And he turned to her, proved he was still ahead of the house, boils and all. And he said, “thou speakest as a foolish woman. Am I to receive good at the hand of God and not evil also? Naked came I into the world and naked I’m going out, bless it be the name of the Lord. And the old lady fled. And that’s the last we hear of her. But Job came through all right. He said, “when Thou hast tried me I shall come forth as gold.

So, the husbandman sings as he prunes and trims as he sings and sings as He cleanses, mops up the blood little goes on pruning and singing over his family. He has it to do, and he loves them. And he has all tomorrow to think about eternity ahead. We think only about the pain. But he thinks about Eternity, Eternity with all its years, and your place in eternity thinks about that. So, He doesn’t spare it because He loves you. He doesn’t hurt you because He doesn’t love you. He hurts you because He does love you. Now I asked you can you pray this prayer? Can you pray this prayer tonight? Your Christian? Can you pray this prayer and mean? Oh, God, prune me. I’m so delighted Thou has discovered any fruit at all. Father, Husbandman, I asked Thee, prune me to the last vestige of sin is gone, and the clear image of Christ appears. Anybody that can’t make that prayer will not grow in grace, never, because God can’t do anything with them. They won’t hold still for the knife. But can we pray, O God, prune me, Thy child, Thy poor, weak child until the last vestige of sin is gone, and the clear image of Christ appears. Please God, do this and don’t spare me. Have mercy upon me, but don’t spare me. I don’t want to be a stunted, retarded Christian. I want to bear fruit. And then I want to bear more fruit. Then I want to bear much fruit. I want the image of Jesus restored, the image of God restored to my devastated soul. And if it means the knife and the pruning, then O God, prune me until the last vestige of sin is gone and the clear image of Christ appears.

Could you pray that prayer tonight? Would you be willing to? Now, think with me about it? Would you be willing to enter into a contract with God, knowing that you’re His child, born of his Spirit, knowing your name is in His book of life, and nothing can take you out of his hand; knowing that His love holds above the highest height and down deeper than the deepest depths? Not death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers and things present nor things to come can separate you from the love of God. Knowing that, you pray, O God, purge me, cleanse me until the last vestige of sin is gone, and Thy clear image appears in my heart. If there are a substantial number of people here tonight who could enter into such a spiritual contract with God, I believe we’d be on our way to a real revival, real revival. I believe it.

Now I’m going to pray as we bring the meeting to a close and very sacred thing, and I don’t want anybody to be careless; I, 10,000 times would rather nobody would respond and that anybody would respond carelessly. So don’t respond unless you mean it, really mean it to the point where you don’t care. You’re reckless by you’d say “Mr. Tozer pray for me.” I’m going to stand and I’m going to by this act, I’m going to engage God in prayer and enter into some kind of a spiritual vow that I will want him to trim and prune and purge, until the last vestige of sin is gone, and the image of Christ appears clearly in my heart. And I want you to pray for me. Who will get up?


Tozer Talks

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“The Personal Application of Christ’s Coming into the World”

Sunday, February 28, 1954

The seventeenth verse of John’s third chapter, “For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” This is really a part of John 3:16, joined to it by a connective for, for God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

Now, our Lord makes, or the verse here makes, three related statements. And these statements are so meaningful, so momentous, so critically important to the human race, that in the most conservative language we may properly say of this verse that it constitutes a proclamation extraordinary.

Now, there are three statements here. One of them is that God sent His Son into the world. The other one is that He did not send Him to condemn the world. And the third is, that He sent Him in order that the world might be saved. To show you that I do not read anything into it, that I merely show you what is there. Let me read Charles Kingsley Williams’ translation. He puts it in the positive instead of the negative. The meaning is precisely the same. For God sent His Son into the world, not to judge the world, but that through him, the world might be saved. That’s the same verse stated in the positive.

Now, I have been mulling this over this last week knowing that tonight I was going to attempt a sermon on it. I’ve been lying at night thinking about this, and walking around thinking about it. For God sent His Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that through Him the world might be saved. And I have a question that I want to ask, not about that verse, but about our reaction to it. It might be called the unanswered question. And that question is, since this is the proclamation extraordinary; since this is and constitutes a proclamation so meaningful and so momentous, then why the apathy concerning it on the part of the people, even Christian people.

Now, in the full sound of this proclamation, this proclamation that God sent His Son into the world, that He did not send him to condemn, that He did send Him to save. I say in the full sound of this proclamation, more gravely significant this proclamation is than any declaration of war or proclamation of peace, any plague, or any news from afar, any discovery of any new continent, or even a new world would not be compared with this. And yet in the full light of it, people are indifferent. Upon our eyes there seems to have fallen a strange dimness. And on our ears, there seems to have fallen a strange dullness. And in our minds, there is a stupor, and in our hearts I I’m afraid, a great callousness. The very fact that one feels bound up, that in reading this over and thinking about it, and seeing the brilliant shining quality of it, and the significance of it to the human race, that this has been heard and we’re so little stirred up about it. That is as wonderful as the verse itself, in a different way. So wonderful, so terrible that this verse should be here.

Now if it wasn’t here, I could understand why we could go our way, and as Tennyson says, nourish a dumb life within the brain like sheep. If that verse was not there, then I could see why we could all come to church and sit in stoical silence. Why we could kneel in prayer and mumble into a deaf ear that doesn’t hear us. Why we can rise in the morning and I’m more concerned to whether the paper has arrived than with whether this verse is here or not. If the verse hadn’t been here, I could understand our apathy. I could explain our indifference, I could say it is the indifference of despair. I could say it is the apathy of despair like the Israel in Egypt for 400 years; generation that followed generation in slavery, generation after generation in bondage. And therefore, when a new generation of Jews came up, they didn’t expect anything but bondage. They were someone like who had languished in a prison camp for so many years, their friends have died and forgotten them. And they had no hope ever of having it otherwise. So their jaws hung and their brows sloped and their shoulders were bent and they had no expectation.

If this verse were not here, I’d know why we’re the way we are. If this proclamation extraordinary had not been made, I could understand how we can be so unhappy. I can understand how the human race should walk around looking down at the earth like the beasts and rarely looking at the sky. I could understand it then. But in the light of the fact that it was made 2,000 years ago, then I asked the question, what’s the matter with us? What’s the matter with Christians? And what’s the matter with the unsaved man who hears the message. What’s the matter with people every place?

Now, I say that this great stupor is upon us. And I feel it even here tonight. I sense it even here tonight. People think this is a spiritual church. I wish they knew all I know about it. And I wish they had to live with it all the time. I think a lot of people would change their mind if they knew how little of response there was, how little of that sensitivity of the Spirit, how little of that urgency of the heart, and how much of the world. I believe that this apathy that is upon us, is a tactical victory for organized evil. I don’t know too much about the dark spirits that move up and down in the world. I know as much as I want to know. I want to know even less as I grow nearer to God in grace. But I know that the Bible teaches, that there are sinister spirits that walk up and down. There are even organized spirits. Perhaps it’s what it means when He talks about principalities and powers and mights and dominions. It does not mean the good ones, then it must mean the opposite ones. There are undoubtedly abroad, invisible to the naked eye and perhaps even inaudible to the ear, but they are abroad and they are the legions of hell. They are the fifth column of iniquity present in the world, and their business is to subvert, introduce and destroy and bind and kill, like the thief that got into the fold.

I believe that after years of beating the propaganda of hell into human ears and beating us over the head until we’re groggy and punch drunk, and without any aspiration or hope, and without immortal dreams. I believe it’s a tactical victory for the devil. And I believe more than that, the very somber countenance you and I wear tonight is an astonishment to the unfallen creatures yonder. For there are the unfallen legions, the watchers, the holy ones, the seraphim, cherubim, the angels, the archangels, the holy creatures that never fell. And I know not how much they know, but they must know something, for they have been sent to announce the birth of Jesus in one instance. They were sent to announce the resurrection of Jesus in another instance. And in the book of Revelation we see them fly in midheaven and move about among men. So, they must be there, or rather, they must be here. And that we can take all of this with such indifference, must be an astonishment to holy creatures.

We say it is just that we are not like holiness people. We don’t roll in the straw and claim tent poles, that we are more sober, we’re better educated, that were more cultured. If I thought that were true then I would say, Thank God. But I don’t think that’s true at all, because as soon as the benediction is pronounced here, you couldn’t hear the archangel Gabriel if he blew his horn twenty feet up above the earth toward heaven because of the talk and the noise and the exuberance and the freshness and the interest and the smiles and all the rest. But when it comes to such a proclamation as that God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world, we take it with an apathy and indifference. That is not a proof of our culture, but a proof of our sin. Not the proof that we are better educated, but a proof that we are more hardened.

Now, I believe not only is this a victory for organized evil and an astonishment to unfallen creatures, I believe also it’s a great grief to the God on High. I believe God loves enthusiasm. Not the enthusiasm of fanaticism, but I believe that God loves enthusiasm.

The Lord Jesus Christ had a special fondness for babies. And I think that He loved babies because they were so vigorous and buoyant and unsophisticated and fresh. And their reactions were unmediated, and they were not sickly dour with the pale cast of thought, to quote from Shakespeare. They just do what they do out of simplicity and its immediate response of their young hearts. And the Lord must have loved them. He laid His hands on their head and said that the kingdom of heaven is like these and made a great deal of the babies. And the theologians of course ever since have been tossing and kicking these babies around wanting to know what it all means. And simple-hearted people know that Jesus just loved babies was all. That’s all. He loved the bald ones and the hairy ones and the redheads and all the rest of them, because there was something about them that hadn’t yet been spoiled.

Do you know Wordsworth’s famous conceit? It is only a conceit, and is probably not true, but there’s something fresh about it. He says that when we are born, we come down from God trailing clouds of glory, that coming from the fresh hand of God; we come trailing clouds of glory and a little bit of heaven lies around the growing boy. Then as he travels further from his home, sad and tragic as it may be, as he travels further from his home, the glory disappears and evaporates. And that little bit of heaven that lies around the newborn boy, disappears like dew before the sun and finally, it’s no heaven anymore, and no glory anymore. But, he forgets God and his heart is hard and the earth shuts around him and he’s a carnal man in a fallen world.

My God, that we might have something happen to us that would toss us suddenly back into our childhood again, that it would grab us up and throw us back into the cradle of the human race and lay us and stretch us on the cool ground, and get us once more in rapport with the powers of God in the world and in grace. But these hard crusts get over our heart, this lack of sophistication, or this sophistication, this lack of simplicity, this defensiveness. I’m hardly talking to a man or woman or a young person tonight above ten that doesn’t have his guard up against me. They’re not afraid of me. They have known me around here since the beginning. But, they’re afraid, nevertheless of what I’m going to say; there’s a guard up there, and there’s a quick parry. Every preacher that preaches to congregation these days is fencing with masters. He lunges and plunges, and I don’t know the language of the fencers. I never fenced and don’t intend to. I’ve mended fences. And he’s always fencing with his audience.

And it’s very rare that anyone comes anymore to the house of God, and with guard down and head bowed and sits before you to hear what God will speak unto us. We have become so learned and so worldly and so sophisticated and so blasé and so burned out and so bored and so religiously tired and beat up, the freshness and delight, the trails clouds of glory, seems to have gone from us. And it’s the great need of this hour my friends that a verse like this when it is read, should have an instant response in the human race, a response afresh and alive. The very fact that I have to talk like this is incriminating in itself.

And I want to know why this is that God’s should send this proclamation extraordinary, “God sent His Son into the world.” He did not send His Son to condemn the world, but He sent Him that the world might be saved. And we take it with such apathy. Who has poisoned our cup? What evil alliances have we made? What has sin been doing to our hearts? What devil has been working on the strings of the heart of our soul? Who’s been giving us sedatives? Who’s been feeding us the medicine of apathy. What’s happened to us, that we can talk about this, sing about this, preach about this, and it leaves us untouched? O Dear God. I sympathize with old Wordsworth when he said, “I would rather be a heathen, a heathen, and believe in an outworn heathen creed than stand on the shore of the ocean and  imagine that I could hear old Neptune or old Triton blow his horn and have something alive in me than to be a civilized Christian to which everything has died. The world is too much with us. Getting and spending late and soon we wasted our powers.

Well, God sent His Son into the world. But He didn’t send Him into the world as a judge. He sent him into the world as its Savior. There are the three ideas in that verse. And I say that for importance, there’s nothing like it. There’s nothing like this in other related scriptures that say about the same thing. Nothing like this in all the wide world. For the human race in its present condition, this is it. There may be a time way out yonder in the glorious tomorrow when all this is over and sin has passed away and the shadows have been driven from the sun and the brows of men are no longer furrowed and we are like Him and know Him and see Him as He is. And His name is on our forehead as we gaze on His countenance, and the slippery path we once trod is now only a memory fast fading. It may be that there will be other and newer and grander proclamations that God may make based upon this one. But, for us in our present condition, there is no proclamation as great; this is it. The proclamation extraordinary that God sent His Son into the world, and sent Him into the world that the world might be saved.

Now, it says, God sent His Son into the world. And I’d like to take one word and change it here and not change it at all, but just change it for you tonight. And yet, it’s exactly what God said and meant. The “world” there doesn’t mean geography. He doesn’t say, He sent His Son into the Near East. He sent His Son into Palestine. He sent His Son to Bethlehem. He sent His Son to the corner of second and ninth, if there were any streets in that sweet, tiny little town where he was born. No, it doesn’t have a geographical or an astronomical meaning. It has nothing to do with kilometers and distances and continents and isles and space and topography and mountains and towns. He came to Palestine. Of course He came to Bethlehem. Certainly He came to the Near East. Certainly He came to the little land that lies between the seas. Sure, all that’s true, but that isn’t what it meant here, and that isn’t why He came.

God sent His Son into the world means, He sent His Son into the human race. The “world” here, that God so loved the world doesn’t mean God so loved geography. It doesn’t mean that God so loved the snow-capped mountains or the sun-kissed meadows or the flowing streams or the great ice peaks of the North.  God may love all of them. I think He does. I think you can’t read Job and the Psalms without knowing that God’s in love with the world He made, but that’s not what it means here. God sent His Son to the human race. He came to people, Jesus Christ came to people. If we could only remember that friends. Jesus Christ came to people, not the white people, not capitalists, not communists, not Republicans, not Democrats, not carpenters, not artists, not writers. He came to people, people, people! These other things are only incidental, but it’s people that He came to. For some reason, God loved people. And we can use generic terms you know, and general terms and pretty soon we’ve become scientific in our outlook. Let’s break that all down. Let’s dump it out the window. God sent His Son to the people of the world. And His Son came into and unto and upon the people of the world. And He even became one of those people. God sent His Son to the people of the world.

He sent His Son to the people, living people. Look at them, think of them, call them before us tonight. Imagine if you could be like Puck and draw a ring around the earth in forty weeks. Imagine that if you could be like some star above, or the moon and gaze all over the world in twenty-four hours. Imagine what you would see. You would see the crippled and the blind and the lepers. You would see the fat and the lean and the tall and short. You would see the dirty and the clean. You would see them walking the avenues, bold and upright without fearing a policeman. You would see them skulking in back alleys and crawling through windows. You’d see them twitching and twitching in the last agonies of death. You’d see them kicking footballs over the field or running around the track. You’d see them tiny and sick and you would see them great and brawny and strong. You’d see them ignorant, not being able to put one letter behind the other. And you’d see them walking gravely under the elms in some college town, dreaming deep dreams of the fourth dimension or dreaming up some great poem or play, to astonish and delight the world.

People. You would see plain people and black people and people whose eyes slant differently from yours, and people whose hair is not like your hair at all. People whose diet is not like your diet. You’d gag on what they love and they’d gag on what you eat every morning for breakfast. Their customs are not the same. Their habits are not the same, but their people. Nevertheless, they’re people. Their differences are external. Their similarities, internal. Their differences have to do with custom and habit. Their likeness has to do with nature. So they would be there, the thief and the liar and the truth teller and the martyr, the mother of many and the dying soldier and the boy in the basket were sent away to the sound of the Star Spangled Banner and came back in the basket to be forgotten out of Hines Hospital, people nevertheless.

And God sent His Son to the people. He is the people’s Savior. Jesus Christ came to people like your family and mine and people like us. God sent His Son into the world of people like you and me. Not to the learned theologians, not to the man who can spout Greek and Hebrew only, He came to them too. Their ability to spout Greek and Hebrew, that is only incidental. What they are is exactly the same as the ignorant boy whose language simply will not order itself. You see, you scratch a professor and you find a hillbilly. That’s all you have to do. You just take a pen or a knife blade and prick the skin a little of that dignified lady with the carefully groomed eagle claws walking around with the latest book under her arm, or on her way, don’t you know to hear about Geoffrey or some opera. Prick her a little and she’s just one more squalling woman.  Scratch her a little and you’ve got one more female. And as the sarcastic old couple of has it, “Judy O’Grady and the Colonel’s lady are sisters under the skin.”

And out on the bus, oh, I saw this on the street car. I shouldn’t tell it. But I saw this on the streetcar. It was some time ago. I saw a white man this time, but he was drunk. And he was just drunk enough to be humorous. You know, they go through stages. They get bright eyed and then they get humorous. And then they get mean and then they get vomiting. And he was in the humor stage. And he was standing up in front clowning and now he was funny, that’s all. And everybody was laughing, including your undersigned, but a dignified lady sat there with a little boy. This is Junior. He had been brought upright, and no doubt she’d been off to finishing school. I don’t know what she was doing on a street car. I thought that was for us plain people, but there she was. And the little guy would look at this drunk fellow who was going through his contortions and making his funny remarks, and he’d giggle and she’d pat his shoulder. “It’s not funny, Charles. It’s not funny Charles. It’s not funny Charles.”

And I had as much amusement watching that dignified mother trying to tell her boy that that funny guy wasn’t funny. But listen to me now, three seats back of this dignified, well-groomed woman who wouldn’t stoop to laugh at a drunk man, there may have been an overstuffed, not to clean, gum chewing, loud talking, laughing colored woman on her way to do somebody’s wash. Different from each other you say? Scrape the skin a little, you’ll find, just the same. The dignified, learned and cultured lady, and the happy go lucky, uncultured woman on her way to do somebody’s wash, seem; Jesus knew that and he paid no attention to class. Class? The Lord knows nothing about this class business everybody talks about. He came to people. He came, God sent His Son into the world to people. He came to us, people. And He didn’t say, how’s your IQ? He came to us. He didn’t say, have you traveled much? He came to us, the people. So, thank God He sent Him and He came. Both of those are truth, no contradiction. God sent Him and He came. He came because He was sent and He came because His great heart urged Him to come.

Now, what was the mission on which He came? We’ve stated here already half a dozen times. But you know what I was thinking? If you knew that the Son of God was coming to the world, and you had never known the Son of God was coming. Let’s think ourselves out. Let’s think ourselves back to paganism. Let’s throw out our Bible and the hymnbook and our 2,000 years of Christian tradition. Let’s say we’ve never heard and somebody suddenly arrives with a proclamation “God is sending His Son into the human race. He’s coming! What would be the first thing you thought of? What would your heart tell you immediately? You’d run for the trees and the rocks, and hide like Adam among the trees in the garden. I won’t add one shadow to your heart, but I’ll ask you, ask your own heart. What mission logically should they have come on? God being a holy God high and lifted up and we being the kind of people we know we are. I ask you, what should have been His mission? He was a man with a mission. What should that mission have been?

Why did God send the angels to Sodom? To decide and fix judgement and take two or three out and burn the rest to cinders. Let your own heart tell you why would the Son of God come to our race? Our own hearts tell us why. Sin and darkness and deception and moral disease tell us why. And the lies we’ve told and the temper tantrum we’ve thrown and the jealousies we’ve felt tells us why. They tell us why. The sin we can’t deny tells us why He might have come to judge the world. If He hadn’t told us that, the Holy Ghost never would have said, not to judge the world. Why did He ever say it? Because he knew that the human conscience could only say one thing. O God, if you’re sending someone from your throne, find a place for me to hide. For my heart tells me I ought to die. My heart tells me that I’ve piled up iniquity and I should be sentenced, and I should die. And if the Righteous One is coming, then I ought to die.

But says the Holy Ghost, He didn’t come to judge us. He sent His Son into the world, true, but He sent His son not to judge the world. That wasn’t His purpose at all. He came that men might be saved. Ah, not to condemn but to reclaim was the mission of our Lord Jesus Christ. Why did He come to men and not the fallen angels? I have said before from this pulpit, and I’m the only person that ever says it so I could be wrong. But also, I could be right. I believe He came to man and not to angels because man had been originally made in image of God and angels haven’t. I believe He came to fall on Adam’s brood and not to the brood of fallen devils, because the fallen brood of Adam had once been made in the image of God. I believe it was a morally logical thing, that when Jesus Christ became incarnated, He couldn’t become incarnated in the flesh and body of a man. Because God made man in His own image and though fallen and lost and on his way to hell, he has the potentialities that could take the Incarnation. God Almighty could pull up the blankets of human flesh up around His ears, and be a Man to walk among men. But there was nothing of like kind among angels and fallen creatures other than man.

So, He came not to condemn but to reclaim. And now I would close, but I would ask you to think of this in personal terms. God sent His Son into the world. The cross is not mentioned here, and the cross is not mentioned in John 3:16. We who preach, sometimes imagine that we have to open our mouths and in one great, big round sentence say all of the theology there is to say. God is not so squeamish. He says it all somewhere in the book. And the cross stands out like a great, bright shining pillar in the middle of the Scriptures. And without that cross on which the Savior died there could be no Scripture, no revelation, no redemptive message, nothing. But he didn’t say anything about the cross here. He simply said He sent his son and He gave His Son, those two words, “sent” and “gave” in the verse above and this verse. He gave His Son, He sent His Son. And later it developed that in giving His Son, He gave Him to die. But, He didn’t say so here.

Now, I want you to think of this in personal terms. Christ taught us to do this. In that story of the prodigal son, which Dickens said was the most pathetic, that is, it had more pathos in it than any other story that was ever told by mortal man. He was afraid we’d get generic, you know, and theological with it all, and get it into a book, you know, and put a period on there and have Article One, Section Two, Subdivision B. He’s afraid of that, God was, so He said, now, I’ll tell you about a boy. He said, a father had two boys. And one of them, the youngest one of them, the younger of the two came to him and said, Father, “give me my goods that followeth to me.” So, he divided unto him his living. Not many days after, the younger son gathered all together and took his journey into a far country, were he wasted his substance with riotous living. And then he joined himself to a citizen of the far country, who sent him into the fields to feed swine. And he feigned would have filled his belly with the husks which the swine did eat but no man gave unto him.

So one day he came to himself and he said, “how many hired servants of my father have food to spare and I perish here with hunger. I will arise and go to my father. Do you notice “I, I, I, I, I?” The Lord says, I want you to personalize this, I don’t want you to be thinking about this racially. I came to save people. I came down here for folk, people, and I want you to think about it in personal terms. And so, He told us that wonderful story. I will arise, I perish, I am hungry, I remember my father’s house, I will go. He said, “I.” So, he rose and went. And his father ran and you know the story too well, so well. Perhaps it has lost part of its meaning. And he threw himself at his father’s feet and the father fitted him out and killed the fatted calf and filled the house with unseemly music. That’s what one person thought. He said, why all this nonsense? Why all this music around here? Is somebody getting married? What is all this music? And the father ran out shining faced and forgot all about his angina. He came tearing out and down the steps, you know, like a boy of fourteen. He said, Your brother’s back!

And this sour Pharisee exploded on him and turned a glowering face and said, I’ve lived with you from my babyhood and you never gave me as much as a kid. And now this, thy son, wouldn’t even own him. He didn’t say, “my brother.” We used to call him “Buddy” in the early days, Buddy. Slept with him, loved him when he was little, but now a religious jealousy has gotten into his heart, and he didn’t even call him by his little old nickname. He said, your boy. He wasn’t his brother anymore. He said, he’s devoured his living with harlots. He used the roughest language he could use, the most shocking. He said, he gets a fatted calf and the father almost turned pale, I suppose, and said why boy, I never knew you felt this way about it. Why, everything I have is yours. But he said, can’t you see, something’s happened tonight. Your brother, my son, he was dead. He’s alive! He was lost and he’s found! And after that one little blow, I think he bounced back and went and turned back up the steps to tell somebody else, “strike up the bank.”

God is capable of getting you morally excited, you know, in the right sense of the word. And I want you to think about you tonight. God sent His Son into the world to save you. And not to save the heathen– save you. Heathen, sure, but only as individuals, save you. And you’ve got to have faith about yourself. Now, I wanted to say that, and I was afraid to say it. Even I sometimes am a little afraid to certain phrases for fear somebody will get down my neck or write me a dirty letter. But I want to say this, you’ve got to have faith about yourself. Not faith in yourself, but faith about yourself. Faith in Christ and faith about yourself. That is, you’ve got to believe that you’re the one he meant. If you don’t, all the general faith you have in God won’t do you a bit of good.

The Lord is “the” Shepherd, I shall not want. No, He couldn’t have said that. Or, if He’d said, The Lord is one Shepherd, one shall not want. He maketh one to lie down in green pastures. He would have gotten an “A” on that in school, but it wouldn’t have meant anything because it wouldn’t been personal. He said, He’s my Shepherd. I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down. The prodigal son could have said, one’s father has goods to spare and one parishes with hunger. One should arise and go on to one’s father. Make it general like that, make it religious, you know, and it didn’t amount to anything. But he said, I am the hungry boy. God’s my Father. My father is back home. I am going back home. Now, you make that personal and see if it doesn’t mean something more to you.

For you see, unbelief always hides behind three trees. Here they are: some where else, some other time, some body else. Those are the three trees in the garden behind which unbelief hides. Somebody preaches a sermon on John 3:16 and we say, yes, somewhere else it’s true of somebody else, it’s true. Some other time, but not now. Faith believes about itself, believes in Him and about itself and says now wait a minute. If God sent His Son into the human race that he might redeem the human race, He can’t redeem the human race en mass. He has to redeem and save human beings as individuals. That must mean me. Don’t pay attention to grammar. Don’t say that must mean “I.” That’s right, but that isn’t right. Say, that means me Lord. Believe about yourself and say to yourself, well now, wait. Not somewhere else, but here. Not some other time, but now. Not somebody else, but me. In that most famous, most wonderful and most terrible of all hymns, Brother McAfee tells me how to pronounce it but I pay no attention. The “Dies Irae,” he says in one place that he pictures the judgment and the world coming apart like an old tent. And the dust and shock and terror of it, and graves opening and men screaming before God’s bar of judgment and the world is on fire. One of the old-fashioned general judgment ideas. And then he prays this tender, lovely little prayer. He is going to be there and he says, oh, remember Jesus, I was the cause and reason why Thou didst come on earth to die. He says, in that awful day God, in that awful day Lord, remember Jesus, I was the cause and reason why Thou didst come on earth to die.

What is your name? Mary? Alright, Iet’s suppose it’s Mary. I don’t know many Marys these days. There are more Shirleys and Marylands and Beverly, but let’s call it Mary. O Jesus, remember I am the cause and reason why I’m Mary and Thou didst come on this earth to die. John is it? O Jesus, remember I am the cause and reason why, I John, single yourself out. Not somebody else, you, actually you. Jesus Christ came not to condemn you, but to save you. Knowing your name. Knowing all about you. Knowing your weight right now. Knowing your age. Knowing what you do. Knowing where you live. Knowing what you ate for supper and will eat for breakfast, where you’ll sleep tonight. How much your clothing costs, who your parents were, knowing you individually as though there wasn’t another person in all the world. He died for you as certainly as if you had been the only last one.

What about it tonight? If you’re out of the fold and away from God, why don’t you put your name in there and say Lord, it’s I, it’s I. Remember Lord, I’m the reason, cause and reason why, Thou on earth didst come to die. That’s faith you see. That’s positive, personal faith in a personal Redeemer. And that’s what’s saves you. And if you will just rush in there, you don’t have to know all the theology in the wide world.

I got two calls on the telephone last week. One wanted to know what the Greek word for cousin was in order if he could find out whether Jesus had brothers and sisters, or whether they were His cousins. So I looked it up in Strong’s, who is my strong refuge, and another fellow want to know if Jesus could ever sin? So, what in the wide world would a poor, lost fallen man worry his poor, little old empty head about theological niceties. When he ought to be saying to himself, in view of the judgment, O Jesus, remember I am the cause and reason why Thou on earth didst come to die. I am the one Lord and all the little theological niceties that men argue about, let them go! I am the one He came to die for.

Do you believe that? Will you tonight believe it means you? Will you put your name in there? Now, I insist on it, put your name in there. Don’t you go out on here tonight, put your name and read it in, whatever that name is. Put it in there, write it down in your heart and say, Jesus, this is “I”, Thee and I, I and Thee as though there were no others. That kind of personalize believing in a personal Lord and Savior. Once that takes place in the human breast, they don’t fool with that fellow anymore. And the Lord God Almighty witnesses within His soul something has happened there and he belongs to God and God to him. You don’t have to feed him on a nipple and run around with luke warm, watered down milk for him. He grows in grace because he’s had that personalized, individual experience of knowing it means, “I.”


Tozer Talks

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“Each of Us Matter to God”

Sunday, February 21, 1954

The text I want to use tonight is so familiar we needn’t look at it at all in our familiar King James. For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Now, here in a twenty-five-word compendium, we have the Christian evangel. The message, the good news, as though God had compressed all of the meaning of the Scriptures, into this twenty-five-word text. They say that diamonds are made from native carbon which has been placed under tremendous pressure, and crystallize.

