
Tozer Talks

“Inspiration of God’s Word Versus Tradition”

Inspiration of God’s Word Versus Tradition

Pastor and author A.W. Tozer

March 23, 1958

Now, I want to read the rest of chapter one of Titus beginning with verse 14. Well, I better read 13 too because I don’t want to break into a semicolon. Paul says, this witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply. that they may be sound in the faith not giving heed to Jewish fables and commandments of men that turned from the truth. Because unto the pure, all things are pure. But unto them that are defiled and unbelieving is nothing pure: but even their mind and conscience is defiled. They profess that they know God, but in works, they deny him, being abominable and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate.

Now, I am sorry that this isn’t going to be what they call an inspirational sermon. In preaching the Bible, if you stay close to the Bible, it’s like staying close to the score of a musical composition. You can’t take too many liberties or else you’re not playing Bach, you’re playing somebody else. And if I’m giving expository sermons on Paul and I take too many liberties with Paul, then I’m preaching Tozer and not Paul, which isn’t a good thing. So, I have to stay by Paul. I don’t apologize for Paul, he doesn’t need my defense. But it so happens that this Crete crowd was a bit rambunctious and they needed some pretty severe apostolic correction, and they got it. But this is instructive if it’s not inspiring, and you will find after all, that inspiration comes out of information.

Now, he says in verse ten above he said, there were vain talkers and deceivers, and I talked about those last week. And then he added this melancholy little phrase, especially they of the circumcision–poor Jews. I am not antisemitic. I love the Jews. I love them for Christ’s sake. The blood that flowed on Calvary, from its human side and standpoint, was a Jewish blood. Jesus our Lord, was the son of a Jewish maiden, as well as of God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth. And my love for the Jews cannot be challenged. But the poor sons of Sarah and Abraham, never seem to keep out of trouble, especially they of the circumcision, said Paul–too bad. 

This island of Crete had a very large Jewish population as I’ve explained, and of course, they travel a lot. Jews get around a lot. And some of them got converted to Christ, while they were elsewhere on around over the country, or around over the world. And some of them were converted there in Crete no doubt. And they had become Christians, at least by profession. But they had made the mistake of bringing their Judaism over into the church with them. And they were still strongly influenced by Judaism. That was so strong in Palestine, of course, it would be strong there, that they had to have a conference, a council, we call them now, and decide on whether they did or did not have to go through the Jewish ritual before they could be a Christian. And they decided they did not. The fathers had met, James Peter, and the rest of them, and they decided that for the sake of not offending the Jews, they were to do four things. For God’s sake and Christ’s sake, they were not to commit fornication, but also, they weren’t to eat things offered to idols. That was a concession to the standards of the Jewish people, so they would not offend them. But they said, you do not have to keep the Law of Moses. By faith, our hearts are purified even as the rest. But these Jews, the circumcision, they followed the church around, everywhere, causing trouble. And Paul said, they were vain teachers. And they were teachers, these are Jewish Christians.

Now, I’ll have to explain how this was and then we’ll be informed and we hope that we’ll get some inspiration out of information. These Jewish Christians taught this. They said there was a written law. And that law consisted of two things. It consisted of the ten words written on stone by the finger of God. And it consisted then of the additional which was inspired by God through Moses. It was the Pentateuch, the five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy we say now. But they said also that there was another law called the law of the lip. And that was an oral law. And they believed in that oral law just as certainly as they believed in the Ten Commandments. I don’t know if they had been put up to take their choice which they would have chosen. But at any rate, they taught the oral law, the traditions, just as vigorously as they taught the law of Moses. But they said this oral law of the lip was passed on by memory, and it was passed on by memory. We know that it was tradition. That’s the difference between tradition and written Scripture, or written beliefs, if they pass it on by tradition.

In some countries I’m told, in certain Arabic countries and Oriental countries, a great deal of their literature is passed down by memory. Education consists of memorizing the great classics in China, at least for many years until the modernization of China. And if they destroyed all their books overnight, all the books in China had been destroyed at certain times, they could have all been reproduced out of the memory of the scholars. And they say the same is true in Arabia, that the book of the Mohamadan Qur’an could have been reproduced out of the memories of the people. And so, they had here these Jews, an oral law many, many times larger than the Old Testament itself. And it was passed on by memory by tradition, and each family gave it to their children, they grew up and gave it to their children, along with the written law, which we believe to be the inspired Word of God.

Now this grew in volume through the years. The great rabbis added to it. And it became part of the canonical law. And it regulated every act and every day and every relation, almost every thought, where God had left men free to do as they pleased within the framework of righteousness and truth. They insisted on following that man and putting yoke on every minute of his time. And these regulations took the character of the law, and they even superseded the law of God in some people’s minds.

Now, those were the vain talkers of which Paul writes. The Jewish fables and commandments of men that turned from the truth. And this later on was reduced to writing, this oral law was reduced to writing about the time of Christ or a little bit later. And it’s known now as the Talmud. Oh, for thirty years I’ve been a little bit acquainted. I’ve had nodding acquaintance with the Jewish Talmud. I bought their books and read them, and I know what they have. They’re special, there’s much good in it incidentally. There’s much good in the Jewish Talmud, much good. But they have a strange way of interpreting Scripture. They make jots and tittles mean things. They take a certain sentence, which is obviously means just what it means, and they add a certain, strange interpretation to that that makes it mean something else. And then that became part of the tradition and part of the Law. And these brethren were coming to the Christians and saying to them, now, it’s nice, I’m a Christian too, of a Jewish extraction. But you must understand that you can’t just come roaring in out of paganism and become a Christian, believe in Jesus Christ and be saved just like that. You have to come by way of the law of the lip, the Jewish tradition, because salvation is of the Jews. Jesus himself said it was, and you’ve got to listen to us.

So, they began to lay these Talmudic, rabbinical laws upon the Jews. About the sixth century, it was collected and written down, so we now have it as the Talmud. And one man said about it, it consists of countless ceremonies and the practice of elaborate ritual which never was written in the book of the Bible at all. And to these Talmudists, righteousness, or a holy life, lay in living according to these rabbinical laws or rules. And when our Lord Jesus Christ came to Jewry, He found that the Law of Moses, the Old Testament Law, which was inspired of God, had been pushed into the background, and that this, this oral law or tradition had taken over and the Jews were under what Peter called yoke of bondage which neither we nor our fathers could bear.

Now, let me give you an example of it from the 15th chapter of the book of Matthew. Here’s a perfect example of how Christ met this head-on. He didn’t fool with it. He didn’t try to find the common ground and do all that they tell us now we should do. He simply butted into it head-on.

Then came to Jesus, Scribes and Pharisees. And they of course were the rabinists, the Talmudists, those who were traditionalists. Then came to Jesus, Scribes and Pharisees which are of Jerusalem saying, why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? There it is, the tradition of the elders, the law of the lip, the Talmud? Why do they transgress the tradition of the elders, for they wash not their hands, when they eat bread?

And He answered them by asking them a question. Why do ye transgress the commandments of God by your traditions? They said, why do you transgress the tradition? And He said, why do you transgress the law of God by your tradition? There we have it. So long as there are human beings alive in the world, we’ll be, at least, under the shadow of traditions. There’s great deal of tradition in this church, a great deal of tradition. We do things because our fathers did, and we’re too lazy to change it. And after a while, it begins to take on a certain form. Because we do it a certain way, there are churches, where if you didn’t have an altar call with people kneeling at the front of the church, they think you’d backslidden. And yet, you go back as far as the Wesleys, and you will find no altars, no place for people to kneel. Finney, when he came along, had to argue and fight to have a anxious seat. That was the front row for people to come and sit if they wanted to be saved. That’s how tradition takes over. Now, there are people that come to this church and because I don’t give an altar call every Sunday night, and say now, come down here and kneel, walk out and say they’re backslidden there. You don’t baptize nine, three or four weeks ago, and eight or nine tonight, and not have God doing something in people’s lives. And yet, because we don’t follow the tradition, they don’t like it.

Well, they said, why do you transgress the commandment of God by your tradition? Then He said in verse nine, in vain they do worship me teaching for doctrines, the commandments of men. Now, they carried that same tradition, you’d think a crucified Christ, the risen Christ and the coming of the Holy Ghost, would have swept that away as a wind sweeps away the mist, but it didn’t. Those Talmudic Christians followed along, believing in the traditions of the elders, the love the lip.

Now in Paul’s mind, and in the mind of Jesus our Lord, there’s a line sharply drawn between those who believe that righteousness is a formal thing. And those who believe that righteousness springs out of the heart. The Talmudists, the traditionalist believed it to be a formal thing. Now, I’m not condemning. I’m not scolding, I’m not adding anything. I am explaining what sound scholarship will confirm, that the Pharisees and Scribes of Jesus’ day, the Judaizing brethren of Paul’s day, which Paul writes here, call them circumcision, they believe as all religions believe that there has to be righteousness, that you’ve got to be righteous to please God. But now the question is, what is righteousness and what does righteousness consist in?

Well, they believe that righteousness was dietary, seasonal, ceremonial, and maybe ascetical. And there were four words here: what, when, how and how much. The dietary, that is what men eat or do not eat. And Paul said, they come and try to bother you with their eating and not eating. And he said, rather, I wouldn’t say angrily, but sharply in verse fifteen, unto the pure all things are pure. But unto them that are defiled unbelieving, nothing is pure. But their minds and consciences are defiled.

So Paul said, now, I want you to appoint elders and appoint bishops in Crete in order that they might by bringing the sound Word of God to bear, they might clear the air and deliver these new Christians in Crete from dietary traditions. You’re good if you eat this. You’re not good if you eat that. I won’t say it because I want to be kind, but can you think as we go along about certain great church or two, that are also under bondage or traditions, diets and times and seasons. Well, here we have the seasons that was when. What men do or do not eat, that’s a dietary. When they’re supposed to eat or not to eat that seasonal. How they dress and kneel and hold their hands and when they wash their hands or don’t wash their hands, that ceremony. And how much they suffer and give, and how often they pray, and how long, and how often they fast and deprive themselves and punish themselves, that’s ascetical.

So these four things, they all sprang out of self-righteousness and a misunderstanding of the grace of God: dietary, what men eat and what they don’t eat; season, when they eat it and when they don’t eat it; ceremonial, how they dress, how they kneel, how they stand, how they rise, how they get up; ascetical, how much they punish themselves. All of this was a part of the law of the lip, the tradition of the elders. And Jesus broke it, right and left. And they said, why do ye break our traditions? He said, why do you break God’s law with your traditions?

Now, some examples, by way of illustration from the Pharisees. You remember that passage where the disciples walked through the field on the Sabbath day. And as they walked, they reached out, the King James Version says corn, but it was wheat, they reached out and the heavy heads of wheat are hanging there. I can just see them from my boyhood days, heavy and yellow, ready to cut. And they just reached out as I’ve done a thousand times as a boy, took a couple of head roll, blew the chaff off and ate the wheat. That’s the way to get it, you know, with none of the vitamins taken out. And those disciples did that.

And the Pharisees saw them do it. They should have been somewhere praying or helping the sick, but they were out spying on Jesus and His disciples to see if they could catch them on the breaking of the tradition. They said, now wait a minute here. We have a law that says you shan’t thresh wheat on Sabbath day, and your threshing wheat. And Jesus turned on them and said the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath, and He defended his poor, hungry disciples who had rubbed out some wheat and eaten it. But there you have it. They weren’t interested in hungry disciples, they were interested in not breaking that law of the lip that says you can’t rub, they actually went so far as to say, some of them did, I don’t know whether it was universal or not. But some did, go so far as to say that you’re not to walk on the grass on the Sabbath day because you’re likely to trample on a head of grass and the seed will be crushed out of the head and that will be threshing. Therefore, stay off the grass and walk on the concrete on the Sabbath day, lest you thrash and if you’re thrash, you’re a sinner. You’re ceremonially unclean, you’re broken the tradition of the elders. Now that to you and me sounds silly. But to somebody brought up in that, it isn’t as silly as it sounds. And they followed over the creek, mind you, and taught this kind of crazy business.

Then, Jesus here, you’ll remember, He and his disciples didn’t eat, didn’t wash. I’ve seen men working in factories. They only had half an hour to eat, and they wanted to read a little or chat a little and they’d sit down, their hands are all covered with grease. I’ve seen fellows eat their lunch with greasy hands, perfectly harmless. To a Jew, it was terrible. They said, why, according not to the law of Moses, mind you, but according to the law of tradition, you’re supposed to wash your hands before they eat. Jesus said, I don’t want to recognize your traditions. I recognize the law of my Father and you’re breaking the law of God all the time with your tradition. That’s my answer to our friends over on the other side, the Catholics, I’m not against them. I love them. I’d cut their lawns. Lend them my hose. I’d do anything for them. But I am not going to allow them to put a yoke on my neck.

Now, remember another time, Jesus sat down with some sinners. Now, who were the sinners? Were the sinners. men who committed adultery, stole, lied, cheated widows out of their property and had bad tempers? No, those weren’t considered sinners by the Pharisees. The sinners were those who didn’t wash their hands before they ate. Who walked on the grass on Sunday. Who rubbed wheat in their hands and thrashed, and thus broke the love of fathers. Who didn’t tie their clothing as they said they should have and who thus broke the law of the tradition, their law of the lip, the oral law, they were sinners.

But the Pharisee, who hated with a black hate that finally crucified Jesus, he was ceremonially clean, and that’s a holy man. He kept a lot of the fathers. And a evil man who would rather a poor sick man would lie and suffered and died a tortured death than to be healed on the Sabbath day, he was not a sinner. He was a good man. He was a holy man because he kept the law of the fathers. And the men who finally crucified Jesus as Billy Sunday’s old song used to say, passed off for moral men too. Righteousness to them, were those who are clean according to the ceremony. They did the thing they were supposed to do. They got up when they’re supposed to get up, sat when they’re supposed to sit, put their hands up like this when they were told to, appeared when they were told to and did everything just as they were told to. They said, that’s the tradition of the fathers.

Well, we have it on our hands today. It isn’t affecting us here much. But wherever I see it, I like to leave the main path and go out and hew it down. We used to have a weed when I was a boy. My father called Wild Parsnip, but it was really a wild carrot. And he hated it so bad that if he was driving along the road, along the lane, and he saw one over in the field, he’d stopped the wagon, jump off, jump over the fence, go out, take an axe and cut it out at the roots, throw it up, and then drive on. And I feel that way about all these traditional laws they want to put on God’s people and place righteousness where it doesn’t belong.

I say there’s a sharp line of demarcation drawn between those who believe that righteousness lies in formal law keeping and those who believe that righteousness springs out of faith, that it’s a moral thing. That a liar can’t be holy a man no matter how often he goes to church or makes his confession or gets confirmed, or how much he avoids meet on Friday or how he keeps the traditions of the elders. He’s not a good man, if he’s a liar. He’s not a good man if he has hate in his heart. He’s not a good man. If he has a churlish temper. He’s not a good man. Let him be baptized anyway he wants to be baptized, sprinkle, poured, three times once, simmers, anyway, and he’s not a good man if he’s an evil man.

For faith, righteousness comes out of faith and out of love. And it has its source in the heart. That was the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ. That’s worshiping in spirit and in truth. And such have only one question. Those who worship in spirit and in truth have only one question. It isn’t what shall I eat? When shall I do this? How shall I dress? How much shall I deprive myself? I’ve never asked those questions. That belongs to the traditions. You ask only one question and that is, why, why. That’s motive, you see? Why? Why do I do this? Why? What’s your motive for it? If you do it out of love, it’s right. If you do it out of hate, it’s wrong. If you do it out of faith, it’s right. If you do it out of self-righteousness, it’s wrong. What’s the motive for this?

There’s the liberty of the Christian my brethren. You can walk upright on the earth and look at God’s sunshine, seeing the spacious firmament on high, and worship God and delight in his world and everything His hands has made. And you’ll be all right before God as long as you keep your motive, right. Your motive is to do the will of God, to follow Jesus Christ as best you know how and to love everybody and to love God, your motive is alright. The question to not how much shall you eat but why, what shall I eat, but why? Not shall I go to church so many times a week, but why do I go to church? Motive is everything.

Now, by placing sin and holiness in formal ceremonies, these people destroyed the true meaning of both sin and righteousness. Because just as soon as I believe that I can cheat in a real estate deal, lie, abuse my wife, and do other things that are not right, hate my enemy, and yet I’m right with God provided I am baptized, fast at stated times, appear at the church at certain times, wash my hands before I eat and follow the ceremonial laws of the tradition of my church, I’m all right. I don’t do that, I’m a sinner.

Who were the sinners in Jesus’ day? They were the people who neglected the, they were the men on the street, the people who neglected the ceremonies of the Talmud. And Jesus said He came to save sinners. They were the ones that came to Him, the common people heard Him gladly and flocked to him. But the people who stood by the traditions, the law of the lip that over shadowed the love of God, couldn’t reach them.

Now, in a climate, in a climate such as the Pharisees had and as these traditionalists tried to take to Crete, Christianity couldn’t grow. The conscience couldn’t live. It had to die because the conscience tells you, not what you’re doing, but why you’re doing it. Some little lady doesn’t show up at church. Now I believe we ought to go to church every Sunday, I think it’s the day, the first day of the week. And I think nothing short of sickness should keep us away from the church of God. I believe that. But many a person has been condemned for not being at church. Who is obeying the higher call of love? Who stayed by the bedside of an ailing aged father or mother? Or who did some other kindly deed for Christ’s sake?

Now I think the wise thing to do is to try to do that at other times and get to church anyhow. I think the wise thing to do is to appear at church because the Scripture said to forsake not the assembling of yourselves together. I think God has given us the first day of the week as a time to appear, not as we’re compelled to do it, but we do it voluntarily. But at the same time, there are occasions where a higher law of love keeps me from being at my wanted place. And God recognizes that higher law of love.

I’ve told it I suppose a hundred times, but old Meister Eckhart, somebody asked him, he said, how about praying and how do you how do you manage to harmonize prayer and service for the poor? Well, he said, here’s the way I harmonize it. He said, if I’m in prayer, and I’m even caught away like Paul to the third heavens, and I happen to remember that I had forgotten to take a widow some food, I break off my prayer and go take her the food. He said, God will see you don’t lose the thing. He said, when you come back, you can start right in where you left off and the Lord will see you don’t lose thing. I believe in that. The law of love my brother, dictates that I do out of love, deeds that may not be written, may not be prescribed, may not be found at all in the law of the church, but there are the obvious wise, right good thing to do, and I do them for Christ’s sake. That’s the righteous man.

Now, Paul said I want to read that I’m about finished. He said that these Jewish fables and commandments of men that turn from the Truth, he said unto the pure all things are pure, to the pure person, everything’s pure. They came and said, now you can’t eat this kind of meat and Paul said, don’t you believe it. To the pure everything’s pure. But unto them that are defiled and unbelieving in their heart, you see, nothing’s pure. To the Pharisee, he fasted but his fasting was impure. He prayed, but his prayers came back and slapped his own face. He deprived himself but his deep privation was a sin because his motives were rotten. They profess they know God but in words they deny Him being abominable and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate, that’s terrible. That’s terrible.

And spoken about the poor Jews, they of the circumcision. Do you often pray for Israel. Do you often pray for the Jews. You should. You should often pray for the Jews. Remember, they gave us our Bible. They preserved that Bible and died defending it down the years. Remember it? Remember, they carefully preserved it and went over it and put every jot and every title in place, the old scribes. We use the word scribe almost as an epithet of opprobrium. But those scribes, we owe them a lot just as we owe are translators a lot. Careful scholars who spend days over sentences. We owe them a lot. We thank God for Moses and Isaiah and Daniel and Jeremiah and Ezekiel and sweet David with his harp. We’re grateful for the Jews. We’re grateful for those twelve apostles, all Jews who went out to the four corners of the earth to preach the Truth. We’re grateful for Paul that great Jew. We’re glad. We ought to pray for them, and pray for them off, and much and pity them. And don’t feel superior to them.

Because after all, you’re a gentile grafted into the wild, to the olive tree. Paul would have none of this stuff in Crete. None of this, none of this tradition out of which he escaped by the skin of his teeth. It took a knock-down and drag-out conversion on Damascus Road to save him from it. Now that God had taken him out of it, I’ve been getting letters recently. Some time ago, we published an article, “How to win, one of our missionaries, “How to Win Roman Catholics to Christ.” I suppose I’d get skinned for that. My poor hides all spotted with what I get. But I’ve got nothing but the most gracious, the most enthusiastic letters from people saying, some of them saying to this effect, Oh, you don’t know how glad we were to read this, that your people are interested in winning Catholics to Christ. And they have written articles for me about how to win them, all the kind things they said and gracious things they said. How never to offend them, but how always to take the word of God and your own testimony and go to them and try to win them. But almost all of them said the same thing. How we thank God we escaped. It was almost like a concentration camp. And when they got out into the liberty of the gospel of Jesus Christ, they only could use one word and that was the word escape. They said we escaped.

And how we thank God we escaped. So, I’m glad I’ve escaped, that I have escaped from the laws of the elders. But we must pray for those who haven’t. And we must by love and faith and grace and careful walk, not to offend people. We must live such lives as shall be worthy of the liberty we claim to hold and not use liberty as a license for the flesh. But in meekness and humility, follow our Lord Jesus Christ. If we do that, God will bless us and we may be used by Him to deliver some who are now in bondage.


Tozer Talks

“How We Can Have a Personal Revival”

How We Can Have a Personal Revival

Pastor and author A.W. Tozer

December 11, 1955

Now, I want to do, and relax because we’ll not be late. I want to do what I promised I would do. I’ve been speaking on revival though I hesitate to use the word. It’s fallen into bad use and has been wounded in the house of its friends. But I want to talk about how we can have a personal revival. You know that I have already said that revival can occur on one of three levels. It can occur on a personal level when the individual is revived. It can occur on a church level where a whole church comes under the new spiritual impulse. It can occur on a community level where the church overflows and the impulse within the church goes out to the community.

Now, a solitary person can enter in and have a revivification of his spiritual life and have an upsurge of power and a down-coming of grace and can enter into an experience that’s as wonderful, so wonderful that his words won’t be able to describe it, and yet not affect the church very much where he is. That has happened. Individuals within pretty cold churches, have been greatly revived. And yet that did not extend to the church because the church resisted or opposed or neglected or considered this person a fanatic or an extremist. And rather, it throws him out.

Now, a church may experience an awakening. On the other hand, other members of the church may catch fire from this individual or increasing numbers of individuals. And the whole church is lifted up and refreshed and the frost gets out of the stream, and the ice breaks, and the waters begin to flow. And yet, that can fail to reach the community. Often, it does fail to extend beyond the local church. Many, many local churches have wakenings and refreshings and times of great grace. But it does not get beyond the church to the community.

But then, there’s such as a community revival where it does get out into the community and goes from one church to another, and the whole city, the whole neighborhood is revived. Now, it can occur in that order, the individual, extending to the church, and the church extending out to the community. But it can never reverse itself. It can never come to a community unless there has been a church that has been revived. And no church has ever been revived until individuals in that church have been revived.

Now, by personal revival, what do I mean? Well, it’s best taught by analogy I suppose. It’s like a sick man returning to abounding health. It is like a man whose blood count is low and who is hardly able to get out of bed; can sit up only an hour at a time, and getting to a place where he’s now able to go out and play on the tee and do a hard day’s work and do anything he has to do–abounding in health. For it is like a low battery that will barely turn the engine over, being taken in for a recharge, and get to a place where it’s simply sizzling with power, and where a flash of power will fly out from it on the least occasion. Now, that’s what it is to be a Christian that has been revived, that has had a new uprush of power from God. We had some around here, and I run into them occasionally here and again, and you know what I mean.

Now this can only happen to the individual. This can’t happen to a church. It can’t happen to a mass. It can only happen to the individual. My brethren, there are some things that can only happen to an individual. For instance, birth can only happen alone to each single individual as if there had been no other individual in the world. The statistics may say, well, 150 babies were born in this town, this little town last year. But remember, that you cannot and dare not fall a victim to statistics and think of 150 babies being born en masse as though it were one act. No, no, there were 150 of them. Each birth was as unique and single and peculiar and alone as if there never had been anybody born before or ever would be again. And even though there are multiple births, twins or triplets, it is still the same. Each individual comes into the world himself alone, an individual cut out from all the universe, alone.

And so, it is with death. You can only die by yourself. A train wreck comes and fifty people are killed in a train wreck, fifty people are killed in a train wreck and all of it happens at once. And yet while they die at once, they die, alone. And while they’re all written off on the newspapers as having occurred within one minute’s time. They did not die together, they died apart separately, each individual went out alone to meet his God.