So that if we might allow our imagination to soar a bit, we would say and could properly say that the Holy Ghost has taken the redemptive evangel and has put it under the emotional pressure of the Triune God, so unbelievably strong and powerful, that it has been crystallized into this shining diamond of truth. It is probably judged by its value to the human race. It is probably the most precious cluster of words ever to be assembled by the mind of an intelligent man. I believe that if we were to take this text which we have read here tonight, and should place it on one side of some vast eternal scales, held yonder in space by some watcher and Holy One who might, in the language of the Scriptures, place one foot on time, and one on eternity; on the sea and on the land. I believe that that one text alone, viewed I say, and judged by its value to mankind, would prove to be of more precious use to the human race in the long run, than all of the books that have ever been written since the art of writing was first invented.

There appeared in the little islands of Greece some four or five or 600 years before Christ, a cluster of mighty minds. So mighty were they that they seemed almost to belong to another species. Their names are common names and their books are still to be found advertised in our magazines. You will see them, these mighty men who wrote, or had written for them, these mighty books: Plato and Aristotle and all that cluster of great minds. Yet, I believe and I say this seriously. That if everything all of them had written could be placed in one side of a scale, and John 3:16 in the other, that they would prove to be as light as air by comparison. And I believe that all of the writing of all the great minds of the world, and I say this not as a very young preacher might carelessly, but I say it thoughtfully after having had a fairly good lifetime to read and think and pray, I trust some too. I do not believe that there is in all the libraries of the world now, I do not believe that all of them put together, if you were to take and bind together or put in one place, in one end of the scale, all the plays of Shakespeare and all of the compositions of Milton and everything they, Leigh Hunt and Scott and Victor Hugo and Emerson and Bacon and all the rest, all of them put together that they had ever written, it could not mean to mankind what twenty-five words in our golden English means to the human race. That’s how highly I valued John 3:16.

And this is a favorite of young preachers, this John 3:16. And yet I must say that to my knowledge, as far as I can remember, I have never preached on this text. I was trying to recall this or trying to scrape up or dredge up out of my memory, anytime that I ever may have preached on John 3:16 down the years. It could be that somewhere there, or behind the veil of forgetfulness, I have or did preach on this text, but I cannot recall it. And I’m quite sure that I have never used it as a text since I have been in Chicago these twenty-five years. But I have quoted it I suppose fifteen to twenty thousand times in prayer and in testimony and in writing and in preaching, though never used it for a text. And I never quite knew why I couldn’t get to this text. And then I was reading just a few verses here the last week from Ellicott, the new, not new really, but newly brought out, one of the noble old commentators of 100 or more years ago, now brought out by Zondervan, called the Ellicott Commentaries. I think there are only one or two books out now, but they’ll be all out I understand. And the old, wise old saint of God came to John 3:16 and he said something to this effect: “Now, I don’t tend to say much about this text.” He said, “this is a favorite of young preachers. But older preachers feel that, it’s better felt than talked about. So, I’m going to confine my comments on this text to the minimum,” and he did. He said very little on John 3:16.

And I have held back from this text as I say, most of my preaching lifetime, if not all of it, making allowance for a possible slip of memory somewhere. And I have avoided it, but not because I did not and do not appreciate it, but because I appreciate it so profoundly that I’m frightened by it. My reason for avoiding it, as near as I can recall them would be, or recollect them out of my mind would be, an overwhelming sense of inadequacy, almost despair at the thought of marked weakness in the presence of a task which takes tremendous strength. And knowing, as I do know, that I am marked by deep ignorance. And it seems to me that anyone to preach on John 3:16 ought to have a tremendous amount of information. And then, when I also think, how by nature, I’m feeling I am and how hard that anyone to preach on John 3:16 confronts a task that requires a great sympathy and a generous love for God and men.

Therefore, I recommend that young preachers lay away these trues they can learn about these texts, this text, but never preach on it for a long time. Preach around it, but don’t preach on it. And yet, here it is I have been preaching on John and I have come up to it. And this burning bush is before us in the way and I cannot go around it and I dare not flee from it, so I approach it. I approach it as one who is filled with great fear and yet, great fascination. And with my shoes off, my heart shoes at least, I want to talk about John 3:16. I think I will probably not get beyond the first line tonight, “For God so loved the world.”

Now, I believe as I have said, that in this line alone, I believe that the important part of the New Testament evangel is here compressed, worthy of the annunciation by an archangel, that God so loved the world. Now this can be restated, and that’s really all that I can do with it. I cannot hope ever to run up any ramp and take off. I can only hope to restate it in terms more familiar and say that restated in personal terms, it means this; to me it means that I mean something to God. Now, I want you to write that down in your hearts and think about it. God so loved the world means to me in personal terms, I mean something to God, I matter to Him. God is emotionally concerned about me. Now, if I said those three things to you and sent you off with a benediction, if you have been listening with your heart as well as your ears, it would have been and will have been well worthy of your trip here. No matter how far you’ve come, that God so loved the world restated in personal terms, means that God is emotionally concerned about me. That I matter to God, I mean something to Him.

Now, here is one of the strange paradoxes. It’s funny isn’t it, how preachers talk about paradoxes? I’ve never heard anybody else talk about it.  My son today told me, he’d been attending some political meetings, and he said, no politician can ever say “yes” in less than twenty-five words. He said, he never can say yes in less than twenty-five. I think he’s generous there. But politicians never have used the word to my knowledge, “paradox.” It’s remained for the preachers to use the word paradox. And in case you don’t know what paradox means, it means an apparent contradiction that really isn’t a contradiction at all.  And here is a strange contradiction in human nature, that a man may reek with pride and be swollen with offensive egoism and strut like a pouter pigeon and yet at the same time, deep within him, he may be filled with a great loneliness, a heavy sense of orphanage, that he has been an orphan, and that there isn’t a father to whom he can run. There isn’t a mother under whose kind hand he can run for comfort. There isn’t anywhere, anybody that’s emotionally concerned about him, outside of his own narrow little family that will die along with him.

And the result of this strange sense of loneliness and cosmic orphanage, may be summed up like this, or the feeling we have about it, that for me, as a person, nobody cares. I matter to nobody except the little mortal circle around me. And when they go, then I’ll matter to nobody. They’ll bury me and pay an amount of money to a company and give it what they call perpetual care nowadays. In perpetual care, probably means until the second generation is dead. And then they may conveniently forget their perpetuity. But there the man lies, and this is the heavy burden of the race.

My brethren, when Jesus said, “come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest,” He didn’t invite tired people to Him, although tired people are welcome to come. He didn’t invite to Him those who have been economically oppressed though they also are welcome to come. He did not invite to Him those who had been politically oppressed as the Jews were under the Romans. No, no, they can come too. But He invited to Him those who are inwardly tired and emotionally fatigued with the heavy pressure of the knowledge, or at least the belief, that in the vast universe they don’t matter to anybody; that in the wild, vast world, nobody actually cares, that there’s no one emotionally concerned with them. I mean of course, except your own little flock around you with their limited time and their limited ability. But in the great, vast world, we’re orphaned there. There’s nobody that cares. I don’t matter.

And there we have it, this strange paradox tearing at the human heart. Here in one side is an egoism that is offensive and rank, and makes a man boast and lie and strut. And on the other hand, deep within him, he is a whimpering, frightened, homesick, heart-sick, broken boy, knowing that there isn’t anybody in the universe that’s emotionally concerned. He doesn’t matter to anybody. God has made us as we are, so vast, so huge inside of such tremendous proportions, intellectually and spiritually. And then sin had brought to us this sense of orphanage, this sense of having been put out of our father’s house, and then the house burnt down and the father dies. I know it’s all mixed up. I know it’s all crazy. I know it isn’t true, but that’s the trouble with the world. Sin has done that. And the same devil that once came and said, “hath God said,” was really saying in effect, you don’t matter to God. Has God said to you? Well, God lied. God doesn’t have any emotional connection with you. You don’t matter to God. God isn’t concerned about you. And you’ve believed the lie.

And sin came into the world with all its woes and its ugly trail of death along behind it. There we find ourselves now and that’s the trouble with the world. That’s why men rise like Napoleon and Hitler and Stalin and the rest, and try to immortalize themselves. And try to arrange it so that when they’re gone, somebody will care. And that is why as the poet said when he was a little boy, “I wrote on high a name I deemed would never die.” And when he went back at eighty years of age and saw his name carved there in his crude, boyish lettering, He smiled and was ashamed, and yet wrote his beautiful poem, that when he was a lad, he wrote on high a name he deemed would never die. It’s that craving to matter to somebody, to mean something to somebody, to have somebody that amounts to something emotionally concerned with us as persons.

Now, the hour in which we live happened to be the hour of a great humanitarianism, or rather I should not say a great humanitarianism. I should say, great humanism, for the two are not the same, and I mean, the latter not the former. We think of the human race as a lump. We think of the human race statistically and we think of it as we might think of a breed of hens; as something very populous and related intrinsically, but the individual doesn’t matter. And that is the curse of stateism. That is the curse of the totalitarian governments, such as old Rome in her day and such as Naziism was and Fascism and now the curse of communism. The state means everything. The organization means everything, but the individual means nothing at all. The Christian evangel comes into that wondrously alight and says, you matter to God. You as an individual, matter to God. God isn’t thinking in terms of general species. He’s thinking in terms of individuals, always.

And when the Son of God walked the earth, He always called individuals to Him. While He preached to the multitudes, He did not preach to them en mass as though they were a faceless crowd. He preached to them as individuals, that he knew each one. And these individuals mattered to Him. And so, the woman taken in adultery, lying there in the dust, ready to be stoned to death, was raised gently to her feet and sent away and told that God would forgive her; to go and sin no more. And the mother with a crippled baby that she brought to Jesus that had been kicked around and pushed everywhere, until she had no feeling anymore that the babe or she amounted to anything in the vast world, was selected out of the crowd and thumbed over and touched and blessed, and Jesus blessed the baby and called his name.

Statistics, statistics, Jesus doesn’t know statistics; he doesn’t deal in them. He deals in individuals and the Christian message is, God loves the world. And God doesn’t love masses. He loves people, individuals, and loves masses only because they’re composed of individuals. But the world doesn’t know that. I think I’m beginning to understand as I talk, why Moody said, “if I could get everybody in the world to believe God loved them, I’d get everybody in the world converted.” I think that was an overstatement, but at least I believe I know what he meant.

Now, this deep feeling the devil planted in us, that we don’t matter to anybody, is confirmed by observation. All you have to do is look around you and see, and you will find that nature alone for instance, appears to be very little concerned with the individual; very, very much concerned with the species, but very little concerned with the individual. Of course, Tennyson said of nature, “so careful of the type she seems, so careless of the single life.”

And so, nature has planted deep within every normal human being a tremendous urge for self-propagation. And that urge begins in babyhood and doesn’t die til we die. And that urge guarantees the perpetuation of the race. And yet, when the individual has perpetuated his kind, he dies and goes back to dust. And there isn’t a spot scarcely anywhere but that is tainted, or blessed as you like, with the dust of men where once they have been, and are no more. And, “if we take the wings of the morning” says the poet and hear nothing but the sound of the splashings of the great Amazon, yet even there, the dead are. And all the tribes that walk the earth, are but a handful to the tribes that slumber in its bosom. Since the long flight of years began, matron and maid and soldier, an old man in the gray bloom of his old age, and kings and learned men and fools and wise men, all lie down together, and the dead rein there alone.

Nature seems to confirm that idea that you and I don’t matter in the great vast universe. Who cares about the past generation? If you want to check on that, go out to a cemetery somewhere as I sometimes do. And don’t say I’m morbid. I’m not. Go out to a cemetery and look around. Who’s alive to care about that old man there. There he lies. He’s been dead 200 years. Who’s alive to care about him? His great, great, great, great grandchildren may carelessly come with their camera and between the joke and the wisecracks, snap great, great, great, great grandfather’s old, bent and leaning stone that tells where he lies. Who cares about him? He’s rolled around in earth’s diurnal turns with rocks and stones and trees and he matters no more than the rock there on the hillside. Few there are that care when we live and fewer still when we die; and when they die, nobody cares.

Now, the Christian message comes and says, God cares. The Christian message comes to the tramp, that old tramp. Once he was a shining lad, crawling across the floor with shining face and dripping chin and shining eyes. And his parents ran to grab him and stood him up on his wobbly legs and grabbed him when he fell. He meant something to somebody. But they’re gone and society has not done right by him and he hasn’t done right by society, and now he’s a bum, a tramp. Old clothes that fit him as if he had been born in them. Every wrinkle, every crease in his old, tired body, these clothing fits in now, greased to him. And his old feet in shoes that fit his feet as though they had too, had been stretched on, and the whole body alive with dirt and cooties.

And there he lies, smelling of every place that he’s been in the last 15 years. And if he’s sober enough to think, he’ll be saying and thinking within himself, “well, here I am. Why am I here? Nobody cares. I don’t mean anything to anybody. There isn’t anybody anywhere emotionally concerned about me. My father is gone, my mother is gone. My brother is gone to some other part of the world. He’s forgotten that I live. And when a policeman comes, I duck, or if don’t duck, I get told to “move on buddy”. And I’ve been turned out of all the places that bums even are taken. So, with a deep sense of sadness and complete orphanage, as though all that meant anything had died. He was alone in a vast and gusty universe, blown about like dust grains or leaves of Autumn, meaning nothing to anybody, nobody concerned, nobody carrying.

The Christian evangel said, wait a minute you, dirt and whiskers and smell and hollow, sunken cheeks. Wait a minute, somebody is emotionally concerned about you. Somebody isn’t happy because you’re the way you are. Somebody knows your name and remembers you and loves you where you are, and as you are. You mean something to somebody. Who do I mean anything to? The girl I once knew thirty years ago has long forgotten me. My parents are gone, long, long. Nobody cares for me. And then the smiling worker says, “God, so loved you that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever would, and you are included, believe in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. And I am here from God to tell you that you do matter. You don’t matter to Mayor Kennelly. You don’t matter to Chief O’Connor. You don’t matter to Edgar Hoover. You don’t matter to President Eisenhower. You matter to God.

There is somebody that amounts to something in the world to Whom you matter. Somebody cares about you. That’s the high compression. That’s the shining facet of the diamond of truth which God has thrown almost with happy carelessness out to the world and says take it. And there’s that wounded soldier. From all I can learn, I suppose the most complete loneliness that can possibly come to a human being would be to have all your company march on before and lie wounded in an enemy country, surrounded by no one whose language you can speak, and surrounded by thousands who would kill you on sight. With the cold, cold settling down on the evening, and there you are, bloody on the hard, frozen ground. You know, one of my boys lay like that. And I suppose that’s the loneliest, most complete sense of forsakenness and abandonment. Your pal, your buddy, your commanding officer, the gruff-voice sergeant, everybody’s gone on and left you; and the firing is in the distance and you’re alone.

And if you’re dying, thank God he wasn’t and didn’t die. But, if you’re dying in that last moment, even the stars are cold and full of accusations. And the hard, biting wind that pierces your torn and bloody uniform, confirms what you’ve always feared. Nobody cares. Nobody cares. I was a number to Uncle Sam. Now, nobody cares. Nobody. And the Christian message comes smiling up and says, “Somebody does care.” You’re only a number to the Army, but you’re a living, breathing, pulsating human being made in the image of God and the God in whose image you are made cares. You amount to something to God. You are a treasure to God. You matter.

And I imagine that there were many, many, many boys brought up in Baptist churches and Presbyterian churches and the Alliance churches and other gospel churches throughout our great, broad country among that, what was it, 20,000 or so that died in Korea. I imagine that there was many, many of them that in that last hour, when loneliness seized upon them and they felt a sense of orphanage; remembered the text that they had to memorize and gotten a little cheap price for memorizing when they were in Sunday school. And there lying with their last flickering breath, they turned their eyes upward to the God above and said, O God, when I was a boy, they told me I mattered. Is it any different now? Have you changed your mind, God? When I was a boy in Sunday school, they told me that you were emotionally concerned about me. Well God, is it any different now that I’m a big man and I’ve carried a gun and sinned? Is it any different now God?  And somewhere within them, the ancient memory or old memories came back and the ancient voice of God said, No, boy, I’m still not happy about your condition. For I so loved you that I gave my only begotten Son, that whoever believed in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. And I wouldn’t go indiscriminately and say it, but I’m quite certain that there are mothers grieving over boys they believed are in hell tonight. Boys that will greet them in that happy day.

Do you not think that the Thief on the cross had a mother? He was not an old man. He was a young man. Do not think the Thief on the cross had a mother? And do you not think the Thief on the cross, when he was dying there, was in the tender heart of his mother? And do you not suppose that that mother thought that I’ve failed him? And society has failed him, and he’s failed society and he’s dying a criminal, crucified on a cross, my boy, my boy. But what she didn’t know was, that the One who cared was within touching distance. What she didn’t know was that that outcast, that young rebel and traitor, turned his eyes to the One who cared and said, “Remember me when Thou comest in Thy kingdom. And He said, “this day shalt thou be with me in paradise.” All she knew was that her boy had died by execution. And her hair was grayer and her face more tired and her wrinkles deeper and her gloom heavier. When the day was over and she knew her boy was dead, but what she didn’t know was, that Somebody in that universe beside her, cared. And that boy mattered to Somebody beside his mother. That there was Somebody that wasn’t happy about that thief dying a criminal and going to hell. That there was Somebody who is emotionally wrought up about this. That man meant something. He had gone there from a cell, a number, and had gone to the execution. But now, he matters. Suddenly, he becomes significant and there isn’t an angel in the winged choir above more significant than he. His name sounds yonder in God Almighty’s heaven, because the Christian message says, God so loved. And that love is not the love for a species, but a love for individuals. And it was people that He loved. Jesus lover of “my” soul, not Jesus, lover of the human race, but Jesus lover of my soul. In one strict sense, there is no human race.

The human race is composed of individuals and if you take away the individual, you have no human race. There is such a thing as a crowd, but yet in another sense there is no such a thing as a crowd. Evangelists love crowds, crowd mad these days, and they look out upon them as crowds. In one sense, there is no such a thing as a crowd. For a crowd is simply a congregation of individuals, and every individual has eternal significance and meaning in the heart of God. God so loved. God is emotionally concerned with the individual.

That prisoner, that prisoner yonder, maybe in a prison camp, cursed and beaten and half-starved and threatened and brainwashed and cuffed around until he’s been made to believe his own country has turned on him. Lies have been told and his own country has been reduced until his mind is filled with a belief that even his own people don’t care anymore, that nobody cares. His country has deserted him, nobody cares. And after months and months of weariness and tiredness and under-nourishment and anemia and the deep fatigue that no amount of rest can cure, he arrives at that place, where he can’t shake it off by shaking his head anymore. The great sense of cosmic loneliness, orphanage, somebody is dead that used to care.

And the Christian message comes and says, no Sonny, you’ve had a rough time of it. Maybe some people back home had forgotten. Maybe the girl that swore at the station she’d be true to the end has married somebody else now. Maybe your company has written you off and you been classified as missing in action. Your folks don’t know you’re alive at all. Maybe your people back home are dead. Maybe for all you know Sonny, your country has gone over to the other side. But I have a message for you. There is Somebody that doesn’t change. And there is Somebody that cares, and He’s not happy about you. And He’ll never be happy about you until you’re safe in His bosom. He’ll never feel good about you until you, you single, lone you, with all of your discouragement and gloom and weariness; until you have come back into His heart and found your home there, to live and to die there and live again there. That’s the Christian message my friends.

And so, all around the whole world we can go and we can tell them, the shipwrecked sailor and the chronic failure. The man who fails at everything he touches. Some people have success at the ends of their fingers. They just have to touch it and it turns to gold. Other people are chronic failures, they’ve established a pattern of failure. Everything they do fails. They add up two times two and it turns to five. Nothing they can do wins. And so, it’s failure all the way. And they say, well, it’s all right. Big fellows and men of popularity and men that make money; I fail at everything. I’m just no good. The English language is such an almost humorously, downright blunt and accurate language. He’s no good, they say. And those two little words, no good. They just mean everything.

A couple of women will say about another woman, “she’s no good.” And you could write, anybody with a little imagination could write a book on that. Let me hear two old bitties say about some girl, “she’s no good,” and I can write a book about the girl. I don’t even need to meet her. Just use your imagination. They put so much into it. No good, no good. But you know, there isn’t anybody in the whole United States of America, spilling over into Canada and down into Mexico and Guam across the ocean to Europe and all around and yet, come to Asia and take them all in, to the last twisted, crippled, black boy, deformed in some hut in Africa. There isn’t one human being about which God says, “he is no good.” In that sense, He says there is none righteous, no, not one. We all must be saved and we will all perish if we don’t repent, and we must all be born again. But in the sense of being written off as no good and hopeless, there isn’t anybody. Thank God there isn’t anybody.

And don’t you listen to any of these interpreters of truth who say God has chosen some and not chosen others, and the ones that He has chosen will be, and the ones that He hasn’t chosen are no good. They’re vessels of wrath fitted to destruction, and God created them to have the fun of damning them. Don’t you listen to such as what Wesley called “a horrible decree.” There isn’t anybody like that in the universe. I don’t say there’s good in everybody. But I say there’s Somebody that likes them whether they’re good or not. I say there’s Somebody that’s emotionally concerned about them. Everybody matters.

And you tonight my friend, matter. Now, I’ve repeated that over and over again, not because I have no other language, but because I want that to come home to your heart. I want you to take this out with you tonight. I want you to go away, not carelessly talking about this or that, but I want you to go away saying, the One who was with the Father, and Who came and reported what He saw, says, “you matter.” He came down from above, not to condemn the world but that the world might live. And whoever believes in Him, “whosoever,” is singular, believes in him, that’s the individual, should not perish but have everlasting life.

And so there is One, who is from above, who came and said, “this is what I saw there. I’m recording what I saw.” Everybody matters. And God is concerned about you as an individual. But you say, If only you knew me, Mr. Tozer, you wouldn’t talk like that? I don’t know you of course, all of you individually, but it wouldn’t make any difference. It’s still true. God is concerned about you. You say yes, concerned about the race? No, concerned about you. Concerned about my family? No, concerned about you as well as your family, you. But you say Mr. Tozer, I’ve sinned, I’ve lied, I’ve failed. I made vows and broke them, I made promises and failed to keep them. I’m no good. Well, all I can say to you is, that if you persist in your gloomy unbelief, there isn’t anything even God can do for you. Because, it’s unbelief that tells you, at the same time, you’re hard to swallow with pride, another part of your heart says, it’s no use, I’m no good. And God Almighty went to all the trouble to say you are, not that you’re good morally, but you’re some good to God, because God’s going to make you over, and He’s proved that He cares by sending His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

I’m nearly done. I can only point out that faith cometh by hearing the Word. And it begins to work as we begin to affirm. Now if you would begin to affirm, and say to God this affirmation, O God, believing Thy Word, I affirm it. I mean something to you. I affirm it God. You said it to me, now I say it back to Thee. You’re concerned about me. It might change the whole complexion of your life for all years to come if you start saying it tonight. I matter. I matter. I’m a sinner, but I matter. I’m hell-bound, but I’m not going to hell with nobody caring. Somebody cares beyond power to express, I matter. I am all alone, I, I am a number to the government. I’m a statistic, but to God, I’m a person that matters. Write your name in there.

You know what I do sometimes? I never do this except when I’m by myself, maybe once or twice in the presence of Brother McAfee. He and I in our prayer life almost have become, not two people, but one. When I pray and quote scripture back to God, I give my three names so God won’t make any mistake. I want him to know exactly whom I mean. And then, lest there be any confusion, I remind Him, it’s Senior. Now you say that’s silly. Is the old man going soft? Is he falling apart in his old age? Oh, I only wish I had fallen apart decades before I did, if that’s what you mean. I won’t let generalities and broad sweeps of thought and the en masse idea; I won’t let that get me down. When God says in His Word that He loves, He means He loves me.

I tell God my father’s name and my mother’s name, where I was born. I tell God, now remember that’s who it is God that’s doing this praying and the one that we’re talking about here. I don’t spend all my time praying about myself, certainly, but when I have occasion to go before God for anything, and I want it known that somebody is talking to God, I tell God who my father was Jacob Schneider Tozer. That was his name, J.S. Tozer. And I remind Him, that’s, that’s, that’s the boy.

Well, affirm, I matter to God. And then turn to God and say, O God, I mattered to you, then you’re pretty close to the Kingdom Brother. I mattered to you God. After you’ve said yourself, I believe it’s true, I matter. I’m a sinner. I’m on my way to hell, but I, Somebody cares tremendously about me. And after your heart believes that, for that’s part of the Christian evangel, then you begin to pray. Faith comes by hearing and faith becomes perfect by praying, O God, I believe I matter to Thee.

Do you see how simple it is and how easy to come into the arms of God; to come back to God if you have wandered away, to come back home if you’ve strayed, come to him for the first time as a sinner. And with a full confidence that God has taken the great Truth, the truth the devil never discovered, truth that mankind never dreamed of discovering, and compressed it by all the pressure of the Triune God into the shining diamond of truth, and held it up as the church’s bright message. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Do you believe it? Do you believe it tonight? Say amen. Do you believe it? I believe it. I believe it.

How about you, friend. You’re not a Christian. We’re not going to fix you up and tell you that everything’s all right. It isn’t all right. That word “perish” is in John 3:16. Don’t overlook that. Perish is there.  But it’s there after the word “love.” Perish, that’s there. So, it isn’t all right. If you have sinned, and you haven’t come to Christ in believing surrender, it isn’t all right. You shall perish most surely.

But no matter how bad or how far away from God, and how often you have failed Him, and how many lies you’ve told Him, or how terrible you’ve been, or how no good you feel you are; I have the word for you. You do matter. God is concerned. God isn’t happy about you. He says, “Come home, and let whoever heareth and say, “come, whoever will, let him come. Sinner man, sinner woman, you can come, you can. God waits to receive you. Just as I am without one plea, but that Thy blood was shed for me. And that Thou biddest me come to Thee, O Lamb of God I come, I come. Those that have known you, know your dirty temper, known your impossible disposition, known your past and have no faith in you. They can keep you out. For they don’t have the keys of death and hell. They can’t keep you out. And that every cop in town that has once been on your trail, they can’t keep you out. Because, there’s One to whom you matter so much, that He gave His only Son.


Tozer Talks

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“The Once-born and the Twice-Born”

Sunday, February 7, 1954

John 3:7-11

We have read the three opening verses of the third chapter of John at least three times, so I’m not going to read them again tonight. Only this one, verse seven, to sort of get started. Jesus said, marvel not that I said unto thee, ye must be born again. I gather from this, marvel not that I say to you, you must be born again, that I gather that there must be good sound reasons back at all and that there isn’t anything strange or astonishing about it, and that it’s quite an order and reasonable and logical. And I want to talk about that tonight.

But let me begin by saying that this teaching of our Lord is more than teaching. It is of vital and far-reaching importance, so important that it would be difficult to overstate that importance. Sometimes we can exaggerate when we make statements. By using a superlative, we can go too far and be guilty of exaggeration. But it would be difficult to exaggerate this, the vital importance of a teaching of our Lord in the opening verses of John 3. It is wholly revolutionary, more revolutionary than any teaching of any religion in the world. It is sharply classifying. It distinguishes, it excludes, and it includes, it classifies men and it distinguishes men from each other. And it excludes certain men and includes certain other ones.

And I say that it differs from all other religious teaching, in that it is more than religious teaching. It did not originate with the Teacher. It is not a pattern of truth woven out of many threads as most religious teaching is. And it is not and does not represent simply the highest and finest and noblest thoughts of a lofty soul woven together. It is not anything like that. It is rather practical reporting. When a man goes to Asia or Washington or London as a reporter and he sends back what he has seen and heard, we do not say this is the teaching of this man. We say this is factual reporting.

And Jesus said in the 11th verse of this chapter, we speak, that we do know, and testify that we have seen. He there took upon Himself the character of a reporter. And he said, I am reporting to you what I know and have seen. So you see, it is not pieced out teaching. It is reporting. It is a report to men on earth what He, the Lord of Heaven, had seen and heard and knew while He was in Heaven. For no man ascended up to Heaven, save the Son of Man, who has come down from Heaven. And this teaching is what He saw. He is telling us on earth what He saw in Heaven, and a lot of people don’t accept it. He said, if I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, then how shall you believe if I tell you of heavenly things. No man hath ascended up to Heaven, but He that came down from heaven, even the Son of Man which is in heaven. That was His explanation when Nicodemus asked, how can these things be? He said, this is not teaching merely, this is reporting. I am telling you what I know and what I have seen.

And He says that this is to be believed or rejected by everyone. And it will be believed or rejected depending upon our opinion of the One who does the reporting. He said, there are those who will not believe my testimony that I give coming down from Heaven. They will not believe what I tell them that I saw and the way I know things to be. They won’t believe it and they will reject it. And there will be two reasons for it. One will be that they love the earth and sin too well, and the other, that they will have no confidence in the One who is reporting. That is unbelief in the Savior, the Son of God.

We usually don’t know that unbelief is not a failure of the mind to function. It is not simply a weakness in the department of our credulity. It is an opinion of a man. When we do not believe in Jesus, we have an opinion of Jesus, and that opinion, prevents us from believing. A man Goes to Washington, and sees and hears, and comes back and reports in the newspaper or wires it in, and we shrug it off. It is not because we’re unable to understand it, nor would it be because we have some psychological weakness. It is because we have no confidence in the reporter. We say we don’t believe that man. He has a reputation for misunderstanding or misrepresenting, and reproducing things that never were said and we don’t accept it.