And so, at Pentecost, there were 120 in the upper room, and suddenly the place was shaken and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost. That sounds as if it was a mass thing, but the Scripture says that there appeared unto them cloven tongues as of fire and it sat upon each of them. They could only be filled with the Holy Ghost separately. Ten men can’t be filled with the Holy Ghost as one act of God. They can be filled simultaneously. As there might be ten babies born while I’ve been talking here, but each birth was alone, there might have been 100 People die while I’m talking to you, but each death was alone. And so, the Holy Spirit falls upon 75 people as it did in Dusseldorf in 1727 for the Moravians, yet each one received by himself.

Now, I want to make this very clear, because it’s important we think right about this, that there is no abstract church. We pray, O Lord, fall on Thy church. And we imagine there’s an abstract church somewhere, the kind of woozy extract of the church, and the Spirit can come on that without individuals being helped. No, no, my brother. The Holy Spirit can only fall on individuals, on people, that’s all. There is no such thing as a mystic church that can be blessed, with the members of the church not touched. No, no. We pray, Lord, bless Thy mystic church and we imagine, we project a church out of, among the individuals, an ideal church for which Christ died. And nobody gets help and we say, well, God is pouring His spirit out on His church. God can’t pour His Spirit out on His church, except as He pours it on individuals within the church.

The Holy Ghost sat upon each of them. And so, He’ll sit upon each of us, if He ever comes to the church. This church is only what the individual members are, not one bit better. If God had some IQ tests or spiritual tests, whereby He could test us, or He had some way of taking our spiritual pulse, then we might add up all and divide by our membership and get the average. But the church would be what the average is. Always remember, the average of the many individuals will make what the church is, for the church is composed of the individual.

Now the lone soul can be revived. I’m so glad to be able to tell you that. God can send waves of glory and power and life, a new quickening to the lone individual, that solitary individual as one man wrote, whether anyone else does, receives or not. Don’t you wait around and say, I’d like to see our church blessed, and then hope that when the church is blessed, you will be blessed. My friend, the church can never be blessed until you or other individuals are blessed. And whether the church ever gets any further on or not out, whether we peter out and backslide and turn liberal, you can be blessed as an individual. And not all the rest of us put together can prevent you from being blessed. And you can be blessed whether or not. A man can be blessed alone, whether or not his pastor or his church approves. I personally know that.

When I was a young fellow about 18 years of age, God came on me in a wonderful way and did wonderful things for me and my church did not approve it. It was not an Alliance church, but another, and they did not approve it. In fact, they as good as told me that they thought I was a bit extreme and maybe that my room was better than my company. I wasn’t thrown out, but I was invited not to be around so frequently. And I left and went into the Alliance and I’ve never been thrown out of the Alliance yet, though that could happen.

But the point is, my brethren, that no matter whether your church believes or not, you can have all that God has for you as an individual. And whether your wife will go along with you or not, or whether your husband or father or mother or friend, whether they will agree or not, it doesn’t make a bit of difference. God always is ready to help the lone individual. And the story of the Old Testament was the story of lone individuals meeting God, lone men, lone women meeting God. The story of revival down the years has been the story of lone men meeting God; going out and finding God all alone. Sometimes they went to their bedrooms, sometimes to the church basements, sometimes to the caves, sometimes out under trees, and sometimes in haystacks. But one or two or three, or one alone, met God, and then it went on from there.

I say you can be blessed and yet not have revival in your church if the rest resist. But you can be blessed nevertheless. Don’t you ever give up to the general, dead level of spirituality in any church, whether it’s this one or any other church. You say, by the grace of God, I’m going to be what I should be regardless.

Now, how, that’s the big question, how. How can I have a personal revival. Well, you want to take some notes on this, any of you? Let me, let me give you, I’ll try to make it brief, but I’ll give it as much time as I feel I must.

First of all, set your face like a flint that you might have a transformation of your whole life. Weak experimenters are already tagged with defeat. They already have the label of defeat upon them, the taster, the experimenter, the weak fellow that tries it out, like Mr. Pliable who says, I’ll go, and then the first trouble he runs into says, I won’t go. You set your face like a flint. A plowshare that is going to cut the sod has to have a sharp nose. And a Christian, if he is to go against all the streams and drifts of the world, he has to have our hard nose too. He’s got to set his face like a flint and say, regardless of what others do, by the grace of God, I want all the New Testament has for me.

Then second, set your heart on Jesus Christ, and go to Him wherever it takes you. Go to Jesus wherever it takes you. Wherever it takes you, go to Jesus. Wherever it takes you away from, go straight, go to Jesus, not up in heaven but down here on earth. Go to Jesus. And whoever you must ignore and whatever the cost may be, set your face like a flint to be all God wants you to, and then go straight to Jesus. And whoever gets in your way, pay no attention of them. I will always thank God that he put that passage in the Bible where the blind man said, Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me. And His proper disciples in their longtail deacon’s coats, they went and said, shoosh, this is not done in churches. Keep still, shoosh, be quiet. And the Scripture says, he cried all the more because of this. Instead of this discouraging him, it fired him up to yell louder. And the Lord heard him and turned around said, what do you want? He said, I want to be healed. He said okay, here, you get it. And he went out a healed man with his eyesight because he had the boldness to pay no attention to the timekeepers and referees that kept people away from Jesus Christ the Lord.

I opened again and read a page or two, just more or less for the style than anything else, but you can’t read Bunyan long just for the style. It was the story of Christian and how he read that book that got him in trouble, you know. He said, oh, I find by this book that I am living in the city of Destruction and that fire is going to fall on us, and that there’s a heavenly home. And he started out. And he was in such terrible distress before he started, that he finally broke the news to his wife and children. And he said, oh, my dear wife and thou the children of my bowels, the old-fashioned English way of putting it, he said, I’m in an awful condition, awful. Well, they said Papa, we know what’s wrong with you. You’re just tired out. So, they put him to bed, there, there in Bunyan. They put him to bed and the next morning he got up and they said, how are you feeling Papa? Oh, he said, worse than ever. I never slept a wink. He said, I couldn’t forget that we live in the city of Destruction. Well then, Bunyan says that when they found they couldn’t just get him quiet and console him, you know, and pat his back and say, now go to bed and sleep it off. Why they started being harsh toward him and surly. When that wouldn’t work, they started to deride him. And then when he wouldn’t give up to their scorn, they ignored him.

I thought as I read it, I wrote this down. That’s the way they do. First, they sooth you, pat your back and tell you you’re excited. And then after that they use harsh words to you and tell you you think you’re better than other people. And then, when that won’t work, they deride you and start making fun. And when that won’t work, they ignore you. That’s exactly how it happens, Brother. And if you decide in your heart that you’re going to go through with God and meet Him and yourself alone, and have a new and refreshing from God, and get rid of the old barnacles and the old weights and hindrances and get back new spiritual health you’ve never had before, you will find some people that will say, well, you’re excited. You allowed that man Tozer to stir you up. Then when you won’t stop, they will start being harsh toward you. Then when that won’t do, they’ll make fun of you. And when that won’t do, they’ll ignore you. Bunyan said, when they treated the Christian like that, he went off by himself and had long season of prayer. You know, that’s the way to handle it, Brother.

Well, third now, take this third. Expose your life to His examination. The trouble with us is, we keep ourselves all covered up. We cover our hearts. He that covereth his sins shall not prosper. He that covereth his leprosy, shall not have it healed. He then covereth his diseases shall not be delivered. But we habitually cover ourselves. I say, expose your whole life to Jesus Christ. Expose in prayer. Expose yourself in Scriptures. Expose your heart in obedience. Expose it by confession. Expose it by restitution. Restitution, a forgotten word, a word that nobody uses anymore. It’s gone the way of all the earth. Why can’t we think of another? But it’s in the Bible still, restitution. Get straightened out with people, brothers and sisters, and it’ll be amazing how it will work out with you.

And then, fourth, take some holy vows. Let me give them. I preached some sermons on this some years ago, but let me just catch them. Take some holy vows before God today. Vow never to own anything. That is, vow to get rid of that infernal bunch of trash you call, your goods. That infernal bunch of trash. Why, there are pack rats out in the West, so I learned, and they gather everything. They go out and bring in everything, little shiny bits. And now, you read in English literature about the magpie, doing the same thing. They find a magpie’s nest, they’ll find a mirror and a coat hanger and a shoe buttoner, in the days when they used them, and a shoe horn and a piece of glass and a dime. They can’t use them, they just collect them. It’s just trash they’ve collected. And people have that same thing. It’s the covetous spirit.

So, they collect around them all of this like the magpie, all of this useless material. I don’t mean you’re to get rid of it if you can use it. It wouldn’t be useless if you could use it, would it? Remember this, that if you feel you own it, it’s dragging you down. Get free from the ownership of it, and then God will let you have it. Get cut loose from it inside and God let you have it outside. I’ve said it’s all right for you to get in your automobile, and the Lord will bless you. But if the automobiles get in you, you’re ruined. And so with your property and so with everything you have. Take a vow to never own anything. See that God has it, not only a skinny tenth. Don’t you imagine for a minute that you keep books with God that way. You’ve got ninety percent and God’s got ten. God’s got 100% and he lets you keep a certain percent to look after your family. But, it’s all God’s and God has a right to command it the moment he wants it.

And if there’s anything you own that God can’t have, you never can have a revival, sir. If there’s anything that you own that God can’t have, you can’t have God. But the moment that God knows that He can have anything you have, and you, anytime he wants it, then the Lord will let you keep it probably, but it’ll be blessed now instead of cursed. It will be a balloon to lift you instead of an anchor to weigh you down.

Then, take a vow never to defend yourself. That’s a tough one for us Americans, but if you don’t do it, oh, I’ve taken more people to the 23rd chapter of Exodus and taught them how to trust God and never worry about your enemies, nor worry about the opposers nor the enemies. If you try to fight people, you will be bloody and bruised and miserable and you’ll stay little and you’ll never have a revival. But if you will let God do your fighting for you, you pray, you’ll be alright.

And then, vow never to defame a fellow Christian. Never defame a fellow Christian. Never defame him by believing evil about him. Never defame him by spreading an evil report about him. And never defame him in any way, remembering your own past and remembering your own proneness to temptation. So, let’s not defame our fellow Christians. I think that sometimes the Spirit of God shuts Himself uptight and cannot fall upon us, because we’ve defamed our brethren, we’ve defamed some Christians.

Now, as a pastor, as a member of an executive committee, I am forced under God. If I know that a man has serious charges against his life, I am forced to protect the church of God from that man. But I am not to defame that man or any other man by believing gossip or spreading it.

And then, vow never to seek or accept any glory. Oh, how we love the glory. If we could take just a little of it for ourselves. May God deliver us from it brethren. He shall have all the glory, we sing. Thou shalt have all the glory for He sets me free. And when that comes to us, that all the glory is God’s, it will be a new flow of power in our lives.

And then, vow, we will not wait for tragedy to drive us to God. You know, tragedy may never come. There are some maybe listening to me now that started to get cold in your heart and then some tragedy struck you though your family. And out of that terrible tragedy and the stony grief, you raised your Bethel and said, forgive me God and started over. But must it always be like that? Must we always wait for God to chastise us? Must we always come to God with bleeding back? Vow that you won’t wait for tragedy to drive you to God, indeed if ever comes. Take your cross voluntarily. Let me give this simple illustration and I’m through.

Many years ago when I was very young preacher, I preached in a town named Despard, West Virginia. Despard, West Virginia was commonly called “tinplate” because the great tinplate factories were there. It was also a coal mining area. We went into a little old wooden structure and had our meetings. And it was quite a meeting, although it wasn’t what some people thought it should have been. So some people got burdened. And in that meeting, there was a coal miner. A great, tall, handsome blonde, good looking, smiling young fellow as I recall him now after these thirty years, he was. And after it was all over, I learned what had happened. He went home after a meeting one night and said to his wife, he said, you know, our people need God. They need God. This thing isn’t going well and we need God. We need His help. And he said, Honey, if it’s alright with you, I’m going to take tomorrow off and wait on God and pray all day long, and I think “fast,” though I would put that in with only a question mark. But he said, I want to pray all day long and wait on God for revival for this town. So, it’s all right. So, instead of going to work, that great big fellow got down on his knees and waited on God with his open Bible all the day long.

The next morning, he went to his work. He worked on the tipple. Now, the tipple is a word not many know. He worked on the tipple where little cars brought the coal down. The heaviest pulled the light empties up you know. And he was working on that tipple, and suddenly something went wrong and a car, a number of cars jumped the track and crashed and splintered. They were wooden cars, old fashioned wooden cars and they splintered. And a great, ragged chunk of splinters, sharp as a dagger on the end, ripped through his thigh and cut one of the great veins there. And there he lay on the slag and coal and dirt, this great big, gorgeous fellow, about twenty-seven years old, and bled to death.

The day before, he had spent all day with God. And that struck me as a message from heaven above. And I thought ever since, dear God, how wonderful it would be, to spend your last day with Thee alone in prayer. Now he couldn’t continue. He had to work and support his family of course. But wasn’t it wonderful that he was near enough to God that he could carry a burden? And the day before he died, he spent all day with God. You can’t spend all day with God, brother, and not be ready to go to heaven the next day. He was all ready to go. Now don’t ask me why God took this dear man away. I don’t know that. God has never allowed me to look over his shoulder at his secret plan. I only know that in the course of things, easily, he could have died anyway. But suppose that that day, say Wednesday, suppose when the Spirit of God urged him to spend a day in prayer for his own soul and for His church, suppose he had been too greedy for money to listen. Suppose he’d been too cold to hear or too far away. Suppose he had been like some of us, running on routine and couldn’t hear from God. He’d have died on the tipple the next day alright, but, oh, what a difference.

Maybe God’s calling some of you to do something extraordinary, something that’s out of the usual, something that doesn’t appear on a calendar or a clock, something to revive your own soul. God may be calling you to do something radical and extreme for your own soul. I hope you’re not so far away that you don’t hear Him. I hope that the love of money and that the pleasures of the world are not so great that you don’t hear Him.

Oh, brother, the biggest thing in the world isn’t whether you die tomorrow or live a hundred years. The biggest thing in the world is, can I hear God speaking to me now? That’s what counts. Do you hear God saying anything to you, my friends. You can have a revival, whether the rest of us ever get it or not, whether you accept it or not, in this or any other church. There’s no reason why you can’t set your face like a flint and start toward Jesus Christ wherever it takes you. And when you find Him, you’ll find floodgates of mercy. You’ll find oil poured from the throne above. You will find a wonderfully new revived life for yourself, just yourself. And after that, it’s up to God and you what you shall do with what you have, but wonderfully, it can be yours now. I hope you can hear Him speak.

Let’s pray. O God, O God, Thou knowest, the world is spinning on. Time is getting less and running out. Children are becoming youth, and youth becoming middle-aged, and middle-aged are getting old and dying. And Thou hast said redeem the time for the days are evil. Lord, please don’t let us fail here. Lord, Thou dost want us to be revived again. Thou dost want to revive Thy people, Lord, individual people. And then, if numbers of individual people can band together, then the church has been revived. God, revive Thy people. Grant, Lord, to help.

Now, as we have our heads bowed, dear people, just for a minute more of prayer. Who will say, Mr. Tozer, please pray for me, that I might have in my lonely soul, alone, apart for my relation to others, if I might have a new inflow of God’s power and purity and grace that I might be a revived soul. Pray for me. Would you raise your hand? God bless you. God bless you.


Tozer Talks

“Revival-The Glory is Gone”

Revival, the Glory is Gone

Pastor and author A.W. Tozer

December 4, 1955

This is the first of two talks. The one this morning and one next Sunday morning, following and completing it, though each talk will be complete in itself. If you miss one you would still have received the advantages or benefits of a complete sermon. The 85th Psalm, the prayer of the man of God for revival among his people. Now, and tonight incidentally, I want to give the second of two sermons on how to cultivate the Spirit’s companionship. And we’re expecting a fine crowd. We hope that you can be present. The 85th Psalm describes conditions, verses one, two, and three. Lord, Thou hast been favorable unto our land. Thou hast brought back the captivity of Jacob. Thou hast forgiven the iniquity of Thy people. Thou hast covered all their sin. Thou hast taken away all Thy wrath and Thou hast turned Thyself from the fierceness of thine anger.

Now, that apparently is a description of a time which has been, when God has been favorable and the people had been removed because of God’s displeasure, but brought back again because of His mercy. And some historic period gone by, under Judges or Ezra or Nehemiah is described here, when God was favorable to his people. But verse four says quite bluntly that the need has arrived again. Turn us, O God of our salvation, and cause thine anger toward us to cease. It seems that they had gotten into a place where they needed again this same resurgence of spiritual life which they had had under Moses or the judges or under Nehemiah. And they knew that God was going to have to use strong measures to bring them where they should be.

And the next verse draws hope. Verse four draws hope from the past. And that is the habit, the way the mind works, that we draw hope from the past. Actually, we ought to draw hope from the Word. That is, if God made a promise, we ought to believe the promise if we had no historic proof that He had ever fulfilled it in the past. That would be faith in God without any confirmatory historic proofs, but apparently, we don’t work like that. And our minds need the collateral help that historic proof brings. So, we remember the past; Thou hast been favorable in times gone by to Thy people. Thou hast turned our captivity. Thou hast blessed Thy people in Thy land. And now Lord, we need help again. And we draw mercies from the fact, or draw hope from the fact of Thy mercies of the past and believe that Thou who didst turn our people in days gone by, will turn Thy people again. That seems to be the logic of the prayer. And in verse five, they’re living under a shadow. Wilt Thou be angry with us forever? Wilt Thou draw out thine anger to all generations? So, there seems to be an admission that there has been a long displeasure of God upon the people. And then in verse seven, or verse six he says, wilt Thou not revive us again?

You know, I’ve been hearing everywhere I go that word “revival.” I just got a letter yesterday saying we’re going to have a meeting at such and such a lunch hour and we want to discuss how we can have revival in the city of Chicago. And wherever you go, you’ll run into men who are talking about revival. There is a feeling I believe that revival is a sort of a fragrant wind that blows in over us and marvelously quickens us and helps us like an oxygen tent to a sick man, and leaves us about where it found us. There is no moral change. There is no cross-bearing and no separation from the world and no death to our evil natures and no restitution and no straightening out with people with whom we’ve quarreled. No getting right with God anywhere, but simply a revival. And we want that benign, fragrant breeze to blow so bad that we’re willing to spend hours on our knees in gatherings praying for revival.

Well, I don’t know whether I can go along with this at all or not. I can’t see how it can possibly be scriptural because I remember a man who once lay on his face, because the armies of Israel were being defeated. And he was praying, O God, what’s happened that we have been sent in headlong flight and our people have been defeated. And God said, don’t lie there on your face Joshua and pray for revival. Get up, there’s a cursed thing in the camp. And if you will get up and find that cursed thing and get rid of it, why I’ll go before your armies as I did before, and there will be no difficulty. And you can cut down your time in prayer, if you will get up and get rid of the accursed thing. So they got up, brought the tribes before them and they found Achan and his golden wedge and goodish Babylonish garment. And they grabbed up some stones under Mose’s direction and they wrought capital punishment upon Achan and his tribe. And then the next day they went out to the battle and won. God is not to be coaxed into doing that which is in violation of His laws. And when we are in accord with His laws, we can get on with a great deal less coaxing and spend a lot more time thanking and praising.

Well, there’s a lot of revival praying that isn’t going to do any good, and I, for my part, don’t like to waste anything. I’ve wasted so much money and I’ve wasted so many years, and I’ve wasted so much nerve energy in my day. And I’ve wasted so much time and so much of everything that I don’t want to waste anything more. I don’t even want to waste a prayer. So there is no new reason in the world, no use, for us to get on our knees and pray for God to send or blow a divine breath over us and quickened us when it’s obvious that we’re not going to go along with God in the thing. We’re living so that His shadow lies upon us and there’s a coldness upon our hearts. So therefore, we think to break that down and literally storm heaven by violence and get God to do which God has sworn He would never do, and avoid doing the thing that we have been commanded to do.

Well, the man says, show us Thy mercy, O God, show us Thy mercy. And my brethren, if ever there was a time when we needed to be constantly saying, O God, be merciful unto us, be merciful unto us. In these modern times we’re taught to, we believe in Christ and that settles it, and after that we’re not to pray for mercy at all. I think that the old Catholic Church and some of the old brethren of days gone by may have carried it too far in other direction, but we’re certainly going too far in our direction. They were always begging for mercy, but apparently never quite sure whether they got it or not. But nowadays, they say ask for mercy and then believe you have it and get up and go on from there. Well, that’s good and it’s true, but it isn’t true enough and it doesn’t go far enough. The fact is, I need the mercy of God on me every day I live.

When I get up in the morning and begin to say in my heart, Let Jesus Christ be praised, I need the mercy of God to make that prayer acceptable. And when I get on my knees to ask God for anything, I need to be bathed in mercy and supported with mercy and upheld with mercy and, and, and that I need to roll and turn in mercy like a gear in oil. I need to have mercy underneath me as the hard earth upon which I can walk and is the atmosphere that I can breathe and the sun to shine on me to give me light and warmth, and all the help I need. I need the mercy of God. Show us Thy mercy is verse seven, O Lord, and grant us thy salvation. And every church ought to be thus praying, God, show us Thy mercy. Have mercy upon us, O God. David said in one place, have mercy upon me and hear my prayer. Why even his prayers had to be bathed in mercy. And the holiest thing a man can do has to have the mercy of God underneath it or it will amount to nothing at all.

And he said in verse nine, that glory may dwell in our land. Now, woe and alas for you and me, for we have not seen the glory in our land. We know only one kind of glory, the vulgar glory of the world, its coarse tastes and its low amusements and its sights and its noises. And God’s people always ignore it and tolerate it. The glory is not in our land.

And I heard the other day on an interview or somewhere that, or read it that there are a thousand juvenile gangs in Brooklyn alone. One thousand gangs that do everything from mugging people, that is, grabbing them and beating them up and stealing their money–to murder. And you heard, you read yesterday of the two-hour siege that was laid to the, by young people to the prison, or to the palace at Atlanta where the governor lived? Well, those are only samples. Thank God for all the fine young people there are. Thank God for all these young people that sit along here; will never we’ll never know these things. Thank God for all of them.

But nevertheless, our country knows little of the glory that our fathers knew, the glory that our fathers knew. There is a preacher of the gospel, so I understand, who either has given or is going to give a talk–and what do you suppose the subject of his talk is? The theology of jazz! He is the man who won $32,000 on “Ask Me an Easy Question” for $64,000 here the other day. And he knew more about jazz, I would be willing to wager a plug nickel, than he did about the Holy Ghost, or that he did about his Bible. And he is going to give a talk on the theology of jazz.

Well, sir, I know a good teacher to teach the theology of jazz, Brother. If you would rather have somebody teach the theology of jazz and teach that tough when you got Wednesday night on the teleological and ontological arguments for the existence of God? I’ll tell you where you can get a teacher. There are artists of the past who have painted him with a long tail and horns and spiked feet. The devil is the best teacher for the theology of jazz. And yet there are those who are so intimately stupid and so spiritually blind, that they have accepted all of this and nervous, sexually inspired communists, fostered business that’s going on in our country as being the very way of God itself; as been geared to the times and as being a part of the total picture of the gospel of Christ.

Well, my brethren, the glory is not in our land, of that, I’m sure. The coarse amusements and sights and noises that are heard everywhere; the pipings and peepings and rattlings and gutturals and the grinding and, and jumping that is said to be music. My brethren, the Holy Ghost isn’t in it. Such things as that are not heard in heaven. You will hear them in hell, certainly, a lot of that’ll be heard in hell. And those who go to that place of fire and everlasting remorse, may be able in the midst of self-accusation and self-hatred and everlasting sorrow, to beat to their hot hands together, and grind and roll. They wouldn’t be doing it for Jesus. There’s no jumping for Jesus nor grinding for the gospel. My brethren, that is hell taking over and coming in, smelling of brimstone into the house of God, and saying, now, let us, let us be religious for the time being. And so, we’ll get the support and the applause of these blind saint-lets, half in and half out of the Kingdom, afraid to get all the way in for fear of what it will cost them and afraid to stay out through fear they will perish in hell. And so, hanging halfway in the ropes between yes and no, between the gospel and the world, between heaven and hell? They grin and applaud while Satan claps his bony hands and grinds and rolls the gospel.

Oh, my brother, the glory is not in our land. The glory has departed, and it’s not in our land. O God, in mercy let the glory come back again. The Christians are pushed around and their conveniences are never sought. Always they’re ignored and tolerated, except for their votes, of course, and for what they can do by way of a financial lift. Everybody comes to them that wants a little financial help, because they’re supposed to be a generous people, and God bless them, they are. But they’re helping to support an infinite number of things that were never inspired by God. They’re helping to fumigate trees that were never planted by our Father in heaven. And the axe lies now at the root of those same trees, and there’ll be a mighty crash in the forest when they go down, never to arise again.