Now, our Lord said in these chapters, these verses which I read to you before that that is exactly what takes place when His message is proclaimed. There are those who said it to their seal, that God is true, and they believe this message. There are those who deny that God is true, or at least that Jesus Christ is God’s Son. And they doubt the veracity of the reporter, and refuse to accept the reporter’s record.

Now we want to break down what our Lord said here, that that I have said before is introductory too. This which I shall now say about the new birth, our Lord talked about. We’ll break it down in the light of Scripture, not holding entirely to these verses, but going elsewhere in the Bible, and show what our Lord taught here, and what is back of this all. So, that it may be said, marvel not that I said unto you, you must be born again. In the light of Scripture, there is nothing strange about it. It’s quite normal. It’s sound, philosophically. I want you to take a notebook if you don’t have a good memory. And I want you to put down five, well, really four items here. And these items are contrasts. As for instance, where our Lord says, that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. There’s what I mean by a contrast. And I give you four contrasts here which are taught in the Bible, taught here by our Savior and also taught by the apostles elsewhere in the Scriptures.

First, that there are two heads of the human race. There is that first Adam, the first head of the race, the head of the natural race. How it says in 1 Corinthians 15:22, For as in Adam all die, so in Christ shall all be made alive. Showing that in Adam, who is the head of the race, all died. And in Romans 5, it tells us even more plainly this thing. If you’ll excuse me, I’ll read quite an extended passage here for what I could read would be more beneficial than what I could say. The man of God, the same Paul wrote Corinthians is writing and he says this, Wherefore, as by one man, sin entered into the world, and death by sin, so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned. Nevertheless, death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the likeness of Adam’s transgression, who was the figure of Him that was to come. Adam was a figure of the Christ who was to come, being the head of the old race. And not so as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift. For the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offenses under justification. For if by one man’s offense, death reined by one, much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness, shall reign in life by One, Jesus Christ. Therefore, by the offensive of one, judgment came upon all men to condemnation. Even so, by the righteousness of One, the free gift came upon all men, the justification of life.

That’s familiar reading, for what it teaches here is, that there are two heads of the race. There is Adam, the head of the natural race, who is the forefather of us all. And we are his natural children, born by natural generation. And then there is a second head of the human race, which is Christ, the last Adam, Head of the redeemed human race. And we read about that many places, but we read about it in 1 Corinthians 15:44, I think it is or 49, where it says that it has sown a natural body and raised a spiritual body, for there is a natural body and there’s a spiritual body, as it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul and the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. There you will have the contrast between the two heads of the human race. Adam, the head of the natural human race, and Christ, the head of the spiritual human race, for He was and is a quickening Spirit.

The first man is of the earth, earthy, and the second man is the Lord from heaven. Now, that’s what the Holy Ghost teaches here regarding the two heads of the human race. And so, for the present, we have two human races. You know, this sounds like Russellism, or Eddyism or something else, because it’s so little heard in the churches. The very bringing of it before an audience puts one on the defensive. You say to yourself, now wait a minute, I hadn’t heard this before, hadn’t heard this preached. People aren’t preaching it, but it’s here. And it is the reason our Lord could say, don’t marvel at the thought that I said, that you must be born again. For there’s a reason back of it all. There’s a sound philosophy that rests the mind. One of the reasons is that there are two human races, that there is the race that is in Adam and there’s the race that is in Christ. There is that which is of earth and that which is of heaven. There is that which stems from Adam the first and there’s that which stems from Adam the second.

Now, these two human races are coexisting and commingling. The ones that belong to the first Adam are human beings of everywhere, and the ones that belong to the other, they are the new ones who are created in Christ Jesus unto good works. If any man be in Christ, he is a new creation. And thus, he has a new head which is Jesus Christ, the Lord. Adam is no longer his head. He does not go back to Adam. He goes back to Christ. He does not take his life from Adam. He takes his life from Christ. And he gets his likeness from Christ and not from Adam, for Christ is the new head of the new creation and of those that are born of the Spirit.

Now, these two human races coexisting in the world, that’s the trouble, the reason for persecution and trouble, religious trouble, because in every city, there are two human races. There are, in the city of Chicago. There’s that part of the human race or that block that belongs to Adam that grew out of Adam, and stemmed down from Adam, was born once of Adam’s seed, and so it’s Adam’s race. And commingling and coexisting along with that race. there is a smaller race in this same city, living in houses, eating regular food, doing work, driving automobiles, talking on telephones, and paying bills, and doing everything that the old Adam’s race does. But lo and behold, mystery of mysteries, something wonderful has happened to that group. They look like the others, but they’re not. They can hardly be distinguished, but they’re different from the others in that the others are born of Adam’s seed, and no more; and this other race is rescued from Adam’s seed and born into the kingdom of God. So, that leads us to two kingdoms coexisting also, the kingdom of the flesh, and the kingdom of the Spirit, which we also call the Kingdom of God.

Now, this kingdom of the flesh is the realm inhabited by Adam’s descendants. And these descendants of Adam are related by blood and by common origin. Do you know, I said here a long time ago, and I just got it off a tape on to type here the other day, and I was rather shocked at what I had said, but I edited it and left it in to shock me, it probably shocked you, and it might as well shock your readers to what I said was that I believe in the brotherhood of man. And I know that some would faint immediately and want to be carried out, and would have be brought to by strong smelling salts, to have any man say that he believes in the brotherhood of man, but I do. I believe there is a universal brotherhood of the once-born. And then I believe in a universal brotherhood of the twice born, where our modernistic and liberal friends make their mistake is they do not distinguish between the twice born and the ones born. They make a universal brotherhood then say everybody is in, then Jesus Christ makes a universal brotherhood and says everybody is out, except them that are born in.  There’s the difference. The liberal says, I believe in the brotherhood of man; and all that universal brotherhood are children of God. Jesus Christ says, there is a universal brotherhood of the flesh, that which is born of the flesh is flesh. And no man will ever enter into the Kingdom, except he gets in by a birth.

So, I do believe in the universal brotherhood of man, the universal brotherhood of fallen man. And then I said, and I repeat now, that I believe in the fatherhood of God. Do you know, the modernists have labeled that and have taken it to themselves so that we shrug our shoulders and refuse to accept the fatherhood of God. But I believe in the fatherhood of God, not the fatherhood of God over the whole race of Adam, for that not so, but the fatherhood of God over them that are born anew, that are saved. The Christians have God for a Father. The man in the old world who is born of Adam, has Adam for his father, not God. God created Adam and Adam had progeny. And their whole world is populated with the progeny of Adam, who are universal brothers descended from one ancient father, but not children of God. But, when we enter the kingdom of God and are made children of the Most High, then we enter a new brotherhood, the brotherhood of the redeemed of which God is Father and Jesus Christ is the Head.

Now these two kingdoms I say, there’s a kingdom of the flesh inhabited by Aaron’s descendants, and they’re related by blood and by common origin. They are separated also, by color, and language, and minor racial marks. The human race is united by blood and common origin, but as we see it scattered over the earth, it is separated by color and language, and minor racial marks. Some sub-races of the human race have long heads. What did they used to call those in biology?  Here I go, again, the long heads and the narrow heads, Nordic type. Yeah, that’s what I thought. But anyhow, we’ve been out of schools so long we forget the terminology, but it has to do with the shape of their heads. Welsh people, for instance, have a certain shaped head in the sciences. They talk about the shape of a Welchman’s head. He has a certain racial head, and Dutch people have a head. I tell them sometimes they come into the world with wooden heads and wooden shoes. But anyway, they have a certain racial trait. You can pretty near always tell them; tell the Anglo Saxons by the shape of their heads and a few other traits.

And so, the human race is united by blood. But it’s divided by language, and time and space, and racial characteristics and the color of the skin and the shape and slant of the eyes, and the hair, whether it’s blonde, curly, or what it is. But they’re all nevertheless sons of Adam. And they’re all of one blood that inhabit the face of the Earth, says the Holy Ghost in the Bible. So, there is a unity of the whole human race. And there is also minor divisions in the whole human race, racial divisions, and linguistic divisions, and color divisions.

Now, there are also differences, these are minor. There are differences of cultural level. There are some of you that never had lorgnette in your eye, and never will have, thank God. And there are others in the city of Chicago that do. There are some that say I wouldn’t go “either.” But there are others that wouldn’t be caught dead saying “either” either. They are more cultured. And so, they use a word that doesn’t exist, “either.” I go along with the Irishman. They say, that which is right, either or either and he said, neither. I accept that definition myself, and neither. Well, there are differences in cultural level, and differences in education, and differences in advancement of scientific achievement and degree of civilization.

They have what they call the Stone Age. That was the age when the only weapons they had, the only machinery they had, were made of stones. Then came the Iron Age. It advanced a little, and then the age of steel. And now we’ve come to the age of the atom. But it’s all Adams race nevertheless. He can ride in a plane, or ride on a wheelbarrow. It’s the same old son of Adam. He’s just the same and he isn’t a bit improved over what he was before. He can say either or neither, or neither, or neither. And it’s all the same. He is still a son of Adam. He’s just the same as he was before. There are differences among the sons of Adam, but they’re all one, in that they are all sons of Adam, and they inhabit the kingdom of the flesh.

Then, there’s the kingdom of the Spirit. Sometimes I say, called the Kingdom of God. And it’s inhabited by the Spirit-born. And they are separated just as we have separations in Adam’s kingdom, the kingdom of the flesh, linguistic and color and shape of head and so on, separating group from groups; so we in the kingdom of God, certain separations too. For instance, the Brother talked this morning about language barriers. There are Christians that are kept apart by language barriers. The only two words they know that are alike are amen and Hallelujah, like in all the languages, but they kept apart. And then there is space that keeps God’s people apart. On the day of Pentecost, they were all of one accord in one place. That would be totally impossible now to get all the church together in one place. There are too many of us. There isn’t any stadium in the world big enough to hold all the redeemed people of God. They’re a company that no man can number, and you cannot get them; spatially, it’s impossible to get all God’s people together.

And then, we don’t live together in time either. Some are already dead. Some have been dead a long time. And if Jesus tarries, some Christians are not yet born. So, there’s a time division, and there’s a space separation. And then there are all the little incidental separations. For instance, you’re a Lutheran and you’re born again and brought up and really a Christian in the Lutheran Church. And by a certain narrow, limited view of things, maybe you don’t know there are any other kinds of Christians at all. And one Baptist man said down in the South, he said, I never have gone to any other church in my life except the Baptist church. He didn’t know what he was missing. There are other Christians here and there, so that we may not mingle with certain other truly born-again people, inhabiting the same spiritual kingdom we do, because we can’t speak their language, they’re dead before we were born, we’ll die before they’re born, or they’re across another part of the world, or they belong to some remote denomination that we don’t mingle with. And so, we just don’t get together, but there are nevertheless a people, extant, inhabiting a Kingdom, born of the Spirit into the spiritual Kingdom, of which Jesus Christ is the Head of which God in Heaven is the Father.

So, just as the one human race, one human race, one kingdom of Adam, one kingdom of the flesh is scattered every place. We have a hermit in a cave, who never mingles with it, but he belongs to it. We have the Egyptians who died and gone long ago. And they had never heard of us. We only hear of them in history, but it’s all the same race, same people, born of the same flesh, all descended from the same man.

And there’s the kingdom of the Spirit, I say. And there are those who say that if all Christians are supposed to be together in one denomination, or one religious front. And certainly, divisions are terribly to be deplored between Christians that they know they are divided, but you can’t help but to have certain divisions between Christians. It’s impossible. We’re scattered all over the face of the earth. We never see each other’s faces of at all, but yet, in spite of those temporary and surface separations, we’re all one; united by birth out of one Spirit, baptism into one Spirit, membership in one Body, with one Father, and one Savior, and one Lord, and one Bridegroom, and one heaven toward which we’re moving. So, instead of sneering at the song, we are not divided, all one body, we all that one in hope and doctrine, one in charity. Instead of making a wry face, let’s thank God that it’s true. Let’s thank God that it’s true, that there is a kingdom composed of those who belong to the spiritual world, and they are all one and they are undivided. And Jesus said that they all may be one. And so we are one, just as the human race is one. The human race is all one.

I preached three days at Fort Wayne last week at the Fort Wayne Bible college. And there I saw predominantly German people. Predominantly German names. A young lady sang a solo named Miss Nieunswander. No Irishman there. And so, Germans, Germans, but along with those Germans and sitting right down in the front seat, there were young men and women from Hawaii. They didn’t look like the Germans at all. But nevertheless, the Germans and the Hawaiians are all one flesh and of one blood. Not a one language, not a one color, not a one height, but of one blood.

In the city of Chicago tonight, there are probably people from every nationality all over the wide world. And they’re separated by language barriers. And outside of a little broken English, they could not communicate at all with each other. But they are brothers. In that they all descended from one seed. And they’re all of one blood on the face of the earth. Separated maybe, maybe warring against each other, but one blood. And in that glorious Kingdom, the kingdom of the Father, there is also a redeemed and renewed race, dwelling and they are all one. One not by blood, one not by flesh at all, but one in Spirit. One in being born of one Father, of one Spirit, and baptized into one body. Now, I’ve repeated that three or four times, I want it to sink in. I’m not out to deliver an oration, but to give you truth, which I want you to take home with you.

So, there are the two kingdoms. And again, we have two births. I have already mentioned that, and we will be as brief as we can. But there are two births, that which is born of the flesh. What does Jesus Christ say about that which is born of the flesh. He settles it forever in two words, and puts a period down and turned around, and walks away from it, and leaves it there forever. What does He say, that which is born of the flesh, is flesh. I don’t know any more terrible thing to say than that. And if all the workers of the world were to get busy and call to their command the finest language that the races and nations know, they could not add anything to the finality, the fatal finality of that expression. That which is born of the flesh, what Lord? What is flesh and He turned around and left it there. And that which is born of the flesh, can never be anything but flesh. It can never cross over into the kingdom of the Spirit. And not all the religious education you can give it won’t cross it over into the kingdom of the Spirit. And not all of the discipline and teaching and instruction and education you can give the flesh won’t make spirit out of it. Though we have all the reasoning of Plato, flesh still remains flesh. We have all the art of Michelangelo, and flesh is still flesh. We may have all the music of Beethoven. Flesh is still flesh. And though we have the genius of an Edison, and though we have the strange, sheer penetrating abilities of a scientist like Pasteur that could make it possible for a man bitten by a rabid dog to get well again, it’s still flesh that gets well. Or if it didn’t, it would be flesh the died. 

Though we have an Einstein, whose amazing mind could penetrate down and down and back into the dark, unseeing and unseen recesses of the atom and could lay the foundation for the physicist who came and has brought us the H-bomb and the cobalt bomb and the a-bomb. Though we have all that genius, Edison was flesh and Pasteur was flesh and Einstein is flesh, and Beethoven is flesh, and Plato is flesh and the learned societies of the world, they’re flesh, and the great operatic societies are flesh. And the great literary societies, they’re flesh, and the great libraries are flesh. That which is born of the flesh, is flesh. And, you can’t by any means known to mortal man, bring the flesh across into the Spirit.

Then, there is that which is born of the Spirit. And that birth is a new creation, just as the first birth is a new creation. Mr. and Mrs. Jones lived at 1721 North Boulevard. You go down to see them. They’re there. And you go back in a year and you sit talking with them and you ask, what is that I hear? She smiles and gets up and says, that’s Junior. He’s waking up for his bottle. Junior? Why, I was here a year ago and there was no Junior. No, the Junior has come around since that. A new creation, where’d he come from? I don’t know. I have no remote idea. I only know God Almighty made him and he is lying in there now begging for a bottle. A new creation has come, a creation that is flesh. And that which is born of the flesh is flesh.

But, when we’re born of the Spirit, there’s another birth that’s also a new creation. It is just as real and just as literal, and just as actual as the first birth. And I am sure I’m sure that when Jesus Christ said to Ananias, Ananias, go down to the Straight Street and ask for a man name, Simon the tanner. There is something down at his house. Lord, what is down at his house? I’ve been down there. There’s nothing down there. Oh, yes, there’s somebody down there that’s praying. But Lord, a year ago, there was nobody down there that prayed. I know. But there’s has been something that happened since. But a man named Paul, and Paul is down there. And he was born since that time, and he’s down there and he’s a praying man. Go down there and pray for him that he might receive his sight. A new creation has taken place. And Paul wrote, that if any man be in Christ Jesus, he’s a new creation. He knew what he was talking about. There was a new man down there, so that there are two births. There is the birth that makes us flesh and puts us in the body of Adam. And makes us inhabitants of the kingdom of Adam. There is a birth which is of the Spirit and puts us into the Kingdom of God and makes God our Father and Christ our Head.

Didn’t I say to begin with that Jesus Christ classifies and distinguishes and excludes and includes, destiny and fate, and Heaven and Hell right on every classification. We had better listen to Him. We better stop fooling with our religion. We better stop coming to church to hear the music, and pay no attention to the truth preached. We better get down to business on this. For that which is born of the flesh is flesh. And there are two destinies, that which is born of the flesh remains flesh, and that which is of the Spirit has another destiny all together.

Now it says in Daniel 12:2, they that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to eternal life and some to shame and everlasting contempt. There’s your division again. There’s your classification. There’s your inclusion, your exclusion. There is the sharp distinguishing of the Spirit of God. There are two destinies in eternal life. You know I don’t preach very much about Heaven. I don’t know much about heaven. I read about it and I like to sing and read over all the long verses of the Celestial City, Bernard’s conception of Heaven, being founded upon the Scriptures. But I don’t know too much about Heaven. But there is that which God calls, Eternal Life. It is the kingdom where those that lived who have life eternal. It is the Kingdom of the Father. It is the Kingdom of God. It is the Kingdom of Life. And all that are born the second time, who inhabit the spiritual kingdom, and are members of the new body of which Christ is the head. their destiny is to enjoy eternally, that Eternal Life.

I remember when I was a young preacher, we used to sing a rather morbid, but pleasant little, old number. There’s no Disappointment in Heaven. Have you ever heard it? There’s no disappointment in heaven, no poverty, sorrow nor pain. And I liked it. Because it was better than nothing, but it certainly couldn’t compare with many of the great hymns on Heaven, but at least it did lift our hearts to remember that there is a place called Eternal Life. Now, God sometimes uses that expression. Paul says unto eternal life, sort of making eternal life synonymous with all the immortality, and the brightness, and the deathlessness, and the painlessness, and the cheerlessness, and the joy that is the saints throughout all the years, and eons that lie ahead, world without end the city upon which the sun will never go down. For the sun is the Lamb and the Lamb is the light thereof. And the destiny of the twice born is Heaven. The destiny of the twice born is eternal life, in that heaven of life, presided over by the Lord of Life, and surrounded with the life of God. This is the destiny of the twice born.

And then it says, those others, shame and everlasting contempt. Now, I hope we get this straight, that those who are of the old Adam and are brothers in a fallen race, the Scripture says shame and everlasting contempt is theirs in the day when they rise from the dust of the earth. They that now inhabit the old kingdom, they have the money. They have a good bit of the education. They usually run things, these sons of Adam, these strong bulls of Bashan; they push in and the meek Christian quietly lets them push and sometimes, I think too much so. And they take over, and they buy us and sell us, and they tell us how much taxes we pay and they tell us when we pay them. And they run us more or less because there’s more of them, and they’re more aggressive. They’re extroverts, they’re pushers. And they shove us out of the trough with their long horns and they take over and the humble Christian takes what is left and comforts himself that the meek shall inherit the earth after that bulls of Bashan get done with it, and the Lord renovates it and cleanses it. And they take over, these great, strong extroverted fellows. And we wear the clothes they decide we’re to wear. And the wicked old Frenchman over in Paris, tell you women up-down, up-down, up-down, up-down, and you slavishly follow them and do exactly what you’re told and then give a reason and say, why I know, they’re short because you get more sun. And then later, down, down because you do what you’re told to do. And I’m not scolding you. I didn’t design this. This they tell me is the result of TV. They make them like that because they show on TV. I don’t know. I just go buy them or get them given to me.

But anyhow, we’re all the sons in one sense of the whole world. And naturally, we’re pushed around and dictated to and ignored and tramped over and voted down and lied to and deceived and sold gold bricks, and we don’t dare fight back. We just have to wait until the day when God will judge the heart of every man by my gospel. But in the meantime, we’re living in another world too. We’re living on two levels at once the level of Adam, but we didn’t stop there. We were born up on to another level. And that’s the level of the Spirit, and there we meet and mingle with all the good saints down the years.

I believe in the communion of saints says the Apostles Creed. What does it mean? It means that I have a level in my life where I am one with all that have gone on before me, all who have gone before. My days among the Dead are spent around thee I behold, Where my roving eyes are cast, The mighty minds of old, said Lamb in his library. Reach up and pull down Plato. Reach over here, pull down Aristotle. Reach over here and pull down Jonathan Swift. Reach over here and pull down Shakespeare. He was communing with the mighty minds of old.

I’ve got something better than that. I can pick up a hymn book. And I can commune with the mighty minds of old. Here they are, these saints of God. Here’s one by Gypsy Smith and here’s one by Mrs. Morrison, that good holiness woman and here’s one by good old John Keeble. And here’s one by Joseph Heart, and here’s one by Ellerton and old John Fossett and Benjamin Schmoke translated into English. Here they are, where my rolling eyes are cast, around me I behold the mighty souls that have lived. And it’s not only in my imagination that I commune with him, but in my heart, I commune with them, and in my spirit, I commune with them.

I had the pleasure of preaching to a bishop when I was down in Fort Wayne. And he sat there just like anybody else. And I felt a kinship with him the brother. I felt a kinship. He was a bishop and I wasn’t, but I felt there was a certain likeness there, because he was born again. I know he was by his language. Bishops can get born again too and he was. He was born again. He was a real Christian. And I felt a sense of similarity there, a rapport; a tuning in with another soul. God’s people, have this future, and the poor souls outside of Christ, shame and everlasting contempt.

You see now, don’t you friends. That this that I’ve given you tonight, is not just religious teaching, not just the finest thoughts Jesus could bring and put down here that I’ve commented on, but it’s the way things are really. It’s the way you will find them to be when you come to investigate. It’s the way you will find them to be at last when you come to die. It’s the way things are really. It’s the way Christ saw them and knew them to be in Heaven and came and reported to us, that there were two heads of the race; two kingdoms in which those two groups move, but they co-mingle and live concurrently, and sometimes you can’t distinguish one from the other.

There’s an accident on the street. And the man is found lying badly injured. You don’t know whether he’s a Christian or not. You can’t distinguish him from from a sinner. Two shall be working in the field. One shall be taken, another left. Two women shall be grinding at the mill, one shall be taken and the other left. Two shall be sleeping in the same bed, one shall be taken and another left. And the man down the street didn’t know which was a Christian maybe. But God knew that two people live in the same house and live clean, and both go to church, and maybe nobody will know which is born again, which isn’t. If they both live reasonably right and that often takes place, often is true. Our Heavenly Father knows. He knows whether that soul is born into His Kingdom or not. He knows whether that soul inhabits Adam’s old world or the new Kingdom of the Spirit. He knows. Christ saw it and we’ll see it in that day.

And now do you in the light of all of this not value the invitation our Lord gives? Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy-laden. Or the exhortation He gives, marvel not that I say unto you, ye must be born again. For unless you should be born again, you shall not see the Kingdom of God. These are not credo statements. These are reports on solid, serious things. Shall we not tonight think this over? I want to ask you bluntly. Where do you live? To whom do you owe allegiance? Where’s the source of your life? Where do you classify? According to the factual statements of our Savior, where do you classify? Whose child are you? To what race do you belong? What destiny is before you? But I’m not as good as that fellow. I have not said a word about that. I ask you, to what kingdom do you belong? Who is your father? Which level of the human race do you inhabit? Which kingdom do you dwell in? Which creation is it, the old or the new?

You had better think that over very seriously, very seriously, because that can be most important. And what I’ve given you tonight is the very essence of the Christian teaching, the very essence of the Christian teaching, held in some form by every evangelical church from the day Paul founded his first church. So we better take this seriously friends and ask ourselves the question, who’s my father? Where do I live? What level am I on? To whom do I owe allegiance? God help us.


Tozer Talks

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“Faith, as Confidence in God”

Sunday evening, August 21, 1955

John 14:13, 14 & 1 John 5:14

Tonight, I want to read two verses from John 14 and then turn to John’s first epistle and read a passage. John 14:13 and 14, whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in my Name, I will do it. Well, that’s what John records Jesus as having said. Then in 1 John, the same man is writing, but now writing out of Divine inspiration and writing in line with what our Lord said, these words, this is the confidence that we have In Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us, whatsoever we asked, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him.

You will note a similarity in the language, in the phrasing, in the emotional mood of the two passages. John was the author of the last one and he quoted our Lord as having spoken the first passage. So I want to talk tonight about faith as confidence in God. And this may have a familiar ring in as much as it will constitute my philosophy of faith, and it is of course among evangelicals a theme that we like to dwell on.

Now, John says that Jesus said that whatsoever we ask in His name, He would do. Then he says that we have this assurance, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us and if He hears us, we have the petition we desired of Him. Now, let me say this to begin, that there is a great deal of praying being done among us that doesn’t amount to anything, that is futile and never brings back anything to us. There is no good possible that can come with trying to cover this up or attempting to deny it. We will do a great lot better by admitting that there is enough prayer made any Sunday to save the whole world or four or five suburbs of the world. But the world isn’t saved. And much of our praying is simply an echo. The only thing that comes back to us is the echo of our own voice.

Now this has a very injurious effect upon the church of Christ. Not only injurious, but sometimes disastrous. There are about six things that unanswered prayer does in a congregation over an extended period. It tends to chill and discourages the praying people. If we continued to ask and ask and ask like a petulant child that doesn’t expect to get what it asks for, but continues to whine for it, we continue to do that and never get an answer. The temptation is that we will get chilled and cold inside of our hearts and get discouraged. And then it confirms the natural unbelief of the human heart for, remember this, the human heart by nature is filled with unbelief. It was unbelief that led to the first act of disobedience. Therefore, not disobedience, but unbelief was the first thing. While disobedience is the first recorded sin, back of the act of disobedience was the sin of unbelief, or the disobedience would never have taken place.

So, to pray and pray and have a church pray; pray for her sick and have them stay sick or die; pray for deliverance and never get it; pray for a thousand things and never see one of them brought to pass, I say the effect is to confirm the natural unbelief in the human breast.

And then, it encourages the idea that religion is unreal. And a great many people have the idea that religion is unreal. It is a subjective thing, purely, and there is nothing real about it. There is nothing to which you can be referred. If I use the word “horse,” everybody’s mind immediately jumps to a large animal with short hair and ears that stand-up, intelligence face, fast on its feet and powerful. Everybody knows what the word “horse” means because our English word “horse” has a reference, something to which the word refers. If I use the word “lake,” everybody thinks of a large body of water. If I use the word “star,” everybody thinks of a heavenly body. But we can use the word “faith” and belief in God and Heaven and all His works, and there is nothing to which it refers. They’re just words, like pixies and fairies and such things. And that encourages that false idea in our hearts when we pray and pray and pray and get no answers.

And then it gives plenty of occasion to the Enemy to blaspheme. The Enemy loves to blaspheme. He is a dirty-mouth, obscene blasphemer.  I don’t like to abuse the Devil. I don’t like to even abuse the Devil, but I have a lot of secret sympathy though I wouldn’t myself use it. But I have a lot of secret sympathy for that rough old Irishman William Nicholson, who calls the Devil a dirty old pig. And he is just that, an obscene old pig. He loves to blaspheme, and if he can get a lot of Christians howling to the high heaven for weeks on end, and then see to it that they never get an answer. I don’t know what he says, but I know what he says has moral obscenity in it and he blasphemes God.

And worst of all practically is the enemy in possession of the field. The failure of a military drive when it wants fails, and worst part is not the men they lose. The worst part is not the face they lose. The worst part of the failure of a military drive is that it leaves the enemy in possession of the field. And when the people of God pray and pray and get nowhere, it leaves the enemy in possession of the field. My listening people, this is in itself a tragedy and a disaster. The Devil should be on the run. We should never see anything but the back of his neck. He should be always retreating and retreating and his worst fighting should be rear guard action. A scorched earth policy, burning and destroying as he goes, but always on the run.

Instead of that, the obscene and blasphemous Enemy, smugly and scornfully hold this position. The people of God let him have it, and as of course, retards the work of the Lord greatly. Having no prayers answered, having prayer sent up to having to come back empty. It is like sending an army out without weapons. It is like setting a pianist down to a piano without fingers. It is like sending a woodsman into the woods without an axe or is like sending a farmer into the field without a plow. And the work of God stands still.

Now, Jesus said anything we would ask in His name we could have it. John said, this is the confidence, the boldness, the assurance we have. I’m not adding words. Our English tongue is a very highly versatile, almost volatile tongue. We can say anything we want to say. It is the richest of all the languages because it has received tributaries from everywhere. But our difficulty is that sometimes we have to use a half dozen words to mean as much as one word means in another language. And so when the Holy Ghost said, this is the confidence we have in Him, that word confidence, our English word “confidence” is not enough, so the translators call it, this is boldness we have in Him. And others say this is the assurance we have in Him. So, it takes the word confidence, boldness and assurance to mean what God meant when he said this is that which we should feel toward him.