Well, the poor church is forced to get along and beg nickels. The people of God, the church of God, will always have to take second best; always, or third or tenth best. What we do is always bound to be amateurism, always, because we can’t do, we don’t have the money. The money goes to the world. And the church of Jesus Christ struggles along the best that it can.

O God, where is the glory? Where is the glory? The glory is absent. Times have been when Christians were so zealous that they changed the life of communities, the whole life of communities. There was a missionary who went into a certain Island or set of islands, and they said about him when he went in, there wasn’t a Christian, and when he left there wasn’t a pagan. It was John Payton, the great Englishman.

My brethren, there have been evangelists in days gone by who have gone into cities, and when they went in, there was hardly a crowd in any church. And when they left there wasn’t a man in any saloon. When the gambling dens closed up, and their chagrined and frustrated leaders left town. And the gospel of Christ came and overflowed and purified like Ezekiel’s river, even the little towns. But that day seems to be over now. Meetings come and sweep over and get the headlines and leave the town right where it found them before. There isn’t one less man in a theater, not one less woman in the saloon, not one less young man in a gambling den, not one fewer person at the racetrack, not one fewer divorce, not one change for the best, or the better. But they’ve had a huge time. My brethren, the glory is not in the land and oh, that God might bring it back to us again, again.

When our habits, when habits and moral standards and the things that we’re amused by are elevated habits when habits and moral standards, and the things that we’re amused by are elevated and changed and some say, there goes Tozer. He’s against amusements and entertainment. I am not. I think that there are some things you can’t always be under strain. The old philosopher said that if you don’t unstring your bow, it’ll soon weaken. They used to pull that bow and bend it. And then of course, tie it. And if they kept it like that all the time, it would slowly change its structure so that it had no more zing in it. But when they weren’t using their bow, they took the cord off of it and let it go straight. So said the philosophers of old. The bow that is always bent will soon lose its power. And we human beings have to have some diversions. We’ve got to have them. You can’t always be thinking on holy thoughts and you can’t always be straining after highest things and you can’t always be carrying upon your heart the thoughts of the glory leaving the land and the woe entering. You can’t always be deadly serious. If you are, you’ll die. There has to be diversion.

One fella said sarcastically about me, he said, Tozer believes in amusements. He’s a marvelous checker player. He meant that to be sarcastic, and I think I’ve played one game in the last year. But my brethren, diversion is one thing. But the whole country has gone wild for diversion. Instead of having 95% serious talks of God and life and death and heaven and hell and our work and our serious obligations and 5% diversion, we’ve changed it until it’s 95% diversion and five stingy percent to think about serious things. I believe that if God revives His people as we’d like to see it, that we’ll have it changed. We’ll have a changed percentage, as they say percentage-wise, an expression I thoroughly detest, but at least know you know what I mean? I believe it’ll change us percentage-wise.

Well, you say, now Brother Tozer, here you go again. What do you want us to be? What do you want us to be? What kind of people do you think we should be? And if this church should be revived again, if there should come a rejuvenation, a resurgence of spiritual life, an upper rushing of spiritual power, what would we be like? What would we be like? Well, I want to describe it. I want to describe this church, if we could have what I’m talking about and praying about and hoping for. I would I would want such an act and work of God among us as would make us a clean people, a people that are pure and holy.

Now, is anybody here going to get up and object to that? Is there anybody here that is ready to say, I can’t go along with the pastor that our people ought to be a holy people, a truer people, so good that nobody can make an accusation stick. Anybody here that will get up and say, Mr. Tozer, I don’t believe in that? That’s fanaticism. That’s extremism. Surely, you don’t expect us to be a people so morally clean and pure and holy and so good that nobody can charge us honestly and make an accusation stick, that we can get up and say about our present and future lives as Jesus did? Which one of you charges me with sin, our past? God knows. We like to talk about that only with hushed voices, because the blood of Christ had to cleanse us from that.

But our present and our future, anybody going to get up and say, I object, sir, Mr. Chairman, I stand to object to this motion, that the people of this church ought to be a clean people, a pure a holy people, capable of good works again. My concept for us is that we’d be a loving, kind, charitable people, forgiving and big-hearted and tight-mouthed about each other’s faults, mine and yours. Anybody going to get up and say, Mr. Chairman, I beg permission to make a speech against that. I don’t want to see our people as forgiving, big-hearted, kind, charitable people ready to overlook people’s faults and tight-mouthed about things they hear. I don’t want a church like that.

Well, there’s no church like that in hell, brother. There is no church like that, I think anywhere but where the blood flows and the Spirit of God has unhindered right of way. That’s my concept of what a church ought to be. Do you think it’s extreme if I say that I want our people to be a glad, joyous people, filled with heavenly joy? Not mere pleasantry, not mere, not mere hand shaking, not mere cordiality. Why, cordiality is something you can learn from books. You can go to any library. These ushers of ours can go to any library and take down a book on how to be an usher. Just how to stand and how to smile and how to comb their hair, if any, and just how to do it.

Why, you can learn that. And they teach that to kids when they’re selling in the stores, and they teach that to girls behind the counters in 10-cent stores. They teach that to Fuller Brush salesman, and radio announcers learn that. Cordiality, congeniality, the magnetic handshake and the flashing smile and the toothy grin; all that my brother can be right along, and go along with a church that has no power and no purity and no presence of God and no worship. The church that is headed not for heaven but for hell, And yet they can be a social crowd, learning to be jovial and friendly. And yet if you want real joviality and real back slapping congeniality, don’t go to any church, go to a lodge, or go to some group, where men meet in smoke-filled rooms and tell off-colored stories. There’s a place to find real congeniality brother. They’ll make you feel that you’re a part of the outfit and you belong.

That isn’t what I’m talking about at all. The man who wrote “How to win friends and influence people died the other day. He left behind him that book, and if that’s what we wanted, why we could afford to put on the campaign and you would pay for it. You’d pay for anything I suggest, I found that out. That’s the reason I wanted to be most prayerful and cautious before I ever commit to anything because you’re so fine and generous. But you’d pay for books so that all might read how we might be jovial, congenial, affable, amiable, and all those long words ending in el. And when you had it, you wouldn’t have anything at all.

But I believe that the people of God are to be a glad people. A joyous people, glad with a heavenly joy. Not mere pleasantries, but glad with a heavenly joy. I think of that man {Paris} Reidhead that preached here for us. Why, maybe most of you, I think very few of you know him personally. You only heard him preach and you enjoyed him a lot; hearing him last Spring. But you ought to know the man in person. You ought to go around with the man. He’s one of the happiest men I ever met my life. He’s joyful to the point of tears; happy and yet he can say a witticism and, and turn a funny remark that will bring you the house down with laughter. And yet he’s no clown, no comedian, no humorist, but a serious-minded man, full of the Holy Ghost, and one of the happiest men I’ve ever met.

The happiness that man has is not the happiness of this world at all. It isn’t the happiness of conviviality nor congeniality. It is the happiness that God brought out of the tomb when He raised His Son from the dead and set Him at His own right hand. It is the joy of the new creation living in a man’s heart who belongs to that new creation, down here in the old creation. That’s what I mean, a happy people, people that you don’t have to grind and roll in order to get them worked up to joy, but whose hearts are alive with the joy of God. Oh, brother, that’s something else altogether.

Are you’re voting against that if we were to take a vote this morning and I were to put the question and say, would we have all those in favor of our people being a glad people, joyous with heavenly joy and radiant with the Holy Ghost? All in favor say aye. Would we get a unanimous vote or would there be some who say that’s fanatism? All right, then I can see this people to be an eager and enthusiastic people. Excuse us for having my conference here. But an eager, enthusiastic people; now that’s what I like. Not a worked-up people, but an eager, enthusiastic people.

Against that, my brother? If you’re against that, I don’t know where to put you. I believe God’s people ought to be enthusiastic. And I believe that if we were as spiritually enthusiastic as we ought to be, that we could send out one, two dollars for every one we’re sending to missions, and we could send out two missionaries for every one we’ve sent out. And we could win two souls forever to one we’re winning. And we could hit the city just twice as hard as we are hitting it.

And then, hungry Bible devouring people. That’s five. Anybody here going to get up and vote against that? Did you read your chapter? You say, all right, very good, sir. But a hungry, Bible-devouring people that delights in the law of the Lord. I might pass on this little word to you and keep it anonymous, so not to embarrass anybody. But I’ve had a lot of conferences over the past weeks with people who come to see me. And I regret to say that almost all of them are persons that are either in very great spiritual trouble, or else are actually mentally and nervously going to pieces, or in danger of it.

But the other day, I had another kind of visitor.  A lady asked whether she might come to see me a few minutes before the prayer meeting, and I said, Sure, run upstairs and we’ll have a word together. So, she came up. And she told me a wonderful, heart-engaging story, the story of her spiritual life, being brought up in a home where everybody was strait-laced and careful; and where she ran with only religious and the best people, and never committed wrongs or did anything at all that she shouldn’t be ashamed of. But that all this time, out in the eastern city, even in the Alliance, and all this time did not know what it was to have the Holy Ghost inside her bosom. It was all external, right and good and scriptural and according to the law of Moses and the prophets and the New Testament. But now she said, and the tears ran down her face. Now, the Holy Ghost has come. There’s new light inside. This Bible has become a new book and she held it in her two hands. This Bible has become a new book to me now. It’s wonderful. Now, that woman is modest and she’d hesitate to get up and say it herself, but I’m giving her testimony for her. Now, I want to ask you, can anybody can hug this Bible and say the Holy Ghost has made this for the first time, a new living book to me. Does anybody object to that? Would anybody rise and say, I don’t believe in that. I object, sir, and I vote against it. I don’t believe there is.

Then, I believe that we could become a generous people. Great grace should be upon us all and that we could give freely, more freely than ever, all of our wealth to the Lord. Anybody object to that? I think not. And then a reproducing people, the people who will win people to God, that can win souls. Anybody object? I think not. Now, that’s what I mean. O God, if glory should return to our land?

Well, I don’t know that glory will ever return to America. I don’t know. There are two sinister forces of work tearing America to pieces, two sinister forces. I don’t say much about them in public. I do not want to get a reputation any more than I have for being a radical or extremist. And these are partly political, so I do not discuss them. But there are two sinister forces that are working to tear America to pieces: brainwashing a whole population. Brainwashing, by midst of books and magazine, by the use of books and magazines and television and radio and all this. Brainwashing and conditioning psychologically a generation for the coming of communism, or Catholicism or the Antichrist.

So, I don’t know whether America can ever raise her head again. She’s bleeding to death. And whether she’ll survive as a Christian nation, another generation, I do not know. But revival can come on three levels. It can come on the community level, which would be our land. It can come on the church level, which would be our church. It can come on the individual personal level, which would be you or me or you and me.

So next Sunday, in the morning, I want to forget America, and I even want to forget this church. And I want to talk as one man to another one. How can you have a personal revival? How can you have a resurgence of Pentecostal life surging up within you and show you how you can have, not next year, not next week, but now. I hope you’ll be here and that you’ll pray for me in the meantime.


Tozer Talks

“The Secret Place of the Most High”

The Secret Place of the Most High

Pastor and author, A.W. Tozer

July 29, 1956

Now, the first verse of Psalm 91. I preached three times last Sunday and twice every other day except one, to what one man called a motley group. They weren’t motley, but they were certainly inter-denominational. And sitting on the front row every blessed meeting was an Episcopalian rector. And he shook hands with me over and over, and expressed his appreciation and sense of oneness with the kind of truth that we were trying to bring.

But now, the 91st Psalm, he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. This 91st song is one which, because of its misuse by so many, I have never, I wonder if I could confess this, cared too much for. Probably I shouldn’t say there’s any passage of Scripture I don’t care for. But even you’ll admit there are some passages dearer to you than others and some that you don’t read, except dutifully, when you’re reading through the Bible. And the 91st Psalm was one, among all those golden shining songs, that to me, has been sort of dutiful song, which I read, but didn’t really get too much out of. And I have never preached on it in 28 years that I can recall, though, I probably have referred to texts from it occasionally. But I’ll let me correct my fault this morning. And perhaps for the next Sunday or two, and talk from the 91st Psalm.

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High. Let’s break that down. First, there is the place. Now, place is a location, and it can be and usually is a geographical location. It is also a moral or spiritual or mental location by extension of the word. But let’s not forget that it’s a real place. The secret place of the Most High is not a poetical phrase only. It is a real place, having an exact location, not vague, nor indefinite. It is so real that we can be in it or we can be out of. We can be nearer to it, or far from it. We can be at any time, approaching it or going further away from it. That’s a real place. And yet it is not a physical place.

The secret place of the Most High is not a church. I do not want you ever to become church Christians in the sense that you’re building Christians. I don’t want you to be tabernacle Christians. We have had an epidemic of tabernacle-ism, and I don’t like it. But I’ve said enough on that, I think in the past, but still, I don’t want you to think that you must come to a church in order to be in the secret place of the Most High. This building is not the secret place of the Most High. I was around here when it was built. And anything that I saw being built, couldn’t be the secret place of the Most High because Moses wrote about the secret place of the Most High, assuming Moses is the author, and I think everybody does, of this Psalm. And so, anything that Moses wrote about couldn’t be this building, because 16 years ago, I saw it being built.

So, it is not a church. It is not even a prayer closet. We say sometimes that I’m glad we testify and glad I came to church today. I’m glad to be able to sit in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Oh no, the church is not the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, neither is the meeting the heavenly place in Christ Jesus. That is a spiritual location, not a physical one. So that not even your prayer closet, however precious your secret times of prayer may be. That’s not what the Psalmist meant when he said, he that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High. It’s not a shrine, and it is not a meeting. It’s not a country, not even a holy land. It is not a denomination, and it is not a doctrine.

The secret place of the Most High is the heart of God, the place of faith in God, love for God, confidence in the love of God in Christ, obedient trust in the mercy of God. It is a state of heart, in a state of heart. It is our state of heart in the heart of God. That is the secret place of the Most High. And we may enter it and we may abide in it. And we may be in it or out of it. But the secret place of the Most High is there for us.

Now, it is a secret place. And it is secret, not because it is hard to find, nor because it is hidden or difficult. It is a secret place because there are so few who enter it. It is an open secret, and is secret only because there are so few Christians that ever find or enter into the secret place of the Most High. There are a few hungry, eager people in all the denominations who are seeking the secret place of the Most High and are finding it.

I do not intend to come to you from a week away and tell you about what happened there, though we walked the borderline of revival to the point where they were up into the night hours into four o’clock in the morning, seeking God and getting through to victory. But they were of all denominations, and I find these seekers after God in every denomination. Let me tell you this. I have told two or three here since I’ve come about one young man who was at the Highland conference. This young man was one of the best-looking young fellows that I have ever seen. Eighteen years old, handsome to the point of being a Caller ad and muscular, muscled up great chest, great arms, and simply good and wholesome to look at down to his waist. And from there down, was a polio paralytic, completely, and had to be in a wheelchair.

That young man, in his eagerness to get to this place; he comes from a broken home and had no help there, presumably. But in order to get to this place, this young, eager 18-year-old boy, hopelessly paralyzed from the waist down, his shrunken, flimsy legs dragging behind him like fins. This boy hitchhiked 150 miles in a wheelchair to get to that conference. And one day to their astonishment, wheeled himself into the office and said, I want to work so I can stay here. And they said what can you do? He said, I can trim hedges. I can do things. So, they gave him a job. And he pulled himself around, trimming hedges in order that he might be there at the conference. And he was at every meeting, sitting there, listening eagerly.

When I think of that young man, I’m bothered for some of you who have been brought up in Christian homes and have been surrounded with all the nurture and spiritual culture that could be brought to bear on you. And yet, here’s a young man from an un-Christian, divided home, hitchhiking in a wheelchair 150 miles to get to that place of God, that place of God.

A little girl whose father had tried to kill her mother, whether she saw it or not, I’m not sure and she had escaped and the neighbors had gotten the police to get away this drunken beast. And this little girl hated her father until she was violent. And they were trying, they were soothing her and trying to teach her and one great big young fella with a daughter about her age used to lead her around. She put her arms around his neck and said, oh, I wish I had a daddy like you. But she was only to have him for two weeks, and then back to that.

Brethren, when I think of how without a chance in the wide world, without anything to encourage them, without anybody apparently to help them at all or even pray for them. Some people touched by a divine stroke, find their way through. And others, it’s secret. They don’t know where it is. They haven’t found it and probably never will. It’s as unreal to them as fabled Atlantis, the island that’s supposed to have arisen out of the Atlantic Ocean stayed a while and gone back down again, beautiful, but only temporary.

So, this secret place isn’t Atlantis to the average person. And they that dwell in it tend to be different I have noticed. They who dwell in this secret place are different. They’re peculiar, and they’re a little bit careless of this life. And they tend to flock together, though they’re lonely. And they know each other without an introduction. I’ve said this many times, but it’s been confirmed, it’s good to arrive at a conclusion spiritually, and then, as you move about, find that your conclusion is not being disallowed, but that it’s being confirmed and strengthened. And my conclusion that the people of God today are not the mobs and the crowds, but people, the elect, picked out from all of the religious hubbub and united together in a bond of spiritual union. And they know each other. This Episcopalian rector, why he and I had the sweetest, warmest, longest talks together. And he even wants a list of books that he ought to read so he’ll get to know God better. I’m going to send it to him.

Well, I am not an Episcopalian. I never could fool around with an altar and a robe, but he does. And yet, there is a hungry heart among the Episcopalians and hungry hearts everywhere; and they know each other without an introduction. They say this, Mr. Jones, Mr. Smith, and they shake hands and look at each other. And after the first prayer, they know they’ve known each other in Christ long before that.

Then it says, the secret place of the Most High. Now that adjective “most” is there, but the high, since it’s supposed to be a noun, usually an adjective, it’s God Himself, the Most High. Usually it said, the Most High God, but here He is called the Most High, and so it’s God.

Now, the first occurrence of the term is back in the book of Genesis, so far as we know the first time it was used. And Abraham when he heard that Lot was taken captive, armed and his trained servants born in his house, 318, and he divided himself against the enemy, and sent his servants out and smote them and pursued them unto Hobab. And he brought back all the goods and also brought back Lot and his goods and the woman also and the people. And the king of Sodom went out and Melchizedek king of Salem, brought forth bread and wine, and he was the priest of the Most High God. And He blessed Abraham and said, blessed be Abram of the Most High God, possessor of heaven and earth. And blessed be the Most High God which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And Abraham gave Melchizedek tithes of all. And the king of Sodom said unto Abram, give me the persons and take the goods to thyself. And Abraham said to the king of Sodom, I have lifted up my hand unto the Lord, the Most High God, the possessor of heaven and earth, but I will not take from a thread even to a shoe latchet. And I will not take anything that is thine, lest thou should say, I have made Abram rich.

Now, Moses wrote this. And if Moses also wrote the Psalm, you see the spiritual and mental tie in here. The Most High, he was thinking of the Most High God who was Jehovah, possessor of heaven and earth and the meaning of the words to us. We have the disadvantage of knowing too much about it. But there were pagan gods all around Abram and all around Melchizedek and the city of Salem. But here was the one God, the Most High God, the God over all. And here was the Hierarchy of Heaven, the princedom, the powers, the angels, the seraphim, and those watchers and holy ones that Daniel spoke about. But above them all was the Most High God throned in life, the Unbeginning One, immortal and all wise and all powerful. God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is the Most High God.

So, this secret place, this spiritual location, this home, this mansion, this abiding place of the heart, is secret only because so few know it, but it’s in the heart, the Most High God. And they that dwell in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. And you and I actually don’t know what this means, because it’s rare that we’re caught out in the sun in such unbearable heat that we have to hurry to a place of shade. But in the Bible lands where this was written, the shadow meant the difference between life and death. Because you see, here, the sunrays slant, and we don’t get them. They’re not as dangerous, but there they’re straight down. And that is the reason that the terror could walk by day and by night, and that there could be sun stroke. And there could be those who were smitten by the stroke and even the moon at night they said. The light and heat were sufficient that it could strike some people, weak persons or old persons. And they just had to have shadow.

Oh, we sing, Jesus is a rock in a weary land, the weary land, the shelter in the time of storm. And in the desert land there, in the waste howling wilderness, the sun during those long days came straight down. Our missionaries in those areas have to wear helmets to keep from having sunstroke because of the rays of the sun. And they need shadow, they need shade. That’s why they talk so much about our God being a shade and a shadow and a place of cool retreat, and a rock and a tree, because they needed shadow there in those days.

Now, we don’t understand it physically as they did, but we understand it or should understand it spiritually. For we need a shadow from the heat as bad as they did. We need a shadow from the heat caused by friction and the heat caused by pressure, those two kinds of heat, and we desperately need them. The friction of moral incompatibility, incompatibility with the world; the incompatibility of the Christian heart with the world.

If you don’t know what I mean, you’re not anywhere near the secret place of the Most High. If I’m speaking a strange language and you know the English words, but you don’t know what I mean, then I would urge you to turn your face toward the secret place and push on at any cost till you enter there, because there is a moral incompatibility with the world. Lot felt it in Sodom. The Scripture said he vexed, he chased, he irritated his righteous soul, for though he went to Sodom and failed tragically. He was a good man in a terribly bad city, and he couldn’t do anything about it. He had no power to make them obey Him. So, he had to watch their wickedness. He had to see their evil. He had to. And thus, he vexed and irritated his soul.

There was a friction set up by the moral incompatibility between Sodom and the world. And there was Israel in Egypt, all the day in Egypt. Israel had to see that which shocked and wounded their Hebrew hearts. And Christ and apostate Israel, when our Lord came to apostate Israel, he walked up and down among them, and everywhere. Their religion of His day set up an irritation on His holy soul. And He was pressed between the upper and the nether millstone, ground, and the friction of His times. He said, the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up. His zeal for God, in a temple where there were cattle and money-changers and worldlings and hypocrites and lawyers and rabbis that knew not God. When He heard the name of His Father spoken by lips that never had known His Father, it set up a friction on the personality of Jesus and hurt Him and wounded Him. And Paul, in his epistles, tells about how he wrote even weeping. And the Reformers in their day were men of wounds.

Somebody told me about Rolland Pierce, who was one of the Keswick brethren from Philadelphia, and they say a great man of God there, though I have not met him personally, I’ve had correspondence with him. But somebody told me that Rolland Pierce had been at Highland Lake the year before. And one day on a walk, he said, Brother, I’m a wounded man. I’m a wounded man. He said, I’m happy in Christ all right, but I’m wounded because of the church. I’m wounded because of religion in America today. I’m wounded for what’s going on. I’m glad he’s a wounded man. I wouldn’t solve his wounds. I wouldn’t in any wise try to heal or to comfort. It’s the wounded hearts that are going to win the world, or going to win Christianity back to Christ again in these last days. Only the wounded hearts ever know the true fellowship with God. And Paul, you remember, said he wanted to know the fellowship of His suffering in order that he might know Him.

Well, that suffering is necessary. And if you don’t know what I mean by moral incompatibility. If where you work you manage somehow by being up on baseball and everything else, and the latest current Reader’s Digest joke. If you manage to keep up on all that in order that you might live peacefully with the people you work with, then you don’t know what I mean. If you don’t know the loneliness and the heartache of being forced to work next desk to a man who smokes like Vesuvius and curses and embarrasses, if indeed it does embarrass the young ladies in the office by his off-color jokes. If you don’t feel morally incompatibility there, and the vexation and the irritation of being good in a bad world, then you won’t know what I mean. There will be no heat.

But to the Reformers, there was heat. And to the missionaries, there is heat. The missionary that must go out. Ed’s in the Valley today along with the rest of them. Imagine it, nakedness around about them, dirty, smelly, foul, nakedness. And according to all that I can hear, a sexiness which is so terrible and base and obscene, that it’s shocking and horrifying; and they’ve got to live with there. Well now, if that doesn’t set up friction and heat, the heat of incompatibility with the world. Oh, we need the secret place of the Most High.

And always remember, the secret place of the Most High is not a place you leave to do battle with the Lord, because it’s not a physical location. It is the place from which you reach out to do the battle of the Lord against the foe. Nobody needs leave the secret place of the Most High. When I go to preach somewhere, I don’t say goodbye to the secret place, as the soldier does to the barracks and goes out to get shot at. But I take the secret place with me. And every one of you can have the secret place of the Most High right there where the incompatibility is. Right there where the friction is. Right there where the heat is, and you must have it. Then you can hide there. Now all the sons of heaven who are on the earth will know this friction, this heat.

And then there’s a heat caused by pressure. Science and civilization have set up unthinkable pressures, simply unthinkable pressures. The pressure for instance to the human ear drums that come from airplanes. Now, I don’t want to seem to be an old grouch who believes in the horse and buggy. I don’t believe in the horse and buggy. I haven’t ridden in a horse and buggy for many, many years and don’t intend to go back to the horse and buggy. But they tell me that when we convert over to the rocket or jet planes, that it’s going to be ten times noisier than it is now. I don’t know what we’ll do. We’ll have to seal in our churches in order to be able to be heard when a plane goes over.