Now, right here comes a parting of the way between the man of faith and the man of unfaith. For the man of unfaith rejects flatly this kind of teaching; that this is the confidence, that we have in God that if we ask anything according to His will, He will give it to us. The man of unfaith says that can’t be so, and they will not accept it, and he demands the proof of human reason.

Now, we’re going to leave aside a little for the moment the fact that unbelief is a moral thing. That it is not a mental thing at all, but a moral thing. Unbelief is always sinful because it always presupposes

an immoral condition of the heart before it can exist. Faith is not the failure of the mind to grasp the truth; it is not a bad conclusion drawn from logical premises. It is not the failure or unsoundness of a logical premise. It is a moral sin. But we’ll leave that aside for a little bit and simply say that the man of unfaith cannot understand the language that I’m giving you now. This is the confidence that we have in God that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. If you will ask anything in my Name, I will do it. He says, I got to have a reason for this, but a man of faith feels confident. The man of faith does not dare or rest upon human reason.

I have wondered sometimes why somebody hasn’t come out and said that I have used reason to prove that reason was no good. But here’s what I have done, I have used reason to do what reason can do, viz. and namely, to show that there are things that reason cannot do. I have never been against human reason. But I have been against human reason trying to do things that human reason is not qualified to do. I once more say to you that the great difference today in the world is not between the liberal and the fundamentalist, but the great gulf fixed today is between the evangelical rationalist and the evangelical mystic. The one who believes God and disbelieves human reason, and the one who believes that things of God can be proved by and grasped by human reason. I may not live to see it, but some of you younger people will live to see that I was right in what I’m saying. We have evangelical rationalists that insist upon trying to reduce everything down to where it can be explained and proved. And the result is we have rationalized faith and we have pulled Almighty God down to the low level of human reason.

There are some things human reason cannot do. You can use human reason to discredit human reason. Anything that human reason can do, I’m for it. You have a can opener in your house and what woman doesn’t. You don’t use it to mend your little boy’s stocking. You use it to open cans. Your husband has a hammer and saw. He doesn’t use them to paper the wall of the living room. He uses it to cut boards and pound nails. Everything was created for a purpose. And I claim that there are some things human reason can’t do. Human reason and faith lie not contrary to each other, but one lies above the other. Faith, when we’re believers, we enter another world all together; a realm that is infinitely above “little Reason.” My thoughts are not your thoughts nor My way is your way. High as the heaven is above the earth, so great are the thoughts of God above the thoughts of man. Faith never goes contrary to reason. Faith simply ignores reason and rises above it. Reason could not tell us that Jesus Christ should be born in the Virgin Mary, but faith knows He was. Reason cannot prove that Jesus took upon Him the form of a man and died under the sins of the world, but faith knows that He did. Reason cannot prove that on the third day He rose from the dead, but faith knows that He did, for faith is an organ of knowledge.

You see, there are fundamental rationalists that say the human brain alone is an organ of knowledge. They forget there are at least two other organs of knowledge. Feeling is an organ of knowledge too. All the reason in the world couldn’t tell you the temperature was 98 today, but you felt that it was didn’t you?  I did, even I can stand the heat like a lizard but I’ve had enough of this. I know that it was hot today. I have an organ of knowledge, feeling. A young man loves a young woman. How does he know it? Did he read the Encyclopedia Britannica and reason to it? No, he listened to the ticking of his own heart. He knows it by feeling. Feeling is an organ of knowledge, and reason is an organ of knowledge, and faith is an organ of knowledge and we’ve got to believe that. Reason cannot say Jesus rose from the dead. Faith knows He did. Reason cannot say He sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty, for reason doesn’t know, but faith knows that He did. Reason cannot say, He shall come to judge the quick and the dead, but faith knows that He’ll come. Reason cannot say my sins are all gone, but faith knows they’re gone. It’s all down the line, faith is an organ of reason and the man is an organ of knowledge.  

And the man who believes he’s having knowledge that the man who merely thinks, can’t possibly have. Poor little old brains and come staggering along behind like a little boy trying to keep up with the Dad. Coming along on his little, short stubby legs trying to reason. That’s why in the New Testament the word “wonder” appears “and they wondered at Him and they wondered at Him and they all marveled. Faith was going ahead doing wonders and reason was coming along wide-eyed marveling. That’s always the way it should be, but nowadays we send reason a little ahead on a little, short legs and faith never follows. Nobody marvels because we can explain the whole business. I claim that a Christian is a miracle and then just the moment you can explain a Christian, you have no Christian left anymore.

Some of you may have read William James’ “Varieties of Religious Experience.” I have read it two or three times. It’s helpful to me because I’m a man of faith. But William James did this, he tried to psychologize the wonders of God working in the human breast. But when the early disciples were on Solomon’s Porch in prayer and praise, people stood awestruck and joined themselves to them. And the real Christian is somebody that cannot be explained by human reason. Something happened that psychology cannot explain. And faith is the highest kind of reason after all. Or faith goes straight into the presence of God and goes behind the veil, for also our Lord Jesus Christ has gone, our Forerunner for us, and engages God Almighty and reaches that for which he was created, and communes with the source of his Being and loves the fountain of his life and prays to that One that begot him and knows that God that made Heaven and Earth. He may not be an astronomer, but he knows that God who made the stars. He may not be a physicist, but he knows the God who made mathematics. There may be many technical and local bits of knowledge he doesn’t have, but he knows the God of all knowledge and enters in past the veil into the Presence and stands hushed and wide-eyed and gazes and gazes and gazes upon the wonders of Diety. Faith takes him there. Reason cannot disprove anything that faith does, but reason can never do it.

Some of you, my dear friends, may have wondered why a few weeks ago, I sat down and took my pen in hand and wrote a tongue in cheek, half humorous, half ironic review of the book, “Prior Claim” because it is all going in the wrong direction. It is supporting the Bible by reason. It’s coming to the help of God Almighty by a few scientific facts. No, my Brethren, good men are doing it, better men than I, but they’re wrong. Not all the scientific facts ever assembled in any university of the world can support one spiritual fact, because you are in two different realms, two different worlds. One deals with reason, the other deals with faith. If the sun were to start rising in the West and go into the East, and if the Summer were to have no Fall but were suddenly plunged into Winter, and if the corn were to start growing down instead of up, and if the goony birds were all to start laying eggs and hatching puppies out of them, it wouldn’t change my mind about God or the Bible. For my  faith in God is not dependent upon the support of scientific helps. We don’t even know if they have got their science straight in the first place.

Faith is an organ of knowledge. And, this is the confidence that we have in Him. Faith mounts up on its long, heavenly boots, up the mountain top, up toward the shining peak and says, if God says it, then I know it’s so. What? This is the confidence that we have in Him. Do you see, this is the confidence we have concerning Him.

Now you see, we’re dealing with Him. I don’t recommend we have faith in faith. There’s an awful lot of it going on these days; people have faith in faith. There are men going around preaching faith. No, I don’t preach faith, never, never did and so help me God, I’ll not start it now. I know better. Nobody ought to go around preaching faith. I’m not preaching faith tonight. The Bible says, this is the confidence that we have in Him. There’s the origin and source and foundation and resting place for all our faith. In that kingdom of faith, we’re dealing now with Him, with God Almighty, the One whose essential nature is holiness, the One who cannot lie, and the One before Whom goes faithfulness and truth. Faithfulness and truth I say go before Him. He can’t lie and we’re dealing with a Character, you see Brethren. Our confidence rises as the character of God becomes greater and more beautiful and more trustworthy.

Oh my, this thing of memorizing promises in order that we might have more faith. Now, I’m a memorizer. I’ve got a New Testament in cadence form and I have the Book of Psalms in long meter form, easy to memorize and I carry them around with me and memorize. So, I am a memorizer. I believe in it, strictly believe in it. But if we think that more verses will bring more faith, we’re on the wrong track. It won’t. Faith does not rest upon promises. Faith rests upon character. Faith rests upon the one who made the promise. It’s written of Abraham that he staggered not at the promises of God through unbelief, but waxed strong in faith giving glory to God. So, the glory went to God not to the promise. What’s the promise for? The promise is that I might know intelligently what to claim, and what direction to go, and what God planned for me, and what God will give me. Those are the promises. They’re the intelligent direction.

Suppose a man made a will. I was just thinking, if I made a will, all I would have to will to anybody would be some books, that’s it. Oh, there will be some household furniture, but not too much and not too expensive. There would be a few books, but that’d be it. I will to my so and so this book and it would be gone and that would be it. But suppose that I made a will and my heirs came in to listen to the reading of the will. And the Lawyer said, it says, I will to my son Lowell, a yacht in the Gulf of Mexico. I will do my son Stanley, a 100-acre estate in Florida. To my son Wendell, a uranium mine in Nevada. Everybody would say, well, the old men cracked up before he died. He doesn’t have a one of those things. He doesn’t own a one of them. He doesn’t have a toy sailboat from the ten-cent store. He doesn’t have a thing. He actually made a will with no character back of it. The old fellow had cracked up when he went. They would all smile and go out and say, well, that’s too bad. He was all right up to the time he made that will, but there was no character; nobody could make good on that will. But suppose some rich man makes a will. He dies and they call in the heirs and they read. It says, I will ten thousand dollars to this person. I will $100,000 to this one. I will $5,000 to this is my faithful servant. I will, so they say, it’s all right, he can make good. He’s a great businessman, a well-to-do man, a man that had the confidence of all the American business public. Everybody trusted him down to the last character you see. He makes the will in order that his heirs might know what they can claim. But his will is only as good as his character, and if he’s got no character or he’s as I pictured myself to be, penniless, then the will doesn’t mean a thing. I could promise a yacht, but I haven’t got a yacht. I could promise him an estate in Florida, but I don’t have an estate in Florida. I just have a duck that remembers me with a lot of gratitude. I fed ducks when I was down there. I sat on the bank and fed ducks the time you sent me down there to rest. But I have no property in Florida. How can I will what I don’t have.

So you see, Brethren, faith does not come from promises. Faith comes from confidence in God. For faith rests upon character, not upon promises. But the promises are as good as the character of the one who made the promise. So, when I read my Bible, I have a promise, this is the confidence we have in Him. If you ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if He hears us, we have the petition as a promise from God. Jesus said, whatsoever you shall ask in my Name I will give it. There’s a promise from God. How good is a promise? It’s as good as the one who made it. How good is that? Ah, this is the confidence we have, faith says, God is God, the Holy God who cannot lie, the God who is infinitely rich and can make good on all of His promises. The God who is infinitely honest and never cheated anybody. The God who is infinitely true and never told any lies. That’s how good a promise is that God made. It as good as God is, because God made it.  But we push God off into the corner and use Him as an escape from Hell, and to help us when the baby’s sick. And then we go our way and then we try to pump up faith by reading promises. No, it won’t work Brother, it won’t work. This is the confidence that we have in Him, to glorify God by faith. It was God, not the promises, promises of course. We learn what God wants to do for us, we learn what to ask for. We learn what God has willed to us. We learn what we may claim as our heritage. We learn from the promises how we should pray. But faith always rests down upon the character of God.

Is that difficult to see friends? Why is nobody out in the whole world saying this? Why aren’t we saying that to our people? Why aren’t we telling our evangelical people once more, you’ve got to get to know God? You’ve got to get past making God a lifeboat to save you. You’ve got to get away from making God the ladder out of a burning building. You have to get away from the idea that God simply exists to help you run your business or fly your airplane; that God isn’t simply a water boy bringing you water while you have fun. God isn’t simply redcap carrying your suitcase and serving you. God is God. He made Heaven and Earth and holds the world in His hand and measures the dust of the earth in the balance; and the sky He spreads out like a mantel. And the Great God Almighty is not your servant. You’re his servant. He is your Father. You are His child. He sitteth in Heaven. You’re on earth. The angels veil their faces before the God who cannot lie.

I think it would be a wonderful thing that every preacher in America would begin to preach about God and nothing else for one solid year. Just one solid year, preach about God; who He is, His attributes, His perfection, His being, what kind of God He is, Why we dare to trust him? Why we can trust Him?  Why we should trust him? Why we can love Him? Why we should love Him? Why would dare not fall short of loving Him. And keep on preaching God, God, the Triune God, and keep on until God filled the whole horizon and the whole world. Faith would spring up like grass for the watercourse. And let a man get up and preach a promise and the whole congregation would say, I can trust that one. Look who made it. Look who made it.

Now, this is the confidence Brethren. Confidence may be slow in coming, because you see, you and I have been brought up in a land of lies. David in his haste said, all men are liars, but I don’t read that he ever changed his mind when he cooled off. Because everybody is built alike. Don’t anybody get mad now and leave, because you’ll only come back sorry afterwards. Everybody has a deceitful heart and desperately wicked by nature. And we are brought up in a world of lies where lying is a fine art. Turn on the radio, and I’m not a betting man, but I buy you a soda if you can find an advertising program where the announcer can talk for 20 seconds without lying. Now listen to me. If there is a program anywhere that tells the exact truth, I don’t know where it is. Lying has become an art. They lie in pictures. They lie on the radio. They lie on billboards. They lie in magazines. They lie everywhere. And of course, we’ve got that psychology. We don’t have confidence in people. We’ve got the psychology of distrust. Reason tells us don’t trust them. Don’t trust them.

If a man were to come down to my house and offer me a $100 bill, I wouldn’t take it unless, of course, I knew the man. You won’t do that. But if I know you, I’ll take it. But no man can come a stranger and rap on my door and say, pardon me, I am giving $100 to some upstanding citizens your neighborhood. I’d say you don’t even know my name Mister. I’ve seen your kind before. Goodbye. One day I got a done. Somebody had done me. He said, you owe me such and such for a fountain pen which I sent to your house. I’d never gotten any fountain pen from him. I wrote him a little letter back. I never got the second one. It’s a racket. It’s a racket. A boy will come along and say, Good morning Mr. Tozer. He had asked the fellow next door what my name was, so he knows me. And I look at him. He’s young, about twenty-six, crew haircut and a smile that won’t come off. And I say what are you doing, selling magazines? Oh, I should not, selling magazines, I should say not. What gave you that idea? And after about 15 minutes conversation, you’ll find out he’s taking subscriptions from magazines to get through college, but they call it something else. You don’t believe a man who comes to your house unless he has a reputation that dates way back. You can believe the Fuller Brush man. He won’t steal your teeth before he leaves because he’s got a reputation to maintain. But for the most part, we live in a land of lies and deception. And we have a psychology of disbelief ground into us from our birth.

But when we enter the realm of the kingdom of God and the realm of faith, everything’s changed. Everything is different there. Never was there a lie told in Heaven. Never in the sweet kingdom of God did anybody deceive anybody else. And our own Bible is a book of absolute honesty. Jesus when he walked among men didn’t pull the trick the evangelists pull. Now raise your hand. Now put it down. Now go get him. Never any of that.  The fellow, a couple of evangelists I heard one time, the Evangelist led the song leader out and stood him up. And he said, now my brother and co-worker, he said, he’s been away from his family a long time and this morning he got a letter from his wife and they all reached for their handkerchiefs and began to blow, very tenderly. He said, let me show you what he got and he pulled out what was in the letter, telephone bill due, the electric light bill due, gas light due. He said, back in his town, his little wife is keeping the home fires burning and he’s out here serving God. Now, let us all stand and pray that the Lord will send in the money to pay this fellow’s electric light and telephone and gas. I stood up but I didn’t pray ladies and gentlemen, I’m telling you that. No scoundrel will ever get me to pray.

You can’t, you can’t trust people much, but in the kingdom of God, nobody ever cheats you like that. Nobody ever goes down to some dear old lady with a mother complex, rubs back, I used to have a lot of hair, and says, You remind me of my dear old mother, will you pray? I need $500 to serve God and knows she has $500. And so, they pray tenderly and before he leaves, he gets her poor old check for $500. I have more respect for a man who would take a gun and go out and endanger his own life. Do you hear me? I’ve got more respect for the gunman who meets a man and says, give me your money or I’ll put a bullet through you. He doesn’t know but what a policeman around the corner will put a bullet through him. And he does it the hard, tough way. I have just as much respect for the man who robs with a gun as I do for that dirty cheat who takes advantage of a motherly, old woman and pray hypocritically, and yet, that’s being done. And I’m considered a cynic and a pessimist and a scoundrel for daring to say so. I’ll say it all right if it cuts my audience down to nobody but McAfee and my wife and the janitor. Because, if there’s anything, any old place where we ought to be honest, it’s in the church of God. Brother, what you hear from this pulpit you can believe. The ol’ boy may be wrong, but he’s honest. And if I know it, no man will ever stick his feet down here on this rug who isn’t honest. The cheat can’t get in gunshot of the church.

But the Bible always tells us the truth. It tells us David was a man after God’s own heart and then tells us David fell and committed adultery. We wouldn’t do that now. We smooth that over and leave that chapter out, but God put it in. It tells us Peter was an apostle of the Lord and that he cursed and swore and said, I never knew Him. It tells us that Paul was a man full of the Holy Ghost and turned on the high priest and said, you whited wall. They said, did you know that was the high priest? Oh, he said, I’m so sorry. The Apostle apologized, He said I was sanctified up to that moment, but I sort of lost it. Excuse me, I didn’t know he was the high priest.

The Bible always tells all the facts. It doesn’t tell you that if you’ll accept Christ, you’ll have peace of mind. It doesn’t tell you that you’re going to relax and go to bed and sleep twelve hours. It doesn’t tell you that you’re going to suddenly become successful and grow hair on your bald spot. It just tells you that you’ll have eternal life now and lots of trouble and hardships and thorns and cross bearing and glory in the world to come and eternity with God. And if you’re man enough to put up with the thorns and the crosses, and the hardships and the hostilities, you can have the crown, but you buy the crown by blood, sweat and tears. That’s what the Bible tells us.

This good, honest old Bible, no wonder they die with this beside their bed. No wonder they lay this on the breast of the saints when they lay them away. When I die, I want you to put a Bible on my breast, but don’t put a Scofield Bible on my breast, just the plain text King James Version. Amen? All right, now don’t come down and criticize me for saying that because it won’t do you a bit of good. I’ll laugh in your face. Well, amen.

Just this little word and then I’m finished. It’s three minutes to nine and I’ll be done at nine one.

In my Name, He says. What does that mean? Anything ye ask in my Name. It means ask according to His will. That’s where the promises come in. You’ve got to get those promises to know what His will is. Memorize them. Learn them. Get them into a part of your bloodstream, so you will have them on tap at any moment, fully counting on His merits. Ah, the merits of Jesus, they’re enough my Brethren, they’re enough. The merits of Jesus. We’re going to Heaven on the merits of Another. There’s no question about that. We’ll get in, because another One, went out. We live, because another One died. We will be with God, because another One was rejected from the presence of God in the horror and terror of Calvary. We’ll have the vision beatific because One hung with darkness around Him in six hours of agony. We go to Heaven on the merits of Another.

So, your faith rests down upon the character of God and the merits of the Son of God. And you don’t have to have a thing, not a thing, only your poor, miserable soul. And the more miserable you feel yourself to be, the nearer to the Kingdom you are. Somebody said as I quoted before, humanity is divided into two classes, the good who think they are bad and the bad who think they’re good. And the bad man who thinks he is good is shut out of God’s kingdom forever. But the good man in God’s kingdom is not much very likely to run around talking about how good he is. He’s more likely to say that he’s not worthy to be called an apostle. He’s the chiefest of sinners and an unworthy servant. God likes to hear that kind of language if it’s genuine. So, why come in humility depending upon the merits of another? If you pray and say, O Lord, I’ve been a good boy, answer my prayer. You’ll never get your prayer answered. If you pray saying, O God, for Jesus sake do it, you’ll get your prayer answered. If you come saying Lord, if you do this, I’m sure that I promise that I’ll do so and so, you’ll never get your prayer answered. If you throw yourself recklessly out upon God and make no reckless promises, but trust His character, trust Him, trust the merits of His Son. You have the petition that you ask of Him!

Why can’t we see wonders done in this day? Why can’t we? I don’t believe in wonders that are organized and incorporated, Miracles Incorporated. You can have it. You can have it. Healing Incorporated. You can have that. Evangelism Incorporated. You can have that. Vision Incorporated.  Without a vision incorporate the people perish. You can have all that. Whenever we’ve got to get incorporated and get a letterhead and the president and secretary and have all that, God isn’t in it.

The man of faith can go alone into the wilderness and get on his knees and command Heaven. God’s in that. The man who dares to stand and let his preaching cost him something, God’s in that. The Christian who will put himself in a place where he must get the answer from God, he must get the answer from God, God’s in that; to live as Dr. Brown calls it, living hazardous.

Well, I believe in God, I will never be caught asking God to send me a trinket to play with. O Lord, do a miracle for me so I can write a tract. No, no. God is not going to send Santa Claus toys to His little saintlets. But if you’re in trouble and you have confidence in God, and you will go in the merits of His Son and ask Him and claim the promise, God won’t let you down. God will help you and get you out of your trouble. Do you know that?

I’ve had them come to me, although I don’t preach in a section of the city where I have more, too much, contact with criminals. I’ve had them come to me and tell me, Brother Tozer, I’ve been in prison and I ought to be in prison again. Now I’m converted, what do I do? And I say, go back and tell the authorities. But first, before you go, let’s ask God. And on one or two occasions, I’ve had God upset the police court and judges and all the rest and get that fellow out. Because he dared to believe that when he was in trouble, God would get him out of trouble if he would tell the truth. God is that kind of a God.

Dear old John Callahan, he is in heaven now. God bless his Irish memory. He was a scoundrel if ever one existed. He was a criminal and a rascal. John got converted in prison, and he got converted the old-fashioned way. He hadn’t dispensationized.  He just got converted. So, finally they let him out.

He said the one thing bothered me and that was my mug shot. Do you know what a mug shot is any of you people? It is one of these shots that they keep on police records. You know, front view and profile and your number underneath and they kept that. The Governor pardoned John, but he still had his picture in the rogue’s gallery. And he said, I felt so humiliated about that. So he said, I called on God and I said, O God, please, I’m your child. Now, please get that picture out of the rogue’s gallery. So he said he was somewhere preaching and they met the Governor of the state. They sat and talked together at the banquet. And they got to talking about the pardon the Governor had given him and said, Governor, if you believe in me and you believe in God and you would like to set a crown on what God has done for me, would you do me a favor? He said, I’ll do my best. He said, would you get that picture out of the rogue’s gallery for me. He said, well, John, that’s a tough one. He said, that regulation. I don’t know what I can do. He said, a few days later, he got a yellow envelope without a stamp on it, saying $300 penalty for private use. You got him. You get him around March 15. And this one was from the Governor of the state, and there was very little in it except his rogue’s gallery picture. So, he said he put that in a drawer in his desk. And when he would eat with the Governor or talk with some big shot and sit down there and would say, John Callahan, you ate with the Governor. You’ve shaken hands with great men. He said whenever I’d feel that come over, he said, I’d reach down and get my rogue’s gallery picture out and say, John, there you are. That’s you and there’s where you still would be but for the grace of God. He said that always humbled him.

All the promises of God, Brethren. The merits of Jesus’ blood and the character of God. That’s the ground of our hope, not our goodness, not what we promised to do, and not what we have done. But what He promises us, and He can’t lie, through the merits of His Son. So, if you’re in any kind of trouble, why don’t you go to God and put Him to the test. Get on your knees and pray it through, pray it through. Would you do that? If you have trouble in your home; you’ve got trouble in your business; you’ve got trouble, real trouble. I don’t know. You know. Alright, go to God. Get down on your knees. Open your Bible. Say, God I hadn’t thought about it, but I can trust Thee. And then, look for the promises. Claim them. And Brother, God Almighty won’t let you down. God will move Heaven and Earth. God will make the river run backwards. God will make the iron swim. And God will help out his children if they will trust Him.


Tozer Talks

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“The Perfection of God”

Sunday evening, December 7, 1958

Message #10 of #10 in Attributes of God Series

Tonight, I want to speak on a subject never attempted in my hearing by anybody. I want to talk on the perfection of God.

In the book of Psalms, the 50th Psalm, verse two, we have the words, out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined. We have three words in close relation to each other, perfection and beauty and God. And while it is Zion that is called the perfection of beauty, it is the perfection of beauty because God shined out of her; she is, because God shined out of her.

Now, I’d like to make some introductory remarks first and say that in trying to understand today’s Christianity as we have it all around about us. By that, I do not mean liberalism or modernism. I mean evangelicalism, or whatever you want to call it, gospel Christianity. We must take into account two things which have happened over the last, say fifty years. We must take into account the gains we have made and the losses we have suffered; and that the churches have made some gains in the last fifty years cannot be denied. I’m sure by anyone who wants to be truthful.

For instance, there are greater numbers now than before; a higher percentage of the total population go to church than used to, and there are larger numbers of people calling themselves Christians. And then there are multiplying theological schools, seminaries, Bible schools, Christian colleges of various sorts. And there is an ever-swelling flood of Christian literature which is being published and spread abroad. Then there’s the popularity of religion in our time. I suppose it’s easier when things are popular to propagate them than when they are not; and certainly, Christianity and the gospel is greatly popular now.

Then we have to our advantage better systems of communication. We have now radio and television if you would like it, and telephone and all other modern means of communicating. And then we have stepped up transportation that will allow a preacher to preach in Chicago in the morning and in New York in the evening.

And then we have various evangelizing organizations that have sprung up over the last years. I was thinking that there isn’t a single group, linguistic group nor ethnic group, nor social group; there isn’t a group anywhere that doesn’t have somebody bent on evangelizing it. We have those who want to evangelize the Jews, business men, professional men, students, those in hospitals, those in jails and everywhere, everybody. We have evangelistic groups and we cannot deny that a lot of good is being done and the gospel is being spread around. Those are the gains that we have made and that is not all; there are many others.

But we have suffered some losses in the meantime. These losses, I want to name before you. We have lost from our gospel, Christianity almost all together, that men used to call religious fear. We have practically no religious fear in our time. And along with our loss of religious fear, came a corresponding flippancy and familiarity toward God that our fathers never knew. We have lost also, an awareness of the Invisible and the Eternal. The world is too much with us and we have it with us all the time and all around us, so that the Invisible and the Eternal seem to be quite forgotten. At least, we’re not aware of it. We’re only briefly aware of it when somebody dies.

Then, the consciousness of the Divine Presence, the consciousness of God; the churches have lost that and the concept of Majesty. I said, after Bakht Singh had spoken last Sunday night, that we had so organized our churches that God could leave and we wouldn’t find it out.

During the week, I received a call from a lady who had been here and heard Bakht Singh. She’s from another part of the city and attends a different gospel Church. And she was not critical nor harsh, but seemed to be very much brokenhearted. She said Mr. Tozer, I heard what you said that God could leave a church and we would not find it out. She said, I would like to tell you that God has left our church. Well, I tried to smooth it over for her a little. I didn’t want to be guilty of speaking against the church or of helping her in her criticism of the church. So, I said, well, perhaps the Spirit is grieved in your church. She said, oh, it’s long past the Spirit being grieved. She said, God the Spirit has withdrawn. Now, I don’t know how true her judgment was about it. She was very kind and tender. She was not criticizing so much as simply stating what she believed to be a fact. And this consciousness of the Divine Presence seems to have left the churches to a very terrible degree.

And then that would I call it concept of Majesty. We seem to have gotten away from it altogether. This is the age of the common man. And along with the common man has come the common God. We have no heroes anymore, because everybody’s equal everybody else and the common man is now in control. But along with the common man, I say is the common God. And then, of course along with the loss of Majesty, a loss of the whole concept of Majesty. But you say, Mr. Tozer, is there not a concept of majesty left? Didn’t the whole world carry on when the Queen was crowned here a few years ago. That circus that they had on television; they had no sense of majesty at all in it. There was no majesty there. We have crowned pumpkin queens and cotton queens and other kinds of queens in this country. And it was the same mixture of showmanship and sex that is found every place. If that girl had been a homely old lady, there wouldn’t have been much done. But she was a beautiful young lady and so we had a big time. But majesty was missing. They can say, Your Majesty, but they don’t feel it. They can’t fool me.

So, worship has gone along with that concept of majesty, and of course, reverence. And the modern Christian has lost this. He has lost his ability to withdraw inwardly and commune in a secret place with his own soul and with God in the shrine of his own hidden spirit. It is this that makes Christianity and we have all but lost it. Added numbers yes, but lost fear. Numbers, multiplied schools, yes, but the loss of the awareness of the Invisible. More tons of literature being poured out? Sure, but no consciousness of the Divine Presence. Better communication? Certainly, but nothing to communicate. Evangelizing organizations? Yes, but the concept of majesty and worship and reverence has almost left us.

Now, the total result then of these gains and losses, the total result has been that our gains have been external and our losses internal. This is the great tragedy of the hour that our religious gains have been external and our losses have been internal. And at last, our gains may prove to be no more than losses spread over a larger area, because anybody can see that if the quality of our religion is impaired, while we are nevertheless extending it to more people, we are losing instead of gaining. If we have only so much glory and we spread it thin, we have spread it so thin that we have not gained anything. And I believe that, that is where we are. I believe that we never can recover our glory until we are brought to see again the awful perfections of God.

It has been for many years, and it’s growing on me, my conviction that we must recapture the concept of the perfections of God. We must see again how awful God is, how beautiful God is, how perfect God is. We must begin to preach it and sing it and write about it and promote it and talk it and tell it and pray it until we have recaptured the concept of Majesty; till the awareness of the Divine is back on religion again. Until we have regained the ability, even the desire, to retire within our own hearts and worship God in the silence of our own spirits be times.

I have tried to turn the direction of the people away from the externals of religion, to the internals of religion. I have tried to take away the clouds and show God in His glory as I go here and there preaching. Brethren, I have stood almost alone in it. That’s been a strange thing, that I have stood almost alone in it. It is very rare, rarely that you hear a man preach anything about God the Holy One. They like to hear about it and they invite me here and there to preach on it and many are waiting for me to write a book about it, but why don’t we get hold of this idea? I don’t know why, but I’m not discouraged. We will continue, if we continue as we are spreading our impaired religion, our weaken Christianity over a wider area; thinning it out. If we continue until the Lord comes, the Lord will break through the clouds and will show Himself majestic and wonderful. And in heaven above and earth beneath and in under the sea and everywhere, they shout “bow” and own Him to be Lord and King. But I’d like to see it brought back to the church before that dramatic hour comes. I’d like to see it, as know it now.

Well now, what does perfection mean? Well, according to Webster, perfection means the highest possible degree of excellence. That is, perfect, which lacks nothing it should have, and has nothing it should not have. That is perfection. Perfection is the fullness, the completeness. It’s not lacking in anything and it doesn’t have anything that it shouldn’t have. And this is a relative word, this word “perfection,” or perfect. It’s found in the Bible quite a little, our English translation of numbers of Hebrew and Greek words. But as we have it here, it means that which is excellent, which is the highest possible degree of excellence. And then of course, it’s a relative word, and we use it variously. We talk about this being perfect and some other thing being perfect, and we’re referring to earthly things.

Well, the Bible does the same thing. But you know, perfection is to be complete in your nature. That is, it is to be perfect as it touches you. If something else of another nature were to be like you, it would be imperfect. Let me illustrate it like this. When the new baby is born, one of the first things the doctor does, and one of the first things the anxious mother does, is to look him over and see whether there’s anything missing, or whether as sometimes happens, there’s more than should be. For some times unfortunately, little chaps are born into the world deformed. Now, we look for the legs, two. We look for the arms, two. We look for the eyes, two, or the ears, two, the nose one. And we find that everything is the right number and in the right place, we smile and say, well, thank God for a healthy little baby.

Well now, that’s perfection to a man child. But suppose that on the farm, a little colt is born. That little colt is looked over by the anxious farmer. And he doesn’t look for two legs; he looks for four. And if the thing had only two, it would be deformed. If the baby had four, it would be deformed. Perfection is having just what it should have being what it is; being a man, it only has two legs; being a horse, it has four. And if it were turned around, the horse would be deformed and the man would be deformed. Perfection in that relative way would mean a completeness and fullness of what you are. Now, I think you see that all right. A wheelbarrow has one wheel, then it’s a perfect wheelbarrow, if it has one wheel. And an automobile has four wheels, and it’s perfect if it has four wheels, at least that far it’s perfect.

Now, you know we can’t think of God like this. If perfection means the highest possible degree of excellence, then we cannot apply this thought to God at all. When we think about God, we say the highest possible. How can you apply that to God? Is there anything that isn’t possible with God as though God had been created that He had done the highest thing possible, that He was as perfect as it was possible for Him to be? No, no, no, you can’t apply that to God. That only applies to creatures, then the highest possible degree.

When I was preaching on the infinitude of God I pointed out that there are no degrees in God, that God is not at the top of the heap in an ever ascending perfection of being, up from the worm on up through until finally we reach God. No, God is completely different from, and other than, and separated from, so that there are no degrees in God. God is simply God in infinite perfection of fullness; and we cannot say God is a little more or a little less, for more and less our creature words. We can say that the man has a little more strength today. I think he’s going to make it. We can say the child is a little taller this year. He’s growing. We can say the man has more of something or less, but you can’t apply more or less to God, for God is the Perfect One and He’s just God.

And then we have the word excellence here. Did you ever stop to think what the word excellence means? It means being in a state of excelling, and therefore, you have to excel something or somebody. Excellence in a musician means that he is a better musician than the other musicians. If he has a high degree of excellence, we could say he has perfection in his field. Well, he doesn’t, but we can use the word. It means that he excels, that he does better than somebody else. So, excellence is by comparison. If there are five, poor pianists, and they all test out, the one who’s the least poor will be said to be excellent in that he excels the other four.

But when you come to God, God says, to whom shall you liken Me? Or to whom shall I be equal says the Lord. You don’t compare God. We say that God is incomparable. And what do we mean by that? We mean that God stands alone as God, that He is incomparable and that there’s nobody that can be or nothing that can be compared with Him. Isaiah was very strong here. And he wrote some very beautiful and eloquent language telling us that we must not compare God with anything or anybody or any being in heaven above or on the earth beneath. And Moses’ law said, you shall not make any comparisons. You shall not make any images. Some people thought that meant that you should never make any art works of art. But the fact is, there were works of art in the temple commanded by God.

So, God was not against works of art. He was against ever thinking that they ever reminded anybody of God or they ever substituted for God or are we ever put them up there as being like God. No, to whom shall you liken Me, says God. And yet the Bible uses this word, these words, this word, perfect. The Bible uses it all the way through, applies it to God and applies it to things that aren’t God. For instance, be ye perfect for I am perfect. So, it’s the same, exactly the same word in the original so that the same word that applies to God applies to people. Do you know why God uses it? Because there isn’t any other word. There aren’t any other words. You can go through that great dictionary, this heavy and this thick, and you cannot find language that will tell what God is. So God does the best He can considering who we are and what we are, to make Himself known to us. You see, God is not limited in Himself, He’s limited in us. Paul said, you are straightened in your own hearts. He said, it’s yourself that you’re narrowed in your own hearts. So, the inability of God to get through to, is not the imperfection of the Great God, but the imperfection of the man to whom He’s trying to get the truth through.

Now, as we apply perfection to God and the thought of perfection to God, we mean when we say that God is perfect, we mean He has unqualified plenitude of whatever He has. That He has fullness and completeness of whatever He has. That He has unqualified plenitude of being. He has unqualified plenitude of power. He also has unqualified fullness of wisdom. He has unqualified knowledge. He has unqualified holiness. By unqualified I mean that there are no qualifiers in it. When I say that a man is a perfect singer, I qualify that in my mind.

When I say that God is holy, I do not qualify it. It is, I mean it fully, completely God is what He is, and that’s it, and there are no qualifications; so that God’s power and being and wisdom and knowledge and holiness and goodness and justice and mercy and love and grace, all of these and more of the attributes of God, these are in shining and full and created perfection. They are called the beauty of the Lord our God. In the Old Testament that the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, Moses said in the 90th Psalm and in the 27th, David said, one thing I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after, that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in His temple.

So, the beauty of the Lord means that God has all He should have of everything; that there is a complete fullness of everything there. If it is love, then there is no limit to the love of God. If it is mercy, then there is no limit to the mercy of God. If it is grace, there are no bounds to the grace of God. If it is goodness, there’s no limit to the goodness of God, and so with everything. And so this is called the beauty of the Lord our God; out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God has shined. Why was Zion the earthly perfection of beauty? Because her beauty came from the shining God who dwelt between the wings of the cherubim. She was not only architecturally beautiful, but all the concepts of her were beautiful. Her hymnody was beautiful. Her ideas of worship were beautiful shining there in the sun, knowing that God was there between the wings of the cherubim dwelling in this Shekinah. She was beautiful above all the earth.

So out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God has shined. All things as they move toward God are beautiful, and they are ugly as they move away from Him. The older I get, the more I love hymns, and the less I love secular music, because secular music, however beautiful artistic it may be, and however it may express the genius of the composer, because it is secular music, has one jewel missing from its crown. But even if your hymn is not the result of the same degree of genius; and even though a good musician might find fault with this music, still is beautiful, because it has God there.

The song that honors God is bound to be beautiful, because it does honor God. That’s why the 23rd Psalm is so beautiful, because it honors God. And so, with the whole Bible itself; this book I hold in my hand is a shining, beautiful book. It is lovely no matter whether it is bound in the cheapest paper or whether it is bound in the most expensive leather. Whether it is printed on plain paper or whether it is printed on the finest India paper, it is nevertheless a beautiful book.

And I’d like to say this to you, not very many people can hear it, but I will say it to you because I pay you the compliment of believing you can or you wouldn’t be here, that theology itself is a beautiful thing. Theology is beautiful because it is the mind reasoning about God. It is the mind down on its knees in a state of breathless devotion, reasoning about God, or it should be. I know, it’s possible for theology to become a very hard and a very aloof thing; and we lose God right out of our theology. I know that’s possible. But the kind of theology I’m talking about the study of God is a beautiful thing. And that’s why I suppose that as a man gets older, he goes to David more, and to Plato less. That’s why he goes to Aristotle less and to Paul more, because there is beauty in Paul and David, for Paul and David celebrated the perfection of God, where the others dealt with other matters all together, the perfection of beauty. I say as we move toward God, we become more beautiful; all things become more beautiful as they move toward God. And they become more ugly as they move away from God.

You see, heaven is the place of supreme beauty. I think that we ought to begin to rethink the whole concept of heaven. I think we ought to begin to pray and to search the Scriptures about it. If you were moving to Florida, you would want to get at least a folder or two about where you were going. And if you’re going to Paris, you’d like at least to look at a brochure to know where you were going. And if you’re going to heaven, I think you ought to know something about it.

There’s a lot told about it in the Scriptures, but we’re so busy living down here that we’re not too much concerned about it. And I’m not going to try to describe it tonight. Any man that attempted to describe heaven, I’m afraid that his mind would go bad on him for the very heaviness, for it cannot be done. But it is the place of supreme beauty, that much we can say and why? Because the perfection of beauty is there. Let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us.

Was there ever anything more beautiful in the story of Jesus birth? Is there ever anything more beautiful than the picture of Jesus walking up and down among men in tenderness or humility, healing the sick and raising the dead and forgiving sinners and restoring poor, fallen people back to society again? Is there anything more wonderful than His going out to the cross to die for those who were crucifying Him? Anything lovelier than to be the Creator of His own mother; to have made the very body that gave Him protection and bore Him at last into the world?  Is there anything more awful and awesome and mysterious than that Man of God, that God-man walking about among men saying, I saw Satan as lightning fall from heaven, or before Abraham was, I Am, and the Son of Man is in the bosom of the Father. No, no, all beauty centers around Jesus Christ.

That is why apart from the commercialism, Christmas is such a beautiful thing, and that is why Easter is so beautiful. And to me, Easter is more beautiful than Christmas, because Easter celebrates a triumph and Christmas celebrates the coming of someone who hadn’t yet fought. He had to have been born to fight, but He hadn’t fought. But, when Easter had come, we can sing the three sad days are quickly sped, He rises glorious from the dead, and there’s beauty there. And it’s not the beauty of color, and it’s not the beauty of outline or form; not the beauty of physical proportion. You can worship Him in a stable. You can worship Him in a coal mine. You can worship Him in a factory. It’s not the external beauty that is beautiful, but it is the internal beauty.

Heaven is beautiful because it is the expression of that which is the perfection of beauty. And while that is true of heaven, I must say that hell is the place of unrelieved, monstrous ugliness because there is no perfection. There in hell there is only monstrous, moral deformity and nothing beautiful in hell. There is only monstrous ugliness and deformity. And in Heaven of course is supreme beauty. Earth lies halfway between. Earth knows ugliness and earth knows beauty. It’s halfway between heaven and hell. And the inhabitants of earth must decide whether they are to seek the beauty of heaven or the monstrous ugliness, the unrelieved ugliness of hell.

Oh, my friends, people are worrying about whether there is fire in hell or not. I have no reason to not to believe that there’s fire in hell for what the Bible says, I take it as the truth. And so, I would not hesitate to refer to the fires of hell, for the Scripture talks about the Lake of Fire. But if there were no fire in hell; if hell itself were our country, if it were a habitable country, if it were all land, it still would be the ugliest country in the universe; still the most monstrously, shockingly, deformed place that is known in the creation; because there is none of the perfection of beauty. Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God has shined. And only God is absolutely perfect.

Do you know, it is not possible for anything bad to be beautiful finally. For the Scripture says that we’re to serve God in the beauty of holiness. It’s possible for an unholy thing to be pretty. It’s possible for an unholy thing to be attractive, even charming. But it’s not possible for it to be beautiful. Only that can be beautiful ultimately which is holy. The beauty of holiness, worship God it says in the Scripture, in the beauty of holiness. And that’s no casual remark. No, no casual relation of word to word. The beauty of holiness and the perfection of beauty and the fact that only God is perfect, they all fit in together as beautifully and drop into place. For God is beautiful beyond all description. How beautiful, how beautiful the sight of God must be, says the hymn. How beautiful the sight of God must be. And when we say how beautiful the sight of God must be, we must remember how unutterably ugly must the sight of hell be.

If you could think of a prison. If you could think of a place where all hope had fled and all mercy had fled, then you would be thinking of hell. If you could think of a place where all moral wisdom was absent, and all holiness gone, and all goodness absent, where there was no justice, no mercy, no love, no kindness, no grace, no tenderness, no charity, but only multiplied, monstrous fullness of unholiness and moral folly and hate and cruelty and injustice, then you would think of hell. My Brethren, God calls us to Himself. He calls us to Himself.

When are we going to raise up a crop of preachers? When are they coming? Who will begin to preach the perfection of God and tell the people what they ought to hear? That Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary to suffer under Pontius Pilate, to die and rise again. That He might save us from the everlasting monstrosities, the uglinesses that are away and from God that are not God; and to bring us to the beauty that is God. He came to call us away from all evil, and away from the deformity, from the eternal ugliness which is hell; and toward holiness and perfection and eternal beauty.

Now I say that He has come to us. Jesus Christ is God come to us. Always remember that. Jesus is God come to us and He has come to us, for God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself. Oh, how beautiful, how beautiful is the thought that God came to us in that holy manger bed. How beautiful that He came to us. He came and walked among us. He came with our shape and form, bearing our humanity that He might cleanse that humanity and purify it and purge it and remake it and restore it, and take it back with him again to that place which is the perfection of beauty, the perfection of beauty.

I don’t know where heaven is. I read that they shot a gold-plated arrow up sixty-some thousand miles into the air. And somebody is wondering if they might not be reaching heaven at last. We have to smile my brethren, because God does not dwell in space. And space is nothing to God. And the great infinite heart of God gathers up in Himself all space. And for man to be shooting at the planets yonder, or even at the sun would be like a little one year-old baby playing with a rubber ball in Wrigley Field. What can he do, bat it around here and then crawls and gets it and when he bats it away two feet, he squeals with delight. He feels that he’s really hit a homerun. But, way out there four hundred feet stretches the field and beyond that the bleachers, and it takes strong men to knock a ball over the fence.

And so, we think about God. We think of man. We send up our little arrow and it reaches the moon, and goes into orbit around it. And then we boast about it for years to come. Go on little boy, go on. Play with your little rubber ball. But the great God who carries the universe in His heart and smiles. He’s not impressed. But He’s calling you to Himself. He’s calling you to His holiness, to His beauty, to His love and mercy and goodness. And He’s come to reconcile us and call us back. What has the world to offer I ask you? If the world could give you everything, what has the world got now? There is nothing.

We are being bombarded constantly by advertisers who are trying to make us believe that the gadgets they manufacture are worthy of our attention. If you want to keep your food cold, they found a way. Okay, get one. Don’t imagine it’s wonderful. If you want to go someplace and need a car, get one, but don’t imagine it’s wonderful. If you want to fly to San Francisco, fly, but don’t imagine it’s wonderful. Don’t imagine anything is wonderful. His name shall be called Wonderful. And only He can engage and excite the wonder of angels and seraphim and cherubim and archangels and all beings and creatures. Only He can do that. Only He is wonderful. And He came to us to reconcile us unto Himself; how beautiful, how wonderful. So, we sang in the song, what were those words? Take all my mortal interest and let them die and give me only God.

So, my friends, if you want to pray and you want to pray strategically, and you want to pray in the direction I believe would please God, pray that God might raise up men who would see the beauty of the Lord our God and would begin to preach it and hold it out to men, instead of offering peace of mind and deliverance from cigarettes and having a better job and having a nicer cottage. Well, God delivers men from cigarettes. And He does help businessmen and He does answer prayer. And I don’t deny any of those things. But they’re only incidental. They’re the trivialities we might say. They’re the little things. They’re the kindergarten stage of religion.

Why can’t we go on beyond it and say with the old Jew out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God has shined. And look there on the hilltop and see in the city of our God, the New Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the golden. See it to be what it is, the shining city of God; and what it is, because God is in it, being the Wonder of the universe, because God is shining out of it. And all of busy religion, what is it after all, all of busy religion? What is it if God isn’t in it? What is it, if we’ve lost majesty, if we’ve lost reverence, if we’ve lost worship, if we’ve lost an awareness of the Divine, if we’ve lost a sense of the Presence, if we’ve lost the ability to retreat within our own hearts and meet God in the garden. If we lost that, why build another church? Why make more converts to an effete Christianity? Why bring people to follow after a Savior so far off, that He doesn’t own them?

No, my brethren, we need an improved quality of Christianity. And we’ll never improve the quality until we raise our concept of God back to where apostle and sage and prophet, and apostle and saint and reformer held it. And when we put God back where he belongs, we will instinctively and automatically come up again. And the whole spiral of our religious direction will be upward. But we try to work it out by methods, try to produce it by technology, try to create revivals by publicity stunts, try to promote religion forgetting that it rests down upon the character of God and it can only be what I conceive God to be. And if I have a low concept of God, my religion can only be a cheap, watery affair. But if my concept of God is worthy of God, then it can be noble and dignified, reverent, profound, beautiful. This is what I want to see once more among men. Pray that way, won’t you?


Tozer Talks

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“The Holiness of God”

Sunday evening, November 16, 1958

Message #9 of #10 in Attributes of God Series

I am to speak tonight on the holiness of God and I want to read some passages. Exodus 15, and who is like unto Thee, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like unto Thee, glorious in holiness? Job 15, Behold, He puteth no trust in His saints, yea the heavens are not clean in His sight. Job 25, behold, even to the moon and it shineth not, yea the stars are not pure in His sight. How much less man that is a worm and the son of man which is a worm. Psalm 22, Thou art holy, O Thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. Proverbs 9:10, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding. Isaiah 6:3, One cried unto another and said, holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Hosts. The whole earth is full of His glory.

They say that when Leonardo da Vinci painted his famous Last Supper, that he had little difficulty with any of it except the faces. Then he painted the faces in without too much trouble, except one. He did not feel himself worthy to paint the face of Jesus. He held off and kept holding off. Unwilling to approach it, but knowing he must. And then in the impulsive carelessness of despair. He just painted it quickly and let it go. There’s no use he said, I can’t paint Him. In speaking on the holiness of God, I feel very much the same way.

This last week, I rather suffered through this and wondered why today and tonight I was able to get around at all. But I think that same sense of despair is on my heart. There isn’t any use for anybody to try. If it’s an orator, he can play his oratorical harp, but it sounds tinny and unreal. And when he’s through, you’ve listened to music, but you haven’t seen God. I suppose that the hardest thing about God to comprehend is His infinitude. I know that intellectually; that’s the hardest thing to grasp. But you can’t talk about the infinitude of God and not feel yourself a worm. But when you talk about the holiness of God, you have not only the problem of an intellectual grasp, but you have a sense of personal vileness which is almost too much to bear.

Now, the reason for this is that we are fallen beings. We are fallen spiritually, morally, mentally, and physically. We are fallen in all the ways that men can fall, being what they are. And we are all, and each of us, born into a tainted world. We’re born into a tainted world and we learn impurity from our cradles. We nursed it in with our mother’s milk. We breathe it in, the very air. Our education deepens it and our experience confirms it, evil impurities everywhere, and everything is dirty. Even our whitest white is dingy gray and our noblest heroes are soiled heroes, all of them.

So, we learned to excuse and overlook, and not to expect too much. We don’t expect all truth from our teachers. And we don’t expect all faithfulness from our politicians. And we quickly forgive them when they lie to us and vote for them again. And we don’t expect honesty from the merchants. And we don’t expect complete trustworthiness from anybody. And we managed to get along in the world only by passing laws to protect ourselves; from not only the criminal element, but from the best people there are who might in the moment of temptation take advantage of us.

So, fallen man, being born in this kind of world, living here, breathing it in; and gets into his pores, gets into his lungs, into his nerves, into his cells, until he has lost the ability to conceive of the Holy. But I would speak of the holiness of God, or of the Holy, or of the Holy One. We cannot comprehend this; and we certainly cannot define it, because holiness means purity. But that isn’t enough. Purity merely means that it’s unmixed. There’s nothing else in it, but that isn’t enough. We talk of moral excellency, but that is inadequate. For we say to be morally excellent is to excel somebody else in moral character. But, about whom are we speaking when we say that God is morally excellent? He excelled somebody. Who is it that He excels? The angels, the seraphim I suppose?

But that isn’t still enough. We mean rectitude. We mean honor. We mean truth and righteousness. And we mean all of these–uncreated and eternal. God is not now any holier than He ever was, or He, being unchanging and unchangeable, can never become holier than He is and He never was holier than He is and He’ll never be any holier than now. And it means self-existence, for He did not get His holiness from anyone, nor from anywhere. He did not go off into some vast, infinitely distant realm and there absorb His Holiness, but He is Himself the Holiness. He is the Holy. He is the All Holy. He is the Holy One. He is holiness itself, beyond the power of thought to grasp, or of word to express, beyond the power of all praise.

Now, language can’t express the holy, so God resorts to association and suggestion. He cannot say it outright, because He would have to use words that we don’t know the meaning of. And we would then, of course, take the words He used and translate them downward into our terms. If He were to use a word describing His own holiness, we could not understand that word as He uttered it. He would have to translate it down into our unholiness. If He were to tell us how white He is, we would translate it into terms of dingy gray.

So, God cannot tell us by language, so I say He uses association and suggestion by showing how it affects the unholy. Moses at the burning bush, there before the holy, fiery Presence, knelt down, took his shoes from off his feet, hid his face, for he was afraid to look upon God. Then, here is this 19th chapter of Exodus, later, where Moses, the Lord said unto him, lo, I come unto thee in a thick cloud that the people may hear when I speak with thee and believe thee, forever. And the Lord said to Moses, go unto the people and sanctify them today and tomorrow. Let them wash their clothes and be ready against the third day, for the third day the Lord will come down in the sight of the people. And thou shall set bounds unto the people round about saying, take heed to yourselves that ye go not up into the Mount or touch the border of it. Whosoever toucheth the Mount shall be surely put to death. There shall not a hand touch it, but he shall surely be stoned or shot through, whether it be a beast or man, it shall not live. When the trumpet soundeth long, they shall come up to the Mount. Moses went down and sanctified the people.

You see, he did the best he could. He went down and tried to whiten up a little their dingy gray. And it came to pass on the third day, in the morning, that there were thunders and lightnings and a thick cloud upon the mount and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud so that all the people trembled. Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God and they stood at another part of the mount. Mount Sinai was all together under smoke because the Lord descended upon it in fire. And the smoke thereof ascended as of the smoke of a furnace and the whole mount quaked greatly. When the voice of the trumpet sounded long and waxed louder and louder, Moses answered God, spake and God answered him by a voice and the Lord came down upon Mount Sinai on the top of the mountain. And the Lord called Moses up to the top of the mountain. Moses went up, and the Lord said unto Moses, go down, charge the people lest they break through unto the Lord to gaze and many of them perish.

Now there was an effort on the part of God, all this trumpet, the sound of the trumpet and the voice of words, and the fire and the smoke and the shaking of the mount. It was an effort for God to say, by suggestion and association what He couldn’t say in words.

Now, there are two words for holy. There are more than two, but there are particularly two words for holy in the old Bible, in the Hebrew Bible. And one word is used almost exclusively of God, the Holy One. It’s rarely used ever of anything or person except God, the Holy One.

In that passage in Proverbs 9:10, the knowledge of the Holy that I read in your hearing, where it says, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding. This intrigued me. In fact, the book that I’m going to write on the attributes of God, devotionally considered, is to be called The Knowledge of the Holy.

Well, I have been greatly fascinated by this, that it should occur in our Bible, that this word, that we should have it in the abstract, the Holy, rather than the Holy One. And yet, the Jewish Bible says, the knowledge of the Holy One. And in thirty-three of Proverbs, that is the thirtieth chapter, the third verse where he uses also the knowledge of the Holy; it says, the knowledge of the Holy One, or the All Holy. And though the King James translators called this the knowledge of the Holy, they used exactly the same word more than forty times and translated it the Holy One, the Holy One of Israel. So obviously, this is God. And yet, there is a vagueness enough about it that the translators felt free to put this into an abstraction, to make it abstract and call it, the Holy.

Now, there’s another word; and that’s not used of God very often. I think it is not as high a word. It is used of creative things often. It is something that, so to speak, is holy by context or association with this other holy. That is, we hear of holy ground. And when it says, this is holy ground, or holy Sabbath or a holy city or holy habitation or holy people or holy works or holy arm, it’s not the same awesome, awful word that he uses when he says the Holy or the Holy One.

Now, in the New Testament, and I have not read from the New Testament tonight. But in the New Testament, we have a word of course, it’s a Greek word. And we have talked, he talks there about God being holy; be ye holy, for I am holy. And I noticed one thing about that Greek word; it is that a definition of it is, awful thing. Now think of that. Take and set that word “thing” in capital letters, the awful THING. That’s one meaning of the word holy, the Holy One.

Now, let’s talk a little about the Holy One and His creatures. For you see, the presence of this Holy One allows only holy beings. In our humanistic day, our day of watered-down Christianity, our day of sentimental Christianity, that blows its nose loudly and makes God into a poor, weak, weeping old man. In this awful day, that sense of the holy isn’t upon the church. I was just talking with Brother McAfee and talking about Brother Matier being interested in European missions. Somebody else comes interested in the Hebrew who was working with the Jews. Somebody else working with the mountaineers. Somebody else is concerned with memorizing Scripture. Somebody else with foreign missions.

And I said, well, everybody seems to have something that he feels is tremendously important. And maybe it could be that the constant preaching that I do on the person of God, that I too, should be seeing only a part of the great truth, that there’s more. But I said this, if you’re going to be narrow, then I think we ought to be narrow on the right thing. And therefore, if I’m going to emphasize God and the holiness of God, and the awful, unapproachable quality that can be called that awful Thing. That One, that Holy, I say that I am on the right track. It isn’t all, but it’s something we’ve almost lost in our day. The thing is important, depending upon how much we have lost and how much of it we need. And we have lost the sense of the Holy One, almost all together.

Take over in the book of Revelation, that seventh chapter. Look, it says that, the seventh chapter, yes, the angels stood around about the Throne, and about the elders and the four beasts and they fell before the throne on their faces and worshipped God saying: Amen, blessing and glory and wisdom and power and might be unto our God forever and ever. And one of the elders answered saying, what are these which are arrayed in white robes, and whence came they? And I said unto him, sir, thou knowest. He said to me, these are they which came out of great tribulation and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore, are they before the throne of God and serve Him day and night in His temple. And He that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them.

Now, there is God. There are people in the presence of God, but they’re there in the presence of God by a technical redemption. You see, what I worry about in this hour, is that we’re technically Christians and we can prove it. We can prove that we are Christians. We are Christians technically. And anybody can flip open a Greek lexicon and show you that you’re a saint. But I’m afraid of that kind of Christianity, because if I haven’t felt the sense of vileness by contrast with that sense of unapproachable and indescribable holiness, I wonder if I have ever been hit hard enough to really repent. And if I don’t repent, I wonder if I can believe. 

Now, we’re told, just believe it brother, just believe it. Now, come on, let me take your name and address here. What’s your name? Yes. What church would you like to go to? We have it all fixed up my brethren. But I’m afraid our fathers knew God in a different manner than that. Bishop Ussher used to go out by the river bank and kneel down by a log and repent his sins all Saturday afternoon, though there probably wasn’t a holier man in the region around about. He felt how unutterably vile he was. He couldn’t stand the dingy gray which was the whitest thing he had, set over against the unapproachable, shining whiteness that was God.

Go to the book of Isaiah and you’ll see the fiery burners there. With twain he covered his feet. There in these creatures before the throne, there wasn’t any of the flippancy that we see now. There wasn’t any of the tendency to try to out-hope hope and be funnier than a clown. There was a sense of Presence and these holy creatures, for they were holy creatures, they covered their feet. Why? They covered their feet in modesty, and they covered their face in worship, and they used their other wings to fly. These were the seraphim. They’re called fiery burners.

Then there’s Ezekiel 1 and 10. And we see there creatures coming out of a fire. Now, God speaks of Himself often as fire. Our God is a consuming fire, it says in Hebrews and in Isaiah 33 these words: Who among us shall dwell with the Devouring Fire? Who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings. And this is sometimes used as a text, who of you is going to go to hell? But my brethren, if you will read it in its context, this does not describe the hell. This is not hell at all. And if you will go to almost any of the commentators, they will say this is not hell, because the next passage says that he that hath clean hands and a pure heart and doesn’t lift up his soul unto vanity and answers the question, what is this devouring fire?

What is this everlasting burning? It is not hell, but the Presence of God. Who among us shall dwell in the fiery burning? Do you not know that if you were enabled to do it, fire can dwell with fire. And you can put the iron into the fire and the iron can learn to live with the fire by absorbing the fire and beginning to glow in incandescent brightness in the fire. So, we dwell in the fire. These creatures in Ezekiel came out of the fire having four faces. And they went straight ahead and they let down their wings to worship, and at the word of God’s command, they leaped to do His will; these awesome, holy creatures, about which we know so little and about which we ought to know more.