But science and civilization have set up pressures, the pressures, and that pressure creates heat. Those of you who’ve studied it know that a diamond is simply carbon. It’s the same as the coal you burn in a furnace. But it is coal, carbon that has been put under such unspeakable heat, such tremendous, such terrific heat, that it is set up, pressure I mean, that it is set up a heat which is so high that I wouldn’t even want to tell you for fear I’d miss it by thousands and tens of thousands of degrees. But that’s what makes a diamond. A diamond is simply carbon under pressure, that’s been put under pressure. And back in prehistoric times, perhaps, and such heat has been set up, a diamond has been made. Now, if you know how to do it, the heat and the pressure today can make you a diamond for the King’s crown. But think of the appalling consequences of those who don’t know where the cool place is while the heat’s on. Think of the pressure of civilization.

As I rode along with my friend, Reverend Tracy Miller of Scranton. He came up for a couple of days and took me out for a drive around the hairpin turns and winding ways of the mountains, the Catskill Mountains. And there we saw a building, sitting off a great building, a huge thing, a series of buildings covering what seemed to be acres and acres and acres. And I said, isn’t that a vast institution by the middle of what is it? He said, that’s one of New York’s institutions for the insane. And I said, what a vast thing, isn’t it? Yes, and he said it is being added to continually, continually. New York is paying a price for being the hub of the universe. It’s paying a price in the pressure set up by the high concentration of civilized gadgets and we are paying a pressure for it my friends, don’t forget it. Don’t forget it.

The farmer who chewed the straw with one foot on the lower rail and talked half an hour relaxed and restful over the fence to a neighbor, also chewing a straw, knew nothing of the pressure of the modern farmer who has mechanized his farm. Nothing of the pressure of the farmer who gets into his Piper plane and putts off somewhere to hear a professor lecture on how to get more out of his yield. He’ll get more yield out of his farm. The pressure has been set up. The competition is so fierce, it’s fierce everywhere. The competition in business, automobiles, manufacturers. Now, all cars are good cars now, competition has necessitated that. They’ve got to be. A poor car couldn’t last at all. They’re all good. But they’re all lying about how good they are, in order to get just a little ahead. And if one of them finds one little button and adds it the next year, the other one has that button. And thus, the competition is on, the pressure, the heat, the terror of it. It’s like a foot race. Have you ever seen the pictures or seen in reality, the boys that make those mile dashes and see them when they come in. Their faces are so strained. Their eyes are set in their heads, and it looks as if they might die of heart failure. The pressure is so terrible; just 1/10 of an inch maybe of a second may be the difference between losing and winning that race.

Well, now that’s where we are today. Everywhere, it’s competition, competition. And in certain areas of the evangelical world, it is the same. Everybody’s competing. Maybe you ought to have that kind of a man here. But you know, friends, years ago, I quit it. I don’t care who has a bigger church than mine. I don’t care who’s better known than I am. I don’t care. No competition, no jealousy, no competition. With my high nervous temperament, I would have been dead long ago, if I had not rested in God and found the secret place of the Most High and adopted a blessed, don’t care attitude toward all the religious competition. Let them run their foot races if they want to. It’s in the flesh. Let them tell how many people they have and how many dollars they have and how much they have. I don’t care at all. Last week, I went down, the week before last, I went down and had my doctor give me a check over; took my blood pressure and said you live to be 150 at this rate. No blood pressure, I had some I mean, but I mean, not high. Why? I could have a high blood pressure, I could. I could have hardening of the arteries, but they feel my arteries and say, soft as a young man. Because I will not live under pressure. I will not do it. It doesn’t do God’s work any good. It doesn’t help anybody. I will not live under the curse of pressure.

I have found the secret place, the hiding place of every precious thing. And there in the coolness of the heart of God, I can say, cool me O God and keep me cool while these hot breezes blow. And the magazines come out and everybody’s pushing in, urging in, then the religious press, everybody. I get stuff here all the time for immediate release it says. When I see that, it goes into the wastebasket. For immediate release, somebody wants me to plug him in the Alliance weekly. I plug nobody. Let him earn his spurs. If he’s a missionary and he’s doing a good work, we will report what he’s doing. If there is a good meeting somewhere, we put a little scrib up and tell the people to encourage the others to pray. God’s still working. But we will not plug anybody, because that’s carnal competition and heat. That fellow is running a temperature.

There is a place Brethren, where you don’t have to be under pressure, but you don’t have to run too much of the heat, just enough to make a diamond out of you but not enough to ruin you. A safe, cool, healing, restful life-giving place. It is the secret place of the Most High, and it’s entered by faith in Christ. Not the best people, not the good people, not people specially fitted for it, but just anybody that will enter. Anybody that will enter and there’s a way there, a blood-stained way. I heard Strat Shufelt on the record singing several times. They had records and played them out over the loudspeaker. I found a way through the blood, past the veil to the holy of holies with God. And I recognized Strat’s good old voice and I wanted to shake his hand though he was miles away. And he sang about that holy place, that good, holy place where he’d found, through the blood, past the veil, in the holy place. Brethren, that’s where we need to be today. And then, civilization won’t kill us. It won’t!


Tozer Talks

“We Have Renounced”

We Have Renounced

Pastor and author A.W. Tozer

September 7, 1958

I spent three days last week in New York City. I thought I would be seeing the Lemons there, but I did not. I must have misunderstood or they were busy at something else. I did meet there, to my surprise, someone who sends a greetings. Fresh in from Arabia, Bernice Hess, a member of this church was there. I only had a brief moment with her. But I think we’ll be seeing her around here again shortly.

Now, tonight, I hope that you can be present. I want to deliver my soul on the matter of the space age and what it’s all about. You’re hearing so much about it. And I want to talk about it from the standpoint of a Christian. I told you last week that I had first written an article on the subject and submitted it to a certain magazine, and they didn’t know whether they could take it or not because its prophetic views didn’t coincide. But I got a letter in New York while I was there that five or six editors had already unanimously agreed to print it so, it will be out I guess. And now, I want to preach sermon about that tonight. Then a week from tonight, and thereafter. I’ll be moving in and out of the city a little for some conferences, but I will always be here for Saturdays and Sundays; preach on the radio and at the church.

Beginning next Sunday night, I want to begin what will be the most costly series of sermons that I ever will have preached. Because, you can’t preach what I want to preach and be flippant or careless. It’s got to cost you something. I hope that you will be my word-of-mouth advertising agency and tell the people, a journey into the heart of God. I’ll preach of course from the Bible, nothing but the Bible, but I am going to make use of some thoughts and ideas presented by the lady Julian whom I have quoted here some, who lived 600 years ago. I preached a sermon here some years back, using a testimony of hers as my outline called, “Four Faithful Wounds, or three faithful ones was it? So please remember that tonight and tomorrow, next Sunday night beginning this series.

Now before the communion service, I want to say just a few words and make some comments on Paul’s testimony in 2 Corinthians Four. Therefore, seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not. But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty. Not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully. But by manifestation of the Truth, commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God. But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost, in whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. We preach not ourselves but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves, your servant for Jesus sake. For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, that shined in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

Now, these are the words of the man of God, Paul. And he’s talking about the Christian ministry, not the preachers, but the ministry of the gospel, the ministry of the New Testament, as contrasted with the ministry of the Law, in his third chapter here. So, we will apply it not to preachers only, but to everybody that’s a Christian. To every Sunday school teacher, everybody that gives a testimony anywhere or writes a letter, or in any other way, gives witness to his faith in Christ. He says, therefore, seeing, and I have pointed out before many times, that this word, therefore, is one of the great key words of the New Testament, used 350 times in the New Testament and scores of times by Paul. And it means, for this reason. For this reason, he says, and it, it is the great logic word of the New Testament. It teaches us that our faith does not rest upon a fancy nor vision of whim, but it is a closely interwoven, interlocking spiritual system of truth. Or otherwise stated a great cathedral, in which every truth is a course in the stones, rising higher and higher, always into the blue above.

And he said, Therefore, because of what he had said previously, and previously had pointed out, that the ministry of the church, and not the preacher’s ministry, but the ministry of the church. It was the ministry of the New Testament spirit, instead of the Old Testament law. Just as Israel was built around the law, so the church is built around the gospel. And this gospel is a witness. And that witness is a witness of glory, a witness of life instead of death, a witness that will finally move on until, we, by the Spirit of the Lord are changed into the image and glory of Christ.

Now, he said, therefore, because this is true, therefore. Therefore, we have renounced. Here is a flat, blunt word, renounce, renunciation. There’s only one way to handle some things, and that is by renunciation. There are some things you can compromise with. There are some things that you can negotiate. If somebody comes suggesting something to you, having a position different from yours, different from your church’s, there are some things you can negotiate. You can compromise it, because you don’t have all the right. And if they have some wrong, why, you can eliminate that, and thus you can get together. That’s possible.

But there are some things you can’t compromise. And there’s no place for negotiation. You’re a businessman and you have a partner. And that partner is interested in a business venture, which will include you. It’s going to be within the law, but it’s going to be crooked. It is going to take advantage of somebody’s weakness or the lack of knowledge of somebody. And while you will never be caught by the law for it, it will nevertheless be taking an unfair advantage. And your partner comes to you and suggests you do that. Now there isn’t any negotiation possible there. You don’t compromise with a thing like that. You renounce it. Someone wants you to drink, or wants you to engage in some evil–only this once. You don’t negotiate. You don’t compromise, you repudiate.

And Paul says, we have repudiated. What did you repudiate? He said, he repudiated the hidden things of darkness. Seeing that we are following a Christ with unveiled face, why therefore, should we ever engage in hidden things or be interested within hidden things of darkness. Following the Christ whose face shines with light, why should we be found in the darkness?

Now in the church of Christ, secret dealings are unthinkable. In Washington, they have much that they call, top priority, classified. And if the word classified is stamped across a document, nobody dares talk about it. And it’s not to get to the newspapers, it’s classified. Now, I can understand out in a world where it’s dog eat dog and animal claw animal and devil fight devil. I can understand why it’s entirely possible for a nation to deal in some secret things, and not tell everything they know to everybody, particularly in times of great distress and wars. But it is unthinkable that the church should ever have anything they can’t talk about. It could be possible, and I suppose it might be, that a Board or a man or a group within a church would not want to tell everything they’re doing, for the sake if you can’t explain what it takes, to take 24 hours of talking to make everything plain.

But if anything is hidden for reasons of secrecy, that is wrong. We dare not try to promote God’s work by secret methods. We can’t promote God’s work by the devil’s means. God promotes His work by His means. And God shining as the Light, shines as the Light and hides nothing. And God is never the author of concealment. But perhaps I should modify what I’ve said. Maybe I should throw in a footnote and just say this, that if you are a Christian and you happen to know that some other Christian, brother or sister, was caught unaware, and his feet were caught in a snare, and he fell. And you know it, but you know also the tears and the repentance and the grief. And nobly and earnestly he got to his feet again, and how now with humility, and a chastened spirit, he seeks to walk with his God. Ah, love covers a multitude of sins, and then you can be right in concealment.

Do not imagine for a moment that frankness and candor requires that you spread around everything you know about everybody. No, no, love covers. And so when we can be quiet about other people’s faults, and we can spread a veil of charity over the weaknesses of our brethren. That’s good. And so I would modify what I’ve said, by saying that God is never the author of concealment, and the church can never have any secret dealings. But I would modify it by saying only, where some weakness or fault or sin in a brother has caused him to fail his God, then in quietness and charity, we can keep still about it.

And God forgives and we forgive and it’s nobody’s business, but the God who was pardoned. So therefore, it is, I suppose, quite proper, that in that way, we can sometimes conceal what we know. But if it’s to hide anything because it’s not right, if it’s to hide anything because we are trying to put something across, if it is like a lawyer, to push one kind of evidence and soft pedal another, never will God have anything to do with it. Hidden things God hates.

Then, not walking in craftiness, sly and cunning and clever it says that means. Now, the ministry has suffered a great deal by cleverness. The first book I wrote was reviewed as being clever. And I’ve been ashamed of that book ever since. I think it was a good book, that is, it told the story of a good man. But it was a clever book. And I’ve been ashamed that anybody could ever use that. Cleverness, my brethren, is not good. Christians of all people should not try to be clever. They should try to be, candor, not cleverness, should be the Christians goal. The Son of God was not a clever man.

There are men living today that are clever. As I have said here before and used as an illustration, I listened to interviews on the radio quite a bit, these Capital Cloak Room and Capital Assignment and Face the Nation and all of these, where newsmen will get some key public figure and interrogate him. And it’s quite amusing to see how little you can get out of some people. They’re clever. They asked him questions, and some of those newsmen get positively blunt in their questions, they get almost nasty as they question these figures. Some of them come out boldly, and blunt and talk right out, a lot of them do. But most of them don’t. When you’re through, if I were to ask now, Mr. Tozer, will you write up, give us the conclusion. What did this public figure say? I’d have to throw up my hands and say, I don’t know. Because he didn’t want anybody to know. He’s clever. And he stands before the electorate and delivers clever talks, and he gets elected, because nobody’s quite sure on whose side he is. Or that is rather I should say, everybody thinks that he’s on their side. That’s better. And then everybody votes for him.

Well, that’s all right in politics, if they want to do it, but there’s no place for a Christian. The Church of God never should have anything like this. We should seek not to be clever, but to be holy. And yet I know that there are preachers who have majored in clever sayings, and have gone all over the world repeating dutifully those clever sayings, and they get the same laugh from the same audiences over and over and from the new ones always, and they write them into books. God forgive us. No cleverness, my brethren, we have renounced these things. We have renounced hidden things and walking in craftiness.

Handling the Word of God deceitfully, we renounce that too. That’s another thing. Now, that means adulterating the Word of God, so that it, for a purpose. And that means using the Bible for bait. You know, the difference between bait and food, isn’t what you think it is. Because a bait is food too. The difference between bait and food is, that food is food and nothing more. Whereas bait is food with a hook in it. And that sounds clever. I’m merely trying to explain. There’s no attempt there to be cute, but just saying that bait is food with a hook in it. A fish goes around, swimming comfortably around in the water for years, when it sees a bit of food, it goes up and sucks it in and eats it. And then one day it sees a piece of food and it recognizes it. It’s a worm or it’s a grasshopper, and it goes up and sucks it in but it has a hook hidden in it. Pretty soon, the fish is up on the dock or up on the bank and the boy is unhooking it, putting it in his little basket.

Well, that’s the difference my friends, and the Word of God should never at any time be used as a bait to get something else. It should be delivered, whether it’s a witness given by a layman, whether it’s a teaching in a class, or whether it’s a preacher or an evangelist or whoever it is. The Word of God should always be preached with sacred candor. And if you don’t get the fish, then you don’t get the fish. But nevertheless, you will please God and fulfill your duty by giving the truth. And never soften it nor smooth it nor make it easy.

I got a letter from somebody living in St. Petersburg, Florida. I don’t know the lady. I never heard of her before in my life. And I don’t even know that I can help her. Here’s what she said. She said, some years ago, I read something by the Puritans about the Holy Spirit. And you said, this and this. And she said, I couldn’t stand the searching. So I put it down. And she said, but God has never let me get rest. And now, I’ve got to have it again. I’ve got to know. I’ve got to get right with God on this. And she said, if you can tell me, she said, I think my husband lent it out, and I can’t find it, and I don’t know the name of, but if you can tell me where to find it. I will get it and go to my knees and wait on God and pray through.

Now, she got a hook all right, but it was never a concealed one. It was right there for anybody to see. And she threw it from her and said, I don’t want this road. I can’t stand the searching. But the Holy Ghost has taken some months to do His work, and now she wants to be searched. I believe that the Word of God should be so presented, that the blessed Holy Ghost can put His kind net around the individual. But never, never should a man use the Word of God as bait to hook somebody, or as a means of getting money or getting fame or getting something else. Complete candor is what we want.

Then he says, we commend ourselves to the consciences of all men. To what should a good man of God seek to commend himself? To the prejudices of his groups? I’ve told you, I think in other times, how it’s possible to get men to become a member of a church and have your own little group and want to live so as to commend yourselves to the prejudice of your group. No, it won’t do. Too many abuses, too many errors come from there. Billy Sunday, you know, said one time in a sermon. He was a very rough preacher. He didn’t try to please everybody. In fact, he didn’t try to please anybody. He said one day, they claim I rubbed the old cat the wrong way. He said, my message to the old cat is, turn around. He was rubbing the right direction, but the old cat was headed the wrong way.

Now, we commend ourselves to the consciences of all good men. And if we try to commend ourselves to the prejudices and narrow views of our own little group, pretty soon, we’ll be stroking the right way. But the cat will be facing the right wrong way, and and we’ll be wasting our time. Let us always stroke the right direction. And then let people turn around or else let the sparks fly. Did you ever take a cat and stroke her and a partly dark room the wrong way. They always spark.

Well, the next thing is, should we attempt to commend ourselves to denominational loyalties? I am psychologically unable to understand how anybody can commit himself to a denomination and say now whatever they believe, I believe, and I won’t question it. I don’t know how this could be. With a Bible open, if I had no Bible, I could do that. But with the Bible before me, I can’t do it. It’s impossible that I should do it. So, I’m not going to try to commend myself to my denomination. Denomination is not the master. Truth is the master and Christ is the Lord. So, we are to commend ourselves to God and to the consciences of every man. Or shall we seek to commend ourselves to the current religious vote? No. The true man of God is seldom found on the side of the crowd. Very rarely, that he gets on the side of the crowd, and that’s usually in a windstorm, and he hasn’t got his bearings yet and the dust hasn’t cleared. But as soon as the dust clears, he usually withdraws from the crowd.

Old Thomas à Kempis said, as many times as I have gone among men, I have returned less a man than I was before. And the ages have read that book and loved it. But if the masses are for it, the chances are very strong, that it isn’t right. Jesus walked alone, and I think His children walk alone pretty much. We walk with Moses and Isaiah and Ezekiel and Jeremiah and Isaiah and Peter and Paul and James and John, but we don’t worry about the crowd. We can mend ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God, and appeal away from prejudices and from denominational loyalties, and appeal straight to the hearts of men.

So live that when Thy summons comes, every honest man will have to say, you were a good man. And even if they didn’t go your way and didn’t follow you, their honest heart, so far as it’s honest, has got to admit, at least to themselves, that you were a good man. In the sight of God, those five words are very significant words to me, in the sight of God. You know, my friends, it won’t be very long. They’re going aren’t they? Old Brother Savage is with his Savior now. Old dear old Brother George Hoffman, who never would let me calling Mr. Hoffman, He insisted always it was George. So George Hoffman, he’s about to go, I think he’ll never come out of the sleep he’s in now.

Well, to one that time is going where they’ll only have the sight of God, that come out of all the caves and hiding places everywhere, and stand in the sight of God, it won’t be very long for anybody. It may be very soon for some. I’ll tell you this again. I gave it a sermon some years ago. I forget this man’s name. I’m sorry that I do not recall which of the great celebrated artists it was. But he was a Christian as well as an artist. And when he died, or before he died, of course, he gave when he knew he was dying, he gave an order that an epitaph was to be on his grave, chiseled into the stone that marked his last resting place. And here were the simple words, here lies, whoever it was, and beneath it, What I was as an artist meant a great deal to me while I lived. What I was as a Christian, is all that matters to me now.

In the sight of God, what I am as a preacher, I suppose, maybe means more to me than I think it ought to mean to me. But there will be a day on what I am as a preacher, will never be mentioned. What I am as a Christian, it’s always going to matter.

Now we’re going into this communion service. And it’s for everybody, whether you’re visiting a child of God, you’re welcome at the Father’s table. Whether you’re a member here or any Alliance church or no Alliance, church. If you’re a member of the body of Christ, we welcome you. Only try to do what you do in the sight of God. We’ll try to do what we do in the sight of God. So, let’s have as our motto, this we do in the sight of God. Brother, lead us in a song as in the sight of God. Brethren, come in the sight of God. And we’ll have our communion service, as in the sight of God.


Tozer Talks

“The Word Made Flesh – The Mystery of It”

The Word Made Flesh – The Mystery of It

Pastor and author A.W. Tozer

December 20, 1953

In the Book of John, the first chapter, verses 14 to 18 inclusive: and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth. And we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father. John bare witness of Him and cried, saying, This is He of whom I spake. He that cometh after me, is in time, is preferred before me, that is, in honor, for He was before me, that is in rank. And out of his fullness have all we received, grace following grace. For the Law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No man hath seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him.

I remember years ago, I think I mentioned this before, reading somewhere, a great literary critic, comparing two men, Milton and Shakespeare. He said that Milton was great, but unquestionably, Shakespeare was greater. He said that Milton had imagination enough to select for his great work, a theme as vast as Paradise Lost and Regained, which gave him full sweep from the dim dawn of empty nothingness through to the triumph of Christ after His resurrection. And Milton says, when he starts out, that he’s going to soar above the Aeolian Mount, and justify the ways of God to men.

Now said the critic, Milton boldly declares that he’s going to soar high and do amazing things. Then, says he, he astonishes us by doing exactly what he set out to do. But he said further, so much mightier and so much more brilliant was the imagination of the man Shakespeare, that He limited himself deliberately to small subjects in short sections of history. He said, If he had attempted anything as vast as Milton, that is, the sweep of time from timeless yesterday to timeless tomorrow as Milton did, he would have died of plethora of thought. He’d have had a brain hemorrhage. It would have been too big for him, because the vastness of it would have called so much out of the man that he would have exploded.

Now, that was one man’s opinion. It sounds pretty good, and I introduced it here only because I feel in selecting this passage of Scripture, so completely inadequate, that if I blow up, even in a mild attempt, to expound what is buried here, you will know that it’s only normal, because John, this mighty man who was infinitely mightier than even Shakespeare, takes us up into the Godhead where an old Milton could go; and certainly no secular Shakespeare could ever go, and introduces us to spheres and circles of Deity so high and lofty and noble, that if we follow him, we’ll certainly die in the attempt. But all we can hope to do is to toddle along on our short legs and gaze heavenward like a goose that said, her wings clipped, and whose heart is in the skies but whose wings just won’t take her there.

Now I’ve said all this because, my best faith, my loftiest expectations could not possibly allow me to believe that I can do justice to a text that begins, and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, and ends, no man has seen God at any time, the only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father, He have declared Him. We will do this then tonight. We will walk along the broad seashore of God and pick up a shell here and there and hold it up to the light and admire it’s beauty. And then turn away and say, we’ve only picked up a shell again, and have a pocket full of shells maybe to take with us. But on all sides, there stretches the vastness of the seashore, round the great lip of the ocean, and far beyond anything that we can ever hope to see yet buried here.

Now we notice first of all that he says the Word became flesh, or the Word was made flesh. And I would point out, that we have here, and stated in four words, one of the darkest mysteries of human thought. How the Deity could cross the wide, yawning gulf that separates what is God from what is not God. For in the universe, there are really only two things, God and not God. That which is God and that which is not God. And all that is not God was made by God. And God was made by none.

So we have God and not God. And the gulf that separates between God and not God, that is, between the Creator and the creature, between the Being we call God and all other beings, is I say, a great and vast and yawning gulf, and how God could bridge this. How He could do this, I say, constitutes one of the profoundest and darkest mysteries that human thought can ever give itself to, and how God could join the Creator to the creature. If you have never thought very much about this, it may not seem so amazing. But if you have given it a little thought, you will see how astonishing it is, that unbridgeable gulf between God and not God.

For the very archangels and the seraphim and the cherub that shield the stones of fire are not God, so that there is a gulf fixed, a vast gulf, and the Gulf of infinitude, and how God managed to bridge that, and how He could join Himself to His creatures. And how He could limit the Limitless, or in the language we hear more popularly, how the Infinite could never become the finite. And how that which had no limit which is God should deliberately impose upon Himself limitations. And how God and why God would favor one order of being above another. For if you read your Bible, you will discover that man is not the only order of being. Man in his sinful pride thinks he is. We don’t even believe in angels anymore. We think angels are simply Santa Clauses with wings. And Protestants don’t believe in angels anymore. Foolishly, you don’t believe in angels.

No, we don’t believe in cherubim nor seraphim nor creatures nor watchers nor holy ones nor any of these strange principalities and powers that walk so darkly and brightly through the passages of the Bible. We don’t believe in them as much as we should at any rate, and yet they’re there. And mankind is only one order of God’s creatures. And why God should favor one above the other? For it is written in the Book of Hebrews, that God took not upon Him the nature of angels, but He took upon Him the seed of Abraham. Abraham certainly was not equal to an angel. One would suppose that God in stepping down should step down as little as He dared or could. That He would stop with an angel or a seraphim, but instead He came down to the lowest order and took upon Himself the nature of Abraham, the seed of Abraham. Paul throws up his hands, even that man Paul who was declared to be one of the six greatest intellects of all time. That great man of God threw up his hands and said, great is the mystery of godliness, God manifest in the flesh. And I don’t know but what this is the most becoming approach to the whole subject is, to throw up our hands and say, O Lord God, Thou knowest. For there are so many more things in heaven and earth that are unknown in our theology, so that it’s all a mystery.