Then there was God when He spoke to Moses out of the bush. There was the God when He went with them in the pillar of fire. What was God saying? For it says in the 13th, I believe, of Exodus where it says that the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light by day and by night. And He took not away the cloud, the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night, that He might lead them in all their journeys.

My friends, this was God dwelling there in that awesome fire. It was God dwelling there. And then when the tabernacle was made and the cherubim of gold overshadowed the mercy seat, what was it that came down between the cherubim wings. What was it that only one man could see and he, once a year with blood, did not dare go in? I wonder how many high priests ever looked at the Shekinah? I wonder, that high priest with all the protection of the atoning blood and the commandment of God; when the priest pulled away the veil, the great, heavy veil it took four men to part the great tapestry they pulled apart.

And this man went in trembling, into the Presence. I wonder if he ever dared to look at the fire. I wonder if being a Jew as he was, and worshipping the great God Almighty, the Holy One of Israel, I wonder if there was a high priest, one in twenty, that ever-dared gaze on that Fire. He was not told he couldn’t, but I wonder if anybody ever dared do it. I noticed that the very seraphim covered their faces. Moses hid his face for he was afraid to look upon God. And John fell down when he saw the Savior and had to be raised up again almost from the dead. And every encounter with God has been such that men went flat down and went blind. Paul went blind on Damascus Road. What was the light that blinded them? Was it the cosmic ray coming down from some exploding body or from two colliding galaxies they tell us about? No, no. It was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The God that dwells in the bush. The God that dwelt in the Shekinah between the Presence, between the wings of the seraphim.

And what was it that when they were all together in one place, and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as the rushing of a mighty wind, and a fire appeared and sat as a tongue of flame upon each one of them? What did that mean and what could it mean but that God was branding them in their foreheads with His fiery holiness to say, your Mine now. The church was born out of fire, my brethren. She was born out of fire as the creatures in Ezekiel 1 came out of fire. The church was born out of fire, but we have gray ashes today. But we are to be men and women of fire, for that is our origin.

And hear these last words, these words that tell us how God shall someday untune the sky, the heavens and the earth are reserved unto fire. The heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat; and the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved. What fire is that? Is that to be the atomic fire, the fire of a hydrogen bomb? Don’t allow yourself to be fooled by the scientists. Don’t allow your spiritual perceptions and concepts to be dragged down to Oak Ridge. Don’t think in terms of the scientist. That awesome fire out of which the seraphim moved, and that fire that dwelt between cherubim and that blazing Light that knocked Paul flat. That’s the same fire that shall dissolve the heaven and the earth. The awful presence of that Holy Thing, that awful Thing! Don’t accuse me because I say “Thing,” because I know it’s a Person. He is God, the Holy One of Israel, but there’s something about Him that is awesome and awful, so that one of the definitions, I repeat, of the word that we have in the New Testament is the Awful Thing.

Now, the Holy One and the sinner, the Holy One and the sinner, oh, man, oh, man, sinner man, you’re going to decide when you’ll serve Christ? You’re going to make the decision? You’re going to push God around? You’re going to accept Jesus or not accept Jesus, receive him, or not receiving, obey him or not obey Him? You’re going to go proudly down the aisle, with your chest out? You’re going to lay your head on the pillow tonight with a heartbeat between you and eternity? And you’re telling yourself, I’ll decide this question. I am a man of free will. God isn’t coercing my will. No, no, but I have words for you. Listen, art Thou not from everlasting, O Jehovah, my God, mine Holy One. Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil and canst not look on iniquity, Habakkuk 1:12,13, art Thou not from everlasting, O Jehovah my God.

But they say now, are your problems too much for you? Jesus will handle your problems. Are you trouble mentally? Jesus will give you mental peace. And do you have trouble getting on in the office? Jesus will help you to get on in the office. All of this is true, but O friends, how far it is from biblical religion. There was God in the midst. And what was it that gathered the people together in the book of Acts? They ministered unto the Lord and fasted and prayed. And there in the awesome Presence they heard the voice of the Holy Ghost say, separate me Barnabas and Saul.

Now, we’re thrown back on our planning and our reasoning and our thinking when the Great and Holy God is in our midst. So, I would recommend that you remember these words: Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil. If you have evil in your life, evil in your heart, evil in your home, evil in your business, evil in your memory unconfessed and unforgiven and uncleansed, remember that it is only by the infinite patience of God that you are not consumed. For our God is a consuming Fire. And it’s written here, holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. Now, look at them come. See them. As they come from everywhere, these teachers with their dingy gray interpretations; pulling this down and explaining it away and saying, see note on such and such, pulling it down and destroying it. But it stands my brother, holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.

Now, if you can interpret that neatly and go home without being bothered, I wonder if your eyes have ever gazed upon that Awful Thing. I wonder if you know, have, or do have the knowledge of the Holy. I wonder if that sense of the overwhelming, crushing holiness of God has ever come upon your heart. It was a common thing in other days when God was the center of human worship. When we came to Him and worshiped God, it was common for men to kneel at an altar and shake and tremble and weep and perspire in an agony of conviction, and they expected it in that day. We don’t see it now, because the God we preach is not the everlasting, awful God, mine Holy One, who is of purer eyes than to behold evil and cannot look upon iniquity. And we use the technical interpretation of justification by faith, and the imputed righteousness of Christ to water our spirit, the wine of our spirituality down until we’re what we are. God help us in this evil hour.

And so, we take into the presence of God this tainted soul. We come into the presence of God with our concept of morality, having learned it from the books, and gotten it from the newspapers, and gotten in school. We come dirty with everything that we have dirty, and our whitest white, dirty, and our churches dirty, and our thoughts dirty. We come to God dirty and do nothing about it. If we came to God dirty, but trembling and shocked and awestruck, and would kneel in His presence and at His feet, and cry like Isaiah, I am undone. I’m a man of unclean lips. Then I’d say, all right, I can understand. But, we skip into His awful Presence. And somebody who is dirty comes with a book “Seven Steps to Salvation” and gives seven verses underlined and gets a fellow out of his problem and out of his trouble.

Dear God, that’s why we’re going down each year. Each year, more Christians, more people going to church, more Christians, more people going to church, more church buildings, more money and less spirituality and less holiness. And we’re forgetting that without holiness, no man shall see God. I tell you this standing here tonight, that I want God to be what God is. And I want God to remain what God is, the impeccably holy, unapproachable, Holy Thing, Holy One, all Holy One. I want him to be and remain the Holy in capital letters. I want Him to be that and I want His heaven to be holy and I want His throne to be holy. And I don’t want Him to change or modify His requirements. Even if it shuts me out, I want something holy left in the universe.

You can join almost any church now. I’ve heard recently of a certain church, well, it’s a Baptist church. They’re not all true Baptist churches. I have preached to some pretty strict Baptist churches, and I am more or less of a Baptist myself, and that, the baptistry back there. But I’ll say this to you brother, that this particular Baptist church and they tell me there are many of them. They say now at the closing hymn, we open the doors of the church; and they can come and anybody can join. A gangster can join. I say never, never, never, never, never! For if they can’t get into heaven, they oughten to get into our churches.

And the problem with us is that we let our churches stay dingy gray instead of pleading for holy whiteness. And as soon as anybody begins to plead, we Christians ought to be holy, somebody comes along and says, now my brother, don’t get excited about this, and don’t become a fanatic. For don’t you understand that God understands our flesh and He knows we’re but dust. Oh, He knows where but dust, but he says, Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil and canst not look upon iniquity. And without holiness, it’s impossible to please God.

Thomas Binney wrote this, I think it’s one of the most awesome, wondrous things ever written. “Eternal Light, Eternal Light, how pure the soul must be. When placed within thy searching sight, it shrinks not but with calm delight, can live and look on Thee, the spirits that surround thy throne can bear the burning bliss. But that is surely theirs alone for they have never, never known a fallen world like this. But how shall I, whose native sphere is dark, whose mind is dim, before the Ineffable appear and on my naked spirit bear the uncreated Being? How shall I, whose native sphere is dark, whose mind is dim, before the Ineffable appear? And on my naked spirit bear the uncreated Being. That fiery Being out of which come the holy burners who sing Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty.

How can I bear it? And you don’t know when all your religious helps, all your marked Bibles, all your jolly Christian friends, all your ham eating, sweet potato eating, joke telling banquet, cheery Christians. I eat ham too incidentally. I’m not against ham, but we make banquets and tell jokes and have one-man bands, but one of these times each one of us will be called before the Ineffable to appear, and on our naked spirits bear the uncreated Being. How are we going to do it? There is a way for man to rise to that sublime abode, an offering and a sacrifice, a Holy Spirit’s energies, an Advocate with God. These, these prepare us for the sight of Holiness above. The sons of ignorance and night can dwell with the Eternal Light through the Eternal Love.

I think that’s one of the greatest things ever written by a mortal man. We don’t sing it much. It’s too awful. We’re afraid of it. Spirits that surround thy throne, seraphim, cherubim, angels, archangels, principalities, power, unfallen creatures. They can bear the burning bliss. But that’s because they never, never have known the fallen world like this. But how can I? It isn’t enough for somebody to mark a New Testament and rub my nose in it and try to comfort me. No, I don’t want to be comforted! I don’t want to be comforted. I want to know what it will be like in that hour when I leave my wife and my children and my grandchildren and my good friends and my fifteen-year, warm friend, McAfee and all who’d give blood for me. I’ve got them here in this city that would give blood for me. I can go to cities all over the United States and up in to Canada and they would give blood for me. But there is not a one of them that can help me in that awful hour when I appear before the Ineffable, and the uncreated Being impinges on my naked spirit. Then, I want to know.

Well, we can. There is a way. It’s through the offering and the sacrifice of the Advocate with God. But, don’t take that lightly. Don’t take that lightly, my brother. Conversion used to be a revolutionary, radical, wondrous, terrible, glorious thing. But there’s not much of it left. It’s because we’ve forgotten that God is the Holy One of Israel.

Let’s pray. O God, time is running, flying like a frightened bird. The bird of time is on the wing and has a little way to flutter. The wine of life is oozing, drop by drop, and the leaves of life are falling one by one. And soon before the Ineffable every man must appear to give an account of the deeds done in the body. Let’s pause now for pleas in our prayer and remain in an attitude of prayer. And I’ll finish praying by praying for somebody if they want me to. Who would say Mr. Tozer, I’m troubled to about this and I may have made some sort of religious profession, but oh I want to know that I’m shielded by the Advocate, by the blood. I want to know that by the grace of God and the indwelling Spirit, I can bear the burning bliss. I want God to do something new for me to revive my spirit, to change my dingy gray to white, to make me sick of compromise, weary of this checkered living. Pray for me, Brother Tozer that I might become a holy man, a holy woman indeed, by the blood of the Lamb and the fiery purgation of the Holy Ghost. Pray for me. Who will say, pray for me. When we pray, we’re going to have this understanding with you, that you’re going to do something about this. But you’re not going to say, well, the pastor prayed for me. You’re going to thank God and you don’t expect Him to answer, but you’re going to work with Him in cooperation, surrender, confession, if necessary, restitution, straightening out of your life, determination that you’re going to cooperate with God in all this.

Let’s pray. Father, we pray for these friends who asked us to pray. Dear Father, we pray that Thou through thy Son, Jesus Christ, will help every one of these, that they might drive a stake down and say as Israel said when she crossed the river, this is a marker I crossed here, something really happened. Oh, we pray that this decision made tonight may not be a careless decision, but that it may be a determination that’s as big as life and as strong and deep as all their faith, that they will, they will seek to meet all requirements that they may in that day, rise to that sublime abode that the sons of ignorant in light and night may dwell with the Eternal Light because of Thine eternal love. Grant this. Then for those who didn’t, some who didn’t but should have, O Father, keep upon us a sense of holiness, that we can’t sin and excuse it, but that repentance will be as deep as our lives. This we ask in Christ’s name. Amen.


Tozer Talks

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“God’s Omnipresence and Immanence”

Sunday evening, November 9, 1958

Message #8 of #10 in Attributes of God Series

I want to read again some verses. There’s so many of them but I’ll just read these. But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain Thee, how much less this house that I have builded. Then Acts 17, that was 1 Kings, Acts 17, that they should seek the Lord if happily they might feel after Him and find Him, though He be not far from every one of them. For in Him, we live and move and have our being. And then of course, that Psalm 139, whither shall I go from thy Spirit or whither shall I flee from Thy presence. If I ascend up into heaven, Thou art there. If I make my bed in hell, behold, Thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there shall Thy hand laid me and thy right hand shall hold me. I read these, I just copied them out on a card there to save turning, flipping pages. There are here and are many, many more like them.

And I begin tonight with the restatement of two tenets of the Christian belief. This is not my idea. And if you haven’t heard it emphasized before, it’s because we preachers are falling down in the preaching of the Word. These two tenets are simply these, that God is omnipresent. That is, that God is everywhere. That God is immanent. That is, that God penetrates everything. They’re standard Christian doctrines and they have been believed back until to the days, even of the Jew.

Now by this all, we mean that God is omnipresent and immanent and is penetrating everything even while He contains all things as I explained last week. The bucket that is sunk in the depths of the ocean, it is full of the ocean and the ocean is in the bucket. But also the bucket is in the ocean surrounded by it. And this is the best illustration I can think of how God dwells in His universe, and yet the universe dwells in God.

Now, I’ve dealt with the fact of remoteness, that distance is unlikeness. And I pointed out that hell is for those unlike God. The moral dissimilarity creates hell, moral dissimilarity. Those moral beings that are morally dissimilar to God, hell is their final place. And those creatures, those beings, moral beings that are morally similar to God, this likeness to God, heaven is their place because they have a nature that belongs there.

I have shown that reconciliation with God is secured, or affected by three divine acts. They’re all divine acts: atonement, justification and regeneration. Atonement of course, is the objective work of Christ. It is the thing that He did on a cross. It is the thing He did before any of us now living we’re living. It is something that He did alone in the dark. It’s objective, that is, it’s outside of us. It did not take place inside of anybody. It took place objectively, externally out there on a cross. He did it. The spear went into His side alone, and He suffered. The nails were in His hands and feet. That’s atonement. And that is objective and external to us. And it could have been done without affecting anybody. And it was done, and still there are millions that have died unaffected by it. Because it’s an external act. It’s something that was done outside, an objective act, something done beyond, outside of and not inside of us.

But here is the beauty of it, that this act which He did in the darkness there, makes justification possible. And justification is the second act which God does to bring reconciliation, men and God together, to reconcile man to God. Justification is that which declares the sinner righteous, and that also is external to the man. That is, it doesn’t reach the man. The justified man may be no better off for his justification if that’s all that happened to him. Because justification is a judicial thing. It’s legal, just as a man may stand before a court and be declared innocent of a crime, not guilty of a crime, and yet it doesn’t change the man any. He weighs exactly the same as he weighed before. He is the same height as he was before, the same color of hair and eyes. He has the same relationships. He’s in every way the same man that he was before, but he’s judicially free. He’s declared not guilty before the law. It might have a subjective effect in that when he found it out, he’d rejoice to know that he was declared not guilty. But the work is not done in him, the work is done in the minds of the jurors and before the law, it’s a judicial thing. So, justification is the second act that God performs to get us reconciled with Him. He first gives atonement to make justification possible, then He gives justification, and then the third act, regeneration.

Regeneration of course takes place at the same time justification takes place. When God justifies a man, I said that a man could be justified and not be any better off. That is technically possible to be so, but not actually so. Because, when God justifies a man, He also regenerates the man. So that, nobody ever was justified and not regenerated. But you can think them apart, though actually of course, you cannot separate them. Justification and regeneration are not the same. And again, I’m only giving you the most ordinary, basic Christian theology that everybody ought to know, that justification is not a subjective thing. It’s a judicial thing. But that regeneration takes place within the life of the man, within the heart of the man, it’s a subjective thing. It deals with the man’s nature. It gets inside the man, because Jesus died in the darkness and because God accepted that as atonement for that man’s sin. If that man believes in Christ, God can justify him and declare him righteous, and then regenerate him by imparting to him the nature of God. For it tells us that it is through this, through these promises, that we are partakers of the divine nature. A regenerated man is a man who has partaken of the divine nature, who has a new relation to God which gives him eternal life.

Now, this reunites God and man and it restores some degree of moral likeness to the man. The newest convert, the newest convert that was born again; today, for born again and regenerate are the same expression. The newest convert has a degree of moral likeness to God which gives a measure of compatibility. You see, heaven is a place of complete compatibility. And sin introduces incompatibilities between God and the sinner. There cannot be any compatibility. There cannot be any communion, because sin introduces that quality which throws man and God out of accord with each other. There’s no accord there, no congruity. But when that sinner believes in the blood of atonement, puts his trust in Christ, and is justified in heaven and regenerated on earth, for that’s the only place you get regenerated.

Don’t wait until you die. There’s no place to regenerate after you’re dead. But you’re regenerated, you’re given a measure of the character of God, so that, there is enough of the image restored to the man in regeneration that there can be quite a full measure of compatibility. And that compatibility allows God to draw feelingly near to the man and it makes communion morally consistent.

You see, as I explained at great length last Sunday night, you can’t have communion where there is complete unlikeness. You can’t have it. You go to a creature that has a nature other than yours and you can’t have communion there. You may pet the head of a dog, but you can’t commune with the dog. The dog can’t commune with you, because there’s too great a dissimilarity of nature. So, God cannot commune with a sinner, because there is a violent unlikeness, a dissimilarity making communion impossible.

But it says here in Colossians 3, that ye have put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him who created him. That new man within you is the regenerated man, the new man, if you started on your way toward God-likeness. And there was enough of it there even in the new convert, that God, I repeat, can commune without incongruity because He finds some of His image in the man. God can only commune with His own image, remember that. God, being the God He is, can never commune with anything except His own likeness. And where there is no likeness, there can be no fellowship between God and that unlike thing. But where there is restored to that person, a similarity, something of the nature of God, a compatibility, then God begins a communion. And of course, He can commune depending upon the fullness and completeness of that, of that compatibility.

Now, it says, ye have put on the new man, you Christians at Colossi. You have put on the new man, you have, you Christians. These Colossian Christians were not perfect by a long way, but they had put on the new man. The seed was in them. The root of the matter was in their hearts. They were regenerated. So God could commune with His own image in them and see a little bit of His own face there and hold communion with His people. That’s why we can say, Abba, Father.

If I might use a rather grotesque illustration, I might say that the young father who goes to the hospital to see his newborn heir, looks into the glass and there never was a father yet who wasn’t excited, and frightened and bewildered. But there never was a father yet who wasn’t disappointed, because when he looks at that little fellow, his eyes are on over all twenty-five or thirty or fifty in there, and he picks on a pretty one and hopes that’s his.  Then when they turn the thing around and he sees that it isn’t, he’s disappointed. I think little Becky was about the only one who didn’t disappoint; well Stanley was pretty too. But mostly, you know, they’re a mess. And, but there is enough. And when you say, he’s just the image of you, and you’ll never be dead as long as he lives. A father beams you know, but actually it isn’t much of a compliment, the little blob of squirm and suck and giggle and red skin and hair that isn’t there. Well, yet there is a little bit of likeness there. There’s something, there’s a similarity now in a deeper way. A new convert, that fellow that just been born again there, he certainly may not be much like God, but he has something of the resemblance to the Deity. And so God can own him as His and the angels can recognize a family resemblance. Now that’s all settled.

Now my Brother, why then, and this is really the reason the sermon is being preached. Why then, this serious problem among real Christians. This feeling that God is far away, or vice versa, that we are far away from God. It’s hard to rejoice, you know, no matter what, you know, it’s hard to rejoice if you don’t feel, for feeling is rejoicing. And it’s hard to rejoice when you’re suffering from that sense of remoteness. And I’d like to say to you that I believe that most Christians do suffer from a sense of divine remoteness. They know God is with them and they’re sure they’re God’s children, and they can take you to their marked New Testament and prove to you seriously and soberly that they’re justified and regenerated and they belong to God and heaven is going to be their home and Christ is their advocate above. They’ve got the theology they know in their head, but they’re mostly suffering from a sense of remoteness.

To know a thing in your head is one thing, to feel it in your heart is another. And I think that most Christians are trying to be happy without having a sense of the Presence. It’s like having a bright, trying to have a bright day without having the sun. You could say, well now it is 12:15 noon, therefore, the sun is up. Let us rejoice in the sun. Isn’t it beautiful and bright? Let us take it by faith and rejoice that the sun is up, that all is well. The sun is up according to the calendar, the sun should be about there. You can point upward and say the sun is up, but brother, that’s kidding yourself. As long as it’s gloomy and rainy and wet, soggy leaves keep dribbling down and it’s dark, you’re not having a bright day. But when the sun comes out, then you can you can rejoice in the presence of the sun.

Now, most Christians are theological Christians, they know they’re saved, somebody is given them a marked New Testament and it’s proper. We should so they get their theology straight, but they’re trying to be happy without a sense of the Presence. The sense of the Presence is absent, and so that yearning, that yearning, you see is a desire, that yearning to be nearer to God, to have God near to us. It’s found everywhere among God’s people. You will find it in two places; prayers and songs and hymns; you will find it there. If you think that I’m merely spinning this like a spider spins a web out of his stomach. If you think that I am merely spinning this out of my head, go to the next prayer meeting and kneel down with the brethren and listen to them pray. They all pray alike. It’s, O Lord come, O Lord drawn near. O Lord show thyself. Be near to me Lord. And then, if that isn’t enough, sing along with us. And hear us sing come, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing and other such songs. Draw Me Nearer, nearer blessed Lord. Near the Cross my heart can say I am coming near. The yearning to be nearer to God and have God come nearer to us is universal among born-again Christians.

And yet we think of God as coming from across distance to us, when my text declares and Christian theology back to David declares that God is already here now. That God doesn’t dwell in space, and therefore God doesn’t have to do like a rocket or like a ray of light, come from some remote place or start toward some remote place. There is no remote place in God. God contains all remoteness and all distances in His own great Heart. And why then do we feel Him in distance? It’s this dissimilarity in our natures. It’s the unlikeness. We’ve got enough likeness that God can commune with us and call us His children and we can say Abba, Father, but in practical working out of it, the average one of us senses our dissimilarity. And that is why God seems remote.

Now, what I am trying to get across is simply this, that nearness to God is not a geographical or an astronomical thing. It is not a spatial thing having to do with space. It is a spiritual thing having to do with nature. And so, when we pray, God draw me nearer or when we pray, come near. When we pray, come Thou Fount of every blessing. We’re not praying if we’re good theologians for God to come down from some remote distance. We know God’s here now. Jesus said, lo, I am with you alway. And they said, surely God’s in this place. The Lord is here. Jacob said, God’s in this place and I didn’t know it. He didn’t say God came to this place, God is in this place.

Well then you say, then what are we praying for? What we’re praying for is a manifestation of the presence of God, not the Presence, but the manifestation of the Presence. Why don’t we have the manifestation? Because we, we allow, unlikenesses. We allow moral dissimilarity and that sense of absence. Now notice I say, sense of absence is the result of the remaining unlikeness within us. This desire, this yearning to be nearer to God is in fact a yearning to be like Him. It’s the yearning of the ransomed heart to be like God. So there can be perfect communion; so the heart and God can come together in a fellowship that is Divine.

Now, I want to point out some of the points of dissimilarity between God and the Christian. There I have said there is a similarity which makes it compatible for God and proper for God to commune with His children, even the poorest, weakest of His born children, these bairns as the Scots say. But there are dissimilarities and those dissimilarities are such that there isn’t a degree of fellowship that there ought to be. There isn’t that perfection of the sense of God’s presence that we want and yearn for, and pray for, and sing about.

Now, how are we going to know what God is like so that we may know whether we’re like God? The answer is, God is like Christ, for Christ is God. Christ is God manifest to mankind. And so let us look at Jesus. And by looking at our Lord Jesus, we will know what God is like, and then we will know what we have to be like if we’re going to experience the unbroken and continuous Presence of God, a sense of the Presence.

Now, the Presence is here. I can’t say it too often. But it’s the sense of the Presence that’s absent. Just as the man knows the sun is there, even though the clouds are hanging so low you can reach up and touch them. And even though it’s so dark they have to put the lights on. I’ve seen that and you’ve seen that. Even when we know the sun was there in midheaven, they had turned their automobile lights on for safety. I’ve seen that happen and you have because there are, were clouds between. They know the sun’s there, but they don’t feel it nor see it. And so we Christians know God is here. But there is a sense of His absence. As the man feels the sun is gone, never to return and he knows better, and yet he can’t be happy because he can’t see the sun. So, we feel that God is away even when we know that He’s present, and He can’t manifest Himself as He wants to for certain reasons.

Now let’s notice some of the qualities of Jesus. The first one of course is holiness. Our God is holy and our Lord is holy, and we call the Spirit, the Holy Spirit. Now, notice how stained and how spotted and how carnal the average Christian is. We allow stains. Months go by without repentance. Years go by without asking for cleansing or taking it. Spots on our garments, and carnality, and unlikenesses within our heart. Then we pray, draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord. Or we sing, or we pray, come Lord, come to this meeting. Well, the Lord is there. What we’re praying is, O Lord, show thyself, but the Lord cannot, a Holy Lord cannot show Himself in full communion to an unholy Christian. Do you say is it possible to be a Christian and be unholy. It’s possible to be a carnal Christian, to have the seed of God in you, to be regenerated and justified and still be unholy in some of your inner, inner feelings and desires and willingness.

The second is unselfishness. Do you notice that Jesus Christ was completely unselfish and gave Himself, but how self-centered and self-indulgent most Christians are? Even when they’re reading books on revival, they’re still self-centered. Even when they’re praying for revival, they’re still self-indulgent. A revival is, among other things, a sudden manifestation; it’s the breaking of the Son through the clouds. It’s not the coming of the Son. It’s the breaking of the Son through the clouds, and so our selfishness. How much selfishness there is.

I am sick in my own heart, sick about myself and sick about my friends and sick about the preachers in the ministry. How utterly self-centered we can become; live for self, talk loudly about glorifying God, and boast and say this is the glory of God, and yet be self-centered. And how you know you’re self-centered is, if anybody crosses you, your hackles go up. Now, don’t smile about it. It is not funny. It’s serious. That as soon as you’re crossed your hackles go up because you’re self-centered and self-indulgent. How much self-indulgence there is.

Do you know something friends, there is enough money potentially in this audience tonight, not only to keep this church going hilariously, but to double the missionary offering that we make. There’s enough, potentially, if we weren’t so self-indulgent, but we’re self-indulgent. And of course, a perfectly selfless Christ who gave Himself and poured Himself out and had no selfishness, can’t warm up for the Christian heart who’s self-indulgent and self-centered. He loves us. He’s our Shepherd. He’s our advocate above. He pleads our cause there. We are His bethren in Christ and His God, His Father is our Father. But I’m talking about the fellowship, the sweetness that changes some people into saints while they walk on earth in more than a technical sense, then love.

Now, He so loved that He gave all, but how calculating so many of us are, how calculating. I can say, now I can go to this meeting, but I can’t go to this one because the doctor has told me that I’m to do thus and thus, and I must obey doctor’s orders. And we let doctors push us around and tell us what to do. And we’re calculating. We figure it out. We put our spiritual life on a budget and we won’t spend anything for God unless we can justify it in the columns of our budget. What a cheap, carnal way of living. And yet it’s true. We do it. How narrow God’s people are.

The love of the Lord Jesus Christ was a great, passionate, outpoured thing, among other things that caused Him to give Himself completely. It said He please not Himself. Do you remember that beautiful passage? Jesus, even our Lord, pleased not Himself. But, do you know what’s wrong with us. We’re self-pleasers. We live for ourselves. There are people that would have a new car if this church went to pot and we had to close the doors. There are women that would dress in style and with the very best if the mission cause died and every missionary had to be sent home. Yet, we’re saints, we’re born again. We’re believers. We have our marked New Testament, but and maybe we are Christians, but the love we have is a calculating love and narrow love, a love that doesn’t give itself. And so how can He who gave Himself; how can He ever fellowship with us?

Do you want a Bible illustration of this? Let me give it to you. Back in the Song of Solomon, that delicate, gentle, wondrous, beautiful book that Dr. Schofield said, sin has almost deprived us of the ability to kneel before that burning bush. Well, back there you remember, that the Bridegroom who represents Jesus, had given gifts to the Bride, the bride to be. And he was out gathering lilies, taking care of his sheep, out among the lilies, and the dew was falling. And his locks were wet with the dews of the night. He was out there doing what his interest required him to do; what his heart wanted to do. And he came and knocked on her door as much as to say, won’t you come and join me? And she said, How can I? How can I come? I am not dressed for it. I’m dressed for the couch and the home, and even my hand drip with the ointments you’ve given me. I can’t come.

And so, he disappeared. He was still her lover. And he was still wanting and going to marry her. And he did finally, thank God. And it came out all right, but he was out there pouring himself out, and she was in her house admiring herself. And taking long whiffs of the fragrance of the perfumes that he had given her; standing before the mirror and admiring the robes and the jewelry that he had given her. He wanted her and she wanted his jewelry and his perfume. Then finally, she got under conviction about it. And she quickly, hastily dressed, not really for street dress, but she got some clothes on and threw a robe about her and started out looking for her beloved. And she says, where is he? Where is he? And I asked the watchman, where is he? And the watchman beat me He said, “A harlot out on the street on a night like this, go on home,” and he slapped her down. She went on staggering under the blows and couldn’t find him and said, where is he? Where is he? And while she was hunting him, her friend said, what is thy beloved more than another beloved? What’s the matter? Why don’t you go home? What is thy beloved more than another beloved? And then, she burst out into a beautiful song saying my beloved is white and ruddy. Do you remember that passage? She described him from head to foot. He is fairer than 10,000.