And I would quote Wesley here, at least the gist of what he said, when I point out that it’s a dark mystery how God could stoop down and become man and bridge the yawning gulf, enjoying Himself and limit to flesh and limit the Limitless. Wesley said, distinguish the act from the method by which the act is performed. And do not reject a fact because you do not know how it was done. I think that’s very wise. And we would come, it would be very becoming to us if we should enter the presence of God, reverently bowing our heads, and singing these carols and saying that, it’s so God, but we don’t know how. We will not reject the fact because we do not know the operation by which it was brought to pass.

Now, this much we can know at least, we can know that the Incarnation required no compromise of Deity. Let us remember it, that when God became incarnate, there was no compromise there. The gods of the Roman Pantheon, the gods of Greece, and the gods of the Scandinavian regions, were gods that would compromise themselves. The old Valhalla was full of gods that were compromisers and the Elysian Fields and the Pantheon and all that. That wherever the gods were, they always were gods who had compromised themselves one way or another.

But the Holy God, who is God and all else, not God, that God, our Father who art in heaven could never compromise Himself, so that the Incarnation was wrought and accomplished, this deep, dark, yawning mystery of incarnation was accomplished without any compromise of the Deity. God did not degrade Himself by this condescension. He did not in any sense make Himself to be less than God. He remained God, and everything else remained not God. The Gulf still existed even after Jesus Christ had become man and had dwelt among us.

So that instead of God degrading Himself when He became man, He by the act of incarnation elevated mankind to Himself. He did not degrade Himself to mankind. That’s pointed out in one of the old creeds. The Athanasian Creed pointed out very carefully. The old church fathers were very cautious here and they would not allow us to believe that God, when He became flesh, became flesh by a coming down of the Deity in the flesh, but by a taking up of mankind into God. And thus, we do not degrade God, but we elevate man, that is the wonder of redemption.

Now we can know this again, that this unison or union with a man and God is affected under perpetuity. God can never back out of His bargain. God can never cease to be, in that sense, man. The second person of the Trinity can never, what should we say, un-incarnate Himself or deincarnate Himself. He became incarnated forever, and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Now at first God dwells with men.

I like to dream over the past. There’s a book written called “Earth’s Earliest Ages.” I have never read that book. I have looked through it, and I have concluded that the man knows more about the antediluvian days than Moses did. And when I discover a man who knows more than Moses on a subject in which Moses is a specialist, then I shy away from his book. But I confess that those early ages have a great fascination for me. And one of the passages that greatly charms my heart is that one that says that God came and walked in the garden in the cool of the day, and looked for Adam and Adam wasn’t there. Without reading anything into it, I think it’s safe to assume that that had been a common custom there. That that wasn’t the first time that God came to take a walk with Adam. In the cool of the day in the midst of birdsong and the fading light, God and man walked together. That was common. It was to be because God made man in His image, and would not degrade Himself by communing with man. He found Adam gone.

But there was God with man. Originally God dwelt with man. And then when man sinned, God rejected Him, drove him out and set up His flaming sword that he might not return. He sent him away from His presence. And after that, you will find through the Bible that God never dwelt with man again quite the same. He dwelt in the Shekinah hidden in the fire and the cloud. Occasionally, He would appear in what theologians call a theophany, an appearance of the Deity. And God would walk with a man briefly, or speak with a man as He did with Abraham in the tent door, or at Gideon there in the threshing floor. But never did He stay long, and always was He veiled and cautious. And even when He showed Himself to Moses, it was in the fire of the bush, or it was while Moses was hidden in the cleft of the rock. And God allowed only the hind or trailing parts of His garments to be seen. For sin had unfitted the eyes of men to look upon the majesty of Deity, so that the God who once was with men dwelt only intermittently with men, and then suddenly He came. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt amongst us. Now, He is here again, to dwell with men in person, and they called His name Emmanuel, which means God with us.

So, I want you to take three prepositions here. I’m not a prepositional preacher I’ll have you know, but occasionally, a strong preposition will do for us, even when it’s the end of a sentence. What you can’t get any other way, notice, when He appeared as man, He appeared to dwell with men in person and to be united to men, and then ultimately, to dwell in men forever. So, it’s with men and to men and in men, that He came to dwell, to dwell among us. And says the Holy Ghost, we beheld His glory.

Now, it’s right that we should inquire what was this glory which the man John said, we beheld or they beheld? We beheld His glory. Was it the glory on His works? For Jesus was a worker. And He was not only a worker, He was a wonder-worker. Our Lord, from the first miracle at Cana of Galilee to that last miracle. Wasn’t that the last miracle? I was trying to recall tonight before I came downstairs. I said to myself first that I would say that last miracle was when He cursed the fig tree, but it struck He performed at least one after that. Maybe I’m wrong and I’ve forgotten a more recent one. But it seems to me the last miracle our Lord performed was when He undid that bit of impulsive ear cutting that Peter had done when he took that sword and wizzed it past the servant Malcus’ ear and cut it off. Jesus grabbed it and put it back on and said, that’s no way to act. Put up your sword.

But all the miracles that lie in between were dramatic miracles, colorful and significant, whirlwind miracles in some instances. For our Lord was a wonder-worker. Every part of nature had to yield to Him. He turned the water into wine. And men have been arguing ever since whether it was Welch’s grape juice or wine with alcohol in it. It mattered little. He turned water into wine. And the miracle was that He could do it. And when our Lord came to the sick, He healed them. When He came to the devil-possessed, He commanded the devil to go out. When our Lord stood upon the rocking deck, our tiny boat tossed by the buoyancy of the waves and blown by the fierceness of the winds, He spoke to the water and He rebuked the wind and there was a great calm.

Everything our Lord did was wonderful. The tenderness of a son, when He gave the widow back her boy when they were on the way to the graveyard. The tenderness of a brother, when He gave back Jairus his little 12-year-old daughter. Handed her with a smile back and said, here she is. Sit up daughter, it’s time to go to school. He used the language, the simple language they say, that they used in those days to call children. You’ve called your child when it’s school time. And Jesus used those words, and with the tenderness of a brother, He called his little sister up from her dead sleep, and all down through His ministry, what He did was wonderful. How tender and how kind when the woman who was bleeding over 12 years received a sudden deliverance, and with a word, He staunched the debilitating flow of blood. And she went away with shining face to tell everybody that the hem of His garment had healing power in it.

So, the works of our Lord were always dramatic works. Always, they were amazing works. I wonder if John had it in mind when he said, we beheld His glory. We beheld Him still the waves. We beheld Him cast out devils. We beheld Him give sight to eyes long blind. We beheld Him as He raised the dead. I wonder. I think not my friends. I’d like to agree with you. I hear sermons on the radio sometimes that make the physical body everything, and works of miracle everything. And I wish that I could go along with such interpretation and say, the glory of Jesus Christ lay in his ability to cast out devils, that the glory of Jesus Christ lay in his ability to heal the sick and raise the dead and still the waves. Now, undoubtedly, that was wonderful. And He did get some praise to Himself from these necessary acts of miracles.

But, ah, I believe that there was a greater glory than merely works of wonder which our Lord manifested there. For always remember this, friends, that what a man is, is always more important to God than what he does. Remember that if a man were able to stand up and create pine trees and lakes and hills, and were not a good man, he would still be of no value to God. And let us remember, that if a man were a good man through and through, a good man and had no power at all to do any miracle, he would still be one of the sweetest treasures of God, and God would write his name on His own hands. For it is goodness that God is looking for. It is being in character and personality that God is looking for, not our ability to do amazing things.

So, it was what Jesus was that was glorious, not only what he did. In fact, what He did was secondary. What He was primary. So, Jesus Christ’s glory lay in the fact that He was perfect love in a loveless world. That He was purity in an impure world. That He was meekness in a harsh and quarrelsome world. That He evinced humility in a world where every man was seeking his own place. That He showed boundless, fathomless mercy in a hard and cruel world. That He evinced selfless goodness in a world full of selfishness. It was the deathless devotion of Jesus and the patient suffering and the unquenchable life and the grace and the truth that were in Jesus, that they beheld. They beheld His glory, the glory as the only begotten Son from a Father, full of grace and truth.

And so it was this that made Jesus wonderful. As little as the world knows about it today in all their wild money-inspired and profit-inspired celebrations, as little as the world knows about it. Even the poor, blind world is not celebrating turning water into wine. They’re not celebrating healing the sick nor raising the dead. They’re not celebrating the cursing of fig trees or the sticking on of cut-off ears. The poor, blind world, with what little bit of religious instinct it has left in it yet, is this season, celebrating what He was. And as we sing our songs and we read the editorials and squibs about Him in the magazines and papers, little is said about what He did, but everything is said about what He was. For the amazing thing was that it was God walking among men.

And here was something other than man and yet man. Here was something that was not man and yet was man. Here was God among men. Here was a man acting like God in the midst of sinful men. And this was the wonder of it all. And this was the glory that Alexander never could hope to reach for Alexander. That wild boy, the son of Philip leaped as Daniel would call him, like a goat, and trample the civilized world under his feet and conquered it and wept because there were no more worlds to conquer. Alexander never conquered himself. Alexander died a profligate, a disappointed profligate and spoiled baby. A genius on the field, but a baby in his own house.

And all together apart from His miracles, the glory of Jesus Christ shines like the brightness of the sun. For what He was had astonished the world. What He said has been amazing. What He did was wonderful, but what He was, was the crown upon all the doing and the saying. So, that we celebrate today a man who was. We celebrate today a God who became flesh. We celebrate this season, the miracle, the deep, dark mystery of the miracle of that which was not God being taken up into God, and being in flesh, so that we now have Jesus Christ, who is God, and yet also who is man.

It says, the man of God here of His fullness, have all we received in grace for grace. Out of His fullness of all we received. Now, what does that mean? Does it mean that everybody’s received of all the fullness of Jesus Christ? No, it can’t mean that. It means that Jesus Christ, the Eternal Son, is the only medium through which God dispenses His benefits with creation. And because Jesus is the Eternal Son, because He is of the eternal generation and equal with the Father as pertaining to His substance, His eternity, His love, His power, His grace, His goodness, and all of the attributes of Deity, He is the channel, He is the medium through which God dispenses all His blessings. Of His fullness have all we received out of his fullness. Ask the roe that goes down to the edge of the lake and drinks, have you received of the fullness of the lake? And the roe might answer yes and no, I am full from the lake, but I have not received of the fullness of the lake. I did not drink the lake, I only drank what I could hold of the lake.

And so of His fullness, out of the fullness of God, He has given us through Jesus Christ, grace upon grace. So that the only Medium through which God does anything is His Son. Whether He created or whether He is creating, it’s all through Jesus Christ our Lord. If He speaks, it is through the Eternal Word. If He reveals Himself, it is because He who is in the bosom of the Father has revealed Him. If He provides it is through the medium of Jesus Christ, if He sustains, it is because it can be said that He upholds all things by the Word of His power and in Him all things consist.

Alexander Patterson wrote a great book that’s now I think out of print, unless Moodys have brought it out recently. I think I heard they did. It’s called “The Greater Life and Work of Christ.” Dear old brother Gillespie gave me a copy of it years ago and I still have it. And in it, this great Baptist preacher attempts to go back to the basic foundations of things and show just what I’m giving you now. That Jesus Christ is more than simply the Redeemer of man. He is the Sustainer, the Creator, the Upholder, the Holder-Together, the adhesive quality of the universe, the medium through which God dispenses grace to all His creatures, those that will be redeemed, and those who do not need to be redeemed. For there are orders upon orders and ranks upon ranks of creatures that do not need to be redeemed. And yet they live by grace as well as the lowest sinner who is converted.

Grace must operate wherever that which is not God appeals to that which is God. Wherever the voice of the creature crosses the vast gulf to the ears of the Creator, grace must operate. We have limited grace to John 3:16. We must forget that everything God does is out of grace of His fullness. How do the angels get their broad wings? Out of His grace. How did that covering cherub who had built into him pipe organs and who was wiser than the sons of men? How did he get his wisdom and his beauty? Grace out of grace. How do the principalities and powers and mights and dominions and the ranks and the files and the columns of shining creatures that remarks through the pages of the Bible? How did they get what they have? Grace upon grace. Everything God does is by grace, for no man, no creature, no being, deserves anything. Salvation is by grace. But creation is by grace. And all that God does is out of grace. let’s remember. Every human being has received of His fullness.

What have you received? Even though you may not be saved tonight, you have yet received out of the ocean of His fullness. What of life for instance? You’ve received the life that beats in your bosom. You have received the brilliant mind that lies inside your head under the protective covering of your skull. You have received a memory that strings the events that you love as a jeweler strings pearls around a necklace, and keeps them for you as long as you live and beyond. And all that you have is out of His grace, so that Jesus Christ, the Eternal Word, who became flesh and dwelt among us is the open channel through which God moves to give all of the benefits that He gives to saints and sinners and all the continued existence that may yet be yours. Don’t think you’ve earned it. Don’t imagine it’s because you’re good or not so bad. Remember, it’s out of grace. And the whole universe is God’s beneficiary. The whole universe joins to give praise to the Lamb who was slain. And under the earth and on the earth and above the earth, John heard creatures praising Jesus Christ. And all joined to say, worthy is the Lamb. For all things were made by Him and for Him, they are created and are made and were made, so that the whole universe is a beneficiary of Jesus Christ.

And when we present Christ to men as Lord and Savior, let us remember that they have already been beneficiaries and we’re only presenting Christ in a new office. When we go to a man and say, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, we’re only saying, believe on the One who sustains you and upholds you and has given you life and pities you and spares you and keeps you. Believe on the One out of whom you came. For apart from Jesus Christ, God never did anything. The stars in their courses, the frogs that croak beside the lake, angels in heaven above, man on earth below, all came out of the channel that we call the Eternal Word. All of His fullness we have received or, we have received out of His fulness. We only present Jesus as Lord and Savior.

I said some time ago, I don’t remember where, and then I wrote it into an editorial, that there was no Saviorhood without Lordship. Somebody in the East cut out a paragraph from Sunday School Times and sent it to me. He said, read this. And I read it and I had never seen it. It was written by the man who used to be pastor of the Wheaton Bible Church. I never can straighten that name out although I know the man quite well. McCauley, McCauley, or McCauley, and here condensed into a paragraph he said what I took an editorial to say exactly the same thing, which appeared in the Sunday School Times, that Jesus Christ is both Lord and Savior, and He is Lord before He is Savior. And that if He’s not Lord, He’s not Savior. And when we present this Word, this Eternal Word who was made flesh and dwelt among us, when we present Him to men as Lord and Savior, we present Him only in His other offices. Previously, He has been Creator and Sustainer and Benefactor. Now, we present Him and asked men to believe on Him as Lord and Savior. But it’s the same Lord Jesus.

And he says, grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. Now, this is not to contrast that as grace and truth came by Jesus Christ, the law was given by Moses. This is not a contrast between the Old and New Testament. The theory that pits one testament of the Bible against the other is a false theory. The idea that the Old Testament is a book of law and the New Testament a book of grace is a theory completely false. There is as much about grace and mercy and love in the Old Testament as there is in the New. There’s more about hell in the New Testament than there is in the Old. And when it comes to judgment and the fury of God burning with fire upon sinful men and sinful creatures, it’s found in the New Testament, not in the Old. And if you want excoriating, flagellating language that skins and blisters and burns, don’t go to Jeremiah, go to Jesus Christ. Don’t go to the book of Jeremiah. Don’t go to Elijah, go to the 23rd of Matthew.

Oh, how much often does it need to be said, the God of the Old Testament is the God of the New. And the Father of the Old Testament is the Father of the New Testament. And the Christ who was made flesh that dwelt among us is the Christ who walked through all the pages of the Old Testament. Was it law that forgave David when he had committed his great sin? No, it was grace. It was Old Testament. And was it grace that said, Babylon has fallen, the great harlot has fallen, Babylon has fallen? No, it was law.

So there is no contrast as we falsely assume. God never pits the Father against the Son. He never pits the Old Testament against the New. What He says here is, and the contrast is between all that Moses could do and all that Christ could do. The law was given by Moses. That was all that Moses could do, for Moses was not the channel through which God dispensed grace. Moses was the law-giver. And Moses did all Moses could do. For God did not choose Moses as the channel through which grace should flow to the world. He chose His only begotten Son. And so the contrast, the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ means only that all this could do would be to command righteousness, but Jesus Christ produces righteousness.

All that Moses could do would be to forbid us to sin. But Jesus Christ came to save us from sin. Not pit us against each other, but One doing what the other could not do, for Moses could not save, but Jesus could save. And the Holy Ghost in Romans says, the law that Moses gave was holy and just and good and must not be spoken against, but it could not save. But because Jesus Christ is the Eternal Son, the channel through which God dispenses grace to the world, grace came through Jesus Christ. And I ask you to notice, my brethren, that grace came through Jesus Christ before Mary wept in the manger. Grace came by Jesus Christ before He became flesh to dwell among us. For it was the grace of God in Christ that saved the human race from extinction when they sinned in the garden. It was the grace of God in Jesus Christ yet to be born that saved the eight persons when the flood covered the earth.

And it was the grace of God in Jesus Christ yet to be born, but existing in pre-incarnation glory that forgave David when he committed his sin, forgave Abraham when he lied, that enabled Abraham to pray God down to ten when He was threatening to destroy Sodom. He forgave Israel time and time again. It was the grace of God in Christ, yet before the Incarnation that made God say, I have risen early in the morning and stretched out My hand unto you. it made Him say, as a father pities his children, so the Lord pities them that fear Him. Jesus is the channel through which grace comes. Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. And He said, I am the Truth. It’s through Him that grace is released to the world, released through the wounded side, to sinners like you and me. And all the grace of God anywhere comes through Jesus Christ.

Then he says, no man hath seen God at any time. But the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father. He hath declared Him. I get quite amusement out of the problems of the translators, not being a translator or ever attempting it. I get a lot of, I don’t know whether it’s completely holy or not, but it’s fun. I enjoy the frustrations of the translators. God’s Word is just too big for them. They just can’t make it. When they come to this word here in the Greek, but the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him; in English in the King James, it’s declared. But in other versions, they, they skirt it, they go around it, they plunge through it. They use two or three words, and then they back down to one. And they do everything they can do to try to say what the Holy Ghost said. And then they give up. They can’t say. Our English just won’t say. We get to it and try to say it and we use a dozen synonyms.

And when we’ve used up our words, we still haven’t said all that God has said, when He said that nobody had ever looked at God. Nobody had ever seen God, but Jesus Christ when He came, showed us what He was like. And I guess that simple, primer language is as good as any. No man hath seen God at any time but the only begotten Son who was in the bosom of the Father. He hath shown us what He’s like. He has declared Him. He has set Him forth. He has revealed Him the translators say shifting their language to try to get at this wonderful miracle of meaning. The Man who walked in Galilee was God acting like God, with God limited deliberately, having crossed the mysterious, yawning gulf between God and not God, God and creature, taking upon Him the form of a man to become flesh to dwell among us.

No man hath seen God at any time, but it says, the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the Father. I want you to notice it’s not who was in the bosom, who will be in the bosom, but is in the bosom. It’s in the present, perpetual tense, continuous tense I think the grammarians call it. It’s the language of continuous and even when He hung on the cross, He did not leave the bosom of the Father. You say, how then, Mr. Tozer? How could He cry, my God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me? Was He frightened? Was He mistaken? Never, never. He was never mistaken about anything. Then what was it?

You say He never left the bosom of the Father. And He said, why hast Thou forsaken me? The answer is very plain. The answer is this, that even when Christ died on the unholy, fly-infested cross for mankind, He never divided the Godhead. You cannot, says the old theologians, divide the substance. Not all of the swords of Nero could ever cut down through the substance of the Godhead, to cut off the Father from the Son. But it was the Man who cried, why hath Thou forsaken me. It was Mary’s son who cried. It was the body which God gave Him. It was the Lamb about to die. It was the sacrifice that cried. It was the human Jesus. It was the Son of Man that cried. But the ancient and timeless Deity was never separated. And He was still in the bosom of the Father when He cried, into Thy hands I commend my spirit. For, Father, Son and the Holy Ghost are forever one, inseparable, indivisible and can never be anything else.

So, the Eternal Father never turned his back on the Eternal Word, for He was always in the bosom of the Father. But the Eternal Father turned His back on the Son, the Son of Man, the Sacrifice, the Lamb to be slain. And in the blind terror and pain of it all, the Sacrifice, the Lamb temporarily become sin for us, knew Himself forsaken. God dumped all that vast, bubbling, boiling, seething, dirty, slimy mess of human sin on the soul of His Son and then backed away. And in that moment of anguish, He cried, why have You forsaken me? But in the next breath, He could say, Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit.

So, the Cross did not divide the Godhead. Nothing could ever do that. One forever, indivisible, the Substance undivided, the Persons unconfounded. Oh, the wonder of the ancient theology of the Christian church. How little we know of it in our day of likeminded shallowness, and how much we ought to know it. No man hath seen God at any time, but the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father. He hath shown Him fully.

Now, the mystery of atonement had to be performed. Why in the Old Testament, why in the Old Testament, did the priests go behind the veil, perform the ritual of atonement, and then come out from behind the veil. And priests specially prepared, rush to close that thick veil and hide the holy place. It was God saying in beautiful symbolism that there would be a day when another Priest with other blood should enter into a realm where the mind of man could never penetrate. And there in a mystery too deep and dark and wonderful for a man to understand, all alone with none to help him. Not David His lover, not Abraham his friend, not Paul, no one alone in the silence and the darkness should make atonement for sin. That’s what happened when God stepped back and allowed Him to die. But briefly and quickly, His heart was joined again to the love of God. And three days later, He was raised from the dead and ascended to the right hand of God the Father Almighty man from whence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

And now, the closing line, He has declared Him. What is it He declared about God? There are profundities that He could never declare. There are depths that He could never declare. But there are some things He could declare and did and does. He declared God’s holy being, and above all, for us for poor sinners, He declared His love and His mercy. So He set Him forth and Jesus Christ tells us in His tender, human being that God has a care for us.

I remember hearing years ago of some boys, at that time I didn’t understand it as I might understand it now. Four or five sons had been reared in a home. And the old folks were wordless. They didn’t say much. They didn’t show much affection. Nobody did. And the boys didn’t after they were babies. They quit kissing their parents and quit using words of affection and grew to be strong men and married and separated and got away. They seldom came home and seldom wrote. And then mother’s time had about come they thought, and they sent for the boys. And they said, if you want to see her, come. They came, all of them, big fine fellows now, each with his own home and his own business and job. And they stood around her bed and one of them said, Mother, we want you to know that you meant a lot to us boys. We haven’t been unappreciative. We’ve loved you, and we thank you. Then they separated. And when they were gone from her, she turned and said to someone by her side, oh, if they’d only told me before. These years, I wondered if I’d meant anything to them. These years, I thought I’d failed them, but now they tell me, we’re so thankful. If they’d only told me.

You know, it’s possible to feel a lot you don’t tell. It’s possible to have fine intentions you never make known. And how easy it might have been for God to have loved us and never told us. To have been merciful toward us and never revealed it. But the Scripture says, nobody ever saw God but the only begotten Son. Some translations say the only begotten God, who is in the bosom of the Father. He has told us. He came to tell us what the silence never told us. He came to tell us what not even Moses could tell us. He came to tell us, God cares and God loves and God has a plan. And God is carrying out that plan. Before it’s all finished, there’ll be a multitude that no man can number redeemed out of every tongue and tribe and nation. That’s what He told us. He set Him forth. He revealed God’s being, God’s love, God’s grace, mercy, good intention, redemptive intention, saving intention. He set it forth. He bought. He gave it to us. Here it is. It’s ours. Now, we have only to turn and believe and accept and take and follow. It’s all ours.

Well, I think that’s what I want to say tonight. May God bless us. Our wings aren’t very broad, but by flapping them real fast we can at least get off the ground. Thank God for the Truth, for the Word, for the Eternal Son. For the One we present to you as Lord and Savior, is He your Lord and Savior tonight?


Tozer Talks

During the week of December 4, we are going to present three messages related to the Incarnation. The first of which is “The Personal Application of Christ’s Coming into the World,” A complete transcript as well as the original message audio is at

“All Life’s Problems are Basically Theological”

All Life’s Problems are Basically Theological

Pastor and author A.W. Tozer

June 21, 1959

I have this morning, three texts in the book of Ephesians. Paul’s letter to the Ephesian Christians the fourth chapter, verses 21 to 24. If so be that you have heard Him, his Christ, and have been taught by Him as the truth is in Jesus, that you put off concerning the former conversation, conduct, the old man which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, that you put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. And Paul again, in Colossians, the third chapter, verses 9 and 10. Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds, and have put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created him.

Then in the book of Hebrews, which I think also that Paul wrote that we’re not certain. It doesn’t matter. The words of the writer to the Hebrews 12:9 and following. Furthermore, we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us and we gave them reverence. Shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of spirits, and live? For they verily, for a few days chastened us after their own pleasure, or as it seemed good to them. They didn’t enjoy it, but they felt they had it to do. They verily, for a few days chastened us as seemed right to them. But God for our profit chastens us that we might be partakers of His holiness.

And the longer I live, the more I’m convinced that all the problems of life are at the bottom, theological problems. That there aren’t any other kind, really. That all problems that psychology is trying to settle are at bottom, theological, really. And all the problems that industry, labor is trying to settle, could be settled if they were recognized as also being theological problems. Political problems and all social problems are at bottom, theological. I mean by that, this, that if you forget that God is and think of man just as being here, somehow, without any thought of his origin, then you have at least a dozen major problems on your hands. And the attempt to solve one upsets another. If you try to solve a social problem, you get yourself into a political problem and political problem upsets a labor problem, and labor problem creates an industrial problem.

And so we go mixing ourselves up because we’re thinking of ourselves apart from our origin. If we realize that God made us and made us in His image, and that our first responsibility is to Him. Then, if we went on through the truth revealed to us and settled that responsibility or met it, we’d settle our theological problems and automatically, the other problems would fall into place. It wouldn’t mean there wouldn’t be something to do, but it would mean that we had hold of the heart of it and that we could solve it without disrupting something else.

Out in nature it is the same. Down where we live in the poor section of Beverly Hills, we used to have birds. I remember even as much as last year, no longer ago than last year and the year before, we’d wake up in the morning or they would wake us up, but I never again have complained about being wakened up by birds, birds of all kinds singing. You never heard a choir sing as they sang. Now, we have two or three kinds. I heard a cuckoo this morning, and the ever-present jay, of course, and the robins. And of course, you can’t kill an English sparrow. But those are about the four that are left. What happened to the rest? What happened to the rest is this, that the elm blight came through the country, and the proper authorities decided to try to stay the elm blight and I am for them because I think that if we lost the elm tree from this section of the country, we would lose one of the most beautiful and ornamental trees that’s possible to imagine. So they sprayed the elm trees to get rid of the elm blight. Little worms ate the elm leaf or other things that were touched by this poison. It didn’t bother the worm, but the birds ate the worms and died. And they died by the hundreds of thousands.

Now, I use that as an illustration only. I don’t know who’s right nor who’s wrong. It’s very difficult because one thing upsets another and you get one thing straightened out and another one is on your hands. So it is in politics and society and in industry and everywhere. The attempt to settle one thing unsettles another, because we do not realize that God is and that God made us and that originally He made us in His image. Now that’s one of the great pillars of our faith, that God made us in His image.

A second great pillar of our faith, I’d scarcely call it a pillar of our faith, but it’s a fact necessary to the understanding of all other truths, that man fell. And that man who originally came from God’s hand, in God’s likeness, fell and lost that likeness, or at least had that likeness marred as a vandal might cut and smear and marr a great masterpiece in an art gallery. The artist, or the one who knows about such things might be able yet to find traces of the artistry of the master in that picture, but it’s yet ruined and nobody would buy it. So, it is with mankind. In mankind, there are traces of the image of God. Every mother that holds a baby to her in her arms and smiles down with love, is showing that there is yet remaining, there are yet remaining some traces of the image of God. But it’s a marred image. The vandal we call sin has slashed it and smeared it and ruined it.

Now, the third great truth that we must remember is that God sent His Son Jesus Christ to the world in order that He might undo the works of the devil and sin, and that He might bring back again the image of God to man. That’s what my text said first, that God meant to restore us again unto His image. God isn’t satisfied. If we could imagine a Rembrandt coming back from where we hope he is with God, and seeing where some vandal had used acid or some other thing to destroy one of his masterpieces, or had painted it over. And that artist, out of love and pride, should want to restore that picture until it was shining once more in all its early glory.

So, the great God who looks upon mankind and sees bits of His image there and knows it’s His handiwork, knows indeed that it’s His masterpiece. He sees also the filth and the slashing and the efforts of sin to destroy that masterpiece. And God, out of His own pride and for His own glory, sets out to restore that masterpiece again to His own image. And He does it through Jesus Christ our Lord. For the texts say that plainly here. We have put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him who created Him. And if so be ye have heard and taught to put off concerning the form of conduct of the old man and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, that you put on the new man which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness. This is the purpose of God.

And then in the Hebrew text it says that to do this, to restore this picture back to the image of God again, to make men like God, He has methods. And the first and primary one is of course, is redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ the Lord. But then granted that men are redeemed, Christians are His children. Then He works on those children as the eager, indignant Artist, loving Artist, loving because it’s His handiwork, indignant because it’s been marred, proud with His own reputation depending upon it, He goes to work to restore that masterpiece. So God goes to work to restore the masterpiece again. And the Spirit says that even as earthly fathers, in order that they might bring their children into some semblance of civilized decency and bring them up as they should, they chasten them. But God chastens us for His own profit that we might be partakers of His holiness. God is of course primarily holy, and the restoration of the soul to God is the restoration of that soul in holiness.

Now, I want to point out, if I were an old 17th century preacher, I’d probably have my point something like this: wherein we cannot be like God, wherein we can be like God, and the method by which God makes us like Himself. That sounds like least an hour and a half, but it will be shorter. Wherein we cannot be like God. I point out to you that though men are made in the image of God originally, and it is the purpose of God to restore us to that image, there are attributes which God cannot impart to a creature. Let me name some of them, self-existence for instance. No creature can say, I AM, and have a complete sentence. But God said, I AM, and put a period there. God is self-existent and self-sufficient. Only God can say I am, and make it stick forever without modifying it. God cannot give to His creatures self-existence or self-sufficiency, because His creatures depend every moment upon Him and He depends upon nothing and no one because He is God. Again, God cannot impart eternity to His children. There was a time when we were not and God’s spake and we came into existence. We can live forever, exist through all eternity, but we can’t turn the clock back and go back and start the beginning of eternity which has no beginning. Only God is eternal. And He gives eternal life, but eternal life that is, what would we say, unilateral, running one direction, only out into the eternal future, not into the eternal past. There was a time when man was not, but the eternal God was.

And God made man in His image and then man was. So man had a birthdate. Man had a time when he was created. God could mark it on a calendar of the eternal centuries and say, here is where man began. So, God can’t impart His eternity to us. He cannot impart His infinitude. Infinitude of course being limitlessness, boundlessness. We all have limits by virtue of the fact we’re creatures. The archangels around the throne have limits. The seraphim that burn beside the sea of fire have limits. The greatest geniuses that have ever graced our world in any field of human endeavor have all had limits. Any student of Shakespeare will run into passages that Shakespeare never should have written. And every critic, every man who studies a little will smile and shrug and say, well, that was Shakespeare at his worst. He had he limits.

I remember once being at a recital where they were singing the Messiah, and the song director we had here years ago, Mr. Marston Pierson, many of you remember, was with me. We had the score in front of us and were watching and looking on while the Apollo Club sang Messiah. And before we started, we were chatting and I said, Marston, I’d have one criticism of the Messiah. He said, What’s that? He smiled down with a big expansive smile of his and I said, it’s too long. Well, he said, I’ll tell you, Mr. Tozer, that would be a question of your judgment against Handel’s, and I’ll go along with Handel. And I smiled and admitted that he had a point. But after they began to sing, then I noticed that every once in a while they skipped a chorus. And they would skip another chorus. Then they would skip five or six pages. Then they would skip a solo. And they’d skip another chorus. And along toward the end I said, how’s this they’re skipping so much. Oh, he said, nobody ever does all of the Messiah. I felt better. I still think it’s too long. Even Handel had his imperfection.

And the finest composers that ever lived couldn’t escape themselves. I don’t promise always and I don’t want to be put to the test, but I think if you’ll put on a record, and if it’s Mozart, I’ll know it. He couldn’t escape himself. He had a happy, joyous disposition that wouldn’t go two bars until it started shouting, delighted to be alive, and it’s there and you can’t help it. Every man has his limitations. The angels of God have their limitations, but God has no limitations because God embraces in Himself in one effortless embrace all that there is. God can’t impart that to you. You’re limited. He is infinite. Again, God can’t impart His omnipotence. And he can’t impart His omniscience. You can know a great deal and you can know increasingly, but you never can know all. The only person that knows everything is a freshman in college. But as he goes on, he knows less and less until he gets his degree. And by the time he gets his PhD, he knows still less.

A man who just had his PhD degree, gotten it, wrestled it out of New York University, I was talking with him. And he said, you know what they did to me? And I said no, Harold, what did they do? He said, they examined me on things I hadn’t studied. And he said, when they had reduced me to blubbering incompetence where I didn’t know anything, they gave me the degree. They said that’s the way they did it. They gave a degree of Doctor of Philosophy to a man not because of what he knew, but because of what he knew he didn’t know. And I’ve said to many colleges where I’ve spoken, that if I was grading students, I would never grade them on what they know. I would grade them on what they knew they didn’t know. That would be far and away better because, if you’re graded on what you know, you never can pick up anything but a little sand by the seashore. But if you’re conscious of how much there is that you don’t know and that you’ll never know, you’ll have at least humility on your side. But if you’re graded by how much you know, you’re likely to have pride, and a pride that has no foundation. So you see, there are attributes of God that He cannot impart to us. What is it then that God would impart? In what does He mean when he says made in His image, restored to His image through redemption?

Well, there are attributes of character. These that I have named before, are attributes of being, and as attributes of being they belong to the uncreated God. But there are attributes of character that God can impart to His creature. What are they? Let me name seven of them briefly. First of them is love. Love is an attribute of character, not of being. An act of good will toward all creatures, not necessarily an emotional binge. We’ve degraded love in our day until we don’t know what it is. And the God who made Adam to love Eve, wouldn’t recognize this whimpering, psychotic stuff now that we call love. Love is active goodwill toward all creatures, the love that rejoices in the good of all. And God is love and supremely God has this quality of character and He would impart it to all of His children. That we also, I have no malice, no grudges, no hard feelings, no ill will, no evil wishes, but only a high goodwill toward all mankind with the wish and hope that everyone might prosper, forgive everyone and love everyone.

Then there’s righteousness. Righteousness is not an attribute of being but an attribute of character. And all the acts of God are in harmony with righteousness, and He would restore His people to righteousness. I have no confidence whatsoever as I said yesterday on the radio. I have no confidence whatsoever in any kind of Christianity that doesn’t make a man good. I know that a lot of us have a fear that we might emulate the Catholics and preach salvation by merit. We’ve gone so far the other way that the New Testament doesn’t recognize it. There’s a horrible incongruity in the universe. God redeems us unto righteousness. And the first way you should be able to tell a Christian is by the fact that he’s a good man.

Then there’s mercy. Mercy is an attribute of character, love operating toward all sinful creatures. Quality of mercy is not strange, it then falleth like the gentle rain from heaven upon the place below. And mercy of course we can all show. And there’s patience, long-suffering it’s called elsewhere in the Scriptures, long-suffering. I want to break down here and admit that all the years I’ve served Christ, this is my toughest one. I don’t know Brother whether you have any tough ones or not. But this is my toughest one. To be patient and to wait and to be long-suffering with people who ought to know better. That’s the hardest thing for me, and that’s temperamental. That isn’t because I’m good necessarily, that’s temperamental. I got that and I know where I got it. I can show you pictures of the man that passed that on to me. It was my English father.

But God is patient and long-suffering, and He waits and He waits and He waits. Think how long God waits? The ability to wait and keep sweet is a god-like virtue. And God would pass that on to us, but He can’t give that to us as you would give a man a dollar or ten dollars. That has to be wrought into the man, beaten into him as a woman beats flavoring into a cake batter, beaten in until it’s all thoroughly mixed, patience, long-suffering. And there’s gentleness, mercy operating toward the weak and the vulnerable. And there’s faithfulness, integrity toward every moral obligation, toward God, toward each other. And there is purity, holiness above all qualities. This is probably the one that takes the others all in, holiness of character, unmixed perfection. Now, all this is summed up in the phrase, of His holiness.

Redemption, I repeat, undertakes to restore the character of God to the character of a man. It undertakes through Jesus Christ, beginning with the new birth, to go on to perfect that man and make that man God-like in his character. I’m glad God is patient. If He were not patient, He would take His hand and wipe the church from the face of the earth, for we’re certainly a long way from being God-life. But, it’s the purpose of God in redemption to restore us unto His image. This is the ultimate purpose of God, conformed to the image of His Son it says in Romans 8:29. And the possession of this image is the bliss of heaven and the absence of this image is the grief of hell. And it’s imperfect possession in the church is the cause of all of our troubles. It produces discontent and unhappiness. It’s the cause of spiritual weakness. It’s the source of coldness. It’s the cause of quarrels and divisions among Christians.

So, the way of God in bringing to us His own image again, you can’t do it in an easy way. This is the time when everybody wants everything done in an easy way. They say now, no more mussy ice cubes. I can remember when ice cubes weren’t known. You had to saw your ice out of the nearby pond and put it in sawdust and keep it over winter. And we got refrigeration, and women thought they were in Utopia. Now, they’re calling it mussy. And they’re figuring on something else. I don’t know or remember what. I never listen to closely to the commercials. But I remember hearing that. The thing that ten years ago was the latest invention. Now it’s considered old-fashioned and you scorn it for something new. We want everything so that we put a nickel in the slot, pull the lever down and take it and go.

Religion has degenerated into that too. No, no, my friend. God doesn’t make things like that. God doesn’t put a few grains of dust on His hand and blow and there’s a flock of chickens. God has a hen lay an egg and then sit on that egg 21 days and then watch over what she’s hatched out for another month and a half. God doesn’t speak and the tree grows, but He lets a seedling get in there and swell with moisture until it suddenly burst. Then up comes the sprout. Winter follows Fall and Fall follows Summer and Summer follows Spring year in and year out until two or three generations of human beings have come and gone and then there stands a tall noble tree there. God works slowly and sometimes He works painfully.

And the more wonderful the object God is trying to bring into being, the more painful it’s likely to be, and the more trouble it’s likely to cause. Why doesn’t God whisper and have a baby born? Because He’s got something wonderful in mind. So, He takes it the slow, inconvenient, painful way. And after inconvenience and discomfort and trouble, comes what Jesus called the sorrows of a woman, then the baby. But is it all over? No, she spends the next fifteen years keeping him from committing suicide accidentally. Trouble, trouble, trouble all the time, because she’s rearing a man. She’s bringing up a man, a man-child, said Jesus, is born into the world.

And the more wonderful the creature is, the longer it takes God to bring it to maturity. So, it is with a Christian. He works on us and works in us and chastises us and corrects us and humbles us and encourages us and humbles us again. He chastises us once more and humbles us again and encourages us some more until we become a partaker of His Holiness. This is so vital, so vital, so critically important that He should restore the image of His Son again in us and we should be made back into the image of God from which we fell.

So vitally important it is that it should engage our painstaking attention, Bible searching, prayer, self-examination, cooperation with God, humbling of ourselves, self-sacrifice, meditation, every means of grace, the church, the sermon, the song. Every means of grace that God has placed before us we should use, that we might work with God and having His holy image restored again in our souls.

For remember, the imperfect image of God in the Christian soul is the cause of all of his troubles. And no image of God in the soul, is the terror of hell. And the image of God perfectly restored is the bliss of heaven. May God grant that we would be wise enough to work with Him in His slow and sometimes painful, but wondrous plan to restore again in the souls of His people, His own image that we might be like Him and someday might gaze without embarrassment on His holy face. Amen.


Tozer Talks

“The Knowledge of God I”

The Knowledge of God I

Pastor and author A.W. Tozer

June 24, 1956

This will be the first this morning of a series of four messages on the knowledge of God or religious knowledge. I want to talk about the knowledge of God and the three degrees of knowledge which it is possible for us to have. And I will talk generally this morning about this and give an illustration which I want you to keep in mind for the rest of the four sermons, or three sermons that follow. And then I will talk about the three degrees, the knowledge furnished by reason, the knowledge furnished by faith and the knowledge furnished by the Holy Spirit. Those will be the next three after today.

I want to read a number of Scriptures. John 17:3, you know what that is, this is eternal life, that they might know Thee, the only true God and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent. Philippians 3:10, Paul said that I might know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His suffering and be made conformable unto His death. We will simply take the line, that I might know Him. And life is that you might know God, and that I might know Christ.

Then there are some other texts which I want to read. One is in Romans 1:19, 20, Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them, for God hath showed it unto them. For the invisible things of Him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things which are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse. Then in Hebrews 11, this passage, now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. For by it, the elders obtained a good report. Through faith, we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God so that things which are seen were not made by things which do appear. Now, it’s through faith we understand this. And then 1 Corinthians 2:12,13. Now we have received not the spirit of the world but the Spirit which is of God, that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak not in the words which man’s wisdom teaches, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

Now, we read in the John quotation, that eternal life is not a thing. Eternal life is a knowledge. This is eternal life that they might know Thee, the only true God. And I hardly need to say to you that when the man of God wrote this word “know” in here, he didn’t mean that we should gain the meaning from it, of merely intellectual cognizance. As when I say, I know Hamlet, I read it. I know Mr. Jones; I have been introduced to him. I know the multiplication tables, something that we receive into our minds. John didn’t mean that when he said that this is eternal life. Of course, it was Jesus Himself that said it, as if there were any distinction between the words of our Lord and the words of an inspired apostle. But to be accurate, Jesus said in His prayer to His Father, this is eternal life, that they might know Thee. That knowledge is a deep inner thing. And we want to talk about that over these days ahead, these Sundays before us, that deep inner thing, not the grasp of the mind, not the intellectual cognizance, but something profounder than that. But that is here, that this is eternal life, to know God and know Jesus Christ.

Then Paul’s sentence in Philippians, the third, where he sums up his life motto, that I might know Him. Now this is, I think it might be said, I don’t like to speak for another man who can’t be here to defend himself, but I think I would be safe in saying that those words, that I might know Him, those five words, probably more than any other words, sum up that which made Paul run. That was the motivating power in the life of the man. What an ignoble and base conception of Christianity, to believe that Paul’s interest in Jesus Christ was to escape hell. What a tragic and terrible breakdown in our spiritual thinking that we should imagine that Paul’s interest in Jesus Christ was that he might sit in the New Jerusalem or that he might pick flowers on the hillsides of glory, as somebody inelegantly called it.

Now, the knowledge of Jesus Christ does deliver us from the results of our own sins, and it does make heaven our future home. But these are byproducts of Christianity and not the center and the core of it. The core of the Christian faith is that I might know God. This is eternal life that I might know God. And this is the destiny and destination, the full future for my life, that I might know Him better. And so the perpetually increasing and everlastingly growing knowledge of God will be our heaven.

Some people might wonder why I don’t preach more on heaven. I don’t preach very much on heaven. There are several reasons. I don’t know very much about heaven as a location. I believe in it as a location, but there’s not very much said about it. But there may be other reasons that I don’t know of unhidden to me why I don’t preach more on heaven. But I believe that heaven will take care of itself, if our relation to God is right. And if our relation to Christ is right, we will need to worry about the matter of heaven or hell. And incidentally, I don’t preach very much on hell either. Fortunately, there isn’t much known about hell. Only we know it’s there, and we know it’s the end of a Christless life and the bottom of a Christless grave. And we know heaven is there and is to be entered someday. I wouldn’t say the end of the Christian life, but it’s to be at least within the framework it’s received. It’s there. It belongs to us, heaven is ours.

But the main business for you and me in God and in religion now, is not to know all we can about heaven, though you may do that. That’s good too, or know all we can about hell. But our main occupation in which we should be constantly engrossed as well as engaged, is that we might know God and His Son Jesus Christ. That we might know God the Father and Jesus Christ to the point of having eternal life, before we even join any church or claim that we’re Christians at all, or take upon ourselves the name of Jesus, or call God our Father. And then, not stopping there where a great many Christians do, but going on to make a career out of knowing Jesus Christ better.

Now, this knowledge that I have been talking about, the knowledge of God and divine things, have three degrees. And there are three degrees distinguished. There is the knowledge furnished by reason in the Roman’s text, the knowledge furnished by faith in the Hebrew’s text, and the knowledge furnished by the Spirit in the Corinthian text. Now, these correspond to a very beautiful illustration, or a very beautiful order in the Old Testament. It is an illustration maybe, rather than a type. You will notice that I don’t talk very much about types. I broke a set of teeth on types when I was a young fellow. And I’ve reacted a bit from types. I believe there are some types in the Bible all right. I don’t doubt that at all. I believe that there are certain historic facts, while they are historic facts, nevertheless, have been so placed there, that they mean something else beside what they mean.

Could I illustrate an illustration, if you will forgive me by saying this, that a diamond in a wedding ring, or a wedding ring on the finger is a fact. It is a reality. It’s an entity in itself. It is not an imaginative thing nor a poetic thing, it is a reality. You can take it off and hold it and weigh it and measure it and evaluate it and lose it and find it, and it is a reality. It’s a testable reality. But to the woman that wears it, it’s something more than that. To the woman that wears it, it has a secondary meaning that someone not familiar with the circumstances would not realize at all. It speaks of something beyond itself.

Now, in the Old Testament, there are some historic happenings which speak of something beyond themselves. That does not mean as some of our Neo-orthodox brethren would have us believe that that never happened historically, but that it is a beautiful figure, a story told to illustrate. Now, that did happen, everything in the Bible did happen. It is an historic entity. It is a hard thing that you can check and say, now this happened within a given day or year, under the sun, a certain hour of the day, in a certain historic and national and ethnic setting, this is reality. But by the good grace of God and through the mystery of the Holy Ghost, it may mean something more than that. It may, as the ring does, have another meaning lying beyond it and above it, which the wise will understand, and that doesn’t cancel out the historicity of the happening. It did happen, but it’s in the will of God it happened that we might see beyond it.

Israel coming out of being in bondage in Egypt for 400 years. Now that was a historic fact. But it’s set forth to the church ever since Calvary, it has set forth the fact that man in his bondage is in Egypt, and he’s a sinner in Egypt. And when he was delivered by the blood of the Passover, that was a historic fact. But the church of Christ has seen down the centuries that that was more than a historic fact. That was a historic fact with a high symbolic and spiritual meaning. So that to this day, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper and it dates back to the Passover and the shedding of the blood and the dying lamb and the sprinkled blood and the deliverance and the distraught people being delivered at night.

Now that’s what I mean when I say an illustration that couldn’t be a type. I don’t believe everything is a type by a long way. And I don’t read the Bible with types in mind. But when something sets forth as beautifully and as clearly a truth as this I now shall mention, why, I am not going to be like the man of whom it was said, so much he scorned the throng, that if the crowd by chance went right, he purposely went wrong. I don’t want to do it that way.

So, let’s look for a little at the Old Testament tabernacle, the Levitical order. In Hebrews 9 & 10 it tells us, that these things were a pattern of the things in the heaven, and that they were a figure of the truth and a shadow of good things to come. God built, and caused to be built into the Old Testament tabernacle and Levitical system, God cause to be built into it, this secondary thing, this heavenly thing, this thing that is divine and eternal. And so affixed its so, that it would illustrate and reveal as by light shining in, a truth that is so heavenly, you couldn’t get hold of it if you didn’t have an earthly illustration.

Now let’s look at that tabernacle. For instance, you could imagine a building without any roof on it, but with sides, with walls, and that building, an enclosure rather than a building, is 150 feet long and 75 feet wide and open to the sky. And there is no door in this enclosure, anywhere around, until you come to the east, and face to East always. And on the east side, there was quite a wide opening, a door, or a gate, a portal. And across that gate, that portal, there was a vail. And then inside, inside of this enclosure, there were three things observable as soon as you went in. One was an altar and the other was a laver. And on that altar, the priests slew the lambs and the heifers. And in that laver, the priests washed themselves.

But now, within that enclosure, there was a smaller enclosure, a smaller building, called rightly, the tabernacle. The other was the outer court. And that tabernacle of course, was much smaller than this enclosure, and it was divided into two parts. And it was entered by a veil. There was a veil that allowed them to enter. The first enclosure you entered and you saw just two things, the laver and the altar, and you saw also this building. But it was shut out by a veil, and you entered through that veil, and then inside there you saw a table upon which was bread for the priests. And you saw seven candlesticks shining light there, because there was no light that could reach it from above. It was completely enclosed. And then of course, there was the table, the candlestick, and the altar of incense, meaning prayer of course. And then, there was another veil there that invited your attention. But nobody dare pass through that veil. That was the veil that shut off the priests from the Holy of Holies, where dwelt only God. And in there, there was only one piece of furniture. And that was the Ark of the Covenant, or the Holy Ark. And in that ark, there was the Law. And over that ark, there was a mercy seat. And above that mercy seat, there were the wings of the cherubim. Between the wings of the cherubim, there was a flaming fire which was the Shekinah.