Well, you see, he wanted her fellowship. And she was too selfish and self-centered and she stayed in while he was out. And of course, there could be no fellowship while he’s out there doing one thing and she’s selfishly staying in house doing another.

And then there’s kindness. Think how utterly kind our Lord Jesus is. For the love of God is kinder than the measure of man’s mind. The kindness of Jesus and the harshness of us, and the severity and the sharpness, the acerbity, the bitterness, the acidity in so many people’s lives. How can a kind Savior feel perfectly at home with a harsh Christian?

Then there’s forgiveness. He was a forgiving Lord. He is a forgiving Lord and He forgave them while they beat Him. He forgave them while they put Him on a cross. But how hard and vengeful so many of the Lord’s children, how vengeful. You remember things that happened twenty years ago, some of you and you just can’t get over. You can’t. Oh, I have forgiven it all right, but you haven’t. You’re vengeful and He was forgiving. And He proved He was forgiving by dying in blood. You prove that you’re vengeful and hard by many, many proofs, many demonstrations.

Then, think of the zeal of Jesus. The zeal for thine house has eaten me up. Think of the zeal of God. The zeal of the Lord of Hosts will perform this. Zeal is a burning fire. Do you know, the most zealous thing I know is fire, O brother. Wherever fire burns, it burns with hot zeal. And the heart of Jesus was like that. But think of the lukewarm Christian, Christians that haven’t been to a prayer meeting for years. And the careless Christian, and the torpid Christian. The torpor that lies over the church of God.

Then the humility of Jesus. Though He was the highest, He came down and acted like the lowest. And though we are the lowest, we are sometimes like the proudest and the most arrogant. How completely unlike Jesus. How unlike God.

Now, you say then, am I justified by being like God? I hope I’ve made it clear. You’re justified by being declared righteous by Almighty God basing His sentence upon the cross of Jesus and the dying of the Savior in the darkness there on the hill. Then, because He made atonement, God justifies. And when He justifies, He regenerates. And you’re saved by justification and regeneration, but regeneration does not perfect the image of God in you. The image of God must continue to grow and come forth and come out. As an artist works on his pictures, at first it’s only an outline and the general confuse, but he knows what’s there and slowly it comes out.

And so, God seems far from us because we’re so unlike God. It isn’t distance. And Horace Bushnell and his friend went out on the hill to pray, talked first and went out and sat and talked about God until slowly, sunset and the stars came out in the darkness settled around while they sat on the grass and talked about God. Then before they left, Bushnell said, Brother, Let us pray before we go. So there in the darkness Bushnell lifted up his heart to God and his friend said afterwards, I pulled my arms in tight around me. I was afraid to reach them out lest I touch God.

I once knelt under an apple tree in a field, several other preachers and a Salvation Army man, Captain Ireland of the Salvation Army. Captain Ireland, we all prayed and then Captain Ireland began to pray. And as he prayed, I suddenly sensed a nearness. There was another One there that hadn’t come out. He’d been there all the time. Am I a God far off? Am I a God at hand, saith the LORD?

So, this sense of the Presence, how can He continually manifest His presence to the proud and arrogant when He was so humble and low? To the lukewarm and the careless when He was so zealous? To the hard and the vengeful when He is so forgiving? To the harsh and the severe, when He is so kind? To the calculating, when His love led Him to die? To the Holy, when we are so stained? How can we have fellowship?

And then the heavenly mindedness of Jesus. Oh, think of that. He was with the Father in the bosom of the Father while He was on earth. He said, the Son of Man who is, not was, in the bosom of the Father. He never left the bosom of the Father while He was on Earth. The only time He left it was in that awful, wrenching agony when God turned away from Him on a cross that He might die for mankind, but never at any other time He was in the bosom of the Father, the other world. He talked about, I came from above, I came down from above, I am from above. I tell you things from above. He lived in the heart of God. And the other world and the world above was the world in which He inhabited, the world in which inhabited. And think how earthly His people are, and how worldly: furniture, TV sets, baseball, football, automobiles, picture windows, split level houses, politics, anything but Heaven and God. And then we want, draw me nearer, nearer.  You’re as near as you can get as far as distance is concerned, but He can’t manifest Himself because there’s a dissimilarity of nature. You’ll have enough of His nature that you’re justified and regenerated, but you haven’t enough to perfect the fellowship. Do you see what I mean? The perfection of the fellowship. Oh, brethren, this is what we need so desperately bad.

Well, there was a man once who followed the Lord afar off. But you know he couldn’t live with it. Some of you have learned to live with it. You’ve gotten older and you’ve learned to live in the twilight and not mind it. You’ve learned to live in the chill and not mind. What can I do for you? How can I help you? I know no way. Peter followed a far off, but he couldn’t stand it. When the Lord turned and looked at him, he went outside and wept bitterly. He wept bitterly. Have you any tears for your unlikeness? Have you any tears for that distance between you and God that you know isn’t there and yet feel is there? You’re not, you’re not in any wise diminishing anything God has already done. You’re grateful and thankful for every blessing and for the goodness, for justification, for the good grace of God on your life, but you can’t escape that sense of remoteness. And many a day is a heavy day because God seems far from him. You know He isn’t, but you feel He is. The reason you feel He is, is that He can’t show His face. You’ve allowed self-indulgence, harshness, vengeful spirit, lukewarmness, pride, worldliness, earthliness to put a cloud over the Face of God.

What are you going to do about it? Would you be willing to do something about it tonight? Maybe I haven’t preached to anybody. I don’t know. Maybe nobody’s heard me tonight. Because I know it’s one thing to talk and it’s quite another thing to be heard, even in the same room. Only the Holy Ghost can give you the illumination that will make the words heard by you. You know the english, you know the grammar, you know the logic, that’s one thing, but it’s another thing to hear in your heart. Then opened He their hearts. Has He opened anybody’s heart here? If He’s opened anybody’s heart, I think that you ought to do something about it. Let us stand please. Let us stand.

Do you know what I think? I think that repentance is called for. Repentance of what? A deed done? No. Repentance of the unlikeness? Repentance of the unholiness in the presence of the Holy? Of the self-indulgence in the presence of the selfless Christ? Of the presence of harshness in the presence of the kind Christ? Of hardness in the presence of the Forgiving Christ? Lukewarmness in the presence of the zealous Christ burning like a fiery flame? The worldliness and earthliness in the presence of the heavenly Christ. I think we ought to repent.

Now I don’t know I say whether I’ve reached you or not. I only know this, there’s a prayer room in here. And while we sing very softly, some number, our brother, would you start. Don’t announce it, just sing something very gently and we’ll join. Just come in here and we’ll have a little prayer meeting. If your heart, has God spoken to your heart? Come on into the place of prayer.


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“The Omnipresence of God”

Sunday evening, November 2, 1958

Message #7 of #10 in Attributes of God Series

Let me read some passages from various parts of the Bible. I am going to speak tonight on God’s omnipresence, but with a particular reason for it which I’ll explain as I go along. 1 Kings, but will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain Thee, how much less this house that I have built. Jeremiah 23, Am I a God at hand, saith the LORD, and not a God afar off? Acts 17, that they should seek the Lord if happily they might feel after Him and find Him, though He be not far from any one of us, for in Him we live and move and have our being. Psalm 16, I have set the Lord always before me; because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Psalm 139, whither shall I go from thy Spirit or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend up into heaven, Thou art there. If I make my bed in hell, behold, Thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea, even there shall Thy hand lead me on, Thy right hand shall hold me.

Now, those are a few texts that certainly don’t exhaust the great wealth of texts dealing with this same topic. But those of you who have been listening to these sermons will know, because you will have noticed that my method of treating scriptural doctrines is a little bit different from the average man, in as much as I go back of everything to God Himself and show that the teachings of the Holy Scriptures have their origin in the nature of God. They are what they are because God is what He is. That these teachings rest upon the character of God and are guaranteed by the changeless attributes of the Lord God Almighty, the Ancient of Days. I have before some years ago preached on the omnipresence of God and I shall only sketch it here to get started.

And I want to explain briefly what omnipresence is and then show what it means in the human experience. And to say that God is omnipresent, and this of course is believed by all churches. I am not introducing anything; this is believed by every church that believes the Bible. It means that God is all present; that God is close to, for that’s what the word means, close to, near to, here. It means that He is close to everywhere. It means that He is near to everything and everyone. It means that He is here, that is, that He is next to you wherever you may be. And if you send up the querulous question, O God, where art Thou? The answer comes back. I am where you are. I am here. I am next to you. I am close to everywhere. That’s what the Bible says.

Now, there’s reason on the side of this as well as Scripture. If we had only reason and not Scripture it would be dubious. If we had Scripture and no reason, we would still believe it. But since we have Scripture to declare it and reason to shout it’s true, I know it’s true, then we may be sure that God is omnipresent. That is, that He’s everywhere. You see, if there were any borders to God; if there was any place where God is not, then that place would mark the confines, the limits of God. And if God had limits, God could not be the infinite God.

Some theologians call the infinitude of God His immensity. But immensity is not quite a big enough word. Immensity simply means that whatever you’re talking about is hugely, vastly, large. But infinitude means not only that it’s hugely, vastly, large, in fact, it doesn’t mean that at all. It means that there isn’t any way to say that God is large. It means that there are no limits to God anywhere, and that if there were limits to God and God were very hugely, vastly large, then we could say that He was immense. But since He is infinite, then we can only say that God has not size at all, and you can’t move or measure God in any direction, that God is infinite and perfect. If there was any place that God was not in any line, we could say God comes to here, but doesn’t go beyond that. Then of course, we would not have an infinite God, but a finite God. And whatever is finite, wherever you have finitude, you have creaturehood. You wouldn’t have God; you’d have something else.

Now, actually, God is equally near to all parts of His universe. You see, we think rightly about God and spiritual things only when we rule out space all together; when we rule out the space concept. I listen every Saturday night at 9:30 to this Professor Posen who lectures on space. And it’s been quite interesting. He was going last night to give the great theory, the latest theory by Einstein. And I eagerly turned it on. I was lying down, eagerly turned it on, and woke up just when he was finished. I fell right off to sleep. That’s the first time I’ve done that. I must have been unusually tired. But he talks a lot about space and about all it having to do with the worlds out yonder. But you know, when we think about God in spiritual things, we think correctly only when we rule out the space concept all together. Because God being infinite, does not dwell in space. He swallows up all space.

Now, the Scripture says, do not I feel heaven and earth, and that sounds as if God was contained in heaven and earth. But actually, God fills heaven and earth just as the ocean fills a bucket which has been submerged in it a mile down. The bucket is full of the ocean, but the ocean surrounds the bucket in all directions. So, when God says, I fill heaven and earth, He does. Are not the heaven and earth submerged in God and all space is. And He says, the heaven of heavens cannot contain me. You see, God is not contained–God contains. And there is the difference. God is not contained, God contains. In Him, we live and move and have our being.

Now, we talk about God being close to us or far from us. And the problem that I’ll speak about tonight, and tomorrow night is the problem of distance, the problem of God being far away. And you see, we don’t think right, because we think geographically or astronomically. We think in light years, or we think in meters or inches or miles or leagues or something else, when actually we’re thinking about God as being spatial. that is, as dwelling in space, which He does not, but contains space, so that space is in God, and we never have any problem about God being anywhere. For the fact is, as the text say, that God is everywhere.

I believe what God says, and leave those who do not believe with the problems. It says if I ascend up to heaven, Thou art there. If I make my bed in Hell, behold Thou art there. Now, don’t ask me to explain it. But let’s remember, John Wesley said, don’t reject it because you can’t understand it. If a man made his bed in hell, the omnipresence of God requires that wherever there is anything, the presence of God must be. But why is it that the world thinks of God as being infinitely remote far beyond the farthest star?

We used to sing a little song when I was a boy, “far away beyond the starlit sky,” and we have placed God somewhere far out beyond the starlit sky. Now why? And when the world prays as a rule, they pray without any sense of God’s nearness at all. Always, God is somewhere else, always God is far away. Why is this? Well, this is the reason: that in spiritual things, closeness and likeness are the same thing. Remoteness means dissimilarity. Now, please get that, for if you don’t get that you’ll have missed most everything that I want to say tonight; that when it comes to personality, when it comes to spirits, when it comes to that which is not material, then distance doesn’t mean one lonely thing in all the wide world. That is why Jesus could go to the right hand of God the Father and still say to people on earth, I am with you always, because Jesus Christ as God, and God being Spirit, can be instantaneously everywhere at the same time, and there is no problem there. But, where men are shut off from God, not because God is spatially far from them, not because He is remote like a far galaxy or star, but because there’s a dissimilarity in nature. And when you see, when we think, we project our own human concepts up into spiritual things. And one of the problems of a Bible teacher is to break that down though I haven’t heard very many Bible teachers try to do it.

And one of the problems of the Holy Ghost, if He has any problems, is to get His people so spiritualized that they no longer think in material concepts. We project our human concepts upward or outward. For instance, your friends are the ones who are the nearest to you. And the closer a friend it is, the nearer that person’s likely to be. But your enemy wants to put as much space between you and him as possible. And so everything else being equal, that enemy gets as far away as he can. So we tend to think of our friends as being near to us and our enemies as being far from us. My friend comes to me and I to him and we chat in intimate conversation, we’re friends. But the enemy stays away, and stays away as far as he can.

Now, that’s a human concept and it has to do with material things. Everybody’s glad his enemy is a mile away and he’d be more comfortable if he was two miles away, or three or ten, or on some other continent. As the world sees it, the farther away our enemy is, why the better off you are. Because you think in spatial terms, that is s-p-a-t-i-a-l terms. He’s way off there and your friend close.

Now, that isn’t the way we think when we think about God. It isn’t the way we should think, because there isn’t any place you could go and not find God. You take that 139th Psalm from which I read tonight. Why, that Psalm tells us plainly enough that there isn’t any place where you can go that God isn’t. He says, I say surely the darkness shall cover me, why even the night shall be light about me. Yea, darkness hidest not from Thee, but the night shineth as the day. And the darkness and the light are both the light to Thee. There isn’t anywhere that we can go because God knoweth our down sitting and uprising and understands our thoughts are far off. We do not have the problem of distance or remoteness when we come to God. For what makes this a Christian assembly is that God is here. What makes this a Christian assembly? God is here.

So, two creatures may be in the same room and yet be millions of miles apart. For instance, an ape and an angel; if it were possible to get an angel and an ape in the same room, the same room size of this choir room here, where half of the choir assembles. If you could get an ape and an angel in there, there would be no compatibility. There would be no communion. There would be no understanding. There would be no friendship. There would be only distance, because the shining angel and the slobbering, chippering ape would be infinitely, to use the word infinitely carelessly, infinitely removed from each other, even though they were in the same room. They’re far, far distant. For you see, when we come to human or when it comes to spirit, when we come to anything that is intellectual or spiritual or of the soul, space and matter and weight and time have no meaning it all. That is why I can stand and smile at all the space boys and all those who tell us that if you took a foot rule and started and shooting it like an arrow, and speed it up to 186,000 miles a second, it would lose its length and would not have any length at all, it would be length-less. Did you know that? Well, he knows it now, that is, that’s what they tell us that’s what would happen.

Well, that’s supposed to stun you and knock you for a loop. And you’re supposed to walk around dizzy and quit praying. I don’t brother, because I don’t think in spatial terms, and I don’t think in material terms, nor in speed or distance, because God being spirit is right here. And He’ll never be any farther away and He can’t get any nearer than He is right now. But you see, the reason that there’s that sense of faraway-ness, that sense that God is remote, is the dissimilarity between moral characters. God and man are dissimilar now. God made man in His image, but man sinned and so became unlike God in his moral nature. And because he’s unlike God, communion is broken. Just as two men, enemies, hate each other. They’re enemies and they’re separated and apart even though they’re for the moment forced to be together. Two brothers who hate each other may come to the funeral of their father and yet they will stand at that coffin and be miles apart, because there is dissimilarity within them; there’s alienation there.

And that is exactly what the Bible calls it. That moral incompatibility between God and man. That’s remoteness. That’s what gives that sense of distance. God is not far away, as I have explained, but He seems to be far away spatially, because He is far away in character. He’s unlike men because man had sinned and God is holy. And the Bible has for this moral incompatibility, this spiritual unlikeness between man and God, the Bible has a word. It’s the word alienation.

Now, let me read to you what it is that gives to the world that sense of God being far away beyond the starlit sky. You who were dead in trespasses and sins wherein in time past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience, among whom also we had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind. And were by nature the children of wrath even as others. Then in the fourth chapter, we read, I say therefore and testify that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart, who being past feeling, have given themselves over unto lasciviousness to work all uncleanness with greediness.

Now, let’s take our Lord Jesus Christ who is God incarnated and is in character all that God is perfectly all together, exactly what God is. Could this describe Jesus, walking in the vanity of his mind? No, that describes the sinner, the alienated sinner. Having his understanding darkened, did that describe, does that describe the glorious Son of God? The ignorant with ignorance in him, blind in his heart, past feeling, given over to lasciviousness, walking in uncleanness and greediness. Does that describe Jesus? It describes exactly the opposite of Jesus. It shows that this sinner, this sinner, wherever he is, Roman, Greek, whatever he is, this sinner is so dissimilar to God that the distance is a distance of character. It is not a spatial distance, it’s not a distance of space. God is not, say, 186,000 miles or light years away from a sinner. He is not one inch away from the sinner. He is yet far from the sinner.

Am I contradicting myself? No, not at all. Since God contains all space, and being omnipresent according to all theologians of every denomination, anywhere. Since God is omnipresent, close to, next to, here, anywhere, everywhere here, then the distance is that of character and not that of space. So that when the sinner prays, O God save me and forgive me for Jesus’ sake, he does not call God down from his high Imperium. But God is there, there, there! And he knows in that moment he can know that God is there.

But you say it’s dissimilarity of character that makes the difference. Suppose there was a very, very godly man and a very licensious, abandoned, evil man and they were forced, they were forced, neither one of them would bend an inch. The holy man would not bend an inch toward sin and the sinner would not even allow the holy man to talk to him. But they were forced to sit together on a journey, what could they talk about? They’d have to find some common ground, and it might be the landscape or the pretty tree there or something. But they could never have fellowship. They might if the sinner would be listening to the urge and appeal of the good man. But as long as the sinner shut himself off and said, you can’t talk to me about God, now keep still, there’d be no communion. They would be miles apart even though they were the same nationality, approximately the same age and traveling in the same vehicle. They would still be miles apart.

So it is with God and man. God is away from man and man is away from God. And that’s why the world searches after God, if happily they might find Him, but don’t find Him because God and man are dissimilar in their moral natures. God is one thing in perfect holiness, man is another in perfect iniquity, and the two can never meet. And that’s why God seems so far away. Look at that man, Adam. When Adam sinned, he ran and hid himself from the presence of God.

And I heard a Jewish rabbi talking the other night on the radio while he was introducing some Jewish hymns which I like to hear, some of the old Jewish hymns. And he said that once a Jewish rabbi had been in jail. He was a very godly man and he was in jail. And he said that his jailer had been interested in the old man who prayed a lot and read his Bible a lot. And he said he went to the rabbi and said, Rabbi, I’ve got a question I’d like to ask you, a theological question out of your own Bible. It said about God knowing everything. Do you believe God knows everything? Oh, certainly said the rabbi. Well, how is it then that it says that God said, Adam, where art thou? If God knew where he was, why did he ask? Well, the rabbi said, Son, that’s not hard. He said, God said, Adam, where art thou, not that He didn’t know where Adam was, but Adam didn’t know where he was and he said, the question was asked of Adam, Adam, you don’t know where you are. Adam, where are you, He said, because Adam was lost, not God. And God knew well where Adam was, but Adam didn’t know where he was, yet His Adam didn’t know where Adam was.

Adam was alienated from God and I think the old Rabbi had the explanation alright. God knew where he was. God said, I will go down now and see. That didn’t mean that God was coming down to get information like a newspaper man. The great God knows everything in one instant perfect act. And yet He comes down among us and acts like us and said, I’ll go down and see. And there was Jonah. When Jonah refused to obey God and broke off and alienated his heart, he got in his ship and went out from the presence of God. Why? He thought he could get away from God; how foolish of a Jew. How foolish of a Jew who’d been reading the Old Testament to think that he could get away from God.

Then there was Peter. When Peter sinned, you know, Peter knelt down and said, depart from me, get away from me, I’m a sinful man, O Lord. It is the heart that puts distance between us and God. It is not stars and satellites and moons. We must not think of God as being thus far away, for the reason that God does not dwell in space. And the heaven of heavens cannot contain Him, but He contains the heaven of heavens. And therefore, God is just as near to you now, nearer than you are to yourself, nearer than your thoughts, but the sinner yet is far from God. He isn’t far from God, and yet he’s far from God.

What do I mean? I mean that God is not away like a Roman god upon on a holy mountain, as far away two miles, ten miles, 100 miles, 1000 miles away. No, God is not away that way, but God is far away in another way. He’s far away in his holy unlikeness to everything sinful. He’s far away in the sense of alienation and enmity. And the natural man is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be and it cannot please God. He cannot please God, and God and man are alienated. This is the terrible woe of the world. This terrible word, alienation. Not alienation or distance in space, but moral dissimilarity. And that’s why there’s got to be a place to put those who refuse to be like God or become like God, because God, God cannot in His holy heaven, for heaven is a place as well as a state. God cannot in His holy heaven have beings that are morally dissimilar to Himself. We must be must be like Him to enter there and then we shall see Him and shall be like Him, says the Holy Ghost, according to 1 John 1:3.

Now, the bliss of all moral creatures is the presence of God. Our fathers called it the vision beatific. The presence of God is the bliss of all moral creatures. Just as the shining of the sun is the bliss of all creatures that love the sun. All the creatures that love the sun come out and come to the surface and fly or crawl or swim when the sun returns. So, the presence of that Holy God is the bliss of all moral creatures. And it is the absence of it is, the terror and the grief and the sorrow of all fallen creatures. But you know, I am not talking about God’s presence, but God’s manifest presence. You see, there’s a vast difference between God’s presence and God’s manifest presence.

The presence of God is even in hell, the Holy Ghost says in the 139th Psalm, but the manifest presence of God is only in heaven and where good souls are. So therefore, a man can walk around on the earth and be so close to God that he could whisper and God will hear his whisper and yet have such a sense of alienation and remoteness that he’ll go to the river and commit suicide thinking there’s no God in the universe anywhere.

This accounts for man’s busy activities, you see; that it counts for practically all of the entertainment there is in the world, that accounts for it, people. People do all sorts of things because they invent every sort of instrument and every sort of entertainment, because they can’t live with themselves knowing they’re alienated from God. And knowing that there is a moral dissimilarity, knowing that there is a moral dissimilarity that shall forever and forever keep a sense of all but infinite remoteness between their soul and the God who is their life and their sunshine. And hell, if there were no fire in hell and no worm that never dieth, hell would be hell enough, because moral creatures are cut-off forever from the sunshine of God’s face.

And if there were no golden streets and no jasper walls and no angels and no harps and no living creatures and no elders and no sea of glass, heaven would be heaven enough, because we shall see His face and His name shall be on our foreheads. It is the presence of God, the manifest, conscious presence of God that makes heaven heaven. And it is the refusal of God ever to manifest His presence in hell or on earth or anywhere where men are not good men, or not wanting to be good men, that makes hell what it is and makes the world what it is.

If God could only manifest Himself to men on the earth, all over the earth, every night club would be empty or would turn into a happy prayer meeting. And every house of ill fame would be emptied in five minutes. And everyone with deep repentance and sorrow of heart would be down on their knees before God asking for forgiveness and weeping tears of happiness, because it is the presence of God that gives bliss to moral creatures and the absence of God that brings everlasting woe to moral creatures.

Well, you see, men want a bright day without the Son. They deny the Son and still want a bright day. So they invent every kind of light imaginable and whirl all kinds of roman candles over their heads to get a little light. And we call that entertainment. And we call that the theater and all the rest. Well, that helps people to forget that they are without God. But now somebody says, but Mr. Tozer, if man’s nature is dissimilar to God’s and that’s the remoteness, that’s the gulf fixed, that’s the everlasting, unbridgeable gulf, and the Ethiopian cannot change his skin nor the leopard his spots. And the man born in sin can’t get out of it, and that God will never change and man can’t change himself, how then can God and the human race ever come together?

Oh, the answer is my friend, that the dissimilarities can be reconciled only by One who is both God and man; the dissimilarity can be reconciled. The man cannot educate himself into a likeness of God and he cannot cultivate himself into a likeness of God. He can begin to go to art galleries and read Shakespeare and visit the opening nights at the opera and begin to drop his “r”s and open his “a”s and sound very, very, very cultured. And when it’s all over, he’s still inwardly what he was before, walking in the vanity of his mind, blinded by the ignorance that is within him, cut off from the life of God without hope and without God in the world. Man can’t right himself. Religions have tried it. Philosophies have tried it. School systems have tried it. Police try it. And we try everywhere to bring a similarity that God will recognize so that instead of our having that far sense of infinite remoteness, we can say, surely God’s in this place. But we can’t get it. We can’t, we can’t. Religions can’t. How can it be done?

Oh, my brother, it says in 2 Corinthians 5, God was in Christ reconciling. God was in Christ reconciling. Now, how can God reconcile the dissimilar nature of man to His own? You see, reconciliation can be done in two ways. Reconciliation can be accomplished by the two parties who are alienated, compromising and thus getting together. If this man and I had four propositions that were keeping us apart, we might get together and pray and say, now brother, I’d say, Brother Knight, I don’t want to be out of friendship with you and therefore, I’ll make a concession on this. And he’d say, well, alright then, I’ll make a concession on this. Well, I’d say, all right, then I’ll make one on this. And he’d say, I’ll make one on this. And so, by his moving over this way, halfway, and my moving this way, halfway, we’d be reconciled.

But how can God say to the sinner, I’ll move over halfway? You’re blind and I’ll move over and be half blind. And you move over and be half blind. You’re dead and I’ll move over and be half dead and you move over and be half dead and thus by God coming halfway and compromising Himself, He and man could be reconciled. To do that God would have to void his Godhead and cease to be God. And I’d rather go to hell than go to a heaven presided over by a God who would compromise with sin. And I believe every true man and woman would, for we want God to be the Holy God that He is, and remain the Holy God that He is.

So, God can never say I’ll go halfway. You come halfway over and I’ll come halfway over. It didn’t work that way and it doesn’t work that way. The Father stayed at home and the Prodigal came all the way back. The Prodigal and his Father did not meet halfway to the far country. The boy came clear back where he belonged. And so, the sinner, in his repentance, comes all the way back to God and God doesn’t move from His holy position of infinite holiness, righteousness, and loveliness, world without end.

God never compromises and comes halfway down. God stays the God that He is. This is the God we adore, our faithful, unchangeable Friend, who’s love is as great as His power and knows neither limit nor end. And we don’t want God to compromise. We don’t want God to wink at our iniquity. We want God to do something about it. What did He do about it? He came down and became flesh and became both God and man, sin accepted, in order that by His death He might remove everything out of the way so that now, man can come back. Before, he couldn’t come back or he couldn’t come back if Christ had not come and died. But now because He came and died, He removed every moral obstacle out of the way so man can come home.

And now Peter, approaching it from another direction, says in 2 Peter 1:4, that God has left us the promises of the Gospel, that by these we might be partakers of the divine nature. What does that mean? It means that when the sinner comes home, repents and believes on Christ savingly, that God implants in the heart of that previous sinner, some of His own nature and then, the nature of God in God and the nature of God in the sinner are no longer dissimilar, but now they are one. And the sinner’s home and the dissimilarities are gone and the unlikeness removed. And the nature of God in man makes it morally proper that man and God should have fellowship. God without compromising Himself in any way, now receives the returning sinner. He puts a deposit of His own nature and life in that sinner. My friend, don’t you see, that’s what the new birth is! Don’t you see it’s not joining. Don’t you see it’s not being baptized? Don’t you see, it’s not quitting this or that bad habit, though everybody will quit their bad habits, but it’s an implantation of divine life.

Now, let me go back to my own rather awkward illustration, grotesque illustration I will admit, but if it gets an idea across, I don’t want to apologize. Let’s go back to this ape and this angel that are out in the side room. They’re staring at each other, the ape and the angel. There’s no getting them together. How could you do it? If the great God Almighty could take from the angel, that glorious, celestial nature that is his, and deposit it in the ape, the ape would leap to his feet and shake hands with the angel and call him by name, because similarity would instantly be there. But, as long as one has the nature of an ape and the other of an angel, there can be nothing but everlasting dissimilarity.

And so, the world with all of its money and all of its culture and all of its education and all of its science and all of its philosophy, is still a moral ape! And the Bible has said so and the Holy God cannot compromise Himself to fellowship and neither can that man understand God for the natural man cannot understand God and there can be no fellowship. But God moved in Christ and died on a cross and so, took the obstacles away, I repeat, and now by the New Birth He gives some of His own delightful divine nature to the sinner. And the sinner looks up and says, Abba, Father for the first time in his life. Now, he’s converted.