Now descriptions are always a little bit boresome. And I know you were bored by that, but I think from here on, we’ll be all right. That these three divisions correspond to the three kinds of knowledge, we keep that in the back of our minds while we talk about those three kinds of knowledge for the days ahead. There was the first, the court of the priests, the outer court.  And they could worship there. and it was of God, all right, and God owned it. And God didn’t reject it. It was God’s doings. God put it there. And the sacrifice was made there. And the laver was there. But, it was the light of the sun by day and of the moon, by stars by night that lighted that enclosure. It was by the light of nature. And that corresponds to the first degree of divine knowledge, which is the knowledge that comes by reason.

Religion makes two mistakes. One of them, I think there are three mistakes maybe. One of them is, religion makes reason everything. The other is, that religion makes reason nothing. And the third is, that religion fails to understand what reason is. I think those are three mistakes. Fundamentalism tends to make reason nothing at all. It just isn’t anything. And all you have to do is to condemn a man to the seventh hell as to call him a brain, say, that man’s a brain. He’s a very intellectual man. And immediately the mark of Cain is on his noble, expansive brow, placed there by his brethren.

Brethren, that is a mistake, a great mistake. God Almighty made all the brains you have. And He is not apologizing for them. God isn’t going to any devil or any archangel and saying, I’m awfully sorry, I was busy with something else and I made a mistake. I put brains in a human head, and I’m awfully sorry. And if you’ll overlook this, I’ll try to be more careful. God never apologized to anybody for putting brains in a man’s head.

So that’s reason. Reason works on nature. Reason works through its senses, through the five senses, and through deductions drawn from the data of the five senses, so that we have this text, the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handiwork. Now, that’s pure reason. That’s the light of nature that comes down from above. There isn’t anything mysterious about that. It’s divine, but it’s not mysterious. You know certain things, and we do know certain things. There’s a Light that lighteth every man that comes into the world. And everybody knows something about God. And everybody knows something about divine things. Don’t think we don’t. We do. Everybody knows it. The heathen, the Danies in the Baliem Valley, know a little bit about God. They think they came up from the river and never were created. And at least they’ve gone that far. They know a little.

Everybody can know a little. We see the sun by day and the moon by night. We see the stars that twinkle in their far distance there. And we hear the roar of the wind, and we see the lightning strike the oak. And we see the mother kitten curl down and nestle up against her kittens. And we see the wonder and the beauty of nature all around about us. We know each other. And so we learn something. And we learn something of the God who made it all, as I learned something of Shakespeare from reading his play, or of Milton from reading Paradise Lost. I don’t see him but I learned something about him. Reason tells me something about the author when I see the book. Reason tells me something of the artist when I see the painting. So, when I look around on God’s world, I know something about God. That’s the light of nature. That’s reason. And you can know something about God through nature and through reason. Let’s not throw that out.

Back in earlier in more restful days, they talked about what they called natural theology, but you don’t hear anybody talking about natural theology anymore. Because if you do, they will think you’re a modernist. But I am not a modernist, nor am I a liberal. I am not now, neither have been a liberal. And I don’t have to hide behind any Fifth Amendment. I am frank to say that I am an evangelical, in that I believe all of the Bible, and I have only a friendly smile, and not too friendly a smile, for those who try to explain parts of it away. I know better. I know it’s all God’s word and it’s here. But I also know that God has given us His word and the things that are seen, the visible world tells us something about God’s eternal power and Godhead. We know at least one thing, that the God that made the world is a powerful God. We know that much.

And we know another thing about that God, He was free to make it. So, we know He is sovereign. And we know that it took a mighty wise mind to put this world of ours together. So, we know God has wisdom. We know God has knowledge. So, we can know quite a little bit about God by just looking around about you. Go on out. Come out our way and listen to the 17-year locusts. You will learn a little bit about God in a practical, salty, down to earth way, not in that dreamy, poetic way, that we hear about some times, but in a salty, down-to-earth way. You will know a good deal about God. Look up among the leaves and see the wonder of it all. On the one little branch, there’d be as many as 12 to 15 locusts.

And you say, I’m going to pick one off, and you pick him off and he’s not a locust at all. He just where the locust used to be. He’s been called out of It. And there, I don’t understand all that. Only I know that that didn’t happen like that brother. It just didn’t happen like that. There was a God who not only knows in a great broad, on a broad scale, but He knows all the details and He fixed it so every seven-year locust, 17-year locust will do exactly what he ought to do. And he fixed him so he didn’t even sing like the other locusts. You notice he’s got a different song if that is a song, whatever it is, he’s gotten different, it sounds different from the other locusts. God made him.

We talk about the integration and the difference of the races and we all ought to be one lovely brown crowd all mixed together in another generation or two. Have you ever stopped to think brothers and sisters that God made 125 species of warbler alone and put them on the North American continent. One hundred and twenty-five that can be identified, and not any two of them are alike. And they stay within their own bracket and breed within their own bracket and never fight and never fuss and never have racial difficulties. But they say, 125 different kinds of warbler, just warblers, to say nothing else of the other birds. And then they want me to believe that God wants the whole human race to be reduced to one brown human muddy looking and with no racial characteristics whatsoever. If he does, he went about it in a funny way. And it doesn’t seem to jive with everything else I can learn about God.

Well, now, that’s the outer court, the tabernacle, the knowledge by reason. You can draw your conclusions from reason. But you can’t get saved that way and you can’t get to heaven that way and you can’t get rid of your sins that way. You can’t know God that way to the point where you will be delivered and have eternal life, but you can still have a lot of knowledge about God. And the beautiful thing about it is, when you become a Christian and do come to know God indeed, you don’t have to murder this other part of your life. You can love it too.

We just sang a number here by Reginald Heber, The Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning. Well, Reginald Heber was a great soul, a bishop, a missionary to India and a great soul wrote, Holy, Holy, Holy and many other of the great songs. O Hosanna, Hosanna to the Living Lord, one of the most ecstatically spiritual songs ever written. And yet this man loved nature to a point where his hymns were all interwoven with the glories of nature. Take David, the man of God of whom Jesus said, God spake by the mouth of David, spake by the Holy Ghost. The mouths of David and the Holy Ghost were used interchangeably. The Holy Ghost speaking through the mouth of David. And yet you can read the Psalms of David and literally be lifted inside of you with the wonder and the glory of what David saw everywhere.

Well, now that’s, that’s one, that’s the outer tabernacle. And you leave that and you go through a veil and you come into the holy place. And there you have a candlestick and the bread and the altar of incense, but there’s no light from sun or stars. Reason comes in and kneels there. Reason says, thank you God, for there’s no roof on the outer court. And reason can look up and see the sun by day and the stars by night. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for what I see. Thank you for what I hear. Thank you for what my tongue can taste and my nose can smell and my fingers can feel. Thank Thee Heavenly Father for the outer court. Thank Thee for reason and thank Thee for deduction and logic and conclusions. Thank Thee Father for all that I’ve learned about Thee out in the outer court.

But reason kneels and worships inside because there’s no light of nature that can come there. There’s simply candlesticks and bread and an altar of incense, that is all. That is getting a little bit closer, because that is the knowledge furnished by faith. There, reason can’t check. Reason listens to the voice of God and looks at the symbolism there before him and believes. And so in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, we learn that we have to believe certain things and accept them by faith. So that faith is another manner of receiving information from God and knowing and having knowledge of divine and spiritual things. The knowledge of faith is a legitimate and proper way of finding out things. You’ll never be able to get at them with your reason. You will have to believe and that is equivalent to faith, to know Him, because by faith, we know. By faith we know.

And then there’s the third, there’s another veil. The priests enter every so often into that holy place. But nobody enters into the Holy of Holies, because it’s shut off from the holy place. There there’s only one piece of furniture, the Ark of the Covenant, the Mercy Seat, and the cherubim and the shekinah, the flame of fire from which God speaks. Once a year, the high priest goes in there. Some said he took a sensor with him and that’s why it is mentioned in Hebrews 9, he went in there with blood of atonement and with great reverence. No light shone from moon or stars for no light was needed. He carried no light of his own because no human reconstructed light, not even a candlestick was needed. But the light in that holy place, that Holy of Holies came from between the wings of the cherubim. There was the Shekinah, the Presence, the Presence shining out there and filling all the room with a soft, deep glow.

And the high priest looked down and crept forward in a rapture of delight and sprinkled the blood there and then backed away in deep reverence, and Israel had been atoned for another year. And Israel’s sins could be forgiven now for the high priest confessed there in that awful moment, the sins of Israel. And then, he backed out. And several priests came and helped for it was so heavy, it took seven priests they said, to shut that veil back up again. That beautiful veil so carefully woven by men who had to be filled with the Holy Ghost in order to know how to sew beautiful enough to make that veil. And for another year until the next day of atonement, nobody entered in there. There was God’s presence. There with gold, there was the shining light. There was the mercy seat. When Jesus our Lord died on a cross, that veil that took seven men to move, was ripped from the top to the bottom. And now the book of Hebrews says, we can enter ourselves where the high priest is. Every one of us can enter into that place. There is the knowledge that comes by spiritual experience.

There are three degrees of knowledge, my friends, there’s the knowledge that God gives us through nature, reason. There is the knowledge He gives us by faith. He tells us certain things, we accept them. That’s knowledge. But that’s not enough. To that knowledge, we enter on in a little further yet and that is into the very Presence where we can hardly speak, and we’re alone with God there, we’re touched and reverent and hushed with devotion. There is knowledge by spiritual experience.

Now what is the difference between the kind of teaching that I try to give and that many others also, some others try to give an ordinary orthodoxy, ordinary fundamentalism. Ordinary fundamentalism passes by reason and will hardly believe in it at all. It goes on into the holy place and accepts everything by faith, and that’s good. The first is not good. The second is, but never goes on into the Holy of Holies where they’re silent with breathless devotion. There we call the deeper life. Nothing, nothing of pride can enter there. Nothing human can enter there except the redeemed human spirit. And there, kneeling in awestruck devotion, the soul waits on God, and sees God and feels God and senses God, and knows with the knowledge that comes by the Spirit. The Holy Ghost reveals and we know nothing contrary to faith, nothing contrary to divine revelation, but only and not even anything beyond it, but only that we have in reality what otherwise we would only know to be true by faith.

Now the inner core is ours. The inner life is ours. That inner life bears the same relation to faith, as the spirit of a man bears to the man’s body. The man’s spirit fits his body, I suppose it does. It’s not contrary to it. Both are of God, but the body without the spirit is a corpse. So the knowledge that comes by faith, theology doctrine, without the Holy Ghost is a corpse too. And that’s what’s happened to us in the last years. We have rejected reason. We haven’t harmed ourselves too badly there I suppose.

But I like to go out sometimes and stand between the altar and the laver and know the Lamb dies from a sin on the altar, and on the laver, I can wash the sin away. I can stand between the altar and the laver and look up toward heaven and thank God for the stars that shine. But I don’t stop there. Emerson stopped there. He didn’t even go that far. Whittie I think stopped there too, and lots of others. Oliver Wendell Holmes stopped there. That’s the reason I don’t like his hymns. A lot of men stop in the outer court and they never went on. The Christian goes on and receives by faith everything that God has to say to Him. By faith he believes it. He can’t understand it. Reason is outside looking up at the stars, but faith is inside looking up for God. But he doesn’t stop there if he’s a real Christian. Paul said, that I might know Him I press off, I press on. Was he thinking about pressing on past the outer court, past the Holy Place, past the holy, into the Holy of Holies? Was he by any means, that I might know Him?

So, that increasing knowledge of God, that progressive knowledge of God, that is the career of the Christian. That he might know God and know divine things and heavenly things with increasing awareness, with increasing intensity of consciousness. With increasing breadth and depth and width and height, on and on, until he sees Him as He is.

Now for the next weeks. I’m going to talk about the knowledge of reason. How valid is it and how far can it take us. I am going to talk about the knowledge of faith. Where does it enter? And, I’m going to talk about what is the knowledge of experience. And if you miss the others, don’t miss the last one. The glory of the immediate knowledge of the Presence.


Tozer Talks

“Getting Glory Out of Gray Days”

Getting Glory Out of Gray Days

Pastor and author A.W. Tozer

January 8, 1956

Last Sunday, I began a message which I had preached more than 20 years ago to this church. And I would suppose only about a quarter or less than those who are present. It’s supposed to be a new year sermon on “The Glory in the Gray. But I found as I watched the clock and heard myself talk that I was only able to get halfway through it and said that I would conclude today, though of course, both sermons were units in themselves.

The text was, they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings as eagles. They shall run and not be weary. And they shall walk and not faint. And I pointed out that these three methods of locomotion, mounting on wings, running, and walking, corresponded to three phases in our Christian life. And remember, this is not a sermon on how to become a Christian. This is assuming that you’re already a Christian. And if you’re not already a Christian, then what I say cannot possibly mean you.

When a lawyer calls a number of persons in to read a will to them, what he says only has significance for the persons who are included in the will. If four or five others should crash the gate and sit in and listen, it wouldn’t have any significance for them at all, because their names weren’t there. They weren’t included. So, the sinner will not apply to himself anything that I say nor try to make this a thin philosophy for unconverted men. This is for Christians only, that life presents three phases which I called, life’s highlights, mounting up, and life’s dark nights, running in terror and fear, and walking, life’s gray days. The days when there isn’t anything much going on, when you’re not afraid of anything and you’re not particularly elated about anything, but you’re doing what you know you should do and paying little attention to your feelings. Those are the gray days of life, the common humdrum of life.

Incidentally, when I preached this sermon twenty years ago, I remember there was present a missionary, an old missionary, Brother Andrews from India. And I used the word humdrum. And we had six sons in our home at that time, and the oldest one I imagine was around fifteen. And Brother Andrews came up and said, Brother Tozer, I understand what you mean by humdrum. He said, in your home, I imagine there’s a little of both, hum and drum. That just came to my mind as being at least something I remember from that previous sermon.

Now, I said that I wanted to talk about how we could beat this gray day phase of our lives, how we could get out of it what God has in it for us, how we could live our uneventful plain, pedestrian, simple life. There would be those high moments of flying with wings as eagles. And we thank God for them. And I’m afraid there will be also a few of those days that are dark or those nights that are dark, or days that are dark as night. I hope not many, but there may be some. But mostly, there will be gray days when the sun doesn’t shine and it doesn’t storm. it doesn’t stir you, frighten you, disturb you, nor thrill you. Then it’s hard to be good, and it’s hard to be spiritual, and it’s hard to keep up faith, and it’s hard to remember who you are and where you’re going and what your plans are, what God’s purposes for you are.

Now, for the remainder of the time, I want to give you some, some points as the preachers call it, about how you can get the glory from the gray, and manage to get out of that ugly, drab field, very great fruit and grain. How you can get out of the ugly mountain there, the plain drab mountain, real riches. So, I give you these nine points, and you can take them or try to remember them, or do what you will with.

The first is that every Christian must begin by, after he accepts Christ, and that’s taken for granted, that he must accept the universe. You know, that we live in a world we didn’t make and we’re not responsible for it. The only thing I’m responsible for, is what I’ve put here by my deeds, good or bad. But the universe is here and I didn’t make it. I didn’t make the weather nor I didn’t determine that it was to be cold in one place and warm in another. I can’t help it about floods and earthquakes and storms. I can’t help it because it gets too hot in some places and too cold in others and rarely anyplace just right. I can’t help it that we’re here on a moving conveyor belt traveling between the cradle and the grave. I didn’t ask God and He didn’t ask me.

So, here we are in the middle of the world. There are some things we don’t like in the world, and I think we are tempted sometimes to say that we could improve on it. The great thinker and writer who was an unbeliever, Voltaire, said often, or at least he left the impression that this wasn’t much of a world. And he wrote a whole book “Candide” in which he showed this wasn’t the best of all possible worlds. And somebody said to him, well, how would you improve it? Well, he said, I’d start by making good health catching. And of course, that was very funny and I suppose he got a guffaw from the crowd about it. I don’t know why sickness is catching and good health isn’t. I don’t know that. But I do know this, that a Christian, when he comes to the fountain and is washed, and to the throne and is accepted, he must begin by accepting God’s universe and not trying to edit God’s volume. Not trying to amend God’s constitution. Not trying to add any lean-tos on God’s palace, and not trying to fix up or change any of God’s blueprints. He must accept the universe in which he lives, and say, this is my Father’s world. And I am not going to irritate my own heart by kicking against the pricks, and wishing it was otherwise that it was. So, that’s one thing.

Now, Brother, that’s a philosophical approach, but I think also that it’s quite a spiritual one, that we must begin to be thankful, be thankful for God’s world. The Book of Psalms is one radiant, sunburst of thankfulness for God’s world. The old man of God who wrote the Psalms or the men of God, for David wrote most of them. There were a few others that added some Psalms. Moses, for instance, one and two Hezekiah, some perhaps, and Asap wrote a few. They were men of God and they were radiant with thankfulness. They were glad for the world in which they lived. They said God made the world and who am I to kick against the pricks? Who am I to reply to the potter and say, what makest Thou? Who am I to reply to the man and say, what begettest thou? I will accept this as the best world pro tem that I could live in. That this is it now with its stormy winds and its sleet and hail, and it’s earthquakes, and it’s accidents and death, and with its diseases and graveyards and prisons. I accept it.  I can’t help it.

There’s much that I don’t like. But apart from sin, I’m going to accept everything. And I’m going to thank God He made the world as he made it. And I’m going to believe, that in that day when it’s all over, I will look back and say, He has done all things well, and this is the best of all worlds possible. And that nobody could have thought any better way to do any thing. I believe that. I can’t prove that, but I believe that. This is God’s world and I accept it. And you will find there’s a lot of glory in it. And you will, if you trust God and believe and pray, you will find as you’re thankful for God’s world, that there will be a lot of glory come out of that world for you.

The second thing is, accept yourself. That is, you must not envy anybody, anything. Envy is a desire to be what somebody else is, or be somebody else, or have what somebody else has. That’s envy, generally. Now, let’s get rid of envy. Envy is a sin. And when God made you, he made someone different from everybody else in the world. Do you happen to think that there are 165 million people in the world and nobody else exactly like you? But you say, my son, why people say, you will never be dead as long as your son is alive. But you know, that’s idiomatic expression, don’t you? You know that that’s merely a way of talking. There are no two people alike, not even identical twins. So there’s nobody like you.

Now, I think it is an amazing and wonderful thought, that the great God Almighty is able to create new beings every day and continue to do it every day of every year, and every year of every decade and both decades and every score of years and all five score of years in every century, and keep on doing it for all the millennium and never make any two alike. So, I’m not going to wish that I was like somebody else. Now, you get that in your mind. You’re just what you and if God wanted you to be different, He would have made you different.

Now, of course I mean, when it comes to sin, that’s another matter. When it comes to sin, then I am not as I should be, and I must be different. And God has the remedy. It’s the Word and prayer and the blood and the fire of the Holy Ghost. But we’re not talking about sin now. We’re talking about who we are. You wish you were tall and blonde, and you’re little and dark. All right, thank God you’re a little, dark fellow. Or your little, or thin and tall and wish that you were short, where you wish you were heavy when you’re not, and you wish a dozen things. Stop wishing anything and thank God that you’re just exactly what you are. I think sometimes my friend McAfee wishes he was an Englishman. If you have a little English blood in you, he’d just run shaking your hand right away. He and I have a lot of fun about that. His wonderful love for the English.

Do you wish that you had the genius of a Beethoven or the brains of an Einstein? Do you wish you had the money of some great tycoon or the beauty of some great star? Stop that. Christians can’t afford to indulge in pensive wishing and dissatisfaction with themselves, murmuring about what they have in God or murmuring against what they have. No. Accept yourself, my friend. And be thankful for yourself. And that’s not egotism. That’s faith. Be thankful for yourself.

Well, I have little English blood in me, but I just have exactly the amount God wanted in me, no more, no less. There’s a lot of German blood and I don’t mind that at all. So, I’m just exactly what I think I wanted to be if I had had my own choice. Now, I believe in that. It’s possible that 10 million people in this country or 164,999,000, may be greater than I, but at the same time they’re not I. So, I’m not going to trade around with anybody. I wouldn’t change nor be anybody else than what I am. Now, I get a lot of glory out of living in a plain life in a plane drab world if I simply say, now this is God’s place for me, and I am just what God meant me to be apart from sin. I must be perfecting myself and cleansing myself always. But apart from sin, why, I haven’t a complaint to make in the wide world.

And then third, accept your times. And don’t bemoan your place or your times. This is the best time in the world if you know what to do it. These are wonderful times if you know how to handle them and how to approach them. We look back over the far points of yesterday, the far hilltops of yesterday and we say that must have been wonderful to live in a time of Finney. Or, it would have been a beautiful thing to live in the time of Augustine or of St. Francis. It would have been a wonderful thing to live when the Holy Ghost came at Pentecost, or when the church was starting her missionary work to the ends of the earth in those early days. Not one bit better than now. You would not have been any better a Christian then than you are now because times don’t make Christians. God makes Christians.

And some of the finest Christians have been brought into being at the times when they were the lowest. Look at St. Bernard for instance. St. Bernard was a Christian in an hour when the whole world was dark. And yet he was a great Christian. God makes Christians, not the times. If you can’t be a good Christian in 1956, you couldn’t be a good Christian in 35 A.D. If you can’t be a good Christian now, you couldn’t be a good Christian in the Millennium. So, the point isn’t what times I live in. The point is, do I live in faith? Do I live in Christ? Does the Holy Ghost live in me? And am I, an indwelt man. So, accept your times and stop bemoaning the good old days, some of you dear old people have that habit. You remember the good old days when you were young and everything looked wonderful to you.

I sometimes look back upon the little Alliance Church over in Akron, Ohio. And I am suspicious that I am overrating that church, because that was my first introduction to anything spiritual. That’s the first time that I ever knew spiritual singing and spiritual praying and the people knew God. That was the first time I’d ever come in contact with anything like that. And of course, I look back upon it now as being an oasis in the desert, a wonderful, little Millennium for me. But I have a suspicion now, that I know humanity better, that there was an awful lot of things wrong with that church that I in my young innocence didn’t know about. And you’ll find that there is a lot of things wrong back there in those good old days where you wish you were again. No, God will do anything for you now that he ever did for anybody, anytime, anywhere. Remember that. None of your father’s ever had anything you can’t have. God will fill you as full as He ever filled any man in the history of the world if you will meet His conditions. So, let’s not bemoan the times and grieve God by being sorry that we’re living in 1956. I’m not. I’m glad I’m living right now.

Well, accept your place in life. That’s point number four, if you please. Your place in life, God puts you in that particular place. You’re married to somebody or you’re not. Or you’re a certain age or you’re old, or you’re young, or you’re middle-aged, and you’re this kind of workman or that kind of professional man. And you wish you were something else. I think that humanity being what it is, there never was a man yet, whoever had a job or a profession or an occupation that somewhere he wasn’t tempted to wish that he was doing something else. Have you ever met a man that was absolutely convinced this was the only job for him? No. There never was a married woman yet, now don’t look at me, but there never was a married woman yet, that somewhere down the line, didn’t look pensively at the young single girl going on her way at the office and saying, boy, if I could quit at 4:30 and not have anything else to think about, I’d be a happy woman. But if you were the single girl going on your way to the office, she’d be looking in at you and saying, look at that lovely family there. Those pretty kids. I wish I had that. So, everybody wants what they don’t have.

I saw a cartoon one time that was supposed to represent humanity, or a picture that’s supposed to represent humanity. It showed an apple tree. And on the ground lying everywhere, obviously after a heavy wind, there lay great, juicy apples, almost piled on each other. And away at the top of the tree and off far to the left of the picture, hanging alone, was a little shriveled apple. And here stood a boy with a rock looking at that apple. And all around him were bushels of all luscious, juicy, sweet, succulent fruit. But that one lonely little shriveled apple was the one that boy wanted.  The artists that drew that had a sense of humor and a little knowledge of humanity, for that’s exactly the way we live. We want what we don’t have and what we have, were not inclined to want.

Now, that’s Adam’s way and a sinner’s way, but it oughtened to be a Christian’s way. A Christian ought to thank God for his place in life and stop complaining. And then again, remember this, that that place you’re in and all this that comes to you in these gray, plain days, that’s the lot of all saints. I’ve pointed out before here many times that it helps us when we’re undergoing hard times, if we remember that we’re not alone in it. Other people are undergoing hard times, too.

So, if you keep that in mind, it’s the lot of all the saints. But you say, I read the life of St. Augustine and I know that he had high times. Well, you will have high times too. But Augustine had a few of those high peaks, but he had more valleys than he did peaks and more level plateaus than he did mountain tops. So did Paul. We read about Paul’s shipwreck and Paul getting stoned at Lystra. We read about his being knocked down on the road to Damascus and being filled with the Spirit when Ananias came to Him. We read about his being thrown into prison and about his going out to die. We read about those things and we imagine that Paul’s life consisted in one unbroken sequence of thrillers. Oh, no.

Why, Paul had long days. For instance. and he dwelt two years in his own hired house. That’s all there is to that. There are two solid years telescoped into one sentence. What happened during those two years? No highlights, no dark nights, just gray days. Paul had to go on living, preach the gospel and go ahead and do the best he could. And take a few bumps and have a few victories and go right ahead now. And that’s exactly the way you should do. And it’s the lot of all the saints. Again, remember this, that the workshop of God is never very brightly-lighted. It’s usually dimly-lighted. It’s not dark, totally. And it is not bright. It’s rather gray. And in that workshop God hews and cuts and chisels and builds and refines. And you’re the one he’s working on. So when you look around and you’d like to do something dramatic.

Do you remember when you were saved just in your teens, how you wanted to do something dramatic? I always did. When I would hear the Star-Spangled Banner, I’d get goose pimples on my wrists. I wanted to go out and die for my country, but I wanted to come home and hear the people praise me for dying from a country. It was an odd situation that I created. But we’re like that, you know. We want to do the big, thrilling thing. But we don’t do it that way. We don’t marry the princess. We marry little Mary Smith down two blocks down there, plain looking little woman who manages to look pretty well with a little help. And they get along all right, thank God. That’s the way we live. And we don’t, we don’t always have the big thrills. Gods workshop is dimly-lighted and their God in the half shadows, in the gray, is working and working with His people, always working.

I’ve often quoted and we quote brother McAfee and I often quote to each other and in prayer, what Fenelon said about the coal mine, and the gold mine. He said deep in the bowels of the earth, God is working; deep in the heart of the man, God is working like a miner in the bowels of the earth. Digging and refining and working away there. Nobody knows it, but God and the man. The man’s likely to forget it, so keep it in mind, you’re in God’s workshop and God’s workshop is not always lighted with the finest lights. It’s a little dim there. But the great God knows what he’s doing. He seeth in the shadows and He’s working there.

And then keep in mind also that there are rich treasures. There are more treasures in the plateau then there are up on the mountain peak. More treasures for you in living straight along and walking by faith, then there is an mounting up with wings, although sometimes you will mount up with wings too.

Could I tell again an illustration which I gave some years ago, of an old gentleman who had several sons. He noticed that those boys of his, as I think most boys, even as you and I, wasn’t exactly what you’d call, wild about work. So, he came to die and he called his boys in and he said, boys that orchard down there, in that vineyard, I buried a treasure there. He said, it’s buried there and it’ll make you all rich. I’m got to go now, goodbye. And so, he pulled his feet into bed like Jacob and died. Soon as the funeral was over and they could get to it, why, they got their heads together and said, father said he had buried a treasure. There’s a treasure buried in the vineyard. Let’s dig it up. So, they digged up the vineyard. They didn’t find a thing. It took them about all summer. They didn’t find a thing. They went over every inch and didn’t find a thing. By that fall when it came grape-gathering time, they had so many grapes, the neighbors remarked about it. So they harvested the grapes. They said, well, we’ll harvest the grapes next spring, we’ll try it again.

So they harvested the grapes, and to everybody’s surprise, they had made more money that year than they ever thought possible. So the next spring they said, well, we’ll get going on digging for the treasure, so they dug a little deeper. And that year, they had more grapes than ever before. And they said, well, this is this wonderful. Let’s harvest these grapes. So they harvested the grapes and sold them and banked the money. And they did that for three or four years, and never found the treasure they’d been digging for. And then at last, they began to look at each other and said, I wonder if the old man wasn’t slipping something cross on us. Then they began to grin and said, now we know what it is. We know. The treasure that we were supposed to dig for was the cultivation of our vineyard, our orchard. And the digging around the roots and the constant digging and keeping the soil digged-up has given us so much fruit that we’re practically rich and if we keep this up a few years, we’ll be rich men. They stopped their effort to find gold and silver and went on digging around the roots of the tree and went on to be rich men.

So it is with our God. God has buried treasures, brothers and sisters, but they are not the treasures that are in bags or boxes. It’s another kind of treasure, so that when you go ahead now, quietly living your life for God this year, God will make you rich. Not the way you expected but the way God has in mind.

And I would say, point number eight is that God put you here, and that is by providence. Our fathers used the word we seldom use, it is the word providence. We don’t believe much in that now. But providence is the secret, silent working of God to an end, in which He plays us over the board, as a man plays chess pieces over a board to a predetermined end. And when we look back, we will see how He worked in our lives. Now that is what I mean by providence. And God is working providentially to bring things to pass for you. God put you here.

And last of all is that Christ is with you always. If you will remember that you won’t worry very much about the light nor the dark. And when the gray day comes, you will remember the Lord is with me all the time. Lo, I am with you always even unto the end of the world.

So now, remember this, you can fly, but you can’t fly always. You will be called upon to run in the dark sometimes, but not very often. Mostly you will walk by faith. And it is the walking by faith that pleases God the most. Anybody can be happy in the hour of great elevation of soul. Anybody can pray in the moment of great tragedy. But when neither one comes along and you’re forced every day to live just as if you’re anybody else. There’s nothing to thrill you and nothing to excite you, and just go right straight ahead with God in your mind and Christ before you walking by faith. That’s something else again, but that’s what you called to do. So walk by faith.

Here’s a stanza of a hymn. I don’t care much for the hymn I admit. But the man did get something into this last verse. It was James Russell Lowell’s hymn called, “Once to Every Man and Nation,” and this is the way he closed it. He says, though the cause of evil prosper, yet tis truth alone that strong. Thou her portion be the scaffold, and upon the throne be wrong. Yet that scaffold sways the future and behind the dim unknown, standeth God within the shadow keeping watch above his own.

So, during this year and during all the years we have yet before us, you will find that right will be on the scaffold and wrong will be on the throne. And yet it’s not the throne where wrong sits that will determine the future, but it’s the scaffold. For righteousness stands with a rope around her neck. She’ll sway the future. And in the shadows is God keeping watch above His own.

Now that’s my faith, ladies and gentleman, that I believe in. We walk by faith and not by sight. So, if God wants to during these days ahead, if God wants to take me in a high flight, I’ll be glad to go. I’ll be glad with Paul to go to that third heaven and come down and keep my mouth shut about what I saw. And if God in His tender mercy sees fit to let me plunge into a dark night where I can’t find my way through, I’ll try to be patient and walk with him until the light returns. But in the meantime, I don’t expect too much of either. I expect an awful lot of humdrum. An awful lot of just plain keeping on and serving God and keeping faithful when there’s nothing to be faithful apparently about, as far as your feelings are concerned.

So, I recommend that you learn that song, May Jesus Christ be Praised, and sing it every morning when you get out of bed while you’re groping blindly and more or less somnolently for the alarm clock and wishing you had five more hours to sleep. Why, began to sing, when morning gilds the skies, my heart awakening cries, may Jesus Christ be praised. And all through the day and night and darkness and light, praise Jesus Christ. You will find you will have the glory that you never dreamed was there. The rich gold of God’s sweet reward will be yours because you trusted and weren’t afraid and walked and believed and honored God when you couldn’t see nor feel. You honored God and God in return will honor you and lift and protect and bless and keep you through the years. Amen


Tozer Talks

“The Believer’s Walk”

The Believer’s Walk

Pastor and author A.W. Tozer
December 15, 1957

In the first of the two Thessalonian epistles, chapter four, Paul says, furthermore, we beseech you brethren and exhort you by the Lord Jesus, that as ye have received of us, how ye ought to walk and to please God so ye would abound more and more. For ye know what commandments we gave you by the Lord Jesus. For this is the will of God, even your sanctification. that ye should abstain from fornication. That every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honor, not in the lust of concupiscence, even as the Gentiles which know not God. Let no man go beyond and defraud his brother in any matter, because that the Lord is the avenger of all such. As we also have forewarned you and testified. For God has not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness. And he therefore that despiseth, despiseth not man, but God, God who hath also given unto us His Holy Spirit.

This is only a little section of a letter written by a man named Paul, an apostle to a church in the city of Thessalonica, a Greek city, to a new church, relatively new. And these persons to whom he wrote, were good Christians. That is, the church was good. There are seven things said about the church, said about the Thessalonian Christians by the man Paul. For Paul was always very careful never to deliver a 100% condemnation. He always wove into his condemnation some complimentary remarks about their spiritual lives. He knew that if you are too hard on people, you discourage them. If you’re not hard enough, you let them go to sleep. So he tried to keep them awake and still not be too hard on them. He said this about them, that they had abandoned idolatry. They were by nature, rather by culture, they were idolaters by religion. But they had now abandoned this. They had turned to God from idols, and they had turned to the true God.

I have said many times, I suppose I will not say anything this morning I haven’t said many times. I’ve said many times that God never recommends vacuum. If He takes you out of a place, it’s in order that He might take you into a place. He never takes you out and leaves you. If He says, turn away from that, He says that in order that He might say, turn unto this. So they had turned away from idols and turned to the true God. They were not left in the middle in a state of of unanimous indecision, I think I heard it call last week on the board. They were unanimous only in their indecision. But that would be a frightful place to leave a man. But they turned to the true God after turning from idols. And in their faith, they worked and hoped and loved and labored. And they received the gospel in power, Paul said, with much assurance, which he took as a proof of their election of God. And they were actively missionary-minded, for they send out missionaries and supported them. They had continued true under persecution, which is a good test of a Christian, and they were living in expectation of Christ’s return.

Now those seven characteristics of the Thessalonian Christians, were enough for them to get into any church in Christendom and to be taken further as an example of other churches. And still Paul was not content. He commended them for what they were, but he also urged the sacred duty of their being holy people, holy beyond the call of duty, holy beyond the current mores, holy beyond the standards of their time. And he warned them as I warn you, that nothing else is enough. If we do not seek and pursue purity of heart, which results in personal purity of life, nothing else is enough. Now, Paul said that he had taught this to them. And he had taught them what he called righteousness and true holiness. There is such a thing as righteousness that is not true holiness. But there is righteousness and true holiness.

Now, Christ personalized righteousness when He came. And He took it out of the realm of what we now call ethics, or have always called ethics, and taught that righteousness was simply to please God. We need not know what righteousness is, but we do need to know that if we please God, we’re doing righteousness. John said, that if we kept the commandments of the Lord, He would hear our prayers, and then added, and also if we do the things that are pleasing in His sight. Not that the keeping the commandments of the Lord was not pleasing in God’s sight, but it was not enough. There has to be an affection shown toward God.

It’s the same as rules in a household. The average household has rules and you keep those rules, and you see that the children do, and everybody takes it for granted. But that’s not enough. You could come, your children could come into your household and watch not to break the rules, and yet never do or say anything affectionate to show that they really loved you. It isn’t enough that I keep the laws of the New Testament, the commandments of Christ, that I am to do this and do that and refrain from this. That’s not enough. That must be, but Christ personalized all this and made it to be the result of a spontaneous, loving, relationship toward God.

And the church of Christ is righteous when she does those things which she knows to be pleasing in the eyes of her righteous Savior, and goes beyond mere keeping of rules, however important they may be. And Paul lays many of them down. We can talk about grace all we want to and freedom all we please. We’ve got to throw a lot of the New Testament out if we reject commandments and rules, for there are a lot of them here. But keeping to those rules is not enough. There must be added to this, or perhaps I should say, that we keep them because they are to us the mind of our Lord, that we do the things that are pleasing in His sight.

Philosophers analyze righteousness, but Christians obey and are righteous because they do the things that are righteous without knowing why they’re doing them. We’re now in time of analysis. Somebody referred once in my hearing to the paralysis of analysis. And now in seminaries and Bible schools, they analyze till they’re paralyzed. They stand halfway between two extreme views of things and can’t make up their mind which and split hairs and divide them until there’s no spontaneity left. We scarcely know which side we’re on at all. Well, that’s not a Christian’s approach. If a Christian knows that the Lord wants it that way, he wants it that way whether he knows why or not.

We might and I think it wouldn’t hurt us if we studied into the why of things. Why is it wrong to steal and why is it wrong to lie? There are good, sound philosophic reasons underneath it all. But that isn’t the reason that Christian stops lying. He stops lying because he knows lying displeases his Lord. He allows these scholastic hair splitters and casuists to write their long commentaries on why it’s wrong to steal. And if you steal with a certain high principle in mind you’re doing right, and why it’s wrong to lie. And in some quarters, they even have taught their their devotees that you can lie provided you say instantly afterward, Lord, I didn’t mean that. They even say that you can go to court and lie in court, if after you have told the lie in court you say to God, now God excused it, that doesn’t count. Now, that’s actually in print. I can show you where it is. That’s real. That’s real. That’s Jesuit casuistry. The hairsplitting of morals.

Is it ever wrong to tell a lie, or is it ever right to tell a lie? Is it always wrong to lie? Well, the hairsplitters give good reasons why sometimes a lie is a good thing. For instance, they’ve argued if you know that somebody is very sick and that a shocked would kill them, you can lie to them. I wouldn’t do it to save anybody’s life. But I wouldn’t shock them either. I believe God would help a man or woman out so that he would neither need to lie nor kill anybody by shocking them with the news of their friend’s death or accident. I believe it entirely possible to preserve the righteousness of truth and at the same time not give anybody a heart attack.

Well anyway, the Christians who teach morals from that cold standpoint, sit around and talk by the hour about, can you do this, or is it wrong to do that, and just how far can you go in this direction? That is a proof of the lack of spirituality. Paul said that we were to do these things in Jesus, because we do the things that are pleasing in His sight. And Jesus said, thou hearest Me always because I’m always doing what’s pleasing to Thee, pleasing in Thy sight.

Of course, we have rules at our house. We always had. When we were bringing up the boys, I used to say to them, now boys, if you were on a basketball team, there’d be certain things that you wouldn’t be permitted to do. There would be certain rules. And if you played on the Sox or Cubs, there’d be certain things that they’d say, now, you can’t do this. And I said, at home, it’s the same. There are certain rules that you keep, and that’s it. When we have our grandchildren out to the house now, there are certain rules or things they can’t do. We rarely ever have any trouble with them. But there are things they can’t do. But the beautiful part about it is, when they go beyond the call of duty and respond to your affection in a way. My little boy Paul, excuse the expression, for he laughs at me, whenever I mention the word Paul, he leans against the wall and says, now, I’m in for it because he knows what I think of this little blonde boy. But he’s a good little fellow and keeps rules more or less, but four years old. One day, I patted his little head and whispered in his ear, you’re a good little boy. And he patted my arm and said, you’re a good grandpa too.

Well, you know, I haven’t got over that yet. That’s been months ago. And that wasn’t keeping rules. That was a response. That was a response that was something out of the heart, spontaneous. Nobody had taught him to say that. And he didn’t have to say it. And it’s exactly so here. Righteousness and true holiness is the spontaneous response of the heart to the love of God. Of course, it takes certain directions, and so, Paul wanted to lay those directions down for us. And he pointed out the importance of a holy walk. He said, this is the will of God, even your sanctification, to be devoted to God’s uses. Of course, that’s one and the primary meaning of the word “sanctified.” But it also means to be cleansed for that purpose.

Those who don’t believe too much in cleansing, argue that sanctify means to set apart for sacred uses. But I have one question which I want to ask you. Can you conceive of God setting anything aside for His sacred use that wasn’t first cleansed? Can you conceive of a priest in the Levitical temple standing and singing or offering incense from a vessel that was dirty that needed to be washed? No. They believed in washings and washings says the writer of the gospels for the Jews will not eat until they have washed their hands. They’re always keeping clean. Their idea of a sanctified vessel was a vessel that was as clean as it could be made, and then dedicated to God. It had those two connotations. Not one, but two. I can’t think of a holy God using an unholy vessel. I can’t think of a holy God eating out or wanting his people to eat out of a vessel that’s dirty.

Now, this is neglected in our day, and we want to talk about it a little. It’s not denied I think, that Christians should be holy, but not too much has been said about it. And most I think, that most of our preaching after we’ve got the sinner in, we can’t be rough on him. But after we’ve got him in and he’s joined and got baptized, and has gotten into our fellowship, then after that, most preaching consists of telling them how nice they are. At least, that’s what I hear when I listen on the radio. Most all that is telling people how nice they are.

Well now, we want to do that, as I pointed out that Paul does and Jesus does in these seven letters. But they also, we must shout aloud, that He that saith, He abideth in Him ought also to walk even as He walked. That it is the will of God that we should be a holy people. And in this particular chapter, Paul talks about one kind of evil which our missionaries tell us sometimes creeps right into their churches and I’m afraid in our own churches, too. He talks about, he said that everybody should be freed and delivered from fornication.

Now, the damning effect of impurity will never quite be known in this world. We’ll never know until the judgment, until we know as we’re known, the ravages of impurity are greater than that of any disease, greater than the ravages of any of the great killers. And the victims of this, of these sins, are found by millions in hospitals and insane institutions and institutions for the blind. But the most deadly effect of sin is always in the heart of its victim. Never forget that.

A man may, as has happened some times, a man may get drunk and fall into fire. I knew a man that His neck was all burned. He said, years ago, he’d become a Christian. And he turned around and showed me the scars on his neck. He said, I worked in a factory where there were blazing fires. And he said, I’d get drunk and stagger around and even at my work and fall in and have to be dragged out. He said, that’s the result. Well now, that was bad because it had burnt him. It might have killed him, but it burnt his neck and left great, ugly scars there. But those scars didn’t represent the real deadly result of his sin which happened to be drinking. But something inside the man was suffering. Something inside the man was getting sore, shriveling, cracking, splitting, dividing, withering, dying. Thank God, our Lord Jesus Christ got a hold of that man and saved him, saved him, wonderfully saved him.

Incidentally, I might as well carry on that little story. This man was named Jim Terwilliger. And he was about that high and about that thick through. And I knew him when he was in his 70s. He had been saved when he was 56. And that dear man of God, here’s how he was saved. He was dead drunk lying on a couch. His wife was kneeling at his head, and his Christian doctor kneeling at his feet praying for him. He said, he heard a voice say, wake thou that sleepest and rise from the dead, then Christ will give thee light. And he stood and wept as he told his story. He said, I woke up completely cold sober and thoroughly converted and born again.

Now don’t ask me about how it happened. That’s not the way the little book tells you. That little book you get three for a quarter on how to win souls, and what to say to them and what to say next. That isn’t the way they do it in the little books, but that’s the way the Holy Ghost did it, brother. This man lived with a Christian wife, and he was drinking and disgracing himself, like an old pig. But she had gotten ahold of God and that physician had gotten ahold of God. And here was a man that came bouncing out of a dead drunk, cold sober and converted. From that time on to the end of his life, he did nothing but weep and sing and shout and praise God and testify to what the Lord has done for him. Don’t ask me to explain that. I can’t. That isn’t found in any of the books. That was just done.

Now, dear people, the worst part of any sin is what it does inside of you. A real estate man cheats a widow. The widow suffers. Her children suffers. But that’s not the worst. The worst thing is what happened to the man. Emerson said, the thief always steals from himself. And when I cheat anybody of anything, I’ve cheated my own soul and done my self harm. Always remember that the great evil of sin is internal, that it’s what happens inside.

Sometimes in an accident, there will come bearing on a stretcher, somebody in shock. And they will feel the arms, the legs and say, well, there are no broken bones, no broken ribs, but there’s internal injuries. And you die from those internal injuries, not from broken legs. And it’s the internal injury of sin, iniquity. What’s happening to these people? I don’t even get indignant anymore when I hear about them, these people that that live like animals. And their concept of home is like animals. I don’t even get angry anymore or indignant. The world is that way, and that’s the way it is until the Lord either comes and burns it with fire, or until He takes His people away or sends a revival or somehow changes things. But the terrible part is the cancer eating inside the heart.

Now, we live in in a Sodom today. Our American civilization is a Sodom. That is why when I hear speeches from in Washington talking about our American way of life and the free peoples of the world and all that. I know what they mean, and I know what they think they mean and don’t. There are no free peoples. And there are no righteous nations. And the best nations have, oh, so much for which to repent. If America hopes to be preserved on the strength of her righteousness, she might just well prepare herself for annihilation. No nation is righteous. We’re living in a Sodom.

I know it’s easy to make charges from the safety of the pulpit. I know that, and I know how hard it is to prove them because sin is a slippery as an oil eel. And I know that the attorneys for the defense are very, very many, and very learned. You can get books now showing that sodomy is perfectly normal, and that it is simply one person’s way of responding. That while naturally, and the majority don’t respond that way. Man falls in love with a woman. That’s that seems to be the majority, but occasionally, the Sodomite man falls in love with a man. Paul describes it in Romans 1. Back in Genesis, the city of Sodom was destroyed because of it.

Now, we have attorneys for the defense, teaching in our institutions of higher learning in the land supposed to be Christian, writing very carefully thought out and learned books to show that sodomy is not a sin, and that it ought not to be called a sin. We ought to stop that old 17th century view of it. It is simply another person’s way of responding to a situation. And though, God Almighty sent fire on Sodom, and though Paul warned in Romans 1 of the ghastly result of this kind of thing, our students in their universities now are hearing that it’s all right. Maybe not the most to be desired, but nothing wrong if that’s the way you feel about it.

Well, this Sodom can defend its ways all right. And those who would escape the fire though, they can’t stand on the street corner and argue. They can’t sit in a class or somewhere and read a book showing that Sodomy is all right. Escape to the hills said the angel. Escape to the mountain said the angel. Escape for thy life said the Holy Ghost. And Lot got up and escaped and went leading his wife. I’m thinking of the artist’s pictures of it. I suppose he led her. She looked back and he tried to drag her with him. But she said, I want to catch that late TV show. I can’t leave yet. So she turned to a pillar of salt, still back there.

Old brother Cout. Do you remember him?. Brother Cout, still the same old Bernard Cout. He’s got adenoids you know, and that old ex-missionary. God bless him. He’s one of the sweetest old saints I know. He said the other day in a sermon, two shall be grinding at the mill. One’s taken and the other left. Two shall be sleeping in a bed, one taken and the other left. Two shall be watching television, both left. Well, I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t press it like that. There was one in my hotel room in New York. And when I wasn’t busy, I watched it to see what was on. I wouldn’t go that far, but I think you ought to give that a bit of thought anyhow. That was the theology of good Brother Cout from up in the hills.

Well, Saddam can defend itself all right. And the thing to do is not argue or split hairs, but get out. Separate yourself severely and radically from sin of every kind, and regard it with horror and detestation, says the Holy Ghost. He that despises, despises not man but God that called us unto holiness. Any young man or woman that travels the sleazy way of borderline impurity does so at his own terrible risk. And whoever defends evil, defends what God has severely condemned. And whoever despises holiness, despises that upon which God places such high value.

And after all friends, spirituality isn’t what you eat or don’t eat, where you go or don’t go. Spirituality is thinking about things the way God thinks about them, seeing them through God’s eyes, appraising them with God’s standards, that spiritual spirituality. And holiness isn’t don’t wear gold, don’t wear a tie. I think you can doll up and look like a Christmas tree and hurt your Christian testimony. I don’t doubt that at all. That can be done. I think a lot of Christian women do it. And I think that preachers sometime get so much automobile out ahead of them. That it’s a testimony. It’s not for God, but for somebody else, and I think I know who.

But holiness doesn’t consist in having or not having doing or not doing. It consists of thinking about it the way God thinks about it. Judging it the way God judges it. Responding toward it the way God responds. Reacting from it, as God reacts from it. Loving it, as God loves. Hating it as God hates it. And doing the things that are pleasing in His sight. And surely that will include holiness of life and righteousness of walk, which Paul calls here, righteousness and true holiness. May God grant that we have more than the new birth. May God grant that we have more than the knowledge that we’ve been born again. Let us go on unto perfection.

And let us seek as the days go by, in our living, the way we handle our money, the way we treat our friends, the way we live in our homes, the way we conduct our business, the way we think when we’re free to think the way we want to think. That in all that we will be exemplars of righteousness and true holiness. For he that despises, despises not man but God. May God grant that the words of Peter be fulfilled in us, be ye holy, for I am holy, words spoken first by God and quoted by Peter, be holy, for I am holy.

A yearning to be holy is about all I’d want to know that anybody had, and I’d call him my Brother. Are you longing to be holy? I wouldn’t ask that you would know all the different views and the different theological hairsplittings. All I’d want to know is, within his heart is a great longing to be holy. That, it seems to me is more valuable than all the fine churches and all the well-bound Bibles. God grant that we have it. All right.