Do you know, that’s what happened to Jacob. Everybody will admit the Jacob was converted there at the ladder and was filled with the Holy Ghost, or whatever you want to call it there at Jabbok, two works of grace there for Jacob. And you that don’t believe in it, will have a hard time explaining Jacob. But anyway, here was Jacob. Well, he was an old sinner who was crooked and he had a name Jacob which meant he was a planner, he was crooked. And Jacob was there, oh, how does it go. And Jacob went out from Beersheba and went toward Heron. And he lighted upon a certain place and tarried there all night because the sun did set. And he took of the stones of that place and put them for his pillows and lay down in that place to sleep. And while he slept, he saw a ladder set up on the earth. And God was above it and the angels ascending or descending upon it, and God and Jacob met. And Jacob believed in his God, and he woke and you know what he said? He said, this is the gate of heaven and I didn’t know it. It was the gate of heaven when he lay down. And it wasn’t any more the gate of heaven when you awoke. But he said, I didn’t know it. The presence of God had been there all the time. But now, by a work of God, he got the conscious presence of God.

And that’s why a sinner who is soundly converted, soundly born anew, who has a conscious transplantation of the divine nature into his heart in faith in Jesus Christ, why, he’s likely to be explosively happy. He says with Jacob, why this is the gate of heaven. God’s in this place and I didn’t know it. What’s been restored to him? Not the presence of God, but the conscious presence of God.

What makes heaven heaven? The unhindered, unsullied presence of God. What makes hell hell? The absence of a consciousness of the presence of God. That’s the difference between a prayer meeting and a dance hall. The omnipresent God fills heaven and earth, contains heaven and earth and is present everywhere. But in the prayer meeting, some little old lady kneels and says, O Jesus, were two or three are gathered, I am there in the midst–God is there. In the dance hall, they would be embarrassed if the presence of God were to be manifest. That’s why conversions are such milk and water things these days; such poor, shoddy, ragged things these days. How we pick them out of their shell. How we try by rubbing their nose in red letter texts to make them think they’re converted. They have not had an implantation of the Divine Life. There’s no similarity, and therefore God and man do not meet in the bush. But wherever God and man meet, there’s the joyous rebound of the human spirit. Similarity is restored and instead of God being a million light years away, the man can hardly believe his own heart when he cries, oh, God’s in this place and I didn’t know it.

Ah, for some of the old conversions again. I’ve not seen too many of that kind, but I’ve seen a few conversions where a man would kneel and burst of tears and agony, confess his sins to God, believe on Jesus Christ and get to his feet with a light on his face and walk around shaking hands with everybody keeping back the tears the best he could, and smiling through the tears, he couldn’t keep back. What, what did that? What did that was not only the conscious taking away of sin, but the conscious presence of God revealed to the heart inside. That’s the joy of conversion, my brethren, not bringing God from some distant star, but knowing God by a change of nature.


Tozer Talks

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“The Grace of God”

Sunday evening, October 26, 1958

Message #6 of #10 in Attributes of God Series

Tonight, I want to talk on grace as one of the attributes of God. It’s too big for any man to handle, but we’re leaning on the Blessed Spirit, so I want to read some verses merely, merely texts. They’re all found all through the Bible, but I’ll just select this many. Genesis 6, but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Exodus 33, The Lord said to Moses, thou hast found grace in my sight, and I know thee by name. Proverbs 3, surely God scorneth the scorner, but He giveth grace unto the lowly. John 1, And of His fullness of all we received and grace for grace. For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. Romans 3, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Romans 5, for if through the offence of one, many be dead, much more the grace of God and the gift of grace which is by one Man, Jesus Christ. By one man Jesus Christ, the gift of grace hath abounded under many. Ephesians 1, to the praise of the glory of His grace wherein He hath made us accepted in the beloved. In Whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sin, according to the riches of His grace. 1 Peter 5, but the God of all grace. To Him, be glory and dominion forever and ever. Now, I just read a few verses there that I copied out on a card here, so I wouldn’t have to flip from one page to another in order that you might see that this is taught both in the Old and the New Testament.

Now, grace is an attribute of God. Let me repeat patiently, little here and little there, line upon line and precept upon precept, that an attribute is something God is, not something God has. Grace is therefore something God is. And it is near to, but it is not the same as mercy. It is almost the same as mercy, but it is not quite the same. And just as mercy flows out of the goodness of God, so grace flows out of the goodness of God. Mercy is God’s goodness confronting human guilt. Now, we dealt with that last week that mercy is the goodness of God confronting human guilt, whereas grace is the goodness of God and confronting human demerit.

I talked about justice and I said, that when justice confronts a moral situation, it pronounces death. There’s stern disapprobation where there is blame and divine disapproval to the point of execration where God must stand against the man because the man stands with his sin, then justice must judge. But still the goodness of God yearns to bestow blessedness and that is a grace, the goodness of God yearning to bestow blessedness even to those who do not deserve it, but who have a specific demerit. There’s a difference between no merit and demerit. No merit simply is a negative thing. It’s vacuity, but demerit is a positive thing. It means that there is not only no merit there, but that there is the opposite of merit.

Now, I want to talk a little bit about grace and mentioned some facts about it. That it is God’s good pleasure and it flows of course out of the goodness of God. And it is what God is like. If you were to meet God, you’d find that this is what God is like. I have said over and over again over the years, that one of the big problems of the church, one of our great losses is the loss of the proper concept of what God is like, and that if we could restore that again, and we could have an army of preachers going up and down the land preaching about God, what God is like, and the pastors and teachers would begin again to tell the people what God is like, it would put strength and foundation under our faith again.

Now, grace is that in God which brings into favor. I’m actually staying very close to the Hebrew and Greek definition when I’m saying this, that it is that in God which brings into favor one justly in disfavor. And grace and favor incidentally, are used interchangeably in the English Bible, not always, but very often. I said last week that there was four times as much said about mercy in the Old Testament as in the New. And I think I may have jarred some of you by saying it because usually we’re taught the opposite. But actually, there’s four times as much said about mercy in the Old Testament as there is in the New. But strangely and wonderfully, there’s more than three times as much said about grace in the New Testament as in the Old.

Now, I read to you that law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. Christ is the channel through which grace flows. And it’s possible to misunderstand this and a great many people have. Never underestimate the ability of good people to misunderstand. And we have misunderstood and we have made it to mean that Moses knew only law and Christ knows only grace. This is the typical teaching of the hour, but it is not the teaching of our fathers. You will not find it in John Bunyan, or Henry Scougal, or any of the Puritans. You will not find it even in Calvin. You will not find it among the great revivals and church fathers and reformers.

The doctrine that Moses knew only law and Christ knew only grace so to read it is to misunderstand it altogether. To think that because the law was given by Moses, God gave the law through Moses that therefore, Moses knew no grace is to misread or fail to read that passage; that before the flood, Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. Now remember that’s Genesis 6. Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord before there was any law given. And after the law was given, and Moses had been on the Mount forty days and forty nights, and God had reached down out of the fire and storm, and with His finger had chiseled the ten words on the tables of stone. It says, thou hast found grace in my sight and I know thee by name. God did not deal with Moses on the basis of law. He dealt with Moses on the basis of grace. And Moses knew it and said, If I’ve found grace in thy sight, well then do so and so Father or Lord. He called Him Jehovah.

Now, how could it be otherwise, my brethren. How could it be that God should act only in law in the Old Testament and only in grace in the New if God doesn’t change. If immutability is an attribute of God, then God must always act like Himself. I’ve said this many times, and I wish we could get a hold of it. That God always acts like Himself.

I was talking to Brother McAffee in the study just before the service began, that prodigal son story where it said that after he had spent all and he went out there among the swine, he came to himself. And I said, what a beautiful idiom, as if God understood that the man hadn’t been himself, but now, through the wisdom taught him by sin, the wisdom taught him by loss and homesickness, he comes to himself. You don’t find people always the same, but you find God always the same. God must always act like himself, and He never varies from Himself. Grace doesn’t ebb and flow like the tide, it doesn’t come like the weather, a great surge of hot grace, and then we get no grace at all. God must always act like Himself. And He must act like Himself before the flood and after the flood and when the law was given an after the law was given. God must always act like Himself. And since Grace is an attribute of God, it is that which God is and which cannot be removed from God and yet have God remain God.

So, there was always grace in the heart of God, and there isn’t any more grace now than there ever was. And there will never be any more grace than there is now. If we could only see that grace is infinite and therefore it neither ebbs nor flows. It doesn’t grow nor diminish. It doesn’t die nor be born. It is what God is and God is of course, unchangeable and eternal.

Now, here are two important truths that I want you to get. And I want you to take it and the next time you hear a professor or a preacher say otherwise, go to him and remind him of this. One of them is that no one was ever saved, no one is now saved, and no one will ever be saved except by grace. Now get that in your mind my brethren.  I was quite surprised to learn here only within the last couple of weeks, that this was believed by Robertson McQuilkin, and taught by Robertson McQuilkin, the very justly famous expositor and teacher who founded Ben Lippen and Columbia Bible College.

Well, this is the fact that nobody was ever saved except by grace; before Moses, nobody was ever, except by grace. During Moses’ time nobody was ever saved except by grace. After Moses and before the cross, and after the cross, and since the cross, and during all this dispensation, during any dispensation, anywhere, anytime, since Abel offered his first lamb before God on a smoking altar, nobody was ever saved in any other way than by grace. Ah, my brother, if we could only get a hold of that.

And then the second thing is, that grace always comes by Jesus Christ, that grace always came by Jesus Christ. Law, the law was given by Moses, but grace came by Jesus Christ. But it didn’t mean and is not to be understood that before Jesus was born of Mary, there was no grace, because God dealt in grace with mankind looking forward to the Incarnation and death of Jesus. Before Christ came and now since He’s come and gone to the Father’s right hand, God looks back upon the cross as we look back upon the cross. Everybody from Abel on was saved by looking forward to the cross. Grace came by Jesus Christ. And everybody that’s been saved since the cross, is saved by looking back at the cross. Grace always comes by Jesus Christ. It didn’t come at His birth, but it came in God’s ancient scheme.

I was trying to think up a word that I could use and I remembered Finney’s words. He talked about the Christian scheme. Now the word scheme has gotten into bad company. When we think of it rather, it has connotations that are not pleasant. But, even a hundred years ago, it was a good pure word. It meant a carefully wrought plan. And so, the old writers could talk about God’s redemptive scheme, God’s redemptive plan carefully wrought and thought out and wrought out. And so, grace came according to God’s ancient plan in Christ Jesus. And no grace was ever administered to anybody except by and through and in Jesus Christ. When yet Adam and Eve had no children, God’s spared Adam and Eve by grace. And when they had their two boys, one offered a lamb and thus said I look forward to the Lamb of God; he accepted the grace of Christ Jesus 4,000 years before He was born. And God gave His witness that he was justified.

So, grace did not come when Christ was born in a manger. It did not come when Christ was baptized or anointed of the Spirit. It did not come when He died on a cross. It did not come when He rose from the dead. It did not come when He went to the Father’s right hand. Grace came from the ancient beginnings through Jesus Christ the Eternal Son and was manifest on the cross of Calvary in fiery blood and tears and sweat and death. But it had always been operated from the beginning. If God had not operated in grace, He would have swept the human race away. He would have crushed Adam and Eve under His heel in awful judgment, for they had it coming. But because God was a God of grace, and because He had already an eternity plan, the plan of grace and the Lamb of God had been slain before the foundation of the world. There was no embarrassment in the Divine scheme. And God didn’t have to back out and say, I’m sorry, but I have mixed things up here. He simply went right on.

I heard a great Southern preacher one time, remind and talking about the work of God as being a wheel spinning on a hub. And he said, when Adam spun off of the wheel and went rolling down, he said, God put Christ on and He’s been on there spinning ever since. That’s a rather odd illustration, but the first Adam slipped away and the second Adam already was there. And anything God has ever done for anybody, of all of His grace have all we received. And grace for grace so that God’s grace is for everybody, and everybody receives in some degree God’s grace. Everybody receives in some degree God’s grace, the lowest woman in the world, the most sinful, bloody man in the world, a Judas, a Hitler. If it hadn’t been that God was gracious, they would have been cut off and slain along with you and me and all the rest.

For I wonder after all, if there’s too much difference in us sinners. When a woman sweeps up a house, and somes dirty, blacksome gray, some different colored, but it’s all dirt and it all goes before the broom. And when God looks at humanity, He sees some that are very white, but they’re dirt, and He sees some that are very black and they’re dirt. And He sees some that are morally speckled and it’s all dirt and it all goes before the moral broom.

So, the grace of God is operated toward everybody; now, not the saving grace of God. Remember, there’s a difference. When the grace of God becomes operative through faith in Jesus Christ, then there is the new birth. But the grace of God nevertheless holds back any judgment that would come until God in His kindness has given every man a chance to repent.

Now, grace is God’s goodness I said. It is the kindness of God’s heart, the goodwill, the cordial benevolence. It is what God is like. And I would like to tell you and keep telling you, where it’s very hard for us poor, bound creatures to remember it, that God is like that all the time, gracious. God is kind all the time. God is filled with goodwill and cordiality and benevolence all the time, all the time. All through, God is like that. You’ll never run into a stratum in God that’s hard. You’ll always find God gracious all through, and always and all times and toward all peoples forever. You will never run into any meanness in God. Never any resentment or rancor or ill will for there’s nothing there. God has no ill will toward any being.

God is a God of utter kindness and cordiality and goodwill and benevolence. And yet all of these, remember, work in perfect harmony with God’s justice and God’s judgment. For I believe in hell and I believe in judgment, but I also believe that those whom God must reject because of their impenitence, yet there will be grace. God will still feel gracious toward all of His universe, for He’s God and He can’t do anything else.

Now, grace is infinite I have said and I don’t want you to strain to understand infinitude. I had the temerity to preach on infinitude a few times and wonderful as it seems, I got along all right, at least I got along all right preaching on infinitude–the limitlessness of God. God’s grace is infinite. But I say let’s not strain to try to understand it. Let’s try to measure it against ourselves, not against God. God never measures anything in Himself against anything else in Himself. That is, God never measures His grace, against His justice or His mercy against His love, because God is all one. But God measures His grace against our sin. Grace has abounded under many, said Romans 5. Grace has abounded under many, said Ephesians 1, the riches of His grace. And says Romans 5 again, where sin abounded, grace does much more abound.

Now, when God says much more abound, I told you quite a while ago that God has no degrees. Man has degrees. We give men their IQs. It is one of the worst things you can do. I think I told you that I had, when I was in the army, I had an IQ test and I rated very high and I’ve had a lifetime to try to keep from remembering that. And to keep very humble before God you know, because whenever get thinking about it, hmm, I rated up among the top 4% in all of the army. And of course, you know what that does to you? Do you know what it does to you? And you have to keep humbling and God has to keep chastening you to keep down.

We vary in our IQ. Some people’s IQ drags along behind and some are way up there. One of my grandchildren, he’s got an IQ so high that he’s a pest, and my wife and I worry a little bit as good grandparents should over that boy. He’s all right. He wants to be normal, but his parents can’t forget his high IQ.

Well, he may turn out to be a very, very good truck driver later on. But he’s got a high IQ. Higher or lower, some have very great kindness. Some are not so kind. But there’s nothing in God that can compare itself with anything else in God. What God is, God is. But when we measure it against ourselves, when it says grace does much more abound means not that grace does much more abound than anything else in God, but it means that grace much more abounds than anything in us. So that no matter what, how much sin a man has done, literally and truly, grace abounds unto that man.

Old John Bunyan wrote his life story and do you remember what he called it? I think it is one of the finest titles ever given to a book. It was a little too long. Now they don’t give them such long titles, but he called it, “Grace Abounding Toward the Chiefest Sinner.” That was his title, “Grace Abounding Toward the Chiefest Sinner.” Well nowadays we would have just shortened it to “Grace Abounding.”

Do you know, nobody ever reminds or remembers that it said, grace abounding toward the chief of sinners, Now, John Bunyan honestly believed that he was the man who had the least right to the grace of God. Nobody that anybody ever had any right but he felt his sinfulness–grace abounded. So, for us who stand under the disapprobation of God; who by sin lie under sentence, under the sentence of God’s eternal, everlasting displeasure, and banishment.

Grace then, is an incomprehensively immense and overwhelming plenitude of kindness and goodness, and if we could only remember it my brother. If we could only get a hold of it, we wouldn’t have to be played with and fooled with so much and entertained so much. If we can only walk around remembering that the grace of God toward us who have nothing, but demerit. It’s an incomprehensively immense attribute, so vast, so huge, so overwhelming that nobody can ever grasp it or hope to understand it. And it is the lovingkindness of God toward the people.

Would God have put up with us this long if He had not had this in Him. If God had had only a limited amount of grace. Well, if He had had only a limited amount of grace, He wouldn’t have been God. If He’d had only a limited amount of anything, He wouldn’t have been God because God to be God, must have an infinite, not amount because amount means a measure; and you can’t measure God in any direction. God dwells in no dimension and can’t be measured in any way. Measures belong to human beings. Measures belong to the stars. Distances I’ve pointed out is the way heavenly bodies account for the distance they are, the space they occupy, their relation to other heavenly bodies. The moon 250,000 miles away, the sun, 93 million miles away, and all that kind of thing.

Well, that’s these heavenly bodies accounting to our intelligence for where they are, but God never accounts to anybody for anything He is. God’s immensity, God’s infinitude must mean that the grace of God must always be immeasurably full. When we sing the grace of God, Amazing Grace, Amazing Grace wrote this man. Why, of course, it’s amazing. How can we stand and gaze at the fullness of the grace of God. Do you see, there are two ways to think about the grace of God; there’s to look at yourself and see how sinful you were and say God’s grace must be oceanic. It must be vast. It must be huge as the space to forgive such a sinner as I am. That’s one way, and that’s a good way. And then probably that’s the most popular way. But there’s another way to think of the grace of God too, and that’s to think of the grace of God being the way God is, so that always it remains the way God is. That’s God being like God.

And when God shows grace to a sinner, He isn’t being dramatic. He’s acting like God and He’ll never act any other way but like God. On the other hand, when that man that justice has condemned, when that man turns his back on the grace of God in Christ and refuses to allow himself to be rescued, then the time comes when God must judge the man. And when God judges the man, He acts like Himself in judging the man. When God shows love to the human race, He acts like Himself. When God shows judgment to the angels that kept not their first estate, He acts like Himself. Always God acts in conformity with the fullness of His own holy, perfect, symmetrical nature. And remember that God always feels this overwhelming plenitude of goodness, and He feels it in harmony with all His other attributes. I’d like to repeat there’s no frustration in God. I’d like to repeat that the evangelists and the pastor’s effort to explain; you know, we use metaphors.

I picked up a little book today called, The Book of God by Spinoza. Now, I don’t follow Spinoza fully, but I get help from lots of men I wouldn’t go across the street with. But nevertheless, they do say some things sometimes and we get help from a lot of people and he talks about the infinitude of God, this man, the infinitude of God. Well, God is infinite and God always remains God and never changes, and this the man believed.

Now, everything that God is, He is, I say, in complete harmony and that there is never any frustration in Him. But all this He bestows in His Eternal Son. You see, a lot of people have talked about the goodness of God and then they’ve gotten sentimental about it. And they have said, God is too good to punish anybody. He is too good to banish anybody. And so, they have ruled out hell. One man preached a sermon called, “The Damnable Doctrine of Damnation.” And so, he damned the doctrine of damnation. Well, you see, his concept of God wasn’t adequate. A man who has an adequate conception of God, will not only believe in the love of God, but he’ll believe in the holiness of God. He’ll not only believe in the mercy of God, but he’ll believe in the justice of God.

And when you see the Everlasting God in His holy, perfect union; when you see the one God acting in judgment, you know that the man who chooses evil must never dwell in the presence of this Holy God. But a lot of people have gone so far and they write books, and tired and lovesick women read them, and then they write poetry, and pretty soon everybody gets to believing that God is so kind and loving and gentle.

Well, God is so kind that infinity won’t measure it. And God is so loving that He is immeasurably loving, but God is also holy and just. You have got to keep that in mind. That the grace of God comes only through Jesus Christ and is channeled only through Jesus Christ; for the Second Person of the Trinity brought, opened the channel and grace flows through. It flowed through from the day that Adam sinned all through Old Testament times and it never flows any other way. So, let’s not write dreamy poetry about the goodness of our Heavenly Father who is love, love is God and God is love and love is all and all is God and everything will be okay. That’s the summation of a lot of teaching these days, but it’s false teaching my friends.

If I want to know this immeasurable grace; if I want to know this overwhelming, this astounding kindness of God, I have to step under the shadow of the cross. I must come where God releases grace. I must either have looked forward to it or I must look back at it. I must look one way or the other to that cross where Jesus died, the grace flowed out of His wounded side. And the grace that flowed there had saved Abel, and the grace that flowed there saves you.

So, we must remember that always, no man cometh unto the Father but by Me, said our Lord Jesus Christ. And Peter said that there is no name given under Heaven among men whereby we must be saved, except the name of Jesus Christ. The reason for that is, of course, that Jesus Christ is God. The law could come by Moses, and only law could come by Moses, but grace came by Jesus Christ, and it came from the beginning. It could come only by Jesus Christ because there was nobody else that was God who could die. Nobody else could take on him flesh and still be the infinite God. And when Jesus walked around on earth and patted the heads of babies, forgave harlots, and blessed mankind, He was simply God acting like God in a given situation, that’s all, just acting like God. And everything that God does, He acts like Himself. If you can only remember it and keep it in your heart; put it down somewhere and remember it.

But, this one act of Jesus, this one act, this divine act, this human act, it couldn’t have been a divine act alone, for it had to be for man. It couldn’t have been a human act alone, for only God could save. So, it was a human act and a divine act. It was a historic act, a once done act, done there in the darkness on the tree. That once done act hidden there; that secret act in darkness, once done and never repeated. Owned and accepted by God the Father Almighty, who raised Him from the dead the third day and took Him to His own right hand. So, let’s not degrade ourselves by vulgarizing the atonement.

Over the last generation or two generations, popular men, and they’re good men and they’ve won some to Christ and I thank God for everybody that’s been won. But you know, even while you’re winning men to Christ, even winning them in great numbers, you can be so misreading and laying wrong emphasis that you start a trend that is bad. And over the last two generations, evangelists have commercialized the atonement. And they’ve given us the doctrine of paying of a price. I believe He paid the price alright. And I can sing Jesus paid it all, all to Him I owe, but I hope I know what I mean. When we simplify it and illustrate it and we vulgarize the atonement, my brethren, I do not know how He did it. I can only stand as Ezekiel stood in the valley of dry bones and raise my head to God and say, O Lord God, Thou knowest.

Back there when the Prophet said that He would come and give Himself a ransom for many, they didn’t know quite what they were writing about, Peter said. And even angels that watched the pen, the quill pen write over the old-fashioned paper, the story of the coming Messiah, looking over the shoulders of the prophets, as they wrote, the angels desired to look into it. Not even the sharp-eyed angels around the throne of God know how He did it. In secret, there in the dark, He did a once done act never done before and never done again. An historic act, finished, done and completed. And because He did that, the grace of God flows to all men.

Oh my friend, let’s remember that angels and prophets and even Paul said without controversy, great is the mystery of godliness manifest, that God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached among the Gentiles, believed on in the world and received up into heaven. And this mightiest mind, many say, many serious minded, worthy scholars are ready to say that Paul’s mind was the greatest that ever was known in the human race, except of course, for the perfect mind of Christ.

But this mighty mind never tried to understand it. He said, great is the mystery of godliness, and that’s all. We’re saved by His blood, but how are we saved by His blood? We are alive by His death, but why are we alive by His death? Atonement was made in His death, but how was atonement made in His death? Let’s not vulgarize it by trying to understand it. But let’s stand and gaze at the cross and say, O Lord God, Thou knowest, worthy is the Lamb that was slain. And the angels enviest, if angels can be envious, look upon us ransomed sinners and desire to look into it. But God says to the angels, the spirits burning there before the throne can bear, can bear the burning bliss, but they have never, never known a sinful world like this.

So, God says, go help my people. Go help my people. He sends them out to be ministering spirits to them who shall be heirs of salvation, but He never explains to them. And I doubt whether there’s an angel or archangel anywhere in heaven that understands what happened there on that cross. We know He died. We know because He died, we don’t have to. We know that He rose from the dead, and because He rose from the dead, we’ll rise from the dead who believe on Him. We know He went to the right hand of God and sat down in perfect approval amidst the acclamations of the heavenly multitude. And we know that because He did, we’ll go there with Him. But why God shut up in secret of His own great heart forever. And we can only say, worthy is the Lamb.

Well, let’s not try to understand, let’s just believe. Do you know Brother McAfee that it was 100 years before the church ever began to talk about and try to explain atonement, 100 years? The fathers never tried. Paul never tried to explain it. Peter never tried. The fathers, early fathers never tried. It was only when Greek influence came in and men began to try to think their way through and then they gave us explanations. And I appreciate those explanations. But I, for my part, stand and gaze on Him and say, I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know how He did it nor what it all means, any more than a two-year-old baby stands gazing into her mother’s face and says, Mother, how did I get here? And the mother smiles and says you’ll know later and doesn’t try to explain to a two-year-old intellect. But I think that God, when we say, O God, how is it?, I do not believe that God will say you’ll know later. I think He will say, believe on my Son. For what is of the earth, He lets us know, but what is of Heaven, He holds in his own great heart. And what He won’t tell the angels, maybe He won’t tell us.

Oh, the wonder of it; the awesomeness of it. Can we preach too much about it? Can we sing too much about it? Can we pray too much? Can we insist on it too much? Well, maybe we should cease to strain to understand. And we should just hear the story in five minutes. The story of grace told by the Lord of all grace and the Fountain of all mercy, believed in by the simple-hearted. A certain man had two sons and one of them said to his father, Father, divide the portion that is mine with me. And the father divided the portion and when he had received it, he went into a foreign country. There he did live riotously. And when he had spent all, a great famine game in that land. And this ungrateful boy who had demanded his share before his father’s death, thus had violated one of the tenderest conventions of human society, now goes and ask for a job feeding hogs and he was a Jew. Things got worse and worse and then he had nothing. And finally, he had to push a hog away and eat some of the husks. And those who fed the hogs wouldn’t give him any. They said, let it alone, this is for the pigs. He managed to stay alive. Then one day he got to thinking, that’s when he came to himself you remember. He’d been somebody else, but now he comes to himself. That’s repentance. And he thinks about home, about father. And he knew that that father hadn’t changed. And that’s what Jesus was trying to tell us. The father hadn’t changed.

Oh, a long time ago, I won’t say how many, but it’s a great many years ago; and I was in my earliest twenties. I had heard the prodigal son was a backslider. But I didn’t read it in the fifteenth of Luke. He couldn’t be a backslider and fit all the circumstances. I’d heard he was a sinner. But I couldn’t hear God say of a sinner, this my son was dead and is alive again. It didn’t fit the circumstances. So, I went to God, and I said, God, will you show me. Then, I went to a place all by myself. I used to spend days and praying all alone. And I went there, and suddenly there flashed over me the understanding. And I have never had reason to doubt that this was God teaching me His Bible. I never heard anybody else say this, and I haven’t made a lot of it, but God said to my heart, the prodigal son is neither a backslider nor a sinner. The prodigal son is the human race. The human race that went out to the pigsty to the far country in Adam, and came back in Christ, my Son. For if you’ll notice, there were two other parables there, the parable of the lost sheep and the parable of the lost coin. The sheep that wandered away was the part of the human race that will be saved. And when he comes back, he’s the part of the human race that will be one that’s redeemed, and that will accept redemption.

So, these, all these, all these of every race and color around the world that have come back, they’ve all come back in Christ. And they’ve all come back in the person of that prodigal, all that’s the redeemed human race coming back. And do you know what they found the Father to be like? They found He hadn’t been changed at all. Insults, wronged, his neighbors pitted him and they said, oh, isn’t that terrible the way that boy treated his poor old Dad. And his father was humiliated and shamed and sorry and grieved and heartbroken. But when the boy came back, he hadn’t changed at all. And Jesus was saying to us, you went away in Adam, but you’re coming back in Christ. And when you come back, you’ll find the Father hasn’t changed. He’s the same Father that He was when you all went out every man to his own way. And when you come back in Jesus Christ, you’ll find Him exactly the same as you left Him, unchanged. That’s the story of the prodigal son. He ran and threw his arms around him and welcomed him, put a robe on him and a ring, and said, this my son was dead, and he’s alive again.

This is the grace of God my friends. Isn’t it worth believing in, preaching, teaching, singing about, while the world stands? If you’re out of the grace of God tonight, you know where grace is. Turn your eyes upon Jesus, and there’s the grace of God flowing free for you, all the grace you need. The great kindness of God in Christ Jesus. If you set your teeth against Him, the grace of God might as well not exist for you and Christ might as well not have died. But, if you yield to Him and come home, then all the overwhelming, incomprehensible plenitude of goodness and kindness in the great illimitable reaches of God’s nature are on your side. And even justice, as I said before, is on the side of the returning sinner. He’s faithful and just to forgive us our sin. And all the infinite attributes of God rejoice together when a man believes in the grace of God and returns home. Let us pray.

Father, we pray for all of us. We pray that thou will sweep away our self-righteousness, even any little traces of the ragged traces of self-righteousness that may be left, sweep them away, and save us from ourselves. Let grace abound from Calvary and teach us that it is not by grace and something else, but grace alone, thy goodness, thy kindness in Christ Jesus. This we ask in the name of the Lord who loves us. Amen